Project Don't Drink Too Much

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You almost puke at the strong stench of alcohol coming from the group of teenagers at the temporary bar.

"Why are we here?" You ask Lisa fearfully, but she looks careless enough as she grins at you.

"Try." Is her monosyllabic reply, as she pushes you down on one of seats.

"Try what?"

"A drink." She says, holding you down firmly as you try to wriggle out of her strong grasp. "Come on...alcohol isn't bad when taken in small quantities."

"But it smells!" You pout, scrunching up your nose. "And I've never had it before."

"What?" Lisa looks at you in disbelief. "Are you sure you're Taehyung's best friend?"

"What does he have to do in this?" You roll your eyes. "It's my choice." Your eyes widen suddenly. "Are you trying to drug me?"

"No." Lisa sighs. "That doesn't happen when my reputation is cleaner than Hoseok's teeth."

"How do you know about his teeth anyway?" You question as hold up a glass with shimmering blue liquid. "I'll have this one...but only because it's blue."

"Seriously Y/N-" She is cut off by a voice frantically calling for her. She turns to you with a sigh. "I'll be right back. Don't move." She adds with a stern face. "And don't drink too much."

You nod, but your attention is captured by the gleaming glass in your hand.

It's so shiny...

You shake yourself out of it. So apparently these drinks intoxicate people even before they have actually drank it.

Taking a sniff of the liquid, you scrunch up your bose at the strong smell before placing the edge against your lips.

Hesitating only for a moment, you down the whole thing in one go.


You double over, feeling a scalding, bitter feeling at the back of your throat as nausea overcomes you.

Okay, I'm never having alcohol again.

Almost slipping as you lean against the seat, you start feeling warm as the bitter taste melts away.

Maybe one more.

Grabbing another glass, you don't even hesitate before drinking it up. "It's not that bad..."

You sigh before reaching for another cup.


Jimin yawns a little as he relaxes on the couch. The girl next to him-he doesn't remember her name-places a hand on his chest as she purrs in his ear. He's getting bored and sleepy, and he has a job to do.

He looks around the room uninterestedly.

A frantic Lisa appears out of nowhere, almost lunging at Jimin as she spots him.

"Woah, calm down, woman." He says, eyes wide, recoiling from her long nails. "What did I do?"

"You were supposed to look after the subject." She sneers, glaring at him. "Where is she?"

He frowns. "What-"

"Have you seen Y/N?" Hoseok walks up to them, a slight urgency in his voice. "Yoongi's here...says that she was sexting him and talking about weird stuff..."

"Shit." Lisa groans. "I told her not to drink too much."

"Wha-you let her come near the drinks?" Jimin screeches, immediately pushing off the girl next to him and getting up. "We have to find her before she does something!"

"And, by the way..." Hoseok nervously smiles. "Taehyung's kind of wasted?"

His voice ends in a question.

There's a disbelieving pause.

Jimin groans in frustration. "Great, just great! No we have both the crazy ones drunk and on the loose!"

"Well, there's a little good news." Lisa starts off.

He raises an eyebrow.

She looks over at Hoseok. "Yoongi oppa's here, right?"


"Come on, come on," Taehyung slurrs as he staggers unstably on the side of the road, grabbing his pants above his crotch. "Just one little toilet..."

Unfortunately for him, there are none.

The urge become almost uncontrollable as he twists his ling legs together, squinting.


He trips and falls into someone's fence. Getting up awkwardly, he blinks rapidly as he feels the pressure building.

Taehyung looks around drunkenly, spotting a figure a few feet away.

It's a car.

For Taehyung, it is his saviour.

Thank god.

Grinning in relief as he limps over to the vehicle, he doesn't think twice before unzipping his pants.

It's too late at night for anyone to see him.

He just sighs in contentment as he empties his bladder on the hood.


"Open up!" You yell, slamming your fists on the door.

Somehow, you made your way out of Jimin's house and ended up god knows where.

"Please! Open the door!" You hiccup, giggling as you place a hand over your mouth in misplaced embarrassment. "OPEN THE DOOR!"

Inside the house, a boy falls off his bed as he hears the loud yelling. Disgrunted, he frowns sleepily. Fixing his glasses on his nose from the bedside table, he smoothens his hair as he makes his way down the stairs.

"I NEED TO PEE!" You yell again, leaning heavily against the door. "Open the door!"

The door opens.

"What-" The boy who opens the door barely has time to speak before you almost fall on top of him.

"Hellooo," You give him a drunken smile before straightening as much as possible. "Can you tell me..." you trail off as you yawn. "...where the toilet is?"

He is too shocked to do anything except point slowly at the room.

You give him a thankful smile as you almost rush inside, slipping into the toilet and smashing the door shut.

"What even..." The boy ruffles his peach tinted hair as he looks out into the street for other signs of life. Seeing no one, he assumes that you're some kind of drunken typical teen before making up his mind.

She seems familiar, though...

He bites his lip before shaking his head.

Safety first.

He slowly creeps up to the bathroom, pressing his lips in a thin line as he presses his ear against the door, checking if you were still in.

You were singing Humpty Dumpty, even that, off key.

Disgusted, he moves away, eyeing the door weirdly.

Just don't puke all over the floor.

He locks the bathroom door.

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