Project Flirt-n-Bail

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You guys must be weirded out by this book, hehe. Like, not even five chapters in and they're already in jail? Be prepared, because it's not going to be the last time.


"You're the one who got me into this mess in the first place!" Yoongi yells at you, pouting slightly as he sits sullenly against the cold cell wall. "I told you it was illegal and yet-"

"You didn't have to listen to me!" You scowl, getting riled up. "And you didn't run either!"

"I couldn't just leave you there! Well, sorry for actually being a good person!"

"Then don't regret it now!"

"Shut up, you're the one who-"

"Oh please, Min Yoongi, I-"

"Shut up, both of you!" This was the gaurd, fed up of the constant bickering between you and the blue haired boy that had been going on for some time now. "I swear if I hear one more syllable of of either of you, I'll do something you will regret!"

You both clamped your mouths shut, sulking.

"We're still minors, though?" Yoongi says hopefully to you. "They'll let us go, right?"

"We're eighteen, Yoongi."

He sighs.

A moment of silence passes between you two, each lost in their own world.

I hope we'll be out soon, Yoongi thinks.

I'm hungry, you mentally whine.

"Where's Taehyung anyway?" Yoongi asks, detaching his back from the wall. "It's been a while since you called him."

"He said he's gonna let us rot for some time." You roll your eyes. "I regret using my one call on him."

Yoongi sighs again.

At that moment, the door swings open. The cell the two of you are in is pretty close to the entrance, so you immediately spot Taehyung, walking in like he owns the place.

He spots you two, and lowers his tacky sunglasses to send you a cheeky wink, making the female officers swoon.

You snort. "He's gonna flirt our way out."

"What now?"

You look over at the confused boy and shake your head, gesturing for him to wait and watch.

Taehyung makes his way over to the officer at the table with a charming smile, tilting his head slightly to the side. "I belive you've taken in, let's see...L/N Y/N and Min Yoongi?"

"Uh, yes, sir." The lady is flustered by the hotness radiating off your best friend, blushing. "They were...trespassing and vandalizing property."

"Aw, that's too bad." Taehyung pouts slighlty, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. "But I guess kids make mistakes sometimes."

"Yes, sir." The female officer blushes and giggles. "Teenagers these days."

You scoff. And Tae's an adult?

The gray haired boy exercises his flirting technique, sending a heart-fluttering wink to the woman. "Well, officer...Williams," he reads her badge. "I say, you let the kids go this time and I'll guarantee they won't pull something like this again."

The woman hesitates, her resolve crumbling. "I'm afraid we can't do that, sir..."

"This is their first time, isn't it?" Taehyung smirks at her, his endgame. "I'm sure you can do this once..."

"I-I'll see, sir." The officer blushes harder, her will in pieces. "As long as you swear they won't do this again."

The gaurding officer grudgingly unlocks your jail cell, eyeing you two suspiciously.

"Oh, I swear." Taehyung leans away, chuckling. "I swear on my sexiness."

This idiot.

The woman sighs, smiling dreamily.

Yoongi turns to you. "I see what you mean."


"I see what you mean." Taehyung rolls his eyes, his long fingers drumming against the steering wheel. "But you can't go around getting arrested just because you're bored."

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't throw parties at your place almost every weekend." You sass back.

"Hey!" Taehyung lazily tilts his neck. "I make sure people behave."

"Right." You mutter, and someone growls. You blush in embarrassment as you realise it's your stomach. "Tae, I'm hungry."


"Get me food!"

"Y/N, it's like one in the morning." He sighs. "And I'm almost too sleep to drive after I got your asses out of jail-" he glares at you and Yoongi, "-and you're asking me to buy food?"

"I'm starving too, actually." Yoongi says from the backseat. "Plus you ate most of the pizza."

Taehyung sighs, a flicker of sheepish guilt on his face. "Alright. I'll get you two something once we get to an open convenience store."

A moment later, you and Yoongi are alone in the car as Taehyung walks inside a store to get food for you. There's a silence lingering in the car, but the boy speaks up.

"Hey, Y/N." His voice is gentle, hesitant as if he is going to intrude your privacy.


"Taehyung..." He trails off, before starting again. "Maybe it's just me, but...the way he talks, and his body language, it's very graceful. Like a cat. Is know..."

"Yeah." You sigh in affirmation. "He's gay."

"Ah." Yoongi says nervously. "Sorry to push you-"

"S'okay." You shrug. "I'm used to the questions, and Tae's a kind of person who's very open and confident about his sexuality. Just don't try to insult him, or I'll break your nose."

The blue haired boy smiled slightly at your protective side, leaning forward. " guys are like double gay-best-friends, huh? Do you ask each other for fashion advice too?"

You glance back at the teasing smile on the boy's face, and try to hide your own as you mock-push him. "Shut up, Min Yoongi."

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