Project I'm Done

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"What are you doing with my girlfriend?" Jimin spits out with what he hopes is a scary glare. However, Lisa seems far from intimidated as she looks down at him with a bored expression on her makeup-caked face.

"Showing her how much better it would be if she went with me." She says with a sarcastic smile, not noticing you trying to sneak away in the background.

"Bitch, she's mine," Jimin narrows his eyes as he steps forward, just as you knock over the janitor's broom.

Both of them turn to stare at you.

"Well," You squeak. "Don't mind me, just trying to escape here."

Lisa lunges.

"You little-" The blonde's eyes widen as he watches his enemy grab his girlfriend. He runs forward-woah so heroic-just as another figure slams into him, knocking them both over.

Lisa wrestles with you, trying with much difficulty to kiss you, as you do the wiggle without the music.

Jimin shouts indignantly as Suga pushes him to the floor, a pissed expression on his face. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He sputters indignantly as the blue-haired boy proceeds to punch him in the face.

You yell in frustration as Lisa's arm finds its way around your waist, pushing you against her chest. "Are you that freaking desparate?" You hear Jimin calling out as Suga grabs his collar.

"You asshole, you didn't tell me about the freaking bet," Yoongi grunts as Jimin lands a weak slap on his face. "You think you can just break her heart and be done with it, especially after that Baekhyun shit?"

Your eyes widen as you hear the boy's words, but not before you feel something wet on your cheek and manage to pull the girl's lips from your damned face. "What in-"

Now, Taehyung? Taehyung was completely happy, content and coming down the stairs with an unbothered smile on his face. Of course, this was before he noticed Jimin and Suga apparently-that's what it looks like from above-making out.

What's more, they're doing it on the floor.

His eyes widen in shock and he slips on the squeaky clean step, falling down the remaining steps before crash landing in the middle of his new favourite ship, Yoonmin.

Suga falls on his butt from the impact as the other two boys lie groaning on the floor. You kick and punch and try your best to be free, yelling, "Let go of me let go of me LET GO OF ME!"

The blue haired boy scrambles up, looking around him with wide, panicked eyes before spotting your struggle.

He tackles Lisa below the waist.

You stare as they crash into the lockers, stunned. "Yoongi what the-"

"No swearing!" Taehyung manages to call out with what remains of his senses.

Yoongi manages to get up before tripping and falling again. "Run, Y/N, run!" He yells urgently.

"No!" You stand your ground as a friend. "I'm not leaving you!"

Then Lisa's hand reaches out and wraps around your ankle.

Now, there comes a moment in every hero's life, despite their bravery and and resilience, when they have to let go of their knightly principles. This moment, so powerful, so dark, can extinguish even the strongest, the brightest of lights, and leave the kinght in shining armour crippled.

This is the moment where the hero has to give up.

You scream.

Shaking off the girl's hand and forgetting completely your noble promise to the wounded boy, you turn on your heel and sprint for the exit.

Yoongi looks at your retreating back with a betrayed look, and Lisa's expression is somewhat similar to that of the teacher who calls on the squirming student only to be given a correct answer.

Jimin is baffled by what just happened, unable to overcome the shock of having the ass of your gay party-animal-best-friend rest on your chest. Taehyung on the other hand finds Jimin's chest quite comfy.

The only similarity among the four is their gaze on your running form.

"Y/N!" Four voices call out simultaneously behind you, but you're done. And you do not hesitate to make the fact well known.

"I'm done!" You yell over your shoulder.

In your haste, when you get out of the exit, you bump into a fugure who has their face buried in a book. Namjoon looks up, pushing the bridge of his glasses back with his index finger as you let out a flurry of apologies and continue on your way.

He sighs, shaking his head, and turns back to his book, his mind going places. Jin hasn't called me in so long...I wonder what he's doing now.

The principal crosses the path of one of his favourite students with his face in a book, smiling largely at him as he proceeds into the next hallway.

The smile falls off his face in the manner of a slice of bacon peeling off a wet pan.

The principal's face turns red as he stares at the four students lying groaning on the floor-and what's more is that one of those faces is the captain of the basketball team.

He absolutely cannot fathom how they got down there, and even so in such preposterously sexualized positions.

And he opens his mouth to tell them exactly what he thinks.

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