Project Maybe

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"Maybe." You say, shrugging as you stuff another potato chip into your mouth. "I've never had a real attraction towards a male, and I've always, like..."

"Doubted your sexuality?" Taehyung questions, leaning forward to grab a fistful of chips from the bag sitting in your lap. "That's okay."

The two of you are lying in seemingly awkward positions on your queen size in your bedroom, watching a chick flick and discussing your sexuality. Taehyung is giggling occasionally, making you feel like he is more interested in the movie.

"Of course, for you." You roll your eyes. "You're-"

"Yeah, yeah." He sighs, eyes fixed on the laptop screen. "But did you realise that you were a lesbian at that very moment?"

You look over at him pouting, and you know he's sad that you didn't tell him first. "Well, the Yoongi guy riled me up, firstly," You shrug. "And I didn't really mean to say it."

"I always thought about it." Your best friend yawns. "I did notice that you never showed a significant interest in boys..."

"Of course." You snort, shaking your head. "You've been with me since forever."

"Ah." Taehyung grins, streching out on stomach, catlike. "Technically since we were five."

"Doesn't matter. You haven't shown an interest in forever, either."


"You know." You smile slyly. "A love interest."

Taehyung scowls at you. "It will come when it will come, Y/N."

"You're such a romantic." You roll your eyes sarcastically.

"Like you are. There's a reason we're best friends." The boy smiles, turning his attention back to the movie. "Pay attention, now."

"Mhm." You smile. "Now that we are alike in all respects."

Taehyung smacks your arm.

"Why are we watching the movie anyway?" You huff. "We haven't really followed the plot."

"Because we don't need to follow it?" He runs his long fingers through his gray hair. "We've seen it before."

"That just proves my point."

"What point?"

"That we don't need to watch the movie."

"This conversation is going nowhere." Taehyung sighs, sitting up.

"I'm bored." You rest you chin on his shoulder.

He ignores you.

You poke his side. "Taehyunggg," you whine.

He keeps ignoring you.

You narrow your eyes, moving away from him. Being too engrossed in the movie, he doesn't notice.

You jump on his back.

"AH! Y/N!" He yells, trying to throw you off him. "Get off!"

"I'm bored and you're ignoring me!" You whine.

"You're being annoying!" He pouts, wiggling under you.

"Fine then I won't get off you."

"Y/N I swear to God-"

The bell rings.

Taehyung gives you a smug look, smirking as you slide slowly off him, glaring darkly at the boy as you make your way to the door. "You're coming with me, Tae."

"Yeah, as long as you don't try to flatten me again."


"I didn't know you had visitors." Taehyung laughs mockingly as the two of you make your way down the stairs.

"Neither did I." You roll your eyes, choosing to ignore your best friend's obviously sly remark.

He is right, though. You barely ever have any visitors, seeing as your father is hardly ever home from his business trips and your mother...well.

You are still slightly confused and eager as you make your way to the door, biting your lip in anticipation.

Taehyung stands behind you as you unlock the door, curiously looking over your shoulder, wondering who it is.

You pull open the door with a widely smiling face, only to be met with blue hair and an uncomfortable expression.

"Yoongi?" Your smile drops as you look over at the boy with furrowed eyebrows.

"Um, hey?" He says awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "I, uh, thought I'd-"

"Come over and chill?" Taehyung comes out from behind you and leans against the doorframe. "Don't try to act innocent."

The blue haired boy gives him a deadpanned look. "What did I even do?"

"You interrupted the movie." The gray haired boy wiggles his finger at him in a reprimanding gesture. "And I was about to get her off me!"

Yoongi stares at Taehyung, looking like he was wondering whether to stand or run. "Wha-"

"Don't mind him," You cut him off, moving to stand between the two boys. "He does that sometimes."

Taehyung pouts at you accusingly.

"So why are you here?" You raise an eyebrow.

Your and Taehyung's informal behaviour probably put the boy at ease, because he shrugs and clutches tightly a bag you hadn't noticed before. "I thought we could start on the project, seeing as, you know, we don't have much time."

You shrug. "Yeah. How'd you get my address, though?"

"Hoseok." Seeing you furrow your eyebrows again and open your mouth to say something, he explains himself...or rather not. "Don't know how he got it."

You sigh. "Well, I'll ask him myself then."

"So can I come in?"

"Nope." This was Taehyung, crossing his arms over his chest. "You ruined our quality best friend time."

Yoongi sighs, holding up his bag. "I got pizza."

Taehyung grins. "Now you're speaking my language. Come on in."

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