Project Party

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"This is bad," You mutter as you glance around the party area. "This is very bad."

Jimin looks worried as he unconsciously grabs your hand and protectively pills you closer. "How did they even get in here?"

Hoseok looks vaguely confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, I know." You purse your lips. "Taehyung must not be paying attention."

"Paying attention to what?" The gray haired devil himself walks into view alongside Jungkook, an eyebrow raised. "Look, I'm not even drunk."

"Those people," You gesture with your chin to Chanyeol and Suho, among others. "How did they get into the party?"

"Oh, them?" Taehyung glances at them and Chanyeol who winks back at him. He turns and grins. "They're Kai's mates. You know, your classmate from dance." He looks at Jimin.

"Oh, come on," The blonde boy swears under his breath. "I should've known they would send someone to keep an eye on me."

Your mouth hangs open at this revelation. "They're not supposed to be here, Tae."

Your best friend frowns, sitting down on the couch with a thump. "Why?"

But you don't get a chance to explain.

"Taetae!" Yoongi staggers into view, a wide grin on his face, arms raised. "My man!"

Your eyes widen. "What did you give him?"

Jungkook looks freaked out, moving away from the blue haired boy, and into Taehyung's side. "Hyung didn't give him anything."

Taehyung winces. "He may have taken someone else's drink from the counter..."

You glare at him. "You know he doesn't handle alcohol well."

"You don't handle alcohol well," He gives you a look. "I don't know about him."

Yoongi drunkenly winks at you, staggering onto the couch and wrapping an arm around a disgusted Taehyung's shoulder. "Ew, Suga! I know I'm gay but I'm not attracted to every living man!"

The blue haired boy adorably pouts, snuggling further into your best friend's shoulder. "Ah, come on, admit it. You love me! And of course..." He leans to whisper his next words into the cringing boy's ear. "Everyone gets turned on by my tongue technology."

You giggle, kicking Jimin's leg to draw his attention. The blond looks at your wide grin in confusion before noticing Suga's weird drunk behaviour, and snorts. "He's wasted."

Jungkook looks scared for his life, eyeing the drunk pair with wide eyes. "I don't ever want to see Suga hyung drunk again."

Hoseok nods from his seat next to the young boy, his expression weirded out. "Same here."

"Well, it takes more than sixty minutes to metabolise alcohol," Namjoon adds, pushing up his glasses. "So he may nit be sober for a long time."

Taehyung gives him an uimpressed look. "Not helpful at all."

"And it takes thirty minutes to feel the effect of it," The prach haired boy purses his lips, looking away. "So he's probably being drinking for a long time."

You groan. "Way to go, Tae."

"I didn't even do anything!" The boy protests. "It was probably Lisa who gave it to him!"

"Or one of Baekhyun's men," Jimin mutters from next to you, making you roll your eyes.

"Stop being paranoid." You sigh. "They probably don't even know about them."

"Well," Your boyfriend-you feel giddy at the thought-says weakly. "It's hard not to relate everything to them. They have no limits."

"What are you two going on about?" Jin asks, entering with a bowl of nachos in his hands. "Stop being so immature."

You laugh when Namjoon blushes at the man's mere sight. "Why are you here, though?"

"I wanted to talk to Namjoon," The man says, smiling charmingly at the still blushing boy. "It seems like we've barely held a proper conversation since you keep stealing him from me...and I wanted to tell him something urgent."

Taehyung gives Namjoon a suggestive look, making him blush further. "Go on," He pokes the boy in his side. "Have you urgent talk."

Namjoon straightens his glasses before giving the boy a glare, and then turns to Jin with a smile. "I'll come."

Yoongi once again pins Taehyung to the cushion, licking his lips. "So you ready?"

Taehyung tries to escape his grip, but with no avail. "You're stronger than you look," He huffs, and turns to you with a pleading look. "Y/N! Help meee!"

Jungkook has that scarred-for-life expression on his face as he speings off the couch, hiding behind Jimin. "Please stop them."

Jimin pats the younger's head distractedly. "Yeah, Jungkookie."

"Don't call him that," Taehyung gives Jimin a glare, managing to rip off Suga's grip on him, and trips and falls on his face. "Okay, that hurt."

You smile a little, noticing hiw Suga is controlling himself around Taehyung. He's not swearing anymore. "Suga..."

The blue haired boy turns to give you an adorable puppy-dog look.

You melt.

"Don't touch him, it's not his fault," You kick a groaning Taehyung on the floor. "It was you who got him drunk in the first place."

Jimin narrows his eyes at Yoongi. "Stay away from her."

You punch his arm, making him wince. "Stop being rude."

The sensation if a hand on your shoulder is s sudden that you almost jump six feet in the air. "Y/N?"

You turn around, ready to chew out the person for scaring you like that, not noticing that everyone has gone silent. "You-oh."

You freeze.

Standing behind you, with a smile on his face, is Baekhyun.


Min-YoongiSenpai take your pick:

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