Project Poison

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The group falls silent.

Jungkook's eyes are wide in fear, matching Hoseok. Suga looks stunned, too, but there is a ray of something in his eyes that says he supports the gray haired boy.

You stand with a hand over your mouth, trembling as you take in the scene, not believing what just happened. Jimin is shocked too, stunned as he steps back, wiping off the blood at the corner of his mouth.

And Taehyung.

Taehyung looks pissed.

His knuckles are already red and sore from the hard punch, but his eyes are just as fiery as he glares at Jimin. And he looks protective.

"Don't you ever," He snarls, looking the true picture of his deep and scary voice, "talk to Y/N like that again."

The tiniest of smiles ghosts Yoongi's lips.

You're still in shock, however, as you stare at the scene. Your best friend literally punched the boy he supported so much. "J-Jimin..."

Jimin takes another step back, his disbelieving and enraged eyes moving from your pleading face to Taehyung's wrathful one. "Save it." He snaps bitterly.

And he turns around and walks into the crowd.

Taehyung snarls once again, and you wonder if he's going to turn into a werewolf.

"You-" You hold yourself back from exploding as you glare at your best friend. "Did you have to punch him?"

The boys stays silent, but his eyes burn in defaint fury.

"I thought you were more mature than this, Tae," You shake your head, moving back.

He realises your intention and steps towards you. "Y/N, don't-"

"Never mind." You say, turning around and folowing after the blonde.


Jungkook takes a cowering step away from the still angry looking boy, and Taehyung's eyes soften.

"It's okay, Kook." Yoongi places a hand on the younger's shoulder comfortingly. "He's not going to hurt you."

Hoseok still seems shook. "That was a wicked hook, though."

Taehyung finally cracks a small smile.


Yoongi looks up, surprised to hear his name from the gray haired boy's lips.

"I..." Taehyung grits his teeth, grudgingly forcing the words out. "I just wanted to say thanks."

The blue haired boy's eyebrows rise. "What for?"

"For coming back to her," Taehyung doesn't dare meet his eyes. "I know she acts strong, but she was coming apart when you left. For that...I was pissed at you, but I know how much you matter to her."

Yoongi's heart feels light. He smiles at Taehyung, nodding in acknowledgement. "Thank you for not letting her come apart."

The other boys are silent as Taehyung looks up, mirroring Suga's small smile. "You're a good guy, Yoongi." He says, smiling dryly. "I just wish she could see the way you look at her..."

Yoongi smiles weakly. "So do I."


You struggle to find the correct door.

The other partygoers are least bothered with your snooping around, only one ir two glancing your way before looking away. The lights are pulsating around you, shifting from green to blue to red. Music blasts all around you, making your head throb.

You move into an empty corridoor, stomach clenching. There are two doors on opposite sides, and you have a strange feeling in your gut.

Eyes darting from side to side, you hesitate between the two rooms before a voice catches your attention.

Frowning, you hesitantly move to the door. Muffled voices float from the other side.

You tip your head, wondering whether to eavesdrop or not. But then you hear a tone that sounds distinctly like Jimin's sweet voice, and all morality abandons you.

Leaning closer, you press your head against the door, peeking in through the keyhole.

The room seems poorly lit, dim green light on one side illuminating Jimin's face vaguely. Your heart soars, but drops as you notice his sour expression.

"I didn't come here for this," He says testily, and you notice that his fists are clenched at his sides.

The room feels desolate and slightly scary, appearing much bigger than it actually is. Something about the atmosphere

"I know." A soft, almost lyrical voice floats from the dark part of the room. "But that's not what I was talking about."

You swallow, feeling dazed. The man's voice-for it is too beautiful to be just a boy's-is lulling, smooth but distinctly poisonous, like a snake. For a moment, you are shaken by the kind of company the boy you're dating keeps.

"It's none of your business," Jimin snaps, as if he knows what the man is talking about.

The man chuckles lowly. "Oh, but it is, Park Jimin," He says in an almost addicting voice, like a viper seducing it's prey. "But I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed. You do take after your father."

"I am nothing like my father." The blonde says angrily, but his body language suggests fear. "You don't know me, Byun Baekhyun."

Baekhyun. A beautiful name for a beautiful voice.

"Ah, but I do," Baekhyun says, and you hear the smirk in his voice. "You're a master in seduction...just like you said."

Your heart grows cold in unknown fear.

Jimin is quiet.

"I can sense it, you know," The man says, sighing. "Your fear. And you did win the bet."

The boy tenses. "How did you-"

"How would I not?" Baekhyun asks in a honey-like voice. "Lisa is good at what she does, but you're much better. You're much crueler."

Jimin is shaking. "That doesn't matter."

"But it does," Baekhyun says. "You're the true heir, and I intend on making you like us."

Silence. But there is a tenseness in the air.

Waves of defaince are radiating off Jimin, but he seems resigned.

"You were the one who made the bet, Park Jimin," He says venemously, as if he kniws he's won. "And you will be the one to break her. Admit it, Park, you're just like us."

And what's scarier is that Jimin says not one word to deny it.

Baekhyung steps into the light, and you take a sharp breath.

He's beautiful.

But he's also poisonous.

Byun Baekhyun is tall, his skin pale and milky. The green in his irises is brilliant and gem-like, framed in an angular, chiseled face, with a sharp jaw and slightly hooded eyes.

His frame is lean and slim, accentuated by his black suit. Coal black hair brushes his forehead, and metallic bands adorn his thin wrists.

The part that stands out the most, though, is the thick lip ring on his lower lip, silver against red, extending into a chain that joins one of his earrings.

The fact that scares you the most is the small smirk on his lips, and the words that come out from them.

"After all," His lips shape the words perfectly, and your blood runs cold at his next words. "You were the one who bet that you could break even a gay girl's heart."


Yeah, it's Monster era Baek.

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