chapter 28

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Gloyd's POV:
When we finally arrived Nilla's room we saw Rancis lying on the ground still tied up on the chair struggling to get out. I held my laughter as he tried getting himself free.

"Uh...what just...happened here?" Swizzle asked out of the blue.

Rancis then looked at us he gave me a glare and as for Swizz Mizz he gave him a 'help me' look.

"Help me Swizzle that guy you're with is a killer don't trust him!" Rancis warned.
"Oh you mean Gloyd?" Swizzle asked.
"What?! I wouldn't even hurt a fly! Oh wait Swizz a candy fly" I said as I killed the fly.

Swizzle just face palmed as I threw the fly away.

"See! Look at his murderous face!" Rancis said.

Swizzle looked at me but I just had a poker face on.

"I'm not a murderer" I complained.
"That's just what a murderer would say!" Rancis spat.

Me and Swizzle looked at each other then back to Rancis. It was silent too silent.

"Soooo should we knock him out or something?" Swizzle asked.
"Who wants to draw on Rancis's Face while his unconscious say i I!" I said.
"What!?" Rancis asked. "Not the FACE!"
"Then stop complaining and help us!" Swizz miss said.
"Fine..." Rancis said.

I smiled and looked at Nilla. Now what should the three words be?
I pulled Swizzle to Nilla and pointed at her.

"What three words are important that we need to tell her?" I asked.
"Um..." He think "Abra Ka Dabra?"
"I don't think that'll work..." I said.
"Hello! I'm over here! Might as well help me!" Rancis whine.
"Swizz cheese go untie butter fingers over there for me" I said.
"What why me? You tied him up you do it" Swizzle complained.

Time skipping after they finally stop arguing and Gloyd untying Rancis later...

The three of us sat on the floor thinking of what the three words might be but nothing came up on our minds we tried 'please wake up' 'raise and shine' 'I miss you' and other words that only have three words that we could think of but it all failed. I lyied on the ground and groan in frustration.

"Were never gonna figure it out!" I whined.
"Shut up pumpkin head! I'm trying to think" Swizzle complained.

I huffed and crossed my arms glaring at the ceiling. Nilla would think I'm cute when I do this... I looked at Nilla she was still on bed on coma.
I frowned.

Swizzle's POV:
I clenched my head as I keep on thinking 'Get up please 'that wouldn't work...'Time to get up 'that's four words! Why is this so hard! I sigh as I looked at the ground. Anymore minutes I'm gonna explode!
I frown then looked at Gloyd he had his smile upside down too I turned to Rancis he looks like he was ready to cry. I again sigh things we do for love... Wait! LOVE
I stood up with a smile the two looked at me with a puzzled face then realized why.
I walked up to Nilla followed by the boys.

"Okay what's the word sport" Gloyd asked.
"Love" I said.
"What? What does that have to do to make her wake up" Rancis asked.
"I don't know I just guessed that maybe it'll work" I said shrugging.

We then turned our attention to Nilla.

"We got our own three words in mind?" I asked.
"Yep" Gloyd answered.
"Yessurie!" Rancis said in excitement.
"If this doesn't work then nothing will" I said.

There I have a feeling this book will end after a few more chapters but I hope you like it 
=^ w ^= bai~

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