「sugar • 09」

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"[Name]-san, don't run ahead!"

Once again, you had waited for Sugawara's class to finish, so that the two of you could walk home.

"Suga-san, you're slow." You comment, and the boy blushes before he jogs up to you.

The two of you walk in silence along the street. The stars are shining brightly, and you feel slightly nervous once Daichi and Asahi are nowhere in sight.

"It's a nice night," Sugawara says. From his voice, you can easily tell that he was just as nervous as you were.

"Suga-san, let's race!" You say trying to break the tension.

Somehow, you were just as surprised as Sugawara was, about your own actions.

It was as if he made you overcome your fears, and face the things you might have feared of doing earlier.

Sugawara was your mental support.

And you would love to let him know that, one day.

"Okay, 3, 2, 1, go!" The volleyball player runs as fast as he can, slowing down a little when he noticed you being left behind. Taking advantage of this, you dash faster to cross the street.

Right when you do, a car puts on its' brakes. You freeze in your spot and watch as the car makes its way right towards you.

Everything is a blur until you suddenly fall to the ground flat.

It takes you a moment to realize you that Sugawara has pushed you away from the road, and the two of you were now lying on the ground.

Correction. You were lying on the ground, and Sugawara was literally on top of you.

"S-S-S-Sorry!" The boy flushes red and jolts up.

You were sure you weren't too pale yourself, and you slowly take the hand Sugawara holds out for you.

But damn. Your heart would not stop racing.

In silence, the two of you walk home.

Oh damn, if only I didn't race, we wouldn't be so awkward around each other!

And right when we were starting to become alright around each other!

When you both reach your house, Sugawara speaks up.

"Um.. [Name]-san..?"

"Yes, Suga-san?"

The boy turns his back to you and lowers his head.

"Y-You look so prettier up close." He says so quietly that you can barely hear it.

But you heard it.

You heard it alright.

It was that feeling. The blissful feeling Sugawara always gave you, and you were overwhelmed with the high dosage of happy.

And this dosage was enough for you to overcome one of your biggest fears so far.

In fact, you walk in front of Sugawara and hold both his hands.

"Sugawara-san, I like you." You say bravely.

The silver-gray haired boy could not believe his ears.

The words he wanted to tell you, the words he was so scared to say, the words he wanted to hear from you, he was finally able to hear them.

You can see his hands tremble before he places them on your shoulders.

"I like you so much, [Name]-san." He whispers, leaning in close to you.

This was way too much for your poor heart, you close your eyes.

Oh no, is he going to kiss me? How do I kiss him back?

Millions of thoughts run through your mind at the same time.

But when you feel a peck on your left cheek, you open your eyes.

And see that Sugawara is running away as fast as he could.

"Good night, [Name]-san!" He shouts before he disappears into the night.

He was too shy to face you afterward!

Oh good Lord in heaven.

Sugawara is such a cutie!


a/n; scREAM

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