The Voices In My Head

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The whispers draw near
They're encapsulated in my head
They all say the same thing
But now I have real friends
They agree with what I say
And no arguments are made
The voices in my head,
Right and wrong I call them
I love them both
You call it insanity
I call it normality
We're words apart
It's a shame you'll never understand. HL

Last night something perculair occurred.
I said something to the walls, I called myself a whore, the walls shunned me, it appeared our malice wasn't forgotten.

A voice whispered a reply, I turned to the wall. It told me right here, within you it said.
It told me, I was a whore, the voice called me a slut.

I was at peace with my inner self. I asked who it was. They told me to call them friends.

We talked all day, they always agreed to every word I said. I told them about that night, with tears in my eyes, they told me I was right, I deserved to die.

A tiny voice came from within, it tried to show me the light. I shunned it away. I asked the other day where and why the voice moved away. They told me right had no place.

I found comfort in wrong and they comforted me all the more.

Maryann brought me food this morning while I stood having a conversation with wrong, I told her to take it away, the wrongs said I had to starve and die today.

She begged me to eat, I told her the wrongs would not have it.

She sat on my bed, I ignored her and continued my chat on how I was useless in my head.

Maryann asked me why I talked to myself. I told her I now had real friends.

She said I was insane and should be taken away, she told me they weren't real. I cried myself to sleep.

The voices soothed me, they told me not to sleep too deep.

We talked all day, they called me all sorts of names. They made me feel wanted and at times they made me feel pain.

I remembered the times I had solace and suddenly I wanted that back. I told the voices to go away. They said they were here to stay.

I was driven to insanity, I pulled my hair, cast myself abay.

The poem above does not belong to me. It belongs to my friend who passed away.
She heard voices in her head.

YOu ARe Not AloNE.

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