Heimsuchung - Visitation

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Location: outside of Wunderbarer Traum facility

Tank's PoV

"Let me get this straight, Monty. Me and you are gonna see these bastards, all because you think they'll be good soldiers?", I asked, frowning at the old man.

"Absolutely, Dempsey. After all, you fought alongside them in another life before."

I narrowed my eyes deeper at him. "That was years ago, doc. I'm not sure that you know that these people aren't the same."

"Not even Lily?", Monty asked slowly. I gritted my teeth, raising my fist in the air. Monty wasn't fazed in the slightest. Tough bastard.

Knowing it was useless, I sighed, letting my fist fall to my side in defeat. "That's a different case. She's different."

"A very different and crazy basket case," Monty mused. "Now, tell Bertram to open the gates."

I huffed loudly, looking up at the security camera that looked at us closely. I grimaced at the thought of another German looking at me, like a new subject to experiment on. Oh, those were the days.

"Hey, German!", I barked. "Open the damn gates!"

On command, the rusty, iron gates of the facility opened slowly; an annoying, screeching sound created by the process.

Monty took a deep breath, before taking a big step forward. He looked back at me with a grin. "Shall we, Thomas?" He grinned wider. "Or do you prefer Ringo?"

"Shut up."

Monty's PoV

"I'll look in this area. You look in the other ones."

Tank nodded, as he followed another guard to a caged elevator. After he stepped in, he looked at me, biting his bottom lip. He was nervous for sure.

Perhaps I mistook him as a brave soldier.

  I gave him a small nod of encouragement, before I followed Bertram down an empty hall. I heard the loud buzz of the elevator being activated, as an indication that Dempsey had left the current floor to his destination.

I looked in each cell that I passed by, a bit surprised that I didn't see anyone. Bertram caught onto my confusion, as he let out a snort.

"The freaks aren't here, Monty. One's in the rec room, one got moved underground, and the rest are out in the courtyard."

"May I see who's in the rec room?", I asked, picking up the faint sound of a piano being played. Bertram nodded, as he opened another metal door. After a few more turns, Bertram stopped in front of a beige door. The bold, black letters that spelled 'Rec Room' were printed on the door, large and capitalized. I had noted that the music was coming from behind the door.

I sighed. "Mr. Johnson would've been a fantastic pianist."

Bertram let out a lighthearted chuckle. "You'd be surprised who's got some talent in this shithole." Bertram unlocked the door, revealing the inside of the beige-colored rec room.

A small television hung from the ceiling, showcasing nothing but a static screen. An uncomfortable-looking couch faced the screen, but it seemed useless to anyone. I scanned the nearly bare room, before facing to the direction of the piano.


Well, well, well.

He wanted to be an actor. This handsome bastard was a gifted pianist!

"Benjamin Henderson..."

Abruptly, the angelic music stopped with an awfully loud note. The man turned from his seat quickly, looking at me with furious eyes.

"That's Billy fuckin' Handsome to you, old man!", he barked.

"Calm down, mutt.", Bertram ordered, venom dripping in his words.

Billy snapped his wild, blue eyes at Bertram, before turning back around to the piano, ignoring us. Just like that, he had turned from a dangerous beast to a sophisticated man. Strange. Perhaps the image that I was looking at was a tiny glimpse of what could've been the real Billy Handsome. What could've been Benjamin Henderson.

I sighed, taking a risk by sitting next to Billy. Bertram aimed his taser at him, in case things went terribly wrong. Like I said to Maxis, I wasn't powerful.

"Okay, Billy." I looked at the notes on the piano. "Who taught you to play?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't," I said blankly. "I'm just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat.", Billy mused darkly.

"And curiosity was erased from the dictionary.", Bertram added, standing beside me, still aiming his taser at Billy.

Billy scoffed, running his fingers on the piano keys. "I ain't talkin'. Might as well leave."

"Without hearing you play?", I asked, pouting lightly. Billy snorted. "Hell no."

Tank's PoV

"Open up!", I ordered to the annoyed guard, who sat in the security room. With an exaggerated sigh, he pressed one of the many buttons, initiating a loud buzz. Suddenly, the large gate opened and I stepped in, looking at the prisoner in front of me. My heart throbbed at seeing her wild, blonde hair. The same hair I used to run my fingers through, long ago.

Her back was faced towards me, but I knew that she sensed someone had entered. She turned around quickly, widening her blue eyes slightly. "Tank?", Lily whispered. I cleared my throat, walking closer to her cell.

"Lily, it's me."

She skipped towards me, giving me her award-winning smile. I would've smiled too, had we've been in a different situation. She frowned a bit. "Why aren't you smiling?"

"I feel bad for you, Lily.", I sighed, looking at her with pained, blue eyes.

She let out a small sniffle. "I know. My poor Edward is lonely without me."

No one's PoV

Tank Dempsey felt a sharp pain in his chest, but he ignored the feeling as he bit the corner of his bottom lip harshly. Edward Richtofen. That devil in the Wermacht uniform had corrupted Lily, in every way possible. He made her insane, just like himself. In Dempsey's eyes, he felt the need to save her; the need to claim her as his.

Even if it had been so long, Dempsey could still remember the nights in Kino when he held Lily in his arms, in order to keep her from hurting herself. He remembered the time they shared their first kiss. He sucked in a breath as he remembered her soft, rosy lips dominating, against his rough ones. He remembered the soft caresses and soft words that they shared when Richtofen wasn't watching. He loved her. Tank Dempsey, the American war hero, couldn't resist the charms of the mentally insane Lily Davis.

Even after the entire journey, all the help he offered and the love he showed, he didn't get her in the end. She had chosen Richtofen.

As he looked at her now, he could feel the memories rush back to him, hitting him hard like a bullet.

But it wasn't just her looks that made him persistent. His feelings ran far deeper for her than any other woman that he ever 'loved'.

She was fierce and defiant, like a loaded gun. He was attracted to strong women. She was far more intelligent than even Richtofen. She could be his teacher, any day. Even when things turned for the worst, Lily heaved her chest like an angry bull, possessed with bravery. She would've fitted in perfectly with the Marines.

In his mind, he knew she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. She said it herself when they were in their many intimate sessions.

  They could've been beautiful.

But after all they went through, all the bloodshed they endured, Tank Dempsey never thought that he would lose in the end.

Tank's PoV

Lily giggled loudly, causing me to snap out of my mind. "Once I get out of here, the King and Queen of the Dead will reign together once more."

I sighed, faking a smile. She smiled brighter, her blue eyes twinkled. Damn, those eyes still got to me. "You're smiling!" She squealed.

"That's because of you.", I said.

Now that was the truth.

Marlton's PoV

"Where on Earth are you taking me!?", I demanded, struggling in my restraints. No one responded, as they dragged me across another dirty floor to another door. I shuddered at the germs that were on my form now. Most likely, planning an invasive attack on my immune system.

Bruises, humiliation, and germs! Oh my.

At last, the officers stopped at a door, which I hoped was the last one I had to go through.

An officer reached down and pulled me to my feet, roughly. I immediately recognized the black, slick gloves on my arms as the ones of Bertram. I narrowed my eyes at him as he smirked coldly at me.

As the door opened, Bertram and another officer grabbed me by my shoulders and carried me outside. I almost let out a whimper, due to the condition of my body.

Fighting back the whimper of pain, I lifted my head up, greeted by the small raindrops that fell on the lens of my cracked glasses. Not to mention on the bruises that I had just acquired, due to my pathetic attempt to disobey an order. 

I had quite enough with the mistreatment that these thugs in lawful men's clothing unleashed on me and my fellow inmates.

I did the illogical way of standing up to them. Immediately, I paid the price for it.

As the drops of water hit my injured face and body, I remembered an author by the name of Foster, who claimed that rain could mean anything. Right now, the precipitation filled me with the urge to fall to my knees and pitifully beg one of the officers to put me down already. Even Bertram.

Before I was able to do that, a new voice spoke.

"Hello, Marlton. So nice to see you."

I looked forward to see an elderly man in homeless-like clothing smiling at me. Next to him was a man in military clothing, staring at me with fierce, blue eyes.

"Let him go.", the soldier said. The officers looked at me wearily, as they untied my restraints. I watched as the material that held me fall to my feet. I frowned a bit, stepping out of it slowly, hissing from the pain of my bruised legs. "What is happening?", I asked, looking at the two new faces suspiciously, while rubbing my sore arms.

"Forgive me for the mystery that I'm displaying, Mr. Johnson. I'm Dr. Monty."

"I'm Tank Dempsey. Now, let's get down to business." The eyes of the soldier twinkled at his own words.

"What could you possibly want from me?", I asked, studying Monty and Tank closely.

With my restraints off, I could easily escape. Though I was badly injured, I could bear through the pain, just long enough to quickly escape.

I needed a plan. More importantly, I needed a weapon to easily defend myself.

"A little birdie told me that you never miss a shot." The soldier smirked, walking towards a table that was oblivious to me at the time.

A table with guns.

I smirked lightly at this. The officers knew they couldn't trust me with weapons and the two foolish men didn't seem intimidating enough to be a challenge. Everyone around me seemed to purposely display the  fact that they wanted to die by my bullets.

"Don't even think about it, nerd.", Tank snapped. "Don't fuck with a Marine."

Behind my glasses, I narrowed my eyes at him.

Note to self, borrow a bar of the facility's soap and a pair of cleaning gloves to scrub Tank Dempsey's mouth clean.

Monty cleared his throat. "Show us what you can do, DeadShot."

I raised an eyebrow at him before slowly walking towards the table. Looking at the row of different guns, I scanned each of them. Snipers, assault rifles, pistols, and even an RPG were displayed before me. I smiled at this, feeling like a child receiving an extraordinary gift.

I picked up an MR6, bringing it to my eyes to inspect it. Fully loaded and the safety was off.

"It's loaded.", I said, breaking the silence. I glanced up at the makeshift firing range, consisting of seven targets. I gripped the MR6 tightly at the adrenaline that began to rush through my veins.

"You know what to do, Johnson.", Tank muttered.

Yes, I know. I know what I have to do.

Gripping the trigger, I turned around quickly, aiming at Bertram's head. I ignored the pain of my body, as my complete focus was on the German. Bertram and everyone else started to panic, aiming their own weapons at me. Bertram, however, didn't have his gun. As a way to save his own life, he held his hands up.

"Bertram, tell your boys to drop their weapons!", Tank shouted. I smirked, whispering the same thing to a frightened Bertram.

"Put your weapons down!", Bertram ordered to his officers. They all complied, but I still aimed the MR6 at Bertram.

"Come on, Johnson. I didn't even hit you once!"

I scoffed, making my tone grow deadly by each passing second. "No, you watched." My finger twitched on the trigger. "You mocked my love."

"Okay, okay! Sure, I said some things about your girl, but you weren't supposed to take them seriously. I--"

Filled with rage, I pulled the trigger, firing the bullet beside Bertram's head, taking his breath away completely.

"Fick!", he cursed in his native tongue, clenching his eyes shut. I let out a satisfied chuckle before turning around and firing one bullet in each of the seven targets' heads.

He and the others may have tormented me and the others, but it wouldn't be reasonable enough to kill any of them. After all, I was still alive.

Broken, depressed, and slowly losing my mentality, but alive.

After I emptied the MR6, I quickly picked up the DSR-50 and looked through the scope. Bullet by bullet, I fired at the same marks that I made with the MR6 on the targets. After I placed the sniper down, my mind began to focus so much, that I easily forgot which gun I had just used.

One by one, however, I went through each and every gun, shooting at the same marks. Everyone was right about me; I never missed a shot.

With no more bullets to my disposal,  I took up the RPG, resting the end on my shoulder. I aimed for the circular area in the middle, firing a single shot from the weapon. Just as I had predicted, all of the targets were obliterated, leaving behind pieces of debris flying everywhere.

I let out a loud whistle, before setting up all the weapons down neatly and in order by class. I turned around to face an impressed Monty and Tank.

"I showed you what I'm clearly capable of.", I smiled, showing off my arrogance. The bruises were no longer bringing me down. Just a part of a really bad day.

I walked towards to the restraints and slipped them back on, resting my eyes on a particular officer that I began to speak to. "Barney, take me back to solitary confinement." I turned my gaze back to Monty and Tank.
"These dirty, little lambs have just been silenced."

Damn Marlton. All time nerd, part time savage xD. Hope y'all enjoyed! Be sure to vote, comment, and follow me! ♡Bye♡

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