deadshot | 023

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requested: can you do deadshot x reader smut?

you were laid in bed, waiting for your boyfriend floyd to come home. this was a usual thing, you sat at home at night by yourself whilst floyd was out dealing with business. at first, it didn't bother you but you soon started to become irritated when you realised it was going to be the same every night. you were sick of being left alone whilst he went out and killed people. you knew about his job, he told you once the relationship started to become serious. you were shocked at first but soon came around to the idea.

you jumped as the bedroom door opened revealing your boyfriend. you must of been too busy thinking about him you didn't realise he had come home. he smiled at you, before setting down his gun and taking off his outfit leaving him in just underwear.

"you okay baby?" he asked, sliding into bed.

"well, i actually need to talk to you" you told him, sitting up on your arm.

he nodded, gesturing for you to go on as he got comfy.

"i'm getting sick off being left alone all the time. i feel like your job comes first and i come second and trust me it's not a nice feeling" you told him, the truth finally coming out.

"y/n you knew that by dating me you would have to deal with that and you told me that you didn't care! you can't just change your mind now" he argued, rolling his eyes.

"yeah because i thought you meant occasionally not every fucking night" you shouted back.

"deal with it. you're so ungrateful, look around, everything here i bought you. you know how i bought you it all? because of my job so stop complaining"

"so i'm ungrateful because i want to spend time with my boyfriend? i didn't ask for all of this you gave it to me and if you're gonna be like that then fucking take it all back" you screamed back, now feeling angry.

you expected floyd to argue back and shout at you. but he just stared at you, a hint of lust in his eye. you were both breathing heavily after your shouting match as you both just gazed at each other. he then leant forward and smashed his lips to yours with force. you were shocked at how rough it was but soon kissed back. he pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. he licked your bottom lip, asking for an entrance which you denied causing him to squeeze your ass. you squealed giving him the chance to quickly slip his tongue into your mouth.

you were in a heavy make out session when you felt him tugging at the bottom of your shirt, signalling he wanted it off. you happily obliged, throwing it over your shoulders so you were left in a bra and pyjama shorts.

"you're so hot" he whispered, moving his mouth to your neck where he left kisses.

he traveled to your sweet spot before he began sucking harshly making you let out a moan. he smirked, knowing what he was doing to you as he finished off the love bite. your lips connected again as his hands went to your bra, almost ripping it off leaving your upper body naked.

"now these.. need to come off" he motioned to your bottoms making you smirk before slowly taking them off, wanting to tease him.

"ooh.. you're gonna regret that" he growled, before throwing you underneath him as he hovered over you.

he kissed down your neck, continuing down your chest until he stopped at your stomach. you smiled, enjoying the feeling until he thrusted into you making you gasp in surprise. he was rough, clearly trying to get all his anger out but you didn't mind. his thrusts were fast and hard, sending you in a daze as you moaned out in pleasure. you gripped the bed covers as floyd grunted, his thrusts become faster telling you he was getting closer.

so were you. you could feel the familiar sensation in your stomach as you moaned out more and more. after one more hard thrust, you screamed in pleasure before panting heavily. floyd came soon after, and dropped down next to you. the two of you were sweaty and panting as you both calmed down.

"we should argue more often if this is the outcome" you joked, cuddling into his chest.

"oh i agree" he laughed, kissing your head.

okaay so this is my first time writing smut!!
i don't think i have any requests left to do (maybe one more) so please do request i do them all :)

thank you for all the views, comments & votes i really appreciate it!

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