enchantress/june | 037

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imagine: june and the enchantress both like you so they compete for you.

(for this pretend that enchantress can leave june's body and appear so june is still there)

you stood between the two girls, who were both glaring at eachother from across the room. you sighed, rubbing your face in frustration as enchantress began speaking again.

"why would she wanna be with you? you're boring.. i'm much more fun" she spoke, giving june an evil smile.

"you are no good for her! you'll end up getting her killed with your witchy abilities" june argued back, rolling her eyes.

"i would never hurt y/n, she's the only one i care about on this planet" enchantress said again, making you smile at the confession.

"a planet you shouldn't even be on anymore" june scoffed.

"listen guys, i love you both i really do.. but i can't deal with this arguing constantly it's driving me insane!" you told them both sternly, "i have an idea, if you're both willing to try it out"

they both nodded their head eager to hear, you smiled and sat down at the table before you began telling them your plan.

"why don't you both take me out on a date, one of you tonight and the other person tomorrow. after the dates, i'll decide which person i think i feel more chemistry with, the person i want to be with" you offered.

it was silent for a few seconds, both of them thinking the idea through until they both nodded their heads in sync.

"great! so who's first?" you asked, looking at the two.

"me if that's okay" june spoke, looking at enchantress.

enchantress nodded her head, a smile on her face, "i have to plan it anyways, i'll see you tomorrow y/n"

she left, leaving you and june alone. june turned to you, a big smile on her face before she gave you a hug and a kiss on the cheek, walking backwards away from you.

"i'll pick you up at seven" she told you.

"okay, what shall i wear?"

"something fancy, we're going to the best restaurant in town"


there was a knock at the door, making you jump slightly as you put on your favourite shoes. you felt yourself become a little more nervous, as you walked to the door but that all faded away when you opened it. june looked stunning in a black dress with matching high heels. her hair was curled whilst her makeup was light yet noticeable, in a good way.

"hey y/n, you look beautiful.. you ready?" she asked, a smile on her face.

you nodded your head, linking arms with her before you both walked out of your house and got into her car. you put on your seatbelt, as she did the same and the two of you made your way to the restaurant.

when you arrived, she got out first and ran round to open your door for you.

"thank you june, this place looks lovely" you told her, looking at the big building in front of you.

"that's why i brought you here silly" she laughed, grabbing ahold of your hand and pulling you gently to the entrance.

"reservation for moone" she told the worker, he nodded his head looking on his computer before he looked up with a smile.

"right this way" he motioned for you to follow him which you both did, and he brought you to a two seated table.

you both sat down, the worker leaving two menus behind as he went to welcome more customers. you looked through the menu, your eyes scanning the pictures of all the delicious looking food. you also noticed the prices next to them, making your eyes widen at how expensive they all seemed to be.

"june i can't ask you to spend this much money on me!" you gasped, looking up at her.

"of course you can, i want to spoil you y/n, you deserve to be spoilt" she told you, making you smile at her generosity.

the rest of the dinner was spent telling stories about your childhoods, eating food you didn't even know could be so good and laughing at pretty much everything. june had paid, though you did try to convince her to split it which didn't work as she secretly paid the second you weren't paying attention.

she drove you home, where you both said your goodbyes and shared a hug before you went to bed for the night wondering about what tomorrow would bring.


the morning went by quick, and you had received no information from enchantress about the date leaving you a little panicky but you couldn't do anything about it. just then, there was a knock on the door pulling you away from your random thoughts.

you opened the door, revealing the witch you had been wondering about, a bag in her hands.

"oh, tess.. i didn't know you were coming" you said, using her nickname, "i'm not even dressed"

"that's what i wanted.. due to my, witchy-ness, i can't go out in public so i decided we should have a movie night here instead" she told you, walking into your living room.

you smiled at the thought and nodded your head, it sounded fun and it'd be nice just to stay in and where comfy clothes without caring what you looked like.

"i didn't know what you'd want to watch so i brought a film from almost every genre! horror, comedy, romance, action and more, which ones first?"

you looked at the giant selection of films which had been poured onto your floor, not that you minded. you read the back of some of them before you made your mind up and picked up your favourite one.

"scream 4!" you announced, holding up the case a smile on your face.

enchantress nodded her head, taking it from you and putting it in whilst you made the popcorn she had brought. you also mixed up the candy she had also brought, in a bowl before making the two of you a glass of soda each.

"do you need some help?" you heard her ask, you turned around and noticed her stood in the doorway.

"could you please bring the drinks in, i can't carry them" you told her, gesturing to the two bowls in your hands.

she nodded her head, walking towards you and taking them off the counter. she followed you into the living room and put them on the coffee table as you did the same with the bowls. you both then got comfy and pressed play.

you enjoyed the film, though some parts made you jump which made enchantress laugh. after it had finished, you put in mean girls. you almost had a heart attack when enchantress told you she had never seen it so you insisted she must right away. needless to say she loved the film and by the end of the night you were both tossing quotes from the film back and forth at eachother.


you stood in the kitchen, the two girls in front of you again, but this time they weren't arguing. instead, they were both looking at you and waiting for you to tell them who you wanted to be with.

you had been dreading this day because you knew one of them was going to be heartbroken, but it had to be done. after almost ten minutes of silence, you opened your mouth as you looked between them both.

"i choose..."

first of all, sorry for any mistakes i didn't have the chance to read through it all as i'm just about to go to sleep (its 10pm here & it's my first day of year 11/senior year tomorrow)

and second of all, due to me going back to school, i probably won't be updating as often, especially as it's my last year meaning i have to pay more attention to school but i will update as often as i can! (meaning two/three times a week)

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