harley quinn | 020

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requested: can you make one where the reader is the daughter of harley quinn and joins the squad.

(i also made joker the father so i hope that's okay)

& i know it's not possible for them to have a eighteen year old daughter but just go with it!

you had a very dysfunctional family there was no point in denying it. your dad was the most feared villain in gotham whilst your mom was the most craziest villain in gotham. you were crazy too. yes, some of it was inherited but you were brought up surrounded by death and hate which helped drive you insane. people feared you too, not just because they knew if they ever hurt you your parents would make sure they wished they were never born. but because you were powerful too, you were born with your dad's fighting skills and your mom's intelligence making you a very cunning person.

unfortunately, one night after the three of you had checked up on your dad's club on the way home you were all chased by batman. it was all fun and games until your dad drove you all into the sea, where the batman took you and your mom away. you didn't know how your dad managed to escape but he did somehow. you were separated from your mom but you didn't put up much of a fight as you were slipping in and out of consciousness. the next thing you knew, you woke up in a small cell laid on a single bed. you began yelling and banging on the door to get someone's attention which you eventually did and they told you that you had been sent to a prison where you can't hurt anyone.

you asked where your mom was, apparently they had sent her to a different prison as the two of you couldn't be trusted in the same building. that was two years ago. the first couple nights you cried, you missed seeing your mom and dad every morning and night but you soon got used to the loneliness. honestly, you thought the loneliness made you crazier. you began talking to yourself, asking yourself questions and laughing at your own jokes. sometimes you imagined it was your parents you were talking to and the guards laughed about it. but what they didn't realise is that you were just an eighteen year old girl who missed her family, even if they were crazy.

your cell door opened for the first time in weeks making you jump. you watched two people walk in looking very serious and grumpy one with a clipboard in her hand.

"what do you want?" you asked, glaring at the two.

"we just came to see you. we heard who you are and you may come in use to us soon" the woman told you, taking a good look at you before writing some things on her clipboard.

"what did you write?" you asked but she ignored you, "hey i'm talking to you what did you write"

she ignored you again causing you to grow angry and launch yourself at the woman. a guard was quick to react, pulling you back but you quickly elbowed him in the nose and then brought your knee up to his face repeatedly until he passed out. that's when seven more swarmed in, all holding some sort of weapons as they ran to you. you held your hands up in surrender.

"hey, hey! you know i don't like being grabbed by people it was his own fault" you told them.

it was true, you had mentioned time and time again that if anyone touched or grabbed you in any sort of way you wouldn't be held responsible for the consequences. they ignored you at first but soon started to listen when you ended up putting two guards in hospital for grabbing your arms. from that day forward, nobody had laid a finger on you until today.

"i think it's time you two go. it takes a while for y/n to calm down and you don't want to be in the same room as her when she's like this" a guard told the two people who nodded their head making their way out.

"for the record.. i wrote that you look sleep deprived and exactly like your mother nothing special" the woman called as she left the room.

that made you feel a little happy, something you hadn't felt in two years. you loved it when people compared you to your mom.. in a good way of course, but it also made you miss her more.


today was unusual. you were used to waking up and doing nothing all day but this morning, you were taken from your cell and put on a helicopter. you wasn't told where you were going or why which annoyed you but you couldn't do anything about it. you quite enjoyed the journey though, you had been joined by another inmate called boomerang and you actually thought he was quite funny.

when you landed, you were led to an area filled with lots of other people. you looked around curious yet bored. you still didn't know why you were here so you tried to figure it out by looking around but found nothing that helped you figure it out.

"look who's joined us! captain boomerang and y/n quinn" the guy you recognised as visiting you a few weeks ago announced.

"wait! y/n?" you heard a familiar voice ask causing you to snap your head towards the voice.

"mom?" you asked, looking around.

you soon managed to find the familiar blonde, blue and pink headed woman, though some of the dip dye had faded. you noticed tears in her eyes as they filled yours too. you didn't hesitate to run towards her and pull her into a tight hug which she soon returned. you both held onto each other for awhile, enjoying the moment as you hadn't seen each other in two years.

"alright guys time to break it up" the same guy ordered.

you groaned, but pulled away smiling at your mom.

"i missed you pumpkin! i never stopped thinking about you" she told you, brushing some hair behind your ear.

"me too mom. i thought i was never going to see you again"

"well we're together now and your dad's on his way to rescue me, he'll be ecstatic to see that you're here too but don't tell anyone it's a secret" she whispered, sending you a wink.

you laughed but nodded your head as you felt yourself become even more excited. you were finally gonna get your family back.

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