rick flag | 025

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requested: can you do something like the reader is a member of the squad and they are all friends with the reader (can you make harley her best friend) but rick flag likes her but so does the joker so they're mad at eachother but you choose rick.

(in this pretend the joker is apart of the squad & he's only friends with harley)

you popped the bubblegum that your good friend harley had given you as you skipped down the streets of midway city along with the rest of your little gang. you giggled, loving the feeling of fresh air on your skin even if it was cold. you had been locked up in your cell for over a year and finally had a change of scenery so you weren't fussed what the weather is like.

you stopped skipping once you had reached harley who was holding her bat on her shoulders as she looked around at the buildings. she noticed your presence and gave you a big smile, dropping her arms so she could wrap one around you, pulling you close so she was able to whisper in your ear.

"i think someone likes you"

you gave her a confused look, before looking around at all the boys walking with the two of you before returning your gaze back onto the blonde.

"who?" you asked, in a small voice.

"the green haired one! he keeps looking at you and smiling to himself" she whispered in a 'duh' tone.

you narrowed your eyes, focusing your attention on the one known as the joker who did indeed have his gaze locked onto you. you have him a smile which he returned, along with a wink making you giggle.

"uh oh" you heard harley mutter.

you looked back at her again confused, expecting there to be some more of enchantress' minions to kill but instead her eyes were on a red faced rick.

"i think he likes you too.. he's clearly jealous" she laughed at the situation but you shot her a look making her stop.

you sighed, walking away from harley and towards rick who seemed to relax at the sight of you. you smiled, putting your gun away as you walked next to him.

"what made you so mad mr grumpy pants?" you joked, nudging him playfully.

"nothing of your concern. just don't like some people" he replied bluntly, shrugging his shoulders.

"who? let me guess... deadshot?" you asked, causing rick to shake his head.

"diablo? no it can't be he's too sweet. umm... ooh! the joker?"

he stayed silent, proving you were right causing you to jump up and down in delight.

"i'm right aren't i! how come? he seems cool lets not forget he's insanely hot" you admitted noticing rick's jaw tense, "but he's not my type, i prefer the soldiers"

he instantly relaxed, smiling at you as you smiled back.

"well well well, what do we have here? you trying to keep our y/n to yourself?" the joker asked, a smirk on his face. "how selfish"

"you keep your mouth shut or you won't have one"

"ooh, i'm scared. you do realise who i am don't you? the bomb won't work on me soon.. that is if it doesn't already. i have people. people who can do what i want and get what i want" he semi threatened rick.

you backed away, not wanting to be apart of the argument taking place. you and probably all of the squad expected rick to argue back but instead he stormed off, down the street shaking his head. you all watched him walk, harley and the joker had a smile on their face enjoying the drama whilst the rest of you weren't sure what to do.

"what're we supposed to do now? we can't go anywhere without him!" deadshot asked to nobody in particular.

"just wait for him to come back or bring him back. he'll be over his temper tantrum soon" harley rolled her eyes.

everyone's gaze landed on you, as you looked at them all like a deer caught in the headlights.

"what?" you asked, chewing on your gum.

"you should go talk to him. he likes you the most.. maybe you could talk to him and get the bastard to come back" digger told you.

you nodded your head, throwing your hair behind your shoulder before you walked down the same street as rick had moments before. you couldn't see him at first but soon found him facing the wall at the end of the street rubbing his hands on his face in frustration.

"hey rick.. umm, we kinda need you back. we can't do anything without you" you informed him, feeling a little awkward.

"do you like him y/n?" he suddenly asked, facing you.

"who the joker?"

"yes him! because if you do then you should know that i like you and i don't want you down here talking to me if you prefer him" he raised his voice slightly, looking hurt.

"aww rick i like you too! and honestly, i think the joker is better with harley! they're both as insane as eachother" you told him, laughing at your own statement.

he laughed too, seeming to perk up as he made his way towards you. he leaned forward, resting his hands on your face before he placed his lips on yours. the kiss was sweet and slow leaving a smile on your face as you pulled away.

"i think we should get back, who knows what happened whilst we were gone" rick joked though there was a hint of seriousness to his voice.

quick note/question! :

does this mean i have to update my phone??

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