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requested: you are the queen of gotham before harley but one day the joker has enough of you so he abuses you and handcuffs you to a chair in an abandoned warehouse and leaves you there to die but rick saves you.

you sat next to the joker in his club, the one you were at basically everyday. you loved it, and you loved him. he was the king and you were the queen. you met the joker when he decided to rob the shop you worked at, he saw you and he was intrigued so he took you. you hated him at first, he took you away from your normal life that you loved so much but after months of being with the clown, you came to like him. you didn't know wether you genuinely liked him or you were just made to believe you were due to the many electrotherapy sessions you had in his basement, but either way you were happy and that's all that mattered.

that's was how he turned you into what you are now. you had killed many people, innocent people. the old you would've never even dreamt about doing anything close to that but he made you believe that it was a good thing to do so you did it. nobody dared to cross you, knowing if they did not only would you hurt them but so would the joker.

tonight, wasn't the same as all the other nights. you could sense something was off as mistah.j looked at you with a peculiar look in his eye. you had never seen it before making it harder for you to recognise it. it made you feel uncomfortable, you wanted him to stop looking at you like that but he wouldn't. you watched him as he stood up slowly, clasping both of his hands around his cane and crack his neck before looking straight at you.

"come on, we're going somewhere" he ordered, turning his back to you.

this hurt you a little, you were used to the pet names he always called you. doll, baby, pumpkin, sugar. the only times he didn't call you them was when he was mad at you, which made you hope he wasn't. you nodded your head though, and stood up whilst grabbing your coat and following him out of the club. he didn't even open the passenger door for you which stopped the inner debate you were having as now you knew he was mad at you.

you sighed, before getting in the car yourself. he barley gave you time to get in properly before he began zooming down the streets of gotham. unlike usual, you weren't laughing and having fun, the atmosphere was tense and you could almost feel the frustration coming off of him. he came to a halt outside an abandoned warehouse you had never seen before.

"what're we doing here?" you asked him, as you got out of the car.

"oh you'll soon find out" he smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile it made you shiver.

you didn't say another word as you followed him into the warehouse and up the many stairs before you both entered a room which looked like nobody had been there in centuries. it was full of bricks that had fallen, dirt, random objects and probably rats. you looked around confused, scared and worried.

you turned around to face the joker but before you could even register where he was you felt a sharp slap across your cheek making you gasp. you looked up to see him towering over you with a pleased yet irritated look on his face before his hand came down again,this time knocking you onto the floor. you groaned in pain but quickly attempted to crawl away from the man who was hurting you for no apparent reason but he grabbed onto your hair and pulled you back.

you winced in pain, but that didn't stop him as he punched your jaw and kicked you in the ribs. the beating went on for another couple of minutes. he didn't stop no matter how many times or how loud you would plead him to stop. it did however stop for a couple of seconds which gave you a chance to catch your breath after all the screaming you had done. you then heard a click, causing your head to snap up and see that he had somehow handcuffed you to a chair that weighed a tonne by your ankle. you shook your head in denial as you wriggled your foot in an attempt to get loose.

"why? i thought you loved me" you said in a small sad voice.

you expected him to feel guilty, or at least sad. but instead he just smiled, turned to you and said "i could never love you". with that, he left. you were alone, cold and heartbroken. you loved him so much it hurt and for him to just throw you away like your nothing made you angry but most of all devastated.


you don't know how long you had spent in this disgusting place. hours, days maybe even a week. you were weak and dirty, all you wanted was a nice warm bath whilst the joker made you a something nice to eat. but that wasn't going to happen, you had no idea what he was doing right now but you knew it wasn't going to be anything to do with coming back for you. you weakly moved your foot again, trying to make the handcuffs break or do something that could help you leave but with your current state that wasn't going to happen.

you jumped, your heart began pounding as you heard heavy footsteps make their way throughout the building. mistah.j came back? you didn't know wether to be happy or angry that he left you here in the first place. the footsteps got closer and closer until they finally stopped outside the room you were in. you turned your head and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. it wasn't the joker, it was somebody else that you had never seen before. he was holding a gun, and was wearing a green army outfit with a hat.

"what're you doing here?" he asked you, looking at you like you were a stray dog.

"long story. just please help me" you said, though it came out quiet.

he looked at you cautiously as he slowly made his way to you, stopping right next to you.

"not until you tell me why you're here and who your are" he told you, making you sigh.

"okay fine. my name's y/n and i'm here because the person that i thought loved me decided to bring me here, beat me half to death and handcuff me to this chair and then tell me they could never love me! and then he left.. i've been here for a couple of days now. i think" you told him, your eyes watering a little.

he looked at you making it clear he felt bad for you. he then lifted his arm, and took something out of his pocket. you noticed it was a small object and seemed to be made out of metal. after a while of messing around with the handcuff, you heard a click and you let out a sigh of relief as you quickly took your ankle out of the horrible thing which had kept you trapped in the building.

"my name's rick by the way. i'm sorry about what happened to you, the guy sounds like a real jerk. do you wanna come to my house? get cleaned up, have something to eat?"

"please, if you don't mind" you smiled as he helped you stand up.

"i don't mind at all"

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