the joker | 006

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imagine: you and joker meeting on a regular basis at the asylum and becoming friends. when he convinces harley to steal a machine gun for him so he can escape he takes you with him.

part two of my first joker imagine (requested)

life at arkham asylum wasn't so bad. you now had a friend, who you actually liked who made it worth while. you never thought you'd ever actually meet the joker never mind befriend him. something about him made you want to find out more about the crazy clown. he was so interesting to you and without him your life would be pointless as cheesy as it sounds.

you had just finished your daily therapy session with dr.harleen quinzel. you liked her if you were being honest, she didn't judge you, she actually took time to get to know you and tried to help you. you were making your way back to your cell when you bumped into someone's chest making you gasp slightly.

"careful doll, you might hurt yourself"

you looked up, coming face to face with the person you had come to love making you smile.

"where are you heading to mr.j?" you asked him, twirling your hair in your fingers.

"oh you know, i have another therapy session today. this is my last one" he told you leaving you confused.

"i didn't know you could stop having therapy whilst you were in here" you told him.

"that's because you can't doll. i can't tell you much but all you need to know is that you'll be coming with me tomorrow" he said, leaning in closer.

you were about to ask him what he was talking about, but you were unable to as two guards grabbed the two of you pulling you apart.

"keep it moving guys, you shouldn't be out of your cells" they informed, dragging you towards your cell as the joker was dragged to his therapy session.


the joker didn't come back to his cell last night, or he might've done but he didn't speak to you all night. you were confused and scared. had his cell been moved? you hoped not, if he had you'd be alone again and you didn't want that.  you sighed, leaning on your wall as you sat on the bed. you were extremely bored and had nothing to do.

you were about to take another nap, but jumped when you heard the sound of a gun going off. at first you thought it was one of the guards, they tend to shoot people when they don't cooperate. but after two minutes of constant gun shots, you knew it wasn't. you didn't know what to do. you weren't able to look and see what was going on, but you really wanted to know what was happening.

a few seconds later, it was completely silent. you heard footsteps coming closer and closer making you anxious as you expected the worst. the door to your cell opened, making you walk towards it in curiosity. you gasped as you saw the familiar green headed and pale skinned joker with a machine gun in his hand and his usual smile on his face.

"j what are you doing?" you asked, now standing in front of him.

"i'm escaping doll, and you're coming with me! i couldn't leave my friend behind now could i? come on, we have to go we don't have much time" he told you, grabbing your arm and pulling you in his direction.

you felt excited, you were finally getting out of this shithole with your favourite person ever.  

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