the joker | 027

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imagine: you and the joker are reunited after not seeing eachother in two years. (part two of the previous imagine)

okaay so this is kinda similar to the one where you're harley and the jokers daughter and you're reunited but there will be extra parts added on!

you and the others had just finished fighting more of the minions that enchantress had created. you huffed, the hair that wasn't apart of your pigtails flying up in the process as you looked around proud of all the ones you had managed to kill.

"we have to keep moving, we're almost there" rick shouted to you all, making you wonder why he was always so moody.

you all obliged, following rick and his team to a wall which he exploded so you could all get through. you jumped through giggling a little until you saw all the stairs.

"we aren't going up there are we?" you asked, eyes wide.

you heard deadshot chuckle at your expression as rick told you that you were. you groaned, but started walking knowing if you didn't you'd get killed.

"i need to work on my cardio" you panted, leaning onto the railing as you stopped. you looked down, seeing something you swore you had seen before. and then it hit you, as you gasped in surprise and began daydreaming about that day.


"question" the joker spoke, turning to you.

you were looking down at the chemicals, you weren't worried.. you knew what he wanted you to do and your were ready.

"would you die for me?" he asked.

"yes" you replied without hesitation, of course you would.

"that's too easy. would you... would you live for me?" he asked leaning in slightly, like he was analysing you.

"yes" you spoke again, not being able to tear your gaze away from the man you had fallen for.

"careful" he raised his finger at you, "do not say this oath thoughtlessly... desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power"

he lifted his hands to your face, caressing it as he seemed to stare into your soul.

"do you want this?" he asked

"i do" you replied honestly, smiling slightly at him.

"say it, say it, say it" he seemed to beg, shaking his head around a little, "pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty..."

"please" you whispered, finishing off his sentence which he seemed to like.

"god you're so.. good" he smiled, his voice raising slightly before he took a step away from you.

you looked down at the bubbling chemicals again before looking back at the joker. you don't know what but something about him made you want to do anything he asked. you were in love and you were happy. he nodded to you, gesturing to the ace chemicals. you held out your arms, staring at the joker before you fell back, splashing into the acid which burned and tingled your skin.

the joker looked down at your body which had sunk to the bottom. he turned around, ready to leave. he didn't need you anymore, you would only be a distraction to him. he took a couple of steps before he had to stop as he began feeling guilty. he cared about you more than he was willing to admit. he then growled, twitching his neck, cracking it in the process before he threw off his jacket and sped to the edge. he jumped off, and landed into the same chemicals you had. he reached in, ignoring the tingling and soon found your body. he managed a tight grip and pulled you to the surface with him.

his arms were still wrapped tight around your body as he leaned in to kiss you. as he pulled away, you gasped, opening your eyes to see him smiling down at your chemical coated body. he leaned down for another kiss, which you were happy to accept as you kissed him back. he then pulled away again, this time to let out his terrifying laugh which you loved. 


you jumped, raising your gun as you heard someone come up next to you, you aimed it at the culprit ready for fire but soon realised it was just floyd.

"relax, it's me" he told you, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"you ever been in love?" you asked him, sadness evident in your voice as the gun was still raised.

"nah. never" he replied instantly.

"bullshit" you almost whined, feeling like you were about to cry, finally putting the gun down.

"you don't kill as many people as i like and sleep like a kitten, and get to feel things like love" he told you.

"another textbook sociopath" you joked, before you carried on walking, deadshot following behind.


you were now on the roof with the rest of the squad but now amanda waller had joined you. she was the one who had created the squad, and brought you here. you weren't a big fan of her but you admired her badass side.

"he's not responding" you heard rick say to amanda, though you had no idea what they were talking about.

"everybody take cover our birds been jacked!" he suddenly shouted, making you quickly run behind a wall.

you put your fingers in your ears, the gunshots were too noisy for you as you leant against the wall waiting for it to end. you noticed deadshot had joined you and was looking at you weirdly making you feel awkward.

"what i gotta hickey or something?" you asked, your hand flying to your neck.

he didn't reply, leaving you confused but you stopped thinking about it as you felt your phone buzz and you knew instantly who it was. you quickly pulled it out of your pocket, reading the message which was very simple. 'NOW'.

you smiled, realising who had taken the helicopter and stood up.

"harley!" floyd shouted not wanting you to die as you walked away.

you ignored him knowing that if he wanted you now you wouldn't be killed. you walked towards the helicopter, somehow missing all the bullets that were being fired as your full attention was on getting back to your boyfriend that you had missed so much.

"come on baby" he growled as he saw you getting closer, his eyes lighting up more. he threw down a rope and you knew what you had to do.

you threw off the jacket he had given you, not caring for it as you ran to the end of the building.

"kill her!" you heard amanda order rick making you smirk.

"her nanites disarmed" he told her.
(if that's what it's called i forgot sorry)

you jumped forward, grabbing onto the rope as you were flown away. you giggled, waving bye to all your friends who looked at you surprised. you started doing tricks on the rope, swinging around and dangling upside down. during your little show, you noticed deadshot had his gun aimed at you. half of you was nervous thinking he was going to shoot you, the other half knew that he wouldn't. you heard the trigger, and decided to play a little game. you unraveled yourself from the rope, your body looked limp as you slid all the way to the bottom but before you fell of, you kicked your legs back up, lifting your head as more giggles left your mouth.

you then had enough, and decided that you wanted nothing more than to see your lover. you managed to climb up the rope, pulling yourself to the top where the joker was waiting with an outstretched hand. you took it, and he pulled you up. you jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck with a huge smile on your face.

"puddin" you squealed out before slamming your lips to his for a well needed kiss.

he growled into the kiss before you both pulled away, one of his arms still wrapped tightly around you.

"i got some grape soda on ice and a bear skin rug waiting" he told you, pulling you closer to him.

"yeah?" you asked, a happy sigh escaping your lips.

"boss! we have a problem!" you heard jonny shout from the front making both of your heads snap towards him.

you were soon hit by a bang, which was obviously aimed at the helicopter. j groaned, before looking down and then back at you.

"okay honey, it's me and you" he decided, giving you a smile.

"let's do it" you agreed, knowing what he meant.

you were both ready to jump, until the helicopter jerked back causing you to tumble out by yourself as the joker fell back into the helicopter. you screamed, attempting to grab onto something but was only met with thin air.

"no!" you heard j shout in anger as he watched you fall without him.

your back was met with the hard ground as you rolled a couple of times before finally standing up and running to the edge of the roof where you fell to your knees. you watched the helicopter fall to the ground, causing an explosion and a gasp left your mouth.

the tears welled up in your eyes as you realised that the person you loved the most had been killed when you had only just got him back.

don't worry there will be a part three!! i couldn't leave it like this!

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