Entree 1

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Darkness. Its comforting to me, maybe that makes me strange maybe it doesn't. Darkness is the opposite of light, light is nice fun and happy. Darkness is bleak and void of emotion, that's why I like darkness it puts a pause on this pain that plagues my mind and chest taking my happiness until joy is nothing more than a drunken dream.

So it is in this darkness that I choose to break the rule and feel my emotions, my sadness no longer can be contained as I sobbed like a mad woman, Sobbing silently so that my father doesn't know I'm awake. So that my father may not know of my pain and come into "Comfort" me.

Morning crashes over like a train wreck. My alarm blaring like I was ever sleeping. I turn it off and find the black covers off the top of me, The sunlight ems cheerfully through my windows and illuminates my white room.

Although I do prefer black, the cleanness and classic look of an all-white room is something I'd miss too much if it was all black. My room for me looked like a winter wonderland in the midst of summer, I loved it.

Gracefully stepping out of my king-sized bed I slipped on my slippers and left to the bathroom also inside my room, I brushed my sparkling white teeth and washed my clean feminine face. I looked in the mirror drinking in my amber and light brown eye's.

I had jet black hair that tumbled thickly down to my waist that as straight as can be and a set of plump full pink lips. Freckles danced lightly across my naturally tanned skin topped off with a small and grossly perfect nose.

To say I was pretty would be an understatement, I took after my mother and she was deemed as the most beautiful woman in England for three years straight. But I hated my looks, everything was so pretty and perfect the complete opposite of my life.

Having had enough of looking at myself I took a quick shower and washed my hair. I put on a simple grey knitted sweater and a pair of black leggings with a beat down pair of black combat boots. My hair was still wet so I just through it into a messy bun and grabbed my white scarf and black coat. Pam

My dad owned some basketball team so we were pretty wealthy, not that I cared much. I skimmed down the stairs and grabbed the keys off the counter to the beat down Honda. I didn't say bye to my dad who was pouring a cup of "coffee into his coffee mug. Once out the door I plugged in my earplugs and walked to the elevator, we lived in a Condo.

Outside was sunny as usually in Florida, I made my way to the cafe across the street as I did every morning. The cafe was small but homey and cozy, it was like my second home. Entering the small brown doors I heard the familiar smells and the scents of nutmeg and cinnamon invading my nostrils.

Looking down in a split second I saw Ms.Perch with her hands already around my waist. I smiled happily as I bent down to hug the sweet old lady. Ms. Perch was. a short stack of pancakes standing at 4'7. I on the ot, on the other hand, Her glasses perched on top of her fragilee little nose and her long silky grey hair put into a tight bun. "Hello, dearest!" Ms.perch beamed happily as she let me go. "I've got a graduation present for you" she exclaimed as graduationbehind the counter. "Ms.perch" I sighed as my eye's watered, she was like a second mother to me "You know you shouldn't have".

Ms.Perch shrugged her shoulders innocently as she handed me a pamphlet, "What's this?" I asked as I skimmed the pamphlet, it had something to do with a two week resort to California. Ms. perch bright green eyes danced with joy and I felt slightly envious that she could be so happy.

"Well Whats better than going on a vacation after Graduation love?" she hugged me again and I was rendered speechless. I remembered the countess hours I would talk to mother about one day going to Calli and doing all sorts of things, she promised she'd be right there with me.

But She lied
They both did

I found myself blinking back tears and hugging Ms.perch back, I don't wanna go if he's not there with me. "Oh gosh Thank you so much Ms.P"
She smiled and pulled back "I payed for everything so you leave in a week" I nodded my head and thanked her again, "No problem dear, now I bet you want a cinnamon expresso and an white chocolate covered brownie" I nodded a this what I always get when I come here.

Ten minutes later I had an small paper brown bag and was driving up the hill and into the wooded road that me and him secretly paved together one night.

"Look at this place" He grinned as his bright green eye's looked around happily, "It's amazing"
"Yeah it's pretty great" I agreed, this could be our secret spot.
"Hey what if this is our secret spot, all best friends have one" His eyes snapped to mine and I shrugged Cooley"Sure why not".
I Love you
"Great let' make a path for only our car" He started to move the branches and large logs out of the way while I stood there trying to act nonchalant as my heart swelled. Once he was done making the path we ventured all the way to the end of the small woodland, it lead to a cliff that had an amazing view.

I sucked in a breath of cool air as my heart was about to burst, this as all ours? Now seemed the best time than ever to tell him what I've been dying to say, "Grayson" I turned to look at him but fond him already looking at me, his eyes
shiny with unshed tears "Yeah I know" he grinned despite the tears cascading down his cheeks, His green eye's now seemed to glow in the darkness.

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