Episode 2: Billionaire Murderer

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The police department had put him on the case Pegasus.

It had been a murder, just like the biologist had suspected.

Many questions had already crossed the mind of the detective. Who had done this to the billionaire? And why?

He had listened many times to the recordings, that were made with the microphone beneath the table,  one of his colleagues had brought in.

He had made a list of the prime suspects due to what the recordings said, but he needed to know more. He needed to know what their bonds with Maximillion Pegasus were.

He took a deep breath and stood up from his seat.

The interrogation room should be ready by now.

The detective walked through the long corridor that lead to the interrogation room. You could hear the clicking sound of his fancy shoes on the tiles.

When he arrived, he carefully opened the heavy door.

Inside, there sat ten people: the people who had witnessed the night.

The suspects.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Good that you're all here. I want to talk to you about something," he said.

He paused for a couple seconds. "But I think you all know why you'r here. And I think that you all agree with me on one thing."

Everyone looked at him.

"The killer is in this room. The killer is one of you," he said.

"I want you to listen to something," he said.

He grabbed the remote that lied on the table. Then he pressed play.

"Please, Kaiba. Do it."

Maximillion Pegasus' voice filled the room.

"Do what?"

"You should tell everyone what you're up to."

Then the detective pressed the pause button.

"Explain, Mr Kaiba?" the detective said.

"This again?" Seto said. "You can as well play my reply to that question. I am up to nothing!"

"Well, you're one of my prime suspects until you give me an explanation that makes sense," the detective said.

The detective sighed. "Now, to my other prime suspect," he said.

He pressed play.

"S-Sennen! Y-You!"

The detective turned his head towards Yami. "Do you have any idea what he wanted to say after this?" he asked.

"I thought he just yelled that at me because I am the only one who could actually help him. I have knowledge of these things. It sounds not too strange that he yelled my name," Yami said.

The detective replayed the part.

"S-Sennen! Y-You!"

"It doesn't sound like he wants help. It sounds more like he is blaming you for something."

"Is he?" Yami said.

"You have no idea where he could have blamed you for?" the detective asked.

"No idea," Yami replied.

"I will find out eventually," he said.

He turned his head towards Joseph. "You two don't get on too well with each other, do you?" he said while pointing at Kaiba.

"Not really," Joseph said. "Seto and I just don't like each other that much, but I haven't killed anyone!"

"Alright... Mr Kaiba?" the detective asked.

"What he says. That I don't like the dog doesn't mean I killed someone," Seto said.

Joseph growled. "Stop calling me dog!"

Seto turned his head towards his lover so he didn't have to look at Joseph anymore.

Joseph gritted his teeth. "Look, I understand you think this is suspicious, but really, I will help you find the killer. Pegasus was one of my friends."

The detective nodded. "I understand this is hard for all of you, but we need to find the killer."

He looked at Kaiba again. "You're really on top of my list, Kaiba," he said. "You better prove me wrong."

Kaiba stared at him with a destructive look in his eyes.

Then he turned his head towards the last prime suspect.

"Miss Gardner," he said. "You were responsible for the wine, right?"

"I was," she stammered.

"Did anyone but you went to the kitchen?" he asked. "One of these people?"

The detective could see she was hesitating.

"You can tell me," he said.

"I'm sorry sir," Téa said. "I haven't seen anyone enter the kitchen."

"Alright then."

"Does anyone want to say anything else?" the detective asked.

Marik, who had been staring at the man the whole time already, raised his hand.

"Yes?" the detective asked.

"What is your name?" Marik asked.

"Didn't I introduce myself? My name is Malik," he said.

Everyone stared at the detective.

"Other questions?"

The detective looked around.

"No? Alright then. Tomorrow I will visit all of you. Make sure that you're at home."

Then he left the room.

Cecilia Pegasus' butler was told by his boss to drive to the huge house that stood next to the long river that flooded all trough their hometown.

The butler had promised something to his boss a few days ago: he would prove the guilt of the killer of Maximillion Pegasus.

And this long journey was starting today. He had to leave Mrs Pegasus for his new job... If he succeeded today.

He parked the car somewhere near the house, but not too near, for they shouldn't know who he truely was.

He started to walk towards the huge mansion. The doors were open, he saw.

When he entered the house, the hallway was filled with women of all ages. They were whispering to each other, not being to loud, all standing straight up.

The man joined him. He decided to stand next to a young girl, that appearantly was also coming for the job application.

"Kinda exciting, isn't it?" she asked the butler.

"Are you nervous?" the man asked with a kind voice.

"A bit. I always find these things scary to do. And I really need this job!" the girl said.

So do I, the man thought.

The sound of a door opening was to be heard through the whole hallway.

Then a girl left the room and hurried to the front door.

Another person appeared in the doorway. The tall man with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes looked at a piece of paper he was holding in his hand.

"Miss Muto?" Seto Kaiba asked the group of people that stood in the hallway.

The butler sighed, but walked towards the man.

"Actually it's mister," the butler chuckled.

"I see. I'm sorry," Seto said a bit confused while looking at the petite man.

Then he made a gesture with his hand that invited the butler to enter the room.

When he had entered the room, he saw another man sitting at the table. He was wearing glasses, probably for reading the papers that laid in front of him.

When he noticed the butler, he took off his glasses and looked at the man. Then a smile appeared all over his face.

"Ha! How extraordinary!" he said cheerfully.

Seto shut the door. "I think scary is a better word for it," he said.

Yami Sennen stood up from his seat and inspected the young man. "We look just the same," he whispered. "How is that possible? Almost the same DNA... But we're not relative, are we?"

"I don't think so.." the butler said astonished.

He had never seen this man before in his life. No time to be surprised, he thought. He shivered. This was his only chance.

"But extraordinairy it is indeed," he whispered.

Yami laughed and moved back to his seat. Seto sat down next to him.

"Please, have a seat," Seto said with his cold voice.

The butler sat down on one of the chairs that were upholstered in soft red velvet.

"Yugi Muto," Yami said when he had put his glasses back on and was reading something from the papers in front of him.

"To be honest, we absolutely hadn't expected you to be a man," Yami chuckled. "Why in heavens name would you want to become a maid?"

"I just love cleaning," Yugi said.

"A man who loves cleaning," Seto said.

Yugi nodded shyly.

"Well, alright," Seto said. "First of all, do you know why we're looking for a new maid?"

He did. Since Mr Pegasus got killed, Mr Kaiba was the prime suspect. The newspapers were full of pictures of Seto Kaiba, with text beneath it that said for example:




As a result, their maid became so scared of the 'billionaire murderer' that she quit her job.

"I think so," Yugi said. "But I don't think you are guilty."

In fact, Yugi did think he was guilty. There were so many reasons Kaiba could have done it! Industrial Illusions and KaibaCorp had always been rivals, and lately Industrual Illusions had had better profits than KaibaCorp.

"Seto Kaiba has killed my husband!" Cecelia had cried when he had picked her up from the Ishtar mansion a few days ago. "I know there's evidence in that house, and I need you to find it, Yugi! You're the only one I trust right now!" she had said before she broke down in tears in his arms.

He was going to prove this man was guilty.

"I'm glad to hear that. I am innocent," Seto said relieved.

"Let's start with the interview then. Do you have any other hobbies except for cleaning?" Seto asked.

"Well, I can cook too," Yugi said.

Yami wrote it down on the paper.

"Do you have a relationship or kids?" Seto asked.

"No," Yugi said.

"How would you describe yourself?" Seto asked.

"Well, I'm shy and quiet sometimes, but I'm a hard worker. I want to do my job as best as I can so I can make you proud," Yugi said.

Yami looked at Seto.

"I like him," Yami said.

Seto looked at him. "That he looks like you doesn't mean you should immediately like him," he said. "And besides, we haven't finishes asking him all the questions."

Yami shook his head. "Oh, I don't care. I just want him as our new maid."

Seto sighed. "Alright," he said sarcastic.

Yami chuckled. "You're hired. You can start tomorrow."

Yugi's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Make sure you're on time," Seto said annoyed.

Yugi stood up from his seat. "I don't know how I can thank you!"

"Just go. And be on time tomorrow," Seto said.

Yugi nodded. "Yes, Mr Kaiba."

Then he left the room.

"Interviews are over! Everyone can go home now!" Seto's voice boomed through the hallway.

A smirk was to be seen on the petite man's face, who had already dissapeared.

The room was dark and cold.

Shadows danced on the walls. Two dark silhouettes were visible.

"You killed Pegasus?!" a voice said.

"I had no choice," the other voice said.

"Don't you realize what you have done? We're in danger now!"

"But he knew! And he was going to tell everyone that evening! You know that he was!"

"I don't know whether I can trust you again or not," the voice growled.

"Of course you do.. You know why I did it."

"You shouldn't have killed someone! What is it worth if there have to be made sacrifices?"

"We just need some more time.. You know that," the other voice said.

Their shadows almost touched each other.

"No more sacrifices.. No one will find out anymore," the other voice said.

"Alright.. I believe you," the voice answered.

"Are you alright?" Bakura asked his fiancé, who kept turning and turning in their bed that night.

"It's so strange.. That man looked like me.. We almost have the same name too! It's creeping me out, Bakura! It's creeping me out!"

"Don't you worry. He will only help us find who killed Pegasus and then he will just leave. You will never see him again after that."

"If you say so," Marik said while he turned around so he could face the silver-haired man. He took one of his long locks in his hand and put it behind Bakura's ear.

"You're so pretty," Marik said.

"But not so pretty as you are," Bakura said.

"Are we being romantic all of a sudden? You know I love this side of you!" Marik said.

Bakura smirked and crashed their lips together. He moved his hands towards Marik's boxers.

"B-Bakura! Fluffy! So this is what you're up to.." Marik smirked.

"Come on, we can have just a little but fun tonight, can't we?"

Marik chuckled. "I love this side of you too," he said.

The next moment, Marik hovered above his lover's body.

He left a trail of kisses in his neck.

"Hm, Marik," Bakura moaned.

He stopped for a moment so he could stand up from the bed and close the curtains.

Then their fun commenced.

"Ah! M-Marik!" Bakura exclaimed.

"Mm, fluffy, you feel so good!" he moaned.

"A-Are you already?" Bakura asked surprised when he felt something strange.

"F-Fluffy.. I-I.."

"W-What the bloody hell are you doing?" Bakura asked.

Then he realized what was happening.


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