77 ~ A Risky Pleasure

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Do not try the stunt performed by the couple. Maybe 16+

Suman POV

I was staring at my hands. The mild fragrance of the henna bathed in the essential oils, especially jasmine, wrapped me as if I were sitting in the middle of a floral garden. A smile was there on my face, though a slight one only.

All of this was dreamy. Too much dreamy to believe. Now, I could trust or prove that there was something called destiny. I did not know how much of it was written in my stars and how much I had worked hard for it. For so many reasons, I knew I did not deserve any of this.

This was not the first time when a helper was getting married to a Prince. The enslaved people, the attendees, and the lower people did get married to the Princes in history, but no wedding was like this. They were mostly political moves, few for love and many for lust.

But, my marriage with Kunwar Agastya was something different. Not just something but very different. My whole life, I kept on searching for the purpose in my life; I kept questioning the supreme power and why he gave birth to me when he only planned to make me suffer. And, when no light seemed to be coming into my life except pain and suffering, I stopped asking that question, too.

But now, I think I know why my life was like that. Now, I could see the light coming to me. My light, my purpose, my destiny was this. Wife of Kunwar Agastya Dev Singh. I was meant to meet him; I was meant to be by his side. I suffered because only the suffering could teach me that everyone deserves love.

For a year, when we were not together, he left me, and I was alone in the Kingdom; I used to wonder if, for every mistake, we kept punishing the person, would that mean he would never deserve love?

Strangely, I found the answer in myself. And, for me, Kunwar Agastya deserved love. Through it, I understood one thing: shower him with love if you think this person deserves love despite all his mistakes. Provided his intentions towards you should be loving and caring. No one deserves love in exchange for brutal intentions.

Kunwar Agastya has showered me with nothing but love. Love that I stopped longing for, love that I stopped asking for, love that was erased out of my life.

He came as a new hope in my life, a new spring and flooded me with his fragrance, happiness, charm and love.

I inhaled deeply, staring at his name written in the middle of my henna, looking beautiful and elegant, something I never thought would be happening to me. My heart was so full of gratitude and love that it was aching.

After eight years, I had put henna on my hand again, and honestly, it felt like it was my first time. I blinked rapidly to avoid the happy tears rolling down my cheeks and making people notice I was crying.

The flowery crosses and filling designs on my palm seemed like the phases of a happy marriage. Flowers for happiness cross for problems and challenges and fill for the moments when there would be nothing but killing time with each other.

I chuckled, but we would be together, if not physically all the time, but emotionally, mentally and lovingly.

"Suman, come na," I came out of my wandering thoughts and looked at Nandani, panting a little and holding my hand.

"It's dried now, right?" she asked, and I nodded. My sight moved slightly off of her to notice everyone dancing to the melodies of the cultural folk songs, tabla, Dholak and flutes.

"It's your sangeet, come," she said, and I tried to shake my head. "I do not dance," I said, and she thinned her gaze.

"What are you saying?" her voice was loud, but still, it came very ruffled due to the musical noise.

"I do not dance," I tried to say louder, but suddenly, she pulled me up, and my eyes widened with shock. I looked at Queen Trisha and Princess Aishwarya, along with other Princesses and women, dancing in the middle of the open hall. The fire torches and the light stands cast a soft glow on their faces. The breezes were mild, and I could not help but laugh a little.

I was timid and introverted when it came to dancing. I did not know why, but when anyone asked me to dance, I started feeling conscious of my body. I would think that they were watching; they would notice my steps, my breasts would jump, and my back would look bad.

"Come," Nandani took me to the middle of the circle, and I looked around to see that though only the women were present at the function, I was still nervous.

Nandani held my hand, and suddenly, I felt my other hand being held by Princess Aishwarya. I laughed and tried to shake my head.

"Come on, Suman, show us those moves," Princess Aishwarya said with laughter, and they moved their waist along the beats. I felt my cheeks flushing hard with the timidness, and I tried to copy them for a moment.

And they were immediately stopped. Everyone was looking at me. They laughed and started to dance again. I also giggled and joined Nandani and Princess Aishwarya in the dance.

I tried to move my waist and spin myself along the beats. I knew how to dance, but it was young Suman. This Suman had forgotten everything. But, maybe because of this vital companionship of Kunwarsa and love by the family, I started to find my authentic and previous self back.

I laughed, moved my hands up and down along the beats, and spun around like everyone, and suddenly, before I could understand anything, I felt my cheek being hit by a flower. It was a sunflower. I thinned my gaze to look around. Who did this?

Walking past the crowd, I searched for anyone, maybe hiding behind the pillars or somewhere else, but I could not find anyone.

He did this?

I walked through the crowd again after giving up. Maybe it blew with the wind. I began to dance again and laughed with Nandani and Princess Aishwarya.

Suddenly, another flower hit me, and this time, I felt goosebumps and frightening shivers in my body. There was someone who was doing that.

I gulped nervously and tried to look around. There was not a single man around. There was no chance that he could be doing that. But, suddenly, my sight fell on the top of a chamber far away from there. There was no light on the terrace except a single fire torch. I could not see anything clearly in the dark.

But I knew that someone was there. I looked around to notice that everyone was busy dancing, even Daadisa.

I inhaled deeply and excused myself—the long skirt of bright yellow and green broom the floor along. The noise of the heavy anklet bells rang in the empty gallery as I walked through them towards that chamber's terrace.

I was afraid, but my heart told me it was none other than Kunwarsa.

I froze when I looked at the soldiers standing at the stairs. They looked at me, and I gulped nervously, but they looked at each other for a moment and then stepped aside.

"Thank you," I muttered slowly, adjusting the dupatta over my head before placing my feet on the first stair. My hands were freezing with the fear. It was highly silent here, only the faded voice coming from far away, the celebration garden reaching here.

I bit on my lips and slowly climbed the stairs. My dupatta flew off my head when I reached the terrace. It was cold in the air, colder than the floor. I fisted my hands on my skirt and walked a little around to see who was throwing flowers at me.

A slight manly chuckle scared me, and I muttered in a shaking voice. "Kunwarsa,"

I could not see anything. It was way too dark here, but then suddenly, in a corner near the walls of the terrace, I saw the fire torch's light. As I stepped closer, my gaze thinned to notice him standing against that wall, leaning backwards with a slingshot in his hand. He aimed at me, and I closed my eyes timidly when he shot another flower at me.

"What are you doing here?" I managed to ask slowly, and he lowered his gaze and muttered.

"Watching you dance?" he said, and I shook my head with confusion.

"How?" I asked and walked towards him. He was holding a golden equipment and gently pulled me closer to me. Turning me opposite to him against the wall, I felt the cold bricks brushing against my chest. They were so tall that they reached up to my shoulders, but they reached slightly above his midriff due to their height.

He put that equipment in front of my eyes, and I felt a sudden strain. But as soon as my vision adjusted through the glass, my eyes widened with shock to look at Nandani, Princess Aishwarya and everyone dancing. Though the image was not very clear but I could notice them, through their figure and clothes.

"What is this?" I could not stop myself from asking.

"Something that can bring people closer from afar," he muttered and I noticed him wrapping his arms around my waist. My breath hitched when I felt his warm chest sending waves of soothing comfort amid the hard and cold breezes. His palm felt warm and rough against my belly and my face tilted a little sidewards when he muttered slowly in my ear.

"I want to taste you,"

A strong shiver ran down my spine and I gulped nervously. I put that equipment down and blinked with slight fear.

"Here?" I managed to questioned. And, the moment he breathed in my ear, my heart fluttered. My own breathes heaved and he hummed. "Hmmmm, here,"

I bit on my lips. "How?" I whispered in a slow voice and suddenly he turned me to face him and before I could understand anything, he lifted me up by my waist and made me sit on the edge of that wall. My fingers turned cold with the fear and I looked behind me. It was insanely high.

"If I fall from here, I will end up in the corpse," I managed to say and placed my hand beside my waist on the edge. Though it was two feet thick but still falling from here meant death especially when the winds were too strong.

But, he just smirked and widened my legs after pulling my skirt up. I tried to push them together but the moment, he lifted both my legs up and placed them over his shoulder, I knew it was a game which I had already lost.

My body leaned backwards and I tangled my feet, trying to hold myself onto him. I did not want to die.

"Widen your legs," he breathed against my thigh and I looked at the starry night above me. The stars and the moon seemed very very close. I laid back on the edge of the wall, my head hanging back, my hair falling down and held my thighs tighter before pressing his lips against my core.

My lips parted and My eyes rolled back, feeling hit hot breath against my sensitive skin.

"I hate you for doing this and like this to me," I managed to say in a slow voice and my whole body shuddered when he licked me from the middle to the top of my crown.

"Annhhhh," I tried to press my thighs together.

"You are so warm and even wet now," he muttered against my skin and I could feel my lips drying up. My henna inked hands fisted in his hair and I tried to have a hold on myself to escape from falling from here.

As he began to deepen his assault on my core, I began shaking. His lips was sucking on me, making me wet, dirty and insanely out of my mind. "Annhhhhh," I cried out, moving my hips in sync with him, I pushed myself a little up and he immediately shifted his hands from my thighs to my neck. He cupped my neck tightly with both of his hands. My eyes shut closed, my whole body froze in that moment. The noise of my anklet bells filled the air, shaking due to his head moving against my core.

I loosened myself completely into him, trusting him with my life, my love and future. And, when I did it, I felt a wave of epiphany coursing through me. Everything felt light, healthy and I moaned slowly.

"Annhhhh, Kunwarsa," My body shook as the slow grunts escaped my lips but he did not stop rather hardened his sucking on my skin.

I felt myself closer to the release. My eyes opened wide, but my voice and breath was hung in my throat and chest. I could not speak, I could not react but feel everything he was making me feel. My hips shuddered against his mouth, I tightened my thighs together, crushing his face. I wanted to get rid of this haze.

And, suddenly when he pressed his lips tightly against my skin, hummed against my skin and I could feel his breaths shaking too, I felt the release washing over me.

My whole body went numb for a few seconds. I did not even realise that I was sitting on the edge of the wall, on the terrace of a chamber, at a decent height.

I slowly pulled my hand back from his hair and placed them beside me to sit up.

He slowly pulled his hand back from my neck too. I held his hand and he helped me in sitting up. My cheeks were insanely flushed and he quickly put me down off the wall.

For a few moments, I could not feel my legs and he suddenly, he crashed his lips against mine.

Another Update!!!

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