A Promise From A Flower

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And you guys think that flower reference was just a thing that I like to do :p

Anyway enjoy~

Serena's POV

Well, that was..weird. Why and how did I remember something that easily? What made it so easy for me to remember?

Is someone or Arceus telling me something about Ash and/or Gary? Well, then again they were my friends 6 years ago.

"You ok Serena?' Ash asked, I nod as a reply and left the lobby without a single word. That was pretty weird though and I just need some time alone.

But when I was walking towards my cabin I was suddenly stopped by Prof. Oak.

"Is there anything you need Prof?" I asked "Yes, I know you're here to retrieve your memories, but I want you to perform a song during this event for the campers" he replied "What kind of song?" I asked "Any song you wish to sing, I just want today to be somewhat modern for the new campers" he stated "Well, I kinda wanted to stay in my cabin the whole da-" he cut me off "Gary has told me all about you since day one, I know you want to get your memories when you were here, but a piece of advice. Don't force yourself to remember it won't work" he said and walked away, I quickly grabbed his arm and he looked back at me.

"Fine, I'll do..just to prove that I'm not forcing myself" I uttered "Now, that's the Serena Yvonne I knew back then" he smiled, he knew me? Oh wait, I went here 6 years ago..duh.

I continued heading back to my cabin until something caught my eye, it was far away from me, but my I could still see it from afar.

It was blue, it looked at like a Pokemon. I headed towards where it was, but by the time I got there I only saw a tiny flower.

I picked up the flower, I examined it carefully it was familiar. To be honest everything I see it this camp is familiar, but I couldn't put my finger into it.

Then suddenly an image of Ash and I holding the flower while doing a pinky promise suddenly popped in my mind.

I suddenly dizzy and the next thing I knew was that I passed out.

"It's called a Yveltal flower! Rumor has it if you find it's ideal flower partner called Xerneas flower they say that they were meant to be. It's like an amour history when two people have seen and found both of the flowers and ending up together forever!"

The boy exclaimed holding the flower as if it was his only life line, I looked around and saw one particular flower that was blue as the ocean kinda like the colour of my eyes.

I walked up to it and picked it up and showed it to the boy.

"Yeah! That's the flower!" He smiled brightly

"Then what should we do with it?" I asked

"Well, we're too young soo what about a promise?"

"A promise?"

"Yeah! A promise! The next time we see each other when we're older we can be together!" He exclaimed

"That's a little hardcore I think" I uttered

"Nonsense! Promises will always stay as promises until it will be fulfilled Gabena!" He pointed out

"Are you sure? Ash?" He nods as a reply

"Yeah! Pinky promise!" He lifted his pinky at me "Cross my heart!" He smiled, I returned the smile and intertwined my pinky with his "And hope to die"

Then suddenly everything turned black.

"Delphox!" I instantly woke up and saw Delphox looking at me with worry, I l9ok around and saw I was in a flower field.

"Weird..I knew I was somewhat in a field, but I wasn't really..." I trailed off and looked somewhere far into the distance, I saw the same creature but this time it ran up to me and Delphox.

Once it was just beside me, I couldn't speak or move. It looks so beautiful and graceful, I was in awestruck by it.

"Hello, we meet again young one" It spoke it's voice was feminine and calm, I guess it's a female.

"Why do you look familiar...could it be you Xerneas?" It nods at me "Yes, and I have seen your misfortune 6 years ago. Truly..it saddens me to see you suffering to get your precious memories back" It said "You saw it? Why?" I asked "I believe it's time for me to tell you about your father" My eyes widened from hearing the word "father".

"You know him?!" I gasped "Yes, I knew him, but sad to say his gone...forever" Xerneas uttered "How do you know him?" I asked "You have many questions I have to answer, but right now isn't the right time. I shall answer them tomorrow at dawn be back here and I shall give you your answer" After that it ran away from me, I looked up and saw that the sun was setting, I got up from the ground and looked back at Delphox who still had a worried expression on her face. I patted her head to assure her I was fine.

"You don't have to worry about me Delphox, I'm stronger than you think" I smiled at her "Delphox!" It exclaimed with a smile.

We then headed back to my cabin and when we arrived I instantly went to sleep not bothering changing or anything. Today was rather eventful well for me that is, and that dream I had..was it a memory?

Yes it is! The boy, his name was Ash right? Why did he call me Gabena? Oh well, atleast I now know that he is more than a boy that helped me out of the forest.

That promise he said back then, I guess we promised from the flower. What was that promise again? To be together fore-wait what?! We promised to marry each other?!

And that's a rap for this chapter! Ahh, it's good to be back! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ^_^

Here's a hint for the next chapter ^_^


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