Do you remember me?

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Heeey~ can't believe I made three chapters 😖😖 but then again, you guys are loving this story, so I decided to make three chapters ^_^

Anyway I hope u guys enjoy this chapter!

P.s Apologies for any grammatical errors or spellings English is not my first language (I'm also terrible at grammars and words)

Serena's POV

The summer breeze, the scorching sun, the sunlight, the ocean, and the native culture here in Kanto how I miss so much.

It's been 6 years since I visited this place, but not only did this place changed it still had that welcoming feeling that lighten ups your shoulders and body.

A flower that has been wanting to come back to its home can now see her home after all these years. Strangers welcoming her back, old friends smiling at her, nostalgia hitting everywhere she goes.

Oh how I miss this place and it's structure, but I'm feeling like a part of me is missing when I'm here...

I wonder why?

I was just lying on my bed looking up at the cieling while Delphox and the others play around the room, I don't like it when they're always in their Pokeballs, so I always send them out when I inside a spacey area which includes my room.

Sylveon went up to me and wrapped its feelers around my arm, I turned my gaze at it and smiled as I gently rub her head.

"It's been awhile since we've been here huh Sylveon? You were just a baby Eevee and I was still 8, talk about nostalgia" I chuckled to myself, Sylveon hopped on my bed and layed beside me.

"Say, do you ever think you will see that Pikachu again?" Sylveon looked at me and tilted her head cutely "I guess you forgot huh? Can't blame you even my memories are fuzzy after that horrible incident" I sighed and looked at Delphox and Pancham "Even though my memories are all messy and blurred out, I'm still greatful that I have the three of you guys here with me" I smiled at them which they returned.

I got out off my bed and knelt beside the two Pokemon and Sylveon followed my actions.

Delphox and Pancham looked at me with a confused look "A flower and her friends visiting her home land that she truly misses. Is that a story or what?" Delphox smiled at me and wrapped her arms around me for comfort as I felt a tear run down my cheek.

It's been so many years, yet it feels just like yesterday that I left for my dream..

My little moment got cut off by my phone ringing, I quickly answered it and I could hear an old man's voice on the other side of the call, Prof Oak huh?

"Yes?" I uttered "It's been awhile" he said "Yes it has" I giggled "Are you coming tomorrow?" He asked "Yes, I'm planning on coming" I replied "Great! I'm pretty sure you'll love the nostalgia here!" He exclaimed, I giggled "If you say so Prof" He then laugh while I smile even if I can't see his face, I know that he is smiling brightly just from talking to me "Well, I'll be looking forward for tomorrow" he said and ended the call.

I sighed and looked outside from my window, it was getting late, so I plopped down on my bed and instantly went to sleep.

Tomorrow's gonna be great, I just know it!

Next morning (Yes, I did that)

I woke up around 10:30 a.m, and man I woke up really early despite having jetlag. I got out of my bed, showered, brushed my teeth, wore a white dress, straw hat, light brown sandals, and left the house.

I sent out my Delphox so I had company, and we pretty much talked about something until we arrived at the Professor's summer camp.

Once I stepped inside I could hear people gasping while others whistling and others saying "Oh my Arceus! The Kalos Queen!".

I never thought I was that popular out of Kalos, but I guess I was. I shyly waved hello at them which they all returned by smiling brightly at me, I walked on ahead until I saw the professor.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned around and his eyes widened.

"My, you look beautiful as ever Serena, I never thought such a little girl would grow up into such a beautiful young woman" he complimented, I blushed from embarrassment "Thank you for your compliment, but I'm not that beautiful" I stated "Well, Kalos does after all they picked you to be their Queen" he pointed don't "I guess.." I murmured "Now don't be like that! C'mon look around the camp and maybe go to that place you really love when you were here 6 years years ago" he said, I nodded and went outside and looked around the camp.

Then I felt the sudden urge to go to the forest, it was like my heart is telling me to go there while my mind told me the opposite. I closed my eyes for a second and opened them immediately and ran towards the forest, I trust my heart, so I would follow what it is trying to tell me.

I went deeper and deeper into the forest until I saw a tree that was shaped like an X in my perspective, it was magnificent and truly beautiful.

Delphox, who was beside the whole time tugged my dress and told me someone was here, I looked around and saw a shadow just behind the tree. Delphox walked infront of me with a protective position, I looked closer at the shadow, it was looking at me.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I demanded "First, I want you to tell your Pokemon to not attack me when I do" the voice sounded quite deep, I'm guessing the shadow is a boy "Fine" I told Delphox to stay behind me and it followed my order.

He walked up to me, he was the same boy I met at the beach. His Pikachu was on his shoulder smiling at me.

"So, we meet again fellow stranger" I smiled at him "Well, we're not strangers" he pointed out "Then what are we?" I asked "We're long time friends, do you remember me? I'm Ash Ketchum"

"Ash Ketchum?"



Hahaha cliff hanger! I really enjoy writing chapters for this book ^_^ vote if u liked it, comment if you want the next chapter to be out very very very soon, and simply follow me for more Kawaii Amourshipping stories ^_^

Anyway Peace out!

That's how Serena looks like btw

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