I Want You to Remember Me

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Wonder what they mean about Serena coming to Alola...hmmm...

Nah just kidding :p

So, how ya' been?


Gomen ;-;


Okay, enough of that :p

Sorry for not updating as much as I used to  (which makes me sad actually). I'm trying to fix my schedule so I would have some free time after school. Besides, I do my homework at school now xD I don't care if it supposed to be done at home, I rather have it done other than not doing it at all.

Anyway, hope you enjoy~

The next day..

Everyone was at the lobby for an announcement, it was pretty early in the morning actually and not only were the new kids were groaning the teens were too.

The sun wasn't even up yet and they were already up!

In the farthest corner was Serena minding her own business as she thought about her so called "feelings" for someone. Wasn't it just her hormones and nothing else? She doesn't like her that way right?

She sighed and glanced at her friends that were chatting with each other, she felt somewhat lonely in the same time she was fine being alone for awhile. She hasn't really bonded with them as much as she wanted to, she was here to remember not to have fun...

Well, that was her plan until the guy told her not to push it. She again sighed...

But why?

Why was she sighing after thinking about the raven haired boy? Does she have feelings for him?! The young Kalos Queen groans out of frustration.

She wasn't the only one having problems with their "hormones", Ash glances at the young performer having a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

His friends noticed this and smirks.

"Ashy boy has a crush!!" Gary yelled ontop of his lungs making everyone in the lobby to look at Ash including Serena.

When Gary yelled that, Serena felt a wave of jealousy coarse through her. But again why?

On the other hand Ash was blushing like mad, but it was rare for the guy to blush and that made his friends gasped I'm their mind thinking who could possibly make the dense head boy blush?!

"You idiot! I don't have a crush!!" Ash exclaimed, Gary and his other friends didn't bought it and nudges him on the arm.

"Sureee~~~" They all said in a teasing tone, Ash was already red as his Pikachu's cheek. But, speaking of Pikachu he never saw the little guy since this morning.

"Seriously, you guys are annoying sometimes" Ash sighed, Misty raised an eyebrow at him "So you do have a crush, but who?" Serena once again heard their conversation and felt even more angry.

'Why am I angry?!'

'I don't like him!!'

The more she tries to say that she doesn't like him mentally that more angry she became. Some people were staring at the girl who's expression turned from a calm blank look to an angry distraught one.

"Fine! I do have a crush! So please stop it!!" Ash admitted, everyone cheered including the other bystanders that were in the lobby. Dawn whispers something to him and pretty much the raven haired was about to faint.

"So, who is it Ashy boy~" Gary teased, but before Ash could tell them off Serena stepped in and grabbed Ash by the arm and dragged him outside.

'Why am I doing this? There's no way I like him!! Nononono, I'm only here to get my memories not to fall in love with a guy that I have possibly had a crush on! Wait, there's no way I had a crush on him when I was a kid! But, the fact we promised to be with each other......GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!' The girl screamed internally in her mind while Ash just stood there staring at the girl with a large pink tint on his cheeks like before.

"T-Thanks for that S-Serena" The girl snapped out of her thoughts from his voice and smiled cutely at him "It's no big deal, you were in an uncomfortable situation so I had to help you out" she said while clenching on the key necklace Ash gave her during the sand castle event, she wasn't entirely saying the truth but what would he say if she said that she was jealous?

Ash saw that she was wearing the necklace and it made his blush grow redder, but does he really have a crush on her? He only admitted that so his friends won't continue to bug him, but now he didn't know.

Why are their hormones so confusing when it comes to each other?

There was an awkward silence for a good while until Serena decided to break that silence "You know, I remembered some memories" Ash couldn't help but be happy, does that mean she remembers him now? No, why should she remember him first? There are more things she needed to remember other than him in this camp and he knew it.

"Really? I'm happy for you! What did you remember?" He asked, Serena was about to tell him until she thought of that one particular memory between the two making her face red as a tomato berry.

"Eehhhhhhh" smoke began coming out from her ears and her body tensed up "NEVERMIND!!" She said as she went back into the lobby, Ash just stood there wondering what the heck happened to her.

"What was that? We were okay awhile ago.." he mumbled to himself, he looks to his left and saw the forest where they so called first met.

A small smiled curved on his lips.

"She'll remember eventually" he then walks back inside the lobby to find his Pikachu playing with Serena's Sylveon.

His attention then went to the stage where Prof. Oak stood and everyone looks at him as he was about to announce something.

"Good morning campers!"

"More like Dawn gramps!! The sun isn't even out yet!" Said an irritated Gary Oak, everyone else nodded at his statement. Prof. Oak chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his neck "Now now, we mustn't be grumpy for this camp event!" Oak exclaimed making some campers slightly hype.

Serena wasn't interested one what he was about to announce, all she cared about was why she suddenly froze after thinking about that one memory. While watching the two Pokémon play with each other, Serena couldn't help but be happy for her Sylveon.

After all, it has been with her since 4 years ago according to her mother. The fact it have evolved into a Sylveon during one of the Performance dance balls, and the way it danced beautifully with her made her heart flatter.

'You've come along way Sylveon, being a shy one as an Eevee into a confident Sylveon. It makes me think that you were like this back then, but how can I say that to my little Eevee?' She thought to herself and a smile grew on her face, Sylveon sensed her trainers emotion and went beside her to wrap the ribbon like feelers around her arm signalling it was happy aswell.

Pikachu looks at the two having no idea what was going on decided to just go back to Ash who was still listening on what the professor was saying.

"So today we will all be in a group! The leaders of each group will be Gary, Cilan, Brock, Misty, and Serena" Everyone cheered from hearing Serena's name while Serena jumped from hearing her name.

She looks at Oak who glances at her with a smile. She couldn't help but be weirded out from the fact an old man coincidentally looks at her way the same time she glances at her and smiled. That was not creepy at all!

"So Gary will be blue team, Cilan will be green team, Misty will be orange, Brock will be brown, and Serena will be red. So pick a piece of paper on one of the boxes near the wall to know what team you will be in, and after that meet me at the center of the camp!"  Everyone excitedly went to the corners of the lobby to pick the colored strip to know what team they will be on.

Some that got red were cheering and crying in joy while the rest mumbled as they did not get in the Kalosian Queen's group. Ash was one of the last ones to get a color and what he got made him blush like the color he picked, red.

He went to Serena's group and the honey blonde saw him coming towards her which means he was in her group made her blush a crimson red.

Ash stopped infront of her scratching the back of his neck, Serena laugh awkwardly and the kids who were in her group watched the two with smirks.

Even the kids knew it and they already shipped it while the two only thinks of it as their hormones acting up for being teens.

After the group was finally organized they all gathered at the central of the camp where Prof. Oak was waiting for them.

"Okay, we will be going ontop of one of the mountains here in this camp! Whoever get ontop first will get a prize!!" Everyone's eyes shimmered from the activity, even Serena was excited.

"Remember you can't lose a group member and you have to stay close to the leader, so if you get lost just go back down at the camp and wait for everyone to come back at the lobby" The prof instructed to the others who nodded in return.

"So what are you waiting for? Start going up on that mountain!!" Team blue, green, orange, and brown ran forward while team red stayed as Serena instructed.

"Hey Prof. Oak, where is the direction anyway?" Ash asked "Behind you, the other teams went the wrong direction" Oak sighed as team red walked to the right direction all teams were suppose to be going to.

Serena walked on ahead, for being the leader after all while the rest followed on behind. Ash couldn't help but stare at her back, she was emanating a white light in his eyes and he didn't even know why.

Serena on the other hand was getting bored being the only one infront of the others, so she glances at Ash who was staring ay her making the girl feel abit uneasy.

'Why was he staring at me? Could it be he likes me? No, he wouldn't. After all I thought of him as just someone who helped me out of the forest and I didn't even tell him my real name! Besides, maybe he likes Misty or something. But, seriously? Misty? That girl is so not meant for him, after all she's like a guy and she reminds me of a nickname I once thought of.....carrot head, yeah carrot head! I'm so better than her at every-wait what am I saying?! I can't be jealous! No!! Gosh darn you hormones!!' Once again Serena screamed  in her mind.

Ash decided to walk to her and talk, because it was pretty obvious she was getting lonely being the only one infront. As he did the kids behind them squealed, heck even the boys were shipping it.

Snapping out of her frustrating thoughts, she saw Ash beside her smiling causing the girl to slightly blush.

"You okay leader?" Ash asked in a somewhat teasing tone, Serena nods not bothered from the fact Ash was somewhat teasing her.

"Yeah, so you tired groupie?" She asked with a small cute smile, Ash shooks his head and there was an awkward silence between two.

'Why am I feeling like this towards her?' Ash thought

'It's not like me to be this way! Especially to a guy!' Serena thought

'I can't possibly be falling for him/her'


After a couple of minutes the group decided to rest up for abit, after all it was still pretty early judging from how the sun just rose up awhile ago.

Serena decided to sit on a rock near the edge of the side, she could care less about falling. She has been in higher places than this mountains and she wanted to look at the rising sun to clear her thoughts for a bit.

A soft sigh escaped from her mouth as she embraced the morning breeze and the warmth from the sun. Remembering how much she loves this feeling, she wanted someone to experience this feeling aswell.

Ash who was staring at her once again was in awe. Like last time, he couldn't believe how beautiful the girl is. But, it wasn't her beauty alone that made him stare at her.

It was the way she was looking at the distance. It was obvious she was deep in thought, but from the way the sun's light was reflecting her hair as if her hair was glowing.

She just looked so peaceful by herself....

But lonely at the same time..

Serena glances back to her group and saw Ash, she signals him to join her which he did. The two sat on the rock silently enjoying the view.

"Hey Serena" Serena looks at her friend who was scratching his left cheek "Do you by any chance remember anything about me?" He asked, Serena's heart skipped a beat as he said that.

Should she tell him? What if he had forgotten it and would be extremely awkward if she told him about it? But, would it be a problem if she did not tell him?

More questions popped her in mind as she debates on telling him or not. Ash just sat there waiting for the girl to respond.

"Y-Yeah..." she said in a soft and inaudible voice, Ash couldn't figure out what the reason was, but what popped in his mind was..

What if she remembered their promise?

"We were playing around the meadow and we stumbled upon two flowers.." Ash eyes widened, did she remember that?! Out of all things she could have remembered, it had to be that one!!

"And we made a promise..." he closed his eyes and prepared for that one moment, but she never said anything else. Serena just stayed quiet, she couldn't say the rest for some reason. It was probably because her heart was beating uncontrollably fast.

She bit her lip as she heard nothing from Ash, she expected him to be awkwardly sitting there not knowing what to say.

But little does she know that, Ash just looked at her with and disappointed expression.

"You don't have to mention it if you're too embarrassed" Serena's eyes widened and turns her head at Ash who has a frown.

"That's not true!! Ash I-"

"Don't force yourself to remember about me, nor force yourself to remember at all. I want you to remember everything without being forced, I want you to remember as a friend who had been by your side throughout the summer camp. I want you to remember me" he held her hand firmly, yet softly making sure the young performer wasn't uncomfortable with his grip.

Serena stared deep into his eyes, she saw a burning passion a flame like element actually. She couldn't look away, but could only lean closer Ash doing the same.

Their faces were inch apart as they could feel each other's breathe..

Until Serena's head began to hurt..

The two kids played around with their Pokémon, but then some other kids got between the two and pushed Serena to the ground making the girl cry out in pain.

The little boy pushes the bullies back, but the kids outnumbered him and began beating him up.

"No! Please stop!!" Serena cried, she watches her friend get beaten up right before her eyes and she couldn't do anything about it.

Why? Her body froze and the only thing she could do was cry and watch him get beaten up.

"What you gotta do about it? You're nothing but a weakling who can never be a hero!" Serena cried even harder and prayed for it all to stop. For those bullies to disappear from her sight and for her friend to be alright.

She opens both of her eyes to see the two kids were nowhere to be found. She glances at her friend who was fine, a smile curved on her lips as she runs up to him only to be hold back by a figure behind her.

She turns around to see a man



Serena slowly opens her eyes and saw the Ash was still there beside her. Tears were running down his face as he hugged her tightly.


Ash pulled back immediately and was utterly relieved that she was again awake.

"Are you okay Serena? You remember something important?" Serena looks back at the sun and a small smile appeared on her face.

"It's something....something really important.."

Annnnnnnnd done! Man, their was long xD around 3k+ words actually hehe :p

So, why did I make this such a long chapter? Well, I wanted to apologize for not updating this book. Yes, I have alot of books I still need to update but the more the merrier right?

Don't worry, I will update this book again in no time :)

Also, would you guys believe me I just made this 3000 words in just one day? Because I did xD What? I had free time okay :/ and also I type like a robot sometimes hehe :p

Anyway, see you in the next chapter :)

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