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Serena's POV

I entered my cabin once again and plopped down on my bed, I looked around my room and all I saw was black and white.

Ever since my memories were stolen away from me by that accident the color of my life also went along with it, I try to shrug it off and smile my worries away, but in the end I would always cry and break down causing my mother to give me pills that were only for emergencies.

I called out my Pokemon and smiled at them one by one, I honestly think that without them I would probably ended my life by now. Honestly it's hard to regain your memories especially if you were in a coma for 3 years, I got insomnia because I wanted to get my memories back so badly that it affected my whole body. My Pokemon didn't like that and they helped me get my life back to where it should be even though I know nothing about my life before the accident.

I was determined to remember everything in the same time I managed to find what I wanted to be and I achieved it. My fans calls me the Kalos Queen and some of the security knew about my amnesia, so they're more protective than ever.

Sylveon hopped on the bed while Pancham and Delphox followed. They all snuggled up to me and I know they could read me like an open book, I was that readable that a baby could read me just from looking at my face.

"Syl, Cham, Delp" The three whispered in my ear saying that no matter what happens in this summer camp surely I will get some of my memories with the help of them..and Ash.

The name Ash just fills me with determination, I feel more alive when I hear his name, say his name, or if I see his face. I feel safer, happier, and alive. Was this boy so important to me?

Pancham looked at me and weakly punched my forehead trying to snap me out of my thoughts which he did, I rub my forehead and looked at Pancham. "Pancham cham" He said that I should rest, I nodded and before I doze off the last thing I thought was the that helped me out of the forest, Ash.

"Wait up!"

"O-ok, but are you sure your okay? You're awfully quiet since yesterday. Is something wrong?" The little boy asked

"Well, I didn't really noticed but..we've been friends for 2 days now and I still don't know your name" I uttered shyly and embarrassed, he looked at me for awhile but suddenly walked up to me and smiled "Oh, my name is-"

"Serena please tell me your ok?!"

"What? Who are you?

"Wake up dear! You are in great danger!'

"Who are you?! Where am I?! A second ago I was at the forest!"

"Don't you remember me?"

"No! And I demand to know!"

"I'm you-"

"I'm Ash nice to meet you!" He smiled at me, I look around for a bit trying to process what just happened, I honestly don't know what happened a second ago...

"Oh, well my name is-"

"Dear campers please get back to your cabins!"

The two of us looked at each other and nodded

"You can tell me your name some other time, because if we don't go back right now they will scold us and there will be no food!"

"R-Right! See you tomorrow Ash!"

"You too!"

"A flower is nothing more than...a lie.."


I instantly woke up and accidently jumped out of bed causing my Pokemon to wake up, I look around my surroundings and controlled my breathing..

What was that just now? Was that a memory? Or..memories? They felt different and it was in different scenarios.

I stood up from the floor and walked out to the balcony if the cabin, I look up at the stars and I extended my hand in the air.

" you were more than that, I'm sorry..for ever meeting you" I murmured. Then suddenly my head began to hurt and a flashback began to play.

"You don't remember me?!"

"No! And I demand to know!"

"I'm your uncle Serena! You need to get out off here!"

"Why?! Mama is here and Papa is also here, I am not leaving them!"


"NO! Your lying! They're here! They're here!"

"No...they were taken from you..from us.."


After that I collapsed on my knees and my vision blurred out. I honestly don't know what this is...but as far as I know this isn't amnesia..this is something else...

Suddenly the wind blew harder causing my hair to fly wildly, I felt presence just beside me, but when I looked around no one was there but the it the wind?

"Show yourself!" I demanded "My, how keen and smart your are..Kalos Queen" That sounds familiar "Who are you?!" I asked in a harsh tone "Me? Well, I'm the one that caused that accident 3 years ago. You know after summer you ended up being in a coma for 3 years, but it was merely just a part of my brilliant plan to succeed!" The voice exclaimed "What do you mean?" I mumbled "I mean that you don't have amnesia, I just simply took your precious memories away from you. I-We wanted to test if you actually could take everything that has been given to you so far and it seems you have passed in colors!" I turned from side to side but no one was there, where is this voice and who is this voice?

"You took it? Why?" I asked "To see if that rumors and legends were true darling. You see, your not any normal teenage girl. Your something else and if you have your memory back this mission will fail, because...oops I have said to much silly me"

"I don't get it! This is confusing! What do you mean I'm different? What do you mean you took my memories away? What are you?!"

"That's for you to know...when you get your memories back that is"


"Well then, let's see if this flower will bloom in the end"

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