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Since when did this book reached 7k?! How?! And when?! Like seriously how?!


Uuhh...Serena,White fainted again..

Great, Ryan take over for her while I take care of her..


Soo, umm I hope you guys like this chapter? I don't know..I seriously don't know how White does this A/Ns




Geez White, what happened?


Well, I hope you like this chapter 😊😊 innocent..

Shut it you two


It took an hour, but everyone was finally there at the lobby. Serena talked with the girls while Ash was wrestling Gary to get a chocolate bar forgetting all about the awkward scenario awhile ago.

Serena's POV

My gaze went from Misty to Ash who was still wrestling Gary just for a sneaker bar, I seriously don't know why I'm feeling this way towards him. Is it because I have a crush on him when I was a kid?

Ugh, this is so confusing...

"Serena!!!" My attention turned back to Misty who was glaring at me in annoyance for not paying attention.

"Sorry kinda zoned out a bit" I nervously laugh at her "A bit? I've been calling your name for the past 5 minutes!" She pointed out "Yeah, what's wrong?" May asked, I look away from the two and back at Ash who was sitting on Gary's back while eating a sneaker bar.

A faint smile curved up on my lips without me knowing, he was like a kid in the same time someone special to me-SINCE WHEN DID THAT GUY BECOME SPECIAL?!

I quickly turn to face Misty not knowing about my massive blush clearly visible on my cheeks. Misty smirks widely at me.

"Seems someone has a crush, so that's what you've been thinking ayye?" She teased, I glared at her and shook the blush off.

"It's not that I like him like that ok! He's a friend nothing more nothing less, I don't want to have a relationship with anyone yet after all" I said "Soooo~~ If you want to be in one then, who will it be?" She asked with a smirk "Probably that one guy I remembered, his name was Calem I guess" Misty's smirk turned into a frown from mentioning another guy's name.

"Why him?" She asked "Well, he's cute an-" before I finished my sentence, Prof. Oak began speaking about today's event.

"Today will be a partner work! One boy and one girl together! Why? You two will make a sandcastle as an activity for today! That means we are all going to the beach today!" The whole lobby was filled with cheers of excitement, but for me it felt very nostalgic.

Then another memory triggered, but this time it was just an image of Ash and I making a sandcastle together while Gary was getting chased by a Starmie.

Another smile curved on my lips and my hand subconsciously moved to my chest.

I felt warm inside, but why?

I look at Ash and he looks at me. We both smiled at each other and went closer.

"So wanna be partners today?" He asked as calm as he can, I could see he was nervous judging from his poor posture. "Sure! Just like old times!" I exclaimed and smile from ear to ear at him.

"You remember me then?" I nod and shook my head "Not yet, but maybe if I do remember everything I can see you someone more than a boy that helped me out of the forest"

Ash's POV

We are now at the beach nearby the campsite not to far away from the lobby actually. Everyone started building their sandcastle while Serena and I were discussing on how big it will be.

While we were talking about it, I notice that she was smiling the whole time she talked. Could she have remembered something that made her smile? Was it about me? Wait, why me? Out of all people? I'm just getting my hopes up, she probably just considers me as a friend...wait. why am I sad?! She's just a friend right?

"Serena to Ash? You there?" I was snap back to reality from being pulled in the ear really hard uet gentle in the same time. I blinked a couple of times and saw Serena pouting at me.

"You zoned put on me" she dramatically huffed and turned her head away from me making me chuckle which made her chuckle too.

"Well, shall we make the biggest sand castle?" She nods in reply and we started making a really big castle. We kept on smiling at each other when our eyes met and we decorated it with sea shells and other objects that we find on the beach.

The sun was setting and we were all finished, Oak was looking at every sand castle and I saw a big smile when he was expecting our build.

Once he was done he declared the winner was me and Serena.

"We did it!"


We both hugged each other out of pure joy, but we quickly pulled away from the sudden contact.

"S-Sorry!" I said

"Why are you apologizing? We won! We won Ashy!" My cheeks flared up from the nickname and she too was blushing. Once the blush faded I smiled at her.

"You can call me Ashy if you want to" she then smiles at me "Okie dokie!"

The prof. then gave us our rewards and it was two lockets. One if a necklace that was shaped as a heart and had a keyhole in the center. And the other one was a key.

I gave Serena the necklace and I kept the key.

Maybe it was faith? Nah, I'm overthinking it.

Serena's POV

Once we all went back to our cabin, I felt lonely. I look at the heart shaped locket and smiled.

"Maybe, it couldn't be. I don't think of him like that right?"

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