Flash into the Past part 4 Adrienette/Ladynoir (or is the whole love square?)

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   Chat's  POV:

   Chat grinned over at her, "I l-love you too, m'lady."

     He saw the frown as it appeared on her face and wondered what brought that on anyway. It is not as if he ever gave her a reason to doubt his love for her.

     "What is the matter?" Chat questioned.

   Ladybug's  POV:

     "It just that I am not sure I am who you expected behind the mask," Ladybug said.

       She looked from him as she spoke and attempted to leap away once more.

          "Please, do not go, Bugaboo,"  Chat pleaded with her.

         Ladybug stayed and sat beside him unsure how to proceed next.  She was silent while she awaited his answer.

      Chat's POV:

     "I am not the same eighteen year old boy I was all those years ago when we brought Hawkmoth to justice,"  Chat stated.

       "I am twenty-three now and I reckon this means you are what twenty?"  Chat asked.

       Chat did not care about her age as much as he did about her.  It was just something to get her to start speaking to him again. He wanted her to know he meant every word he had spoken.

       Ladybug's  POV:             

      Ladybug laughed.  "I am twenty-two, Chaton,"  She spoken with more confidence then she knew she had at the moment.

         She could tell he pondered what she said since he smirked after this. It was something she had not seen him do in years. Then, again today was the first time they had seen each other in ages.

       "Chat what is with that satisfied look in your eyes?" She blurted out.

       Chat's  POV:

       "It is just that you are the same age as Marinette, and you remind me so much of her.  In some ways, you seem exactly like her," Chat explained.

         Chat thought for a moment as if it just came to him.  The reason why Marinette was on his mind the entire time he was away from his friends, and his lady.  He smiled.  It was not because she was his ladies friend or best friend.  It was so much more than this, she was his lady.

       "Marinette?" Chat spoke the name as if it were the first time seeing her.

       When Ladybug did not respond right away, Chat grinned as he yelled, "I would know that voice anywhere. It is you, Marinette as sure as I am that the Ma- in madly clumsy states for the first two letters in your name!"

        Ladybug's  POV:
         "Ch-Chat you are right. Oh, how I wish I were anyone else, but her right now.  I  never was fit to be a hero.  I just took the job because no one else was willing too.  Once, I even tried to had the earrings off to Alya.  She was to busy recording the battle for her ladyblog though, so I ended up putting on the discarded earrings to save her," She explained.

         "It was meant to be  one time thing, but then you encouraged me, so I kept at it," Laadybug remarked. 

         She smiled as she thought about how supportive of a person he was for all this time. She could only hope now that he could love Marinette as much as Ladybug.

         Chat's  POV:

        Chat  cupped her face in his again and whispered, "Marinette, I want to be with you in this form but as my civlian self.  Also with me as Chat and you as Ladybug.  Goodness, I love you for crying out loud!"

     He kissed her cheek, then pulled away.

      Ladybug's  POV:     

         Ladybug  confessed, "Chat, I would be honored to be with in my civilian form and  as Ladybug.  I think we should reveal first though as I have not seen you as your  other half yet."

         "I assrure you that I love you no matter who you are under that cat mask," Ladybug continued to say.

      She hopped he was not a complete stranger, or Nathaniel. She refused to believe this to be true.  She dared not hope he could be Adrien though she still loved him.

      Chat's POV:

        Chat grabbed her and carried her to a building far from where they stood.  He set her down inside a room and closed his eyes.  "After you m'lady," Chat said.

         He kissed her as she destransforming and did not stop when she turned back to Marinette.

       Chat opened his eyes to see his princess and smirked. He was relieved he was right about her. He could not think of a more suitable person for him than his Marinette.

        Marinette's POV:

           Marinette broke the kiss and muttered, "Ch-Chat it is y-your turn, love."

     She shut her eyes instantly to let him destransform, and wrapped both arms around him. She kissed him again as if she thought she might loose him for some reason.

        She felt everything change as he turned back. She slowly opened one eye then the other and glanced at him to see who her beloved Chat was as his alter ego.

         "A-Adrien?" Marinette muttered.

         "Oh, Adrien, I wanted you to be him," Marinette confessed.

           She kissed her crush, her partner, and her love on the lips.  As they parted for air, she mumbled, "A-Adrien, I-I can not express how sorry I am for everything. I should never have refused your advances as Chat in the past.  I know now I love you as both Chanton and Adrien." 

        Adrien's  POV:

  "   Marinette will you be my girlfriend?"  He asked.

     "Yes," She answered.

        Adrien was about to kiss her again when he saw something bad. He saw someone about to attack her.

   He immediately without warning called out, "Plagg claws out!"  He transformed into Chat Noir once more to protect her.

      He  thought I just got to be with her as it should be so I am not going to lose her now. I must not lose her. 

     Chat's  POV:        

     Chat Noir charged at the person who was about to murder his lady. He did not think about his safety. He never was one to do such things. He always thought to guard what was his in this case it was his lady, who also happens to be his dear, princess.

      "No, you leave her alone!" Chat screamed.

    He knocked the weapon out of the villains hand. Then, was about to leave with Marinette, but another crook came out of nowhere and attacked him.

       Chat saw the loveliest bluebell eyes weep in terror as  he fell to the ground and everything went dark. This is to say he lost consciousness for the moment.

        Marinette's POV:

         Marinette was not happy about what someone had done to her precious Chat who also is her Adrien. She threw up on the man's shoes from the shock. Then, she manged to use her yoyo without transforming  and tied up both thugs as tight as she could. 

          Now satisfied those two were not going anywhere, she ran to him. She sat beside Chat were he had fallen and thought please stay my love. Do not leave me Chat.  Do not leave me Adrien.

          She sobbed as she held him in her arms.

     Dun, dun, dun....

           Bunnix's  POV:

            Bunnix sensed something bad was going down. She opened a portal and jumped through it. She landed not far from Chat, Marinette, and the bad guys. With a gasp, and frown she mumbled, "Do not worry,I will fix it.  I will fix everything, but first I need a bit of help."  She closed the portal.

         A few minutes later she was back with some friends, One was  a rather familiar friend in a turquoise and black two-toned suit. The other was in a red suit with black spots. The two came together to help assist Bunnix with this special mission.

           Who was  it Bunnix brought with her?  Tell me who you thought it was in the comments.

      Find out more in Flash into the Past part 5 Adrienette/Ladynoir (or is it the whole love square?)

      bye, bye little owlets!

     -Summer out! 

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