Gray and Juvia vs. Adrien and Marinette part 4 (Fairytail-Miraculous crossover)

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      Gray's  POV:

       Gray laughs as Marinette backs away from water snakes.  He knows this means she is afraid of snakes made from essential elements.  He wonders if he can use this to his advantage.  

       Adrien's POV:

      Adrien sees Marinette cower in the corner.  He thinks that is not far using her fear against her like this. He smirks as he walks towards the water snake and touches it with his left hand the miraculous blast was just strong enough to crush it into small pieces.  Then, it disappears.

      He thought now that it is gone there is no need for Marinette to worry about it. He grins as he realizes that makes one point for his team.  So far he and Marinette work great together. 

      Juvia's POV:
        Juvia can not believe he got ride of  her trap that fast. Goodness, it is like Adrien has a secret only known to himself. She does believe it must be similar to Marinette's since her own is almost like Gray's.  It is like the weapons compliment each other.

      She stops frowning and smiles once more.  Now that she knows this she can use this to her and Gray's advantage.  At least she hopes she can anyways.

      Marinette's  POV:

      Marinette wonders how did Adrien destroy the object with the touch of his left hand. She knows it reminds her of Chat Noir. The whole thing is crazy though because there is no way Adrien is Chat, right?  She shakes her head and decides she must let herself get caught up in a day dream.  She need not let her team loose because of her.

      She  forms a laso this time which is brilliant since Gray's attack is a few cows made from ice crystals. She uses the laso to round them up and giggles about how easy this was.

     Wow, she thinks Adrien and I definitely won this round.

    Narrator's POV:

   The narrator chuckles under her breath as she knows Gray, Juvia, Adrien, and Marinette are all to quick to assume his or her team is the best.  She can tell herself that the teams are tied. Yet, she is not about to say so.  Why ruin the fun they all seem to be having?  

    She is not a party pooper so she is not about to become a challenge pooper.  She thinks let the games continue.  She smirks as she knows that sooner or later both teams will wear out without her interference. 

     Gray's  POV:

    Gray scowls at Adrien and Marinette. He thinks come on Juvia come up with something that blows them away.  He knows there must be something to get the others to declare their defeat over them. The thing is what?

    He watches as Juvia forms a few water spouts then bends them to make them into miniature slides with figurines sitting on them.  All the figurines are dressed their best so as not to flash anyone. 

    He stands closer to Juvia and forms a few ice sculptures. The ice creatures stand ready to attack anyone who dares to get to close to the water islandsers.

     Marinette's  POV:

       Marinete makes a tall building appear out of nowhere.  She smiles at the masterpiece rather proud of her work.

    Then, Adrien places his hand on the sides of the small sand dune near by and it crashes.  

      Marinette's jaw drops at how fast the sand dune disingrates. She wonders how he was able to manage such a task in such a short time frame. It is not like either of them had weeks to prepare their battle strategies against Gray and Juvia.

     She is so proud of Adrien with how well his strategy compliments hers.

    Adrien's POV:

     Adrien sees Marinette's jaw drop and smiles. He thinks she is rather cute when she puts her mind to something. He sighs when it dawns on him that perhaps he does see Marinette asmore than a friend. How is he to explain this to her?   It is not like she feels the same, right?

     He charges right at Gray as the guy's ice items move closer to him and Marinette. He sees that this time their is a guard around them in the form of Juvia's water  forcefield. He knows she just made it, but still he ahs to admit her handiwork is rather good.

     To bad he has to destroy it then.

    He balls his fist up then smacks it hard against the forcefield of water. He sees some of the water disappear while the rest reforms.  He did not know this was possible. 

    "Is that still in the rules?" Adrien asks.

    Gray's  POV:

  Gray scoffs, "Rules, what rules?"

  He smacks his left hand hard against the palm of Adrien's right hand and knocks it away from him.  Then, as he is about to do the same with  Adrien's other hand he finds he can not move his hands anymore.

   He looks down to see a set of shiny hot pink handcuffs around his wrists that are locked and shut tight. He tries to escape, but finds he can not.

    "Very well, I can still make ice with my feet," Gray retorts.

     Adrien's POV:

   "Oh, yeah, I would like to see you try then, ice boy!" Adrien yells at him.

    Adrien shakes his head when the ice figurine misses him completely. He watches in horror as it heads towards Marinette's face.

    "Marinette watch out!" Adrien screams. He reaches out and grabs it with his wrist. He breathes a sigh of relief as it shatters leaving Marinette unharmed.

    Marinette's POV:

   Marinette's face is all red from her anger. She is livid towards Gray now.  Why if had not been for Adrien she might have been killed. She is sure the ice thing could have smothered her if it had gotten to her mouth.  

   She falls to the ground in tears at the knowledge that Adrien just saved her life.

     Juvia's POV:

   Juvia turns to Gray, "Let us just call a truce, ok?"

     She does not wait for him to respond.

      "Gray and Juvia want you to know we have no hard feelings against either of you, so we call a truce,"  Juvia states.

  She knows what this means.  It means by default no team wins, or looses.

    She can not stand to see Marinette's tears. She feels bad that she and Gray made the blunette in this world cry.

    Adrien's POV:

Adrien nods his head in agreement. "Okay, agreed," Adrien states.

   He walks over to Marinette, and lifts her chin with his thumb. He does not say anything as he closes the gap.  He must not let her go again without her knowing how he feels. He knows now he loves her.

    Adrien kisses Marinette on the lips. He does not wait for a response he just kisses her.

    Juvia's  POV:

    Juvia looks on with approval and wishes Gray would look at her the same way this Adrien boy looks at Marinette. She sighs and wonders if she picked the wrong man to crush on out of all those in her life. She sits down without a word unsure what course of action to take next.

      She sees Gray approach her and smiles.  "Yes, Gray?"  Juvia questions.  

    Gray's  POV:

   Gray mutters, "J-Juvia, I not sure how to tell you this, but you mean so much to me."

      He is taken aback when Juvia smiles at him, grabs his face, and kisses him.

      Whoa, he thought Juvia loves me. He grins the biggest grin ever that day.

    Narrator's POV:

    As a small portal opens in Paris, France, Gray and Juvia disappears, each appears to be caught up in it.  The portal closes leaving Adrien and Marinette alone once more.

   Gray and Juvia arrive safely back in fairy tail where Gray asks Juvia out. Juvia agrees.

    Adrien takes Marinette to get some ice-cream and they become a couple.


bye, bye, little owlets!

-Summer out!

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