"Somewhere in Miraculous land there lies a forgotten one..." part 4

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         "What?  How do you know she ran away?"

      "She was upset about school, ran to her room, packed her things, and left."

       "Oh, dear!"

    "You sure she is not at a friend's house?"

    "We called her friends, and none had seen her since school."

     "Our poor, granddaughter."

       "Yes, well, now you can see why we notified the police."


        Janette felt awful when she began to remember more. She ran away. She felt sorry for herself. She was upset because her crush was seen kissing someone else. The math test she found out she failed it.  Then, she made the chemicals explode in chemistry class. Her lab partner was hurt and sent to the emergency room. It was such a horrid day.

       "Great, I wished to have freedom from it all."

     She thought it is my fault. Someone must have found out how I was and turned me into this creature.  She sobbed.  She would give anything to be human again.

    In the house...

      "Janette, what is the matter, child?"

    "It is just the school stinks."     Past Janette pouts.

    "Goodness, what happened?"  Past Emma wants to know.

     "Yes, tell us so we can help," Nathan adds.

    "You would not understand. You never understand!"  Past Janette yells at them.

    "Janette, how about you have a friend come over?"  

      "No, mom!"  

        "We could all  Clarrisa if you want."

       "Clarrisa, do not say that name ever again."  Past Janette screams.

        She stomps off, screams, and goes to her room.  


  The future Janette gasps as it dawns on her.

   She has been given another chance to fix it all.

   She must convince past self not to leave.

    How?  What can I do?

    How will I get her to listen when I am in bad shape?


      "Janette Agreste!"  She screams.


    Past Janette hears someone call her name.

      She looks outside.

     Strange, it is an animal.

  She opens the window.

    She is not sure why she did this, but she did.


       The raccoon enters the room.

      It glares at her.

     Past Janette jumps back.  She is afraid it might bite her.

       The small thing grabs up a pen and begins to write. 

         PJ  stares at it in amazement. She sees it hand her the paper with the note on it.

         The handwriting looks familiar. 

           "Oh, my goodness, you write like me."

            She thinks for a moment.

              "You are me,"  She mumbles.

       "What do I do?"


...In future Paris, France...

   The police show up at Emma and Nathan's home.

    "Do you have a recent photo of your daughter?"

     "Yes, here this is her on her birthday,"  Emma replies.

       The police smile.

        They take a picture of it with their cell phone.

      "Why did she run off?"

       "It was yesterday."

    "Mom, Dad, I home,"  Levi says.

     "Who is this?"

   "Why are the police here?"

    "Young man, we came to find answers about the disappearance of a Janette Elise Agreste."

      "Oh, you mean, my sister."

       "I am Levi Agreste." 

       Levi does not say much else.  At least not until the police question him further.

    "Who is that in the photographer with your parents, sister, and you?"

     " Those are my brothers Nathan Jr. and Paul." 

      "Where are they now?"

      "Paul is staying at a friend's overnight."

        "Nathan Jr. will be home later because he has a date."            


     The police make a note of what Levi tells them. They notice he smacks chewing gum a lot. He might have bad manners, but he appears to know what he says.

          Find out more in ..."Somewhere in Miraculous land there  lies a forgotten one..."  part 5

          bye, bye little owlets!

        -Summer out!

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