Answers to the Tag

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1.  Is this is a trick question?  I am happy to be me!  I am happily married to my husband,Nate and faithful to him. 

 2. Gender:  Female

 3.  Happy?  Yes

  4.  Last Song?   Does this refer to the last song I listened to recenly?  or the one I sang recently?   If it is the one I sang the answer is Yes I AM by Hillsong which I sang at church on Sunday, Feb.3rd, but if means the one I listened to then answer would be Your Love Never Fails on K-love (as of today, February 6, 2019).

  5. Hair Color : Medium Brown (unless I dye it, then it's  a strawberry blond color ) 

 6.  Zodiac?  :  How should I know?   I do not do this kind of thing since it is against my beliefs.

  7.  Last Person You Kissed?  My husband on his lips, last night!  

 8.   Favorite Color:  Haha, very funny!  I have two favorite colors, which are pink and purple.  These have been my favorite since first grade.

 9.  Favorite Food: Cheese, almost anything with cheese (No blue cheese, feta or recottia cheese, these smell bad and  I dislike these cheese), bacon, cucumbers, tomatoes, Dill  Pickle Potato  Chips, Milk way bars, M &M's, shrimp, and chocolate chip cookies. Oh,and I really like Ranch dressing too.

10. Battery % : Lame Question!  As it this one is so boring, dull to answer!  Anyways, it is 98%

11.  Celebrity Crush:  Who says I even have one?  

12.   Favorite Vegetable:  Cucumbers, Carrots, Tomatoes (well, tomatoes are technically a fruitable, since they are considered fruit to some and vegetables to others, but I could care less), and green peas.

13.   Eye Color:  Blue with a green tint to one eye, and brown tint to the other eye, (*I know this is odd, but that is just the way my eyes always are people.)  

14.  Shoe Size:  Seriously?  Why do you want to know this anyway?    My shoe size is 10 in Women's!   That is a 10 Narrow because I have very narrow feet.  

15. Dream Job: To be an Author of  books, including some with poems, not sure what else!  I am already a wife and mother!

16. Tag 20 people.  Hmm, let me think, who in the world, should I tag?  



@Krypti_cat, @ladynoirshipper,@ rejoicio,







@SheilaStarr, cowgirl10120,


I decided to only tag 18 people, so there!

17.  Bonus Question:  I know it was not here, originally, but I am so random. So, anyway, Contacts or glasses?    I wear contact lenses  (all year round), but I plan to get the prescription to my back up glasses filled as in I hope I can get some up to date glass put inside my glasses frames,so I can have them to wear anytime I have a cold, or allergy flare ups where contacts just bother the eyes then.

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