Tagged Round 5

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 I was tagged by Molly_DZ  so here are my answers to being Tagged Round 5 .  

      1.  Do you care what others think of you?

         Is this a trick question?   I think it is important to be myself no matter what others think about me.  I suppose what others think has a small impact on my life, but not a huge one.

       2. What is your middle name?

         Ruth   (in real life)

       3.  Favorite sport?

     I say baseball. I like to watch the Braves play on tv expect now it is hard to find it. Oh, and swimming in the summertime.

       4.  Who is your best friend?

      My best friend from the internet is @sparklemiller.  My friend Pam, and my friend Jennifer Wozniak.  I have many best friends.:)   My main best friend is my husband.

       5. Who is someone you could not live without?

        Someone I could not live without...Hmm, this is to hard to answer, but if I have to pick one I would say, my husband.

       6.   What is your nickname?

        A nickname others call me would be Sum, for short of Summer when it comes to the pen name  I use on here.  Rather not say what it is in real life.

      7.  Are you cute or sexy?

       As far as being cute or sexy goes, how should I know?   My husband calls me cute.  Does this count?

 8.   What are your preferred pronouns?  I  would say she/her since I am a lady.

 9.   Have I ever been asked out? Yes, multiple times in the past.  First, by random people. Second, by people I know. Third, by the man I eventually married. 

    I agreed to date the man I married.

  10.   Do you believe in soulmates?  No, because this implies you stay married after death. My belief is you are married until death do you part. Then, after death (not to be depressing), you are free to marry someone new if you wish to do so.

   11.  What are you top three pet peeves?  When wattpad freezes up at random for no reason, rude responses to stories I publish here,and people parking in the road in front to my house,especially if they do not even know me or block my mail box.

12.  Do your consider yourself an emotional person?  I think this depends on the circumstances. If I sad I cry, and pray,  if I am happy (on some rare occasions might cry),but still pray since I feel it is important to me,  if I am angry I tend to yell sometimes, and other times I just walk out of the room (then cry later) and apologize, and pray some more, and if I am scared I pray as well.

 13. Words you say often?  Fiddlesticks, good gravy, please throw away your trash (this part I say to my family to remind them to throw away their gum wrappers, etc.) How should I know?

    *On here at the end of the stories I say, "bye, bye little owlets!" to my followers

 14.  A picture of yourself?  It is called a selfie, lol...

 15. Your favorite photo of another person...It is not a selfie that is for sure.  Also, it would be of  a family member, or friend.

  16.  Favorite hobby?  Haha, lol...Is not this obvious?  It is reading and writing stories here!  Also, rewriting old stories as google documents to hopefully publish on Amazon at some point.

  17. Role model?  Do I have to pick just one?   I would say both my parents are role models to me.  As in they have been there for me my whole life as good examples, and they love me. I always feel welcome in their home when I visit them. 

 18.  Who is the best person I personally know?  Shrugs shoulders, I have no idea.I mean it seems to me like all everyone person on earth can have both their good moments and bad ones.  So, not sure.

 19. Crush?  The one I married!  My husband is my crush.

20. Tag 20 people!  Goodness that is a herd of people.



















Okay, this is it!  The tag answers are in now. -Summer out!


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