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1. Be Kind
This is my most important rule. You must all be kind and treat each other with respect as well as please be kind to me.

2. Respect Other's Opinions
If you do not agree with something I believe or someone else's opinion on something please don't be rude. I do not judge anyone who does not share the same opinion as me, but we must respect each other's opinions.

3. Participate
Though you are not required to answer any of the "get to know each other" questions or comment at all aside from your application for a place in this family, this book is so that we can get to know each other so please don't be shy! Let us know something about yourself! It doesn't have to be even a name or anything that personal, just a like or dislike or a hobby or pastime.

4. Swearing
Though I do not mind some cussing, please be sure to be careful around others who might be sensitive to any swearing. Try not to use strong language. Mild cussing is alright but nothing too vulgar please! As I said before I do not judge anyone at all and I do not mind cussing but we must be mindful for others. This is not a warning, this is just a rule asking that we do not say anything inappropriate or vulgar.

4. Have Fun and Be Yourself!
Just like it says, Have Fun and Be Yourself! This book is so we can make new friends and gain a family of sorts, so just be yourself and I am sure everyone will get along just fine!

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