Chapter 15: Call Me Crazy, But Yes

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Author's Note: Meh, I tried to make this all cute-sy, so hopefully that worked. (:

I walk into Ryder’s room and trip over something on the floor. Luckily though, I don’t fall and I silently thank my lucky stars for that. Ryder looks over at me and raises his eyebrows, “Are you alright?”

I nod, “Yeah, totally. I’m fine.”

       “Alright then.” He says, lying back down. He’s propped up on some pillows though, and he’s watching some sitcom. God this is nerve-racking. I clear my throat, and walk over to his bed. I sit down on the other side of him, and pull my feet up on the bed underneath me. I don’t know how I should start this. Maybe I should just kiss him. I mean he hasn’t thrown up in a few times, and I’m sure he’s brushed his teeth so he doesn’t have bad breath.

          “Thinking?” He asks.


          “You look like you’re thinking about something.” Ryder explains.

          “Oh,” I say, “Well something like that.”

Ryder nods, and goes back to watching the sitcom. He chuckles at something on the screen, and I take a deep breath. I’m going to do it. I am going to kiss him, and then I’ll just see what happens from there. I mean he can push me away, or he can kiss me back, or he can run away. There’s like a million and one ways this thing could go. Oh God, now I feel like I’m about to throw up. Alright, here goes nothing. I think to myself.

          “McKenna you sh-“ Ryder says as he turns and looks at me. I cut him off though by sitting up on my knees, and pushing my lips against his. Screw flirting, I’m just jumping right in. Plus, flirting I would probably make a fool of myself. I think this is much more straightforward.

He doesn’t pull back or push me away like I expect him to though.

Instead, Ryder pulls me closer to him. His warm lips brush against mine, and I feel what I think most people would call butterflies in my stomach. I lock my arms around Ryder’s neck and he puts his around my waist. I make a quick and possibly stupid decision and run the tip of my tongue over Ryder’s lower lip. Ryder opens his mouth and our tongues touch, moving together as one. I’ve kissed my fair share of boys in my seventeen years of life -  don’t get me wrong, I can count the number of boys I’ve kissed in my life on one hand - but never have I ever had a kiss quite like this. I let my arms slide from around Ryder’s neck, and down his chest and stomach. As Ryder kisses me softly, I kiss him back and move my fingers down to the hem of his t-shirt. Even I can tell I’m getting carried away. I’m about to lift his shirt up and take it off of him, but he grabs my hands; making me stop. He pulls back breathing heavily, and rests his forehead against mine.

          “I failed.” He says quietly, closing his eyes. Not exactly the first thing you wanna hear from the mouth of the boy who ‘loves you’.

          “What do you mean?” I ask him, catching my breath.

          “I failed.” Ryder repeats.

          “Failed at what?”

Ryder opens his eyes and says, “I didn’t want you to like me.”

I wrinkle my eyebrows in confusion, “What?”

          “That’s the whole reason I made the comments I did when you first got here. I wanted you to think that I was a jerk or a pervert or something.”

          “But why?” I ask, still confused.

         “Because I’m no good for you. You deserve so much better than me. I didn’t want you to fall for me.” He admits, looking into my eyes.

I pull my head back from Ryder’s and put my hands on his shoulders. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” I tell him truthfully.

Ryder sighs, “I’m too bad. I mean, I’m too temperamental and rude and blunt, and all that. You’re all sweet and nice and cool.”

I sit down on my bottom instead of my knees, and fold my legs in front of me. “Ryder stop talking about yourself like you’re a bad person or something.”

          “I’m a bad person for you.”

          “No, you aren’t Ryder.” I tell him. “Do you love me?”

Ryder looks down at the cover and murmurs, “Yes.”

          “Then we can do this.”

          “Do what?”

          “Be together. If that’s what you want.”

          “Is that what you want?” He queries.

          “I don’t love you, but I do like you.” I say quietly.

          “So you really wanna try this?” Ryder asks.

          “Call me crazy, but yes.”

          “You wanna be my girlfriend?” He wonders almost in disbelief.

          “Are you trying to get me to change my mind? Because it isn’t working.” I tell him smiling.

          “No, I’m just making sure you’re sure.”

          “I’m sure.” I promise him.

Ryder nods, “Alright then.”

          “So….” I say, smiling at him.

          “So…..what?” He asks mocking me.

          “So how long have you ‘loved’ me?”

          “Did Todd tell you? ‘Cause if he did, I’m gonna run him over with my car.” Ryder threatens.

I laugh, “Yes he did. And he said you would.”

          “I will,” he says, nodding. “And to answer your question, I don’t know. Maybe since you were like seven.”

          “Seven?” I ask, “Ten years? Then why were you so mean to me?”

          “Because that’s what little boys do to little girls that they like.”

          “I guess that’s true.” I agree, shrugging. “You know if you had just told me, I could have been saved from years of hating you.”

          “But it wouldn’t really have mattered if I told you since you had to leave every summer, and then the last time I saw you before this summer was when you were ten.”

          “So you decided to wait an eternity to tell me?” I ask, as I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my head on top of them.

Ryder shrugs, “Well I figured you’d be back one day. I knew that we would meet again one day. Plus I didn’t tell you, Todd did.”

After a few seconds, I burst out laughing. “What’s so funny?” Ryder asks me.

          “It’s just kinda weird that we’re like in a committed relationship now. I mean, we were practically what’s that word I’m looking for? Not enemies, but the other one.” I admit.

          “It is. Although considering the fact that my entire family already thinks we are, it isn’t. And I think you mean arch nemeses.”

I snap my fingers, “Ahh, yes! That’s the word.” Ryder stares down at me for a long time and I say, “And I’m the one with the staring problem.”

          “I just wanna kiss you, but you may get sick.”

          “So you like kissing me then?”

          “I like kissing my girlfriend, yes.”

          “Well if I get sick, then you better take care of me.” I tell him, leaning in.

After a few seconds or so of kissing, I pull away from Ryder first and he frowns. “What?”

          “I wasn’t done.” He tells me, as he leans in to kiss me again.

Ryder puts one around around my waist as he kisses me and the other in my hair. I feel a slight tugging as he pulls the elastic out and my hair falls down from the ponytail all the while as we kiss. He pulls me closer to him, shifting his body and pushing me back on the bed. He climbs on top of me holding his weight up. After a few minutes he pulls away, and it’s evident that he’s trying to catch his breath. I push myself up on my elbows, my face just inches away from Ryder.

          “I swear to God if I get sick I will murder you.” I whisper.

          “You’d kill your own boyfriend? That’s hurtful.”

          “You sure like saying that don’t you?”

Ryder nods, climbing off of me, and pulling me up so we’re both sitting up, “Yes. I do.”

          “So I’ve observed two things about you.”

          “Two? What?”

          “You’re only nice when you’re sick or to the girl you’re dating.”

          “I’m nice to everyone.” He disagrees.

          “Yeah, no. You’re really mean to other people.”

          “Nope, not true.” Ryder tells me, shaking his head.

          “You’re just stubborn.”

          “Well you’re more stubborn.” Ryder says, flicking my nose.

          “Okay fine. I’m gonna be the mature one here and just say that I am.”

          “Okay,” Ryder replies, “But you are.”

          “Let’s do something.” I suggest.

          “What’d you have in mind?”

I get an idea and a smile spreads across my face, “Ryder can you surf?”

Ryder raises his eyebrows, “Uhh, it’s been a few months, but I can.”

          “I wanna go.”

          “You wanna go surfing?”

I nod, “Yes, can we go please?” I beg.

Ryder looks at his phone, “Its 2:00. And it would take six hours to get to The Mavericks.”

          “What’s that?”

          “It’s where everyone surfs.”

          “Well can we go tomorrow?”

          “Sure.” Ryder says, nodding.


          “On my life.”

          “Good. So now what do we do?”

Ryder stands up from his bed, “I’m starving. Come with me to get food?”

          “Alright,” I say. “But I’m gonna sit on the couch, and you’re gonna make me food.”

          “We’ve been dating for approximately,” Ryder pauses and looks at his cell phone, “Twenty minutes, and you’re already being demanding.”

          “But you love me.”

          “Another reason I didn’t tell you, I knew you would use it against me.” He proclaims as we walk into the kitchen.  

          “I’m not using it against you; I’m simply stating a fact.” I tell him.

          “A fact that you love.”

          “I do as a matter of fact. Now I think I want you to make me a cake.” I say, sitting down in a chair.

          “I’m not making you a cake.”

          “Hey I took care of you while you were sick.”

          “Well yeah, but it would have been mean of you to just leave me sick. And you said food. Cake isn’t food.”

I look over at him sitting up on the counter. “Cake is food.”

          “Okay, whatever. I’m still not making you one.”

          “Is it because you can’t bake? Don’t be ashamed.” I say teasingly.

          “Um, I can bake a cake if I so chose, but I chose not to.”

          “Fine, I’ll make my own cake.” I retort, standing up. “But you can’t have any.”

          “If I really want some of your cake, I think I can get some.” He whispers, getting closer to me.

      “Yeah, we’ll see.” I say as I walk over to the cabinet as I pull out a box of cake mix. I read the ingredients and get out the stuff I need. Ryder pushes past me and takes the milk out of refrigerator. He takes the top off and drinks from it. I shudder at the sight, “Will you stop doing that? It’s gross.”

          “No I will not stop.” He says, taking the jug away from his face.

I shake my head and put the cake into the oven, so it can bake. “What kind are you making?” Ryder asks.

          “Strawberry and you can’t have any.” I tell him.

I feel Ryder stepping closer to me, and then I feel his chest pressed up against my back. I stand up, closing the oven, and turn around. “You’re so weird.” I tell him, poking him in the chest.

All of a sudden, I feel my feet leave the ground and the next thing I know, Ryder’s holding me bridal style. I clench onto his shirt and say, “You better not drop me. I’ll kill you if you do.” I threaten.

          “You’re a fan of death threatening aren’t you?”

          “Only when it’s you.” I tell him.

Ryder looks down at the stove and says, “You do know that you can’t bake a cake without turning on the oven right?”

          “It is on.”

          “You’re wrong there love.” He says in a fake but authentic sounding Australian accent. “It’s not on.”

          “Well then turn it on.” I say, loosening my grip on his t-shirt.

          “What’s the magic word?”

          “Please?” I try.

Ryder shakes his head and says, “The magic word was actually pickle, but I like you so I’ll make an exception.” I feel myself falling down as takes one hand from under me and turn the stove on, but then he puts it back and pulls me up. “Where are we going?”

          “We’re going to the living room and we’re gonna watch TV until your cake is done, and then we’re gonna eat it.” He says, taking a bag of chips out of the pantry and walks out holding me into the living room.

          “I think you mean I’m gonna eat it, but okay.” I correct.

Ryder drops me down gently on the couch and sits beside me ripping open the bag of chips. He chews them loudly, and I turn the TV on, blocking the sound out. I crawl over to Ryder, and lean into him. He throws his arm around my shoulders while using the other to eat his chips.

          “You’re so cute.” Ryder tells me.

          “And that sounds so foreign coming out of the mouth of Ryder O’Connor.” I say, chuckling.

I feel Ryder’s hand in my hair and I reach up to where it is, “You better not be getting crumbs in my hair.”

          “Calm down Prom Queen, I’m not.”


An hour later, I sit up remembering the cake. “Oh crap.” I say, jumping up from the couch and going into the kitchen.

          “What kinda chef forgets about her cake?” Ryder asks, following me.

        “What kinda chef’s boyfriend doesn’t remind her that her cake is in the over?” I ask, pulling the stove open. I’m about to reach my hand in, but Ryder yanks me back. “What?”

Ryder opens a drawer, “Oven mitt.” He says, holding out the large red oven mitts to me. My face goes red, “Thanks.” I say as I slide them on. That would have been bad. Not to mention embarrassing to just stick my hand in there. I take the cake out and put it on top of the stove.

          “Get me the icing please?” I ask Ryder.

         “Sure.” Ryder says, going over to the opposite cabinet. I turn back around, and take the mittens off, putting them in their spots. When I feel Ryder behind me, I turn around and he wipes his finger across my nose and my lips. I scowl up at him and cross my arms.

          “Loser.” I say, taking a napkin from the table, and getting ready to wipe it off of my face, but Ryder rips it out of my hands and tosses it somewhere. “I’ll get it.” He whispers, leaning down to me. He brushes his lips against mine, placing his hands on either side of my face. His tongue swipes over my lips as he licks the icing off of my lips. I’m tempted to laugh, but I figure that would kinda ruin the moment.

          “Wow is it getting sexy in here or is it just me?” Todd’s voice booms as he comes into the kitchen.

I feel my face go read as Ryder pulls away from me. I take the napkin and wipe my nose clear of the icing. “So you two finally stopped being idiots, huh?” He asks, walking over to me and Ryder, “Ohh, cake.”

          “Don’t touch!” I say, “It doesn’t even have the icing on it yet.” I say, taking a butter knife out and spreading the icing evenly over the cake.

          “Now what?” Ryder asks.

          “Now I wait until it cools off and then you’re gonna sit there while I eat it.”

          “Please, like a girl as small as you can eat a whole cake.”

          “You will get enough of underestimating me.” I say, putting my hands on my hips, and looking up at him.

The door swings open and Hailey walks in with a boy who looks to be about sixteen years old-like her. I assume the boy to be Justin-her boyfriend. “Hi guys.” She greets us, she raises her eyebrows at me and I nod discreetly. Hailey gives me a small thumbs up, and then drags Justin out of the room.

          “Chastity babe?” Todd calls out loud.

A few seconds later, Chastity comes into the room, and stands by Todd, “Yes honey?”

Todd kisses her on her forehead and says, “I think you should make friends with McKenna.”

          “That’s a good idea.” Ryder agrees, “You need friends other than me.”

          “You aren’t my friend, you’re my boyfriend.” I remind him.

          “Ergo, best friend.” Ryder says.

          “Ahh yes, of course.”

          “Okay, okay you guys work out the details, McKenna, you better save me some cake.”

          “Are you guys leaving?” I ask them.

Chastity nods, “We’re going to the movies.” Then with that she and Todd leave.

I get the cake plate and bring it over to the table. Ryder and I sit down and I say, “You may as well move. You wouldn’t help me make it and now you’re not gonna get any.” I stick my fork into the cake and just as I’m about to put it in my mouth, Ryder takes it from me and eats it himself.

          “Ha.” He says, chewing the cake.

          “Jerk face.” I mutter taking the fork back from him.

          “In my defense you were taking too long to eat it. I did you a favor.” Ryder says, getting up. He grabs his own fork and takes another bite of the cake.

          “You just don’t understand that no means no do you?”

          “’Course I do. You never directly said no.”

          “Damn you and your college mind.” I mutter.

          “Not college,” He corrects, “Common sense and logic.”

I put my feet up on Ryder’s lap and shake my head, “You and all of your technicalities.”

Ryder puts one hand down under the table, and runs his fingers up and down my lower leg. This is why shaving is good, because you never know when there will be spontaneous leg rubbing. Dating Ryder is definitely gonna take some getting used to. But so far, I think I’m liking this. 

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