🐚Ten- Live Together

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It's already 00:52 am when Gusion arrived home. He throw the car keys to the table and limp his body to the sofa. He rub his face and took of his jacket. Today was very tiring. After taking Lesley home that afternoon, Yi Shun-Shin and himself immediately took his mother to the airport. After that he's drowned with his busy scheduel. And of course he's been chased by reporters who are always asking about Lesley, but Yi Shun-Shin told them to keep quiet for now. They have to talk about the next step with her.

   Gusion wanted to call her since the evening. He wanted to know if she's okay, but he didn't have the time. He take his phone from his pocket and open the lock screen. Is it to late to call her?

   But it doesn't hurt to try.

   Gusion pressed the number nine and press the phone to his ear. His forehead scrunched a bit when the operator tell him that her phone is inactive. Gusion closed his phone and think.

   Alright, don't make this day longer then it has to be. He'll immediately see her tomorow.

   After taking a bath and change his clothes, he felt more comfortable. While drying his hair with a towel, he walked to the living room and turn on the TV. Then he walked to the kitchen and open the cupboard.

   "No food. Why's mom only buying instant noodles?" (Cause i'm lazy *slap* sorry sorry) he grumbled while taking a bag. He turn around, gazing at the TV for a brief, then crouched down to open the lower ones. His movement turn to a halt suddenly and he straighten his body with one move. His eyes widen as he stared at the TV.

   There's a video if a female reporter who's reporting the news on the spot. There's a building being burnt behind her. The firemen trying to put off the fire and the police try to calm the crowd who're surrounding the building. The place is a mess, screams and cries are heard from there.

   Gusion snatch the remote and rise the volume for him to hear the reporters report.

   "... the firemen has been trying to put down the fire until now. We don't have confirmation of the building whatever it's empty or not. The fire is huge, we hope that all the citizens are safe..."

   Gusion's eyes are locked to tge screen. His body tensed up, his heart is racing. This is impossible. He's just there at the afternoon. God, tell me this isn't true. But the reporter mentioned the name and location of the burnt apartment. Gusion's blood  froze in an instant.

   Without thinking twice, Gusion throw the towel to the floor, grasp the car keys, and got out from the house.

   He drove the car in full speed, his hand grasped tightly to the steer till his finger turn white. His head filled with worry... tensity... fright. His heart keep on pounding hard and his whole body felt cold. He tried to call Lesley but it's always the same. Her phone is dead. He keep on praying for Lesley's safety. He hope that she's already out, safe and sound. Why did this happen? How is she? What if...

   Dear God, he'll go insane!

   When he almost reached the destination, the road is closed so his car can't get in. Gusion immediately jumped out and shove from the crowd. It's a mess and the air is hot due the smoke from the flare of fire felt suffocating. Gusion ran and look at his surroundings, searching for Lesley's figure. He walked fast from the gathering people while shouting Lesley's name. Where is that girl?

   Gusion keep shaking his head side to side and keep on searching. His eyes suddenly fixed on a figure who's standing quite far from the crowd. She is wearing a blue night gown, standing there while staring at the burnt building with an empty gaze.

   "Lesley!" Gusion shouted but the girl didn't respond.

   A wash of relief flooded his mind when he ran towards her.

   "Lesley..." Gusion is standing beside her and touch her hand.

   She turn her head towards Gusion to reveal her ash covered face. There's a flash of fear on her eyes. When he touch her hand, he just realized that she's shaking.

   "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Gusion asked with a worried tone while staring at Lesley from top to bottom. She's only wearing a night gown without any slippers. Her long pink hair is let down messily and her hands are gripping on a wet purple scarf. The one that he gave her on the fanmeet.

   Lesley nooded with a slight stiff manner. "Yeah, i'm okay," she exclaimed softly. Gusion could hear her shaky voice.

   Gusion sigh in relief and hug her. "Thank God you're okay."

   "I didn't have the chance to bring anything," She mumbled.

   Gusion let go and stare at Lesley's still shaking figure. "It's fine. As long as you're safe, it's enough. Come in, follow me."

   Lesley nodded and let Gusion lead her to his car. Lesley's eyes locked on the raging fire and the clouds of smoke.

   "So... where's your brother?" Gusion asked while driving the car.

   "He's having a sleep over at Yoona-Woo's house, do you remember her when i brought her to the fanmeet?" She said in blank tone while looking down to her feet.

   He nodded and the rest of the ride is filled with an uncomfortable silence. When they arrive, Gusion realized that the lights on his house is still on, his door is unlocked, and his television is still on because of the rush.

   "You may sit here," He said while leading Lesley to the sofa. "I'll get you some drink."

   When he came back with a cup of tea, he saw Lesley crying. It looks like her senses are back after the experince she gone trough.

   Gusion put the cup on the table, sit infront of her, the look at her in worry. "Are you hurt?"

   Lesley shake his head no while wiping her tears with the back of her hands. Then explain between sobs. With a hard time understanding, Gusion listen to her words that he barely understand cause of explaining while crying, but he knows the conclusion of her scarmbled words.

   Lesley explained that the fire is from the nextdoor apartment. She was watching TV when suddenly she felt the air getting hotter and start to feel suffocated. Then everyhing bacame a mess. The emergency alarm went off and the sound of people screams are pierching trough her ears. She paniced and she could only find something to cover her nose and mouth. She immediately grasped the scarf that Gusion gave from her bedroom and immediately ran out from the apartment.

   Gusion gave her a box of tissue and she accept it. "It's alright, i understand. Everything is going to be fine, don't worry."

   Lesley looks reliefed a bit. She dry her tears and her nose. Then she gaze at Gusion in worry. "So what now?"

   "There are many empty rooms here. It's best you stay here for the night." Gusion pointed to the cup on the table. "Drink it. We'll think of something tomorow."

   Lesley lift the cup wigmth both of her hand. Even if she looks more reliefed, Gusion could sww her hands aren't shaking anymore. Lesley sip on her tea slowly, then gaze at her dirty night gown
   Gusion cleared his throat. "My mom didn't left any clothes here, you may borrow my clothes, if you don't mind."

   While Lesley clean herself up and change, Gusion called his manager and tell him what happened.

   "Alright, i'll be there at the morning," Yi Shun-Shin said before hanging up. "Thank God she's okay."

   Lesley went back to the living room when Gusion hang up. Gusion give a small smile when he see the girl's apperance. She is wearing a purple hoodie that seems to be oversized for her, and a of trouzers that has to be folded a few times. Her face is cleaned up and her hair is wet cause of showering.

   "May i borrow your phone?" Lesley asked. "I want to call my brother, Harley. I don't know if he already know about this. If he does i want to tell him that i'm alright."

   "Of course," Gusion said while handing the phone to Lesley. He walked to the kitchen to give her some privacy, even if he could hear her voice from there.

   "Harley. it's me," Lesley said. "Oh, you already know?... No, no, i'm fine. Don't worry... Now?"

   Gusion realize that she look at him for a brief moment.

   "Emm... i'm in a friend's house," Lesley mumbled and quickly added, "look, Harley, i need your help. Can you tell Yoona-Woo that i need to borrow her clothes? I didn't have the chance to bring anything. I can't even save my phone... tomorow morning? Thank you Harley... Oh, the adress?"

   Lesley mentioned Gusion's adress and hang up.

   "What did yoir brother say?" Gusion ask.

   "He already know about the fire and tried to call me feom then. He said he'll bring some of his friend's clothes for me. He told me that he'll bring it here. I hope you don't mind cause i already told him your adress."

   Gusion raise his shoulders. "He's your brother that you told us about, right? Who already know about us? It's fine."

   Lesley nodded and hand the phone to Gusion. "Gusion, how do you know about the incident."

   Gusion took the phone and pointed to the TV.

   Lesley stared at Gusion while smiling. "Why's your hair like that?"

  Gusion touch his hair. He just realize his hair is a mess. He remember that he was drying his hair when he watched the news. Cause of panic, he immediately rushed out not caring about his apperance.

   Gusion coughed and brush his hair with his fingers. "I was just finished showering," he mumbled faintly, then point his phone to her. "Is there anyone you want to call? Your parents?"

   Lesley thought about it. "My parents are at Paris. I think they wouln't know about a burnt apartment on Korea. I also don't want them to get worried. And it's late. I'll tell them next time."

   "Alright, it's up to you," Gusion said. "It's best you get some sleep. Come, i'll take you to your room."

   Gusion brought Lesley to her room on the second floor. "Here it is," Gusion said after opening the door.

   Lesley nodded and step in. When he turned around, Gusion heard Lesley called him.

   Lesley stand there with her hands holding the still opened door. "Thank you," She said with a small smile. "For everything."

   Gusion smile back. "You're welcome. Good night, Lesley."


When she open her eyes in the morning, Lesley's eyes widen relizing that she's at Gusion's house. She got up and sit at the bed. Her brain is recalling the past events. She can't describe her emotions about the burnt apartment. It looks like that she's not fully aware of her senses cause for some reason she's already got out and stood on the sidewalk. Everything seems blurry. In one moment she lost almost everything.

   When she relized that the apartment os burnt, Lesleycs heart is attacked with panic, but shw knew that she has to stay calm and strong for herself and Harley. But when she stood at the sidewalk while staring at her burnt apartment, Gusion came. Lesley felt relieved when shw saw that man. Suddenly shw knew that she didn't have to put up a calm face and pretending to be strong. She can let go a bit of her problem. Cause she's not alone.

   What am i thinking? Lesley shook her head. What time is it? She glance at the clock on a small table. It's already 08:25.

   Lesley get down the bed and look around. What room is that? Bathroom?

   Lesley turn the knob, and it is a bathroom. It's big and everything she needs is inside. Lesley stare at it wide eyed, can't compute.

   After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she went down the stairs. He walked slowly while looking right and left continuously.

   "You up?"

   Lesley flinch in suprise when she heard Gusion's voice. He's sitting on the dining chair while smiling at her. He's not alone. Yi Shun-Shin is also there while holding a morning newspaper.

   "Oh, you already came Uncle?" Lesley walked to both of them. "Sorry, i woke up late."

   She felt strange cause of Yi Shun-Shin's stare at her. She knew that he is staring at her attire, she just ask, "Uncle, why are you looking at me like that?"

   Yi Shun-Shin smiled and shook his head. "Nothing. I'm happy you're okay. Sit down. Want to eat breakfast? There's some bread."

   "Thank you."

   Yi Shun-Shin fold the newspaper and put it on the table. "I went to your apartment buliding few hours ago. It looks bad. I guess nothing is saved. I heard from Gusion that the fire came from the apartment beside yours?"

   Lesley nodded.

   "If that's so, there's no hope for it."

   Lesley sighed and scrunched her forehead in worry.

   "What's your plan?" Yi Shun-Shin asked.

   Lesley glance at him. "I don't know yet. Search for a new house. I still have some money at the bank, but..."

   "Where are you gonna live? Can you live with your friend?"

   Lesley thought about it. "I can live with my brother's friend Yoona-Woo and her cousin Angela. But the problen is, her  home isn't big enough and it's already a cafe. If i live there, i'll trouble them. I'll just let my brother stay there."

   Yi Shun-Shin gaze at Gusion, then back to Lesley. "What if you stay here for a while?"

   Lesley flinched in suprise. She immediately glance at Gusion and quickly answered, "Oh, no need. It's-"

   "How about your house Hyong?" Gusion cutted.

   Yi Shun-Shin chuckled. "You know that my apartment has only one bedroom. You want her to be my roommate? Your house has many room, so i thought that it's not a problem."

   Lesley felt her face getting warmer. What are they talking about? "No, it's not necessary," She said. "I'll search for a new home."

   Gusion scrunched his forehead and face her. "You think you can search for a good house in a day?"

   "About that..." Lesley didn't know what to say.

   Gusion finnaly nod and sigh. "I guess what Hyong said was right."

   Yi Shun-Shin leanhis body to the chair and cross his hand infront of his chest. "Right, we just decide it like this. Until Lesley find a new home. Of course i'll help you find it. Just tell me what kind of place you want."

   "This is...," Lesley glance at Gusion. "But i... Is it okay?"

   Gusion lifted his shoulders. "I guess you don't have much of a choice, right? Or you want to go back home to France?"

   "I still have to attend college."

   "If that's so, you really don't have a choice," Gusion said.


   Gusion glance at her. "Why? You affraid of me?"

   Lesley's eyes widen. "Ah, no. Not that."

   Yi Shun-Shin laugh and speak, "It's okay Lesley. You know that Gusion is gossiped gay not playboy."

   Gusion's expression sudenly change to annoyed. Lesley laughed along looking at his face.

   Suddenly the door bell ring. Gusion stand up and walk to the door. Then, "Oi, Lesley," He called.

   "What is it?" Lesley stand up and go to him.

   Gusion pointed to a small monitor beside the door. Lesley saw a boy holding a paper bag.

   "Is he your brother?" Gusion ask to reasure.

   "Yes. That's Harley," Lesley said.

   Lesley saw her brother saw the house in amazement while looking at Gusion with a scowl on his face.

   "You don't know how hard it is to hide the note of Park Goo-Hyun ssi's adress from Yoona-Woo, she can barely snif anything relate it to him," He said while throwing a look to Gusion.

   Lesley hold her laugh. "Hey, we just got in a tragedy."

   Harley avert his gaze to Lesley. "Right. I'm glad you're okay sis. Here i brought you a few of Angela's big clothes. And some undergarments too. Yoona-Woo help me pick them."

   Lesley took the paper bag and smiled. "Thank you so much. I'll return these clothes to Angela soon."

   Harley wave his hands. "Don't worry about it. So what's next nuna?"

   Lesley lift her eyebrow. "Mm?"

   "You know you could live with Nana and Angela with me. They said that they wouldn't mind if you stay with us."

   Lesley smiled. "I know. But i don't want to be a burden for them."

   Harley went silent for a moment, then said, "If that's so where are we gonna live next?"

   Hm, why's her brother's words is precisely the same as Gusion? Lesley tilt her head and answer awkwardly, "You stay with Yoona-Woo and i probably gonna stay... here..."

   Harley's eyes widen in shock. "Here? In Park Goo-Hyun ssi's home?"

   "There are many empty rooms here," Lesley repeated Yi Shun-Shin's words. "So i think... Ah, and Gusion offer it."

   No, it's not precisely the same, but it's like this mostly.

   "Are you sure? Can live here with you?" Harley ask in concern.

   "Your school is far away from here, and i don't have any other choice." This time it's Gusion's words being copied by her.

   Right at that moment Yi Shun-Shin got in to the living room with Gusion.

   "Are you Lesley's brother?" he asked. "How are you? My name is Yi Shun-Shin."

   "My name is Han Soon-Mi, but call me Harley it's my foreign name. Did she told you her foreign name aswell?"

   "Yes, she did. And this is Park Goo-Hyun, but just call him Gusion. Is it okay for her to live here for the time being?" Yi Shun-Shin ask.

   Harley glance at Lesley and answer. "It's fine, i'll stay at my friend's house till we got a new home."

   Gusion smiled and nod. "Sorry, we can't talk to you much more. We have to go now, but you can accompany your sister here. Make yourself home."

   "Hm, of course. Thank you," Harley said while nodding his head.

   Gusion turn to Lesley. "What are you gonna do today?"

   "I'm going to ask Harley to accompany me to buy somethings." Lesley said. "I also want to check my apartment's condition."

   Gusion nod and gaze back at Lesley. "Alright, the spare keys are on the table. Don't forget to lock the door if both of you are going out. I'll call you later. I'm gonna get going."

    The four said there good byes and see you laters. Then the two boys get in the car. "Who is that other guy beside Gusion, is he also one of those Kpop stars that Yoona-Woo went crazy on?"

   Lesley shake her head. "No, Uncle Yi Shun-Shin is Gusion's manager."

   Harley raise his eyebrow. "His manager? Why are you calling her Uncle, Nuna?. He's still young."

   Lesley just shake her head and smile.

   "Why are you looking at me like that?" Harley ask with narrowed eyes.

   "I just want to ask you, are you sure there's nothing between both of you? You're just his girlfriend on photos? Just that?"

   "Yeah. Why?"

   "I know i'm not into this stuff, and i forbid you to have a boyfriend after what happen with Claude. But both of you look like a couple already. And you are also wearing male clothes. His clothes?"

   Lesley gaze down looking at Gusion's clothes that's to big for her. Didn't know what to say. Unfortunately Lesley didn't have to answer cause Harley suddenly added, "Oh ya, i almost forgot to tell tou that Claude called me last night, despite he did shit to you."

   Lesley lift her face. "Oh?"

   Harley continue, "Cause he can't contact you, he called me to ask your well being. I told him that you're alright, but he also wanted to know where you are."

   "What did you say Harley?"

   "I didn't say anything. I thought you were going out somewhere when i have a sleep over in Yoona-Woo's house. That's what i told him. I just knew today you're at Gusion's house."

   "You're not telling him, right?"

   "Do you think i'm stupid? Of course not," Harley exclaimed. "Whatever, i'm sick of him. Come on, tell me everything. About the fire and how you end up here."

🐚To be continued

🐚Thank you for reading
🐚Follow my ig @gracerolly

Hello everyone, Happy Late New Year. I'm suppose to publish this at new year but i have to help my family to prepare for my family gathering party. And i'm currently on a low signaled area which is pretty hard to get internet connection. Again, thank you for reading and have a blessed year.






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