🐚Two- Girlfriend?

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"'Your songs are good'?"

Lesley sat on the bed with her wrapped up with a blanket while gazed Yoona-Woo who's sitting beside her. Her brother's friends wide eyes and short pink hair stare back at Lesley with her arms crossed.

"I cant believe you just said that. Why didn't you asked for his authograph?" Yoona-Woo continued with a blaming tone.

"I'm suprised that Harley can manage her fangirl attitude" Lesley growls. "Maybe if yesterday i wasn't annoyed and tired... and brain cramped." She touched her pail face and shook. "Yes, my brain definately cramped yesterday. How can i got in to a car with two strangers? And it was almost midnight. Omg, what have i done? I'm not that kind of person. No, no. I'm losing my mind. It's a relief that i'm still lucky. What if there's something happened to me yesterday?"

Yoona-Woo sighed. "Hey, you're not with a stranger. Your with Park Goo-Hyun. Why didn't you ask for his authograph?" she asked again, i can hear disappointment on her tone.

"Park Goo-Hyun is a stranger to me," Lesley said furiously. "Plus you know i'm not his fan, why should i ask for his authograph?"

"Even if your not his fan, you know that your brother's friend here is his big fan," Yoona-Woo said while pointing her thumb to herself. "I've been waiting real patient for him to comeback after 4 years disappearing. Atleast ask him his authograph for me... Not all people can meet Park Goo-Hyun in person, you know? And yesterday, a miracle or something, you met him, talk to him, and he even take you on a ride with his car."

"His friend's car," Lesley cutted. "His friend is there too."

Yoona-Woo ignored her. "You rode a car with him. Haah, if i were you, i would--"

"Yoona-Woo, stop!" i said in annoyance. She's really pissed right now.

Her attitude softened neither of scared or giving up. I shouldn't never speak like that to her. "I know, i know. But if you meet him again, dont forget to ask him his authograph for me."

Lesley laid herself on the bed. "If i meet him again," She said under her breath. Then she gazed to Yoona-Woo. "If i meet him again." Lesley said louder but it can barely be heard by Yoona-Woo.

Yoona-Woo played with one of the edge of Lesley's blanket and suddenly talked, "Oh yes, i heard a gossip that says that he's gay. I dont know it's true or not, even if i could die of dissapointment if he really is gay. You meet him yesterday how's his attitude back there? Is it normal? Looks strange? Is his apperance changed after years dissapear from showbiz?"

Lesley scrunch her forehead thinking. "I dont know, there's nothing strange about him. Ugh, i already told you i got brain cramped. I dont even remember what he wears yesterday."

Yoona-Woo gazed at her. "Your really hopeless *Onni. Only you could catch a cold in the middle summer like this. Is your head still hurt? Do you feel better?" "i dont know how to feel pissed, or calm right now."

Lesley keeps silent. She thinks of something else. She bit her lips and asked, "Yoona-Woo, what do you like about Park Goo-Hyun? Why do you always go crazy over him?"

A wide smile crept in Yoona-Woo's face. "Cause he's handsome, cute, awesome singer - his voice is so beautiful- and he writes romantic and touching songs. Oh yes, his new album is gonna publish soon. I cant wait."

"I swear i can feel Harley is pissed right now". "Right?" She said with a emotionless tone.

Then she suddenly screeched that make Lesley stumble a bit.

"What? What's the matter?" Lesley asked while Yoona-Woo stired her bag roughly.

"I'm so stupid, omg. You should have told me earlier."

"What?" Lesley said in confusion.

Yoona-Woo hands out a tabloid and open it's tabs. "Now, take a look at this."

Lesley stared at an article titled 'Midnight Meet Up' and suddenly shivers. In that article there is two photos of Gusion with a girl. She cant see her face, but she knows that's her. That girl in the photo is her. What the heck is this.

The first photo shows Lesley and Gusion leaving his house. Her head nod down so her face is not visible.

The second one is took when Gusion open the door for her. Her body is covered by Gusion's body so she's not visible also. She relieve that her face is unnoticeable.

"I almost forgot about this when i heard that your sick," Yoona-Woo said worringly. "I should have known when you told me about what happen last night, but my brain works slower now. The girl in the photo is right Onni?"

"Omg," she mumbled disbelieve. "Who took these photos?"

"Park Goo-Hyun is a famous singer," Yoona-Woo said with a i-know-everything-so-just-trust-me tone in her voice. "Of course there will be many paparazzi and reporters busy searching info about him. And this one is a blast. Here you are roled as Park Goo-Hyun's girlfriend Onni."

Lesley shook her head and returned Yoona-Woo's tabloid. She still shivers. "I'm not alone with him. His manager is there too, the one who took this photo should know too, but why is it like this?"

Lesley shivers more. "Thank God my face is not visible. Yoona-Woo dont ever spill a word about my meeting with Park Goo-Hyun."

Yoona-Woo raised her brow. "Why?"

Lesley scrunch her forehead and scratch her head. "How dare they make a gossip like this. You know why? Her girlfriend? Me? I dont want to be involved in a singer's gossip..."

"Is your head still hurts Onni?" ask Yoona-Woo when Lesley went silent and rubbing her head.

Lesley shook her head and smiled. "No, i'm better. I'm just a bit stressed and tired, and got cold. I'm alright now. Yoona-Woo, you should go home now. I'm okay on my own."

"I'm okay staying a bit longer. Oh ya, me and Soon-Mi cooked you some soup for you. I put it on the kitchen counter. You have to eat Onni," she said while picking up her bag from the floor. She put her hand to Lesley's forehead. "You're temperature is decreasing, but you still need to drink medicine. If Onni ever need help just call Soon-Mi or me."

"You're very kind, Yoona-Woo," Lesley said with a smile. "And thank you for cooking me some soup. Remember, about my meeting with Park Goo-Hyun last night. Dont tell it to anybody." then shouted "Harley, come here for a moment."

They hear foot steps and the door slowly opened with Harley on the other side. "What is it *Nuna?"

"Could you take Yoona-Woo home, i felt bad for her going alone." i said and gets a nod from Harley.

"Dont forget to rest well and drink medicine. Okay bye bye Onni," she said while leaving the room with Harley.


Park Goo-Hyun stood straight near a big window of his manager's office that is on the 20th floor of a sky scrapper building. He gazed outside the window. He admires the view of Seoul's scenery in the middle of the summer. This morning the tabloid making an article about her gay gossip. That gossip sperads like wild fire. Sooner or later he will be asked explaining. The reporters will hunt him... ask him... demanding for answers. The catch for being a famous singer.

The memories flows again. When the reporters ask him thousands of questions nonstop, when he became so frustrated and have to hide to calm himselfe. Now, with that new gossip, his days of fighting will begin again... or it's already just begun.

"Oh, Goo-Hyun, you already came."

Gusion is too busy with this thoughts until he doesn't realized her manager came in to the office.

Yi Shun-Shin walk towards his work desk and put a blue file. "Am i late?"

Gusion shook his head and walks towards the chair infront of the desk. "I just got here. What do you need for calling me here in the morning?"

Yi Shun-Shin put his vest on the chair and open the file on the desk. He pulls out a tabloid and give it to Gusion.

Gusion takes the tabloid in confusion, then when he reads the article inside, his face changed. "What the heck is this? How did they... This-"

Gusion stared at his manager and Yi Shun-Shin nod. "Right. This is the photo that's been took last night when we give that girl a ride."

With annoyance Gusion throw the tabloid hard to the desk. "Great, one gossip is not enough for them." he said leaning on the chair. "How could they get these pictures? Hyong, do you think the girl is involved with this mess?"

His manager shook his head. "No, i think not. Even if there is some thoughts of it, even the slightess, but i dont think about it that way."

Gusion rubbed his chin and thinking. He had to admit the girl last night would never get involved with this gossip, but...

"The girl last night, Lee Jun-Mi... i've done some research on her," said Yi Shun-Shin while handing a sheet of paper to Gusion from his file. Then he continued, "she's on her third year of college and worked part time on a designer's butique. Her mother is French and his father is Korean. Her father is the head of a car coorporation and her mother is a house wife. She's the oldest and has two siblings. Her sister how ever died four years ago. And her youngest brother named Han Soon-Mi. She's born in Paris and lived there until she reached ten years old, because of his father's contract is over, then the whole family moved to Seoul. Five years ago her father got called back to Paris, so her parents and her younger sister moved back to Paris, while she and Harley stayed there to continue their studies. There's not many to tell about her siblings, mostly her younger sister. But her backstory is clean and common."

Gusion read the paper and chuckled a little. "Where did you get all of this Hyong? You even got her height and weight."

Yi Shun-Shin just smiled and took out another sheet of paper from his file and start reading, "for people who's close to her, Lee Jun-Mi is a kind and trustable girl. She doesn't smoke, drunk, eat drugs, and doesn't have any criminal note what so ever. So i'm straightly to say that she's not involved with the pictures on the tabloid." Then handing the paper.

Gusion read the paper, and Yi Shun-Shin signed. "I have to admit... this gossip helped us," he said.

Gusion lift his head from the paper and gazed to Yi Shun-Shin for him to explain what he meant.

"Ain't this gossip breaks your gay gossip? This photos shows that you are spending time with a girl infront of your house with a unexpected time," he said with a big grin.


"I know you already ask for permission for not coming to work today because you got sick, but i really need you now Miss. Lee. Right now. We're very busy, expecially me, i almost dont have the time to catch a breath. I'm forced to ask you to come, Miss Lee. Please come here now. Please... You're not heavily sick are you. If you are, you must be in the hospital instead in you're house. Okay, Miss Lee?"

Lesley laid down the bed with her phone sticking in her ear. She heard her boss's speech flowing like flood on the other side with her eyes closed. She supposed to turn off her phone today. Her boss shudden called her today. Her bosses shudden acted like this. Asking sick people to work? Plus this is Saturday. Dictator!

"Miss Lee? Miss Lee? Halooo? You hear me, Miss Lee? I cant speak for long, Miss Lee. Very very busy. You'ld come right?"

"Ya, ya, Mister Ryu. I understand. I'll be there in a hour," she said lazily.

"You only have thirty minutes to come here to my studio, Miss Lee," her boss said and hung up.

Lesley looked at her phone in annoyance. "Just look, i will leave your work place at Monday. Hunter! Killer! Hhh, i'm going nuts!"

While cursing, Lesley forced herself to stand and walked lazily to the wardrobe.


Forthy minutes later, Lesley made it to Mister Ryu's studio, one if the most popular designer in Korea. That her boss called a studio is a work office filled with various patterned fabric, between wasted ones or useable ones. The studio is at the top of the three floored building. Mister Ryu's butique has two floors: the first floor is for public and the second is for VIP guests.

Lesley stepped in and saw a man dress in a black suit and hat, with one eyed glasses gazing at a slim model with an unsatisfied face. With one click of a hand, he told that model to leave and told his goons to call another one.

Just when the other model stepped in, Mister Ryu realized Lesley's presence and screeched, "Miss Lee! You're late. Why-wait for a moment..." He gazed back at the model thats just arrived and pouts, "No, no! Not you. What should i do so they could understand what kind of model that i needed? Omg! Call Mister Saeyong now."

Lesley felt pity to look at the shock expression from the model. She had to admit that Mister Ryu is not an easy man. Sometime geniuses are hard to pleased.

Mister Ryu gazed back at Lesley. "You see yourself, Miss Lee, we're so busy for the fashion show. Please you take these clothes for fitting."

What? Who's fitting? Which clothes? Mister Ryu always thought that everyone would imidiatly understand his un understandable words.

"Who is fitting and to whom should i take these too, Mister Ryu?" Lesley asked.

Mister Ryu looked at her with his managed wide eyes. "Omg, Miss Lee. You surely remember that i told you about Park Goo-Hyun, right? He agrees to wore my designes for all of his performances. That's why you should hurry up and make sure that these clothes fit his size and taste."

Then, before Lesley would ask again he pointed a wheel clothe hanger filled with his designes near the door, "There! Those clothes in that hanger!"

No, You never told me about this to me, Lesley pouts in her brain, but what came out is, "Who is he again?"

"Park Goo-Hyun. That singer. You dont know him? Whatever, know or dont know doesnct matter. Now go! He's waiting in the butique. Go now. Go! Hurry!" he said while pushing Lelsey's back to his studio's exit door.


Lesley pushed the wheeled clothe hanger along the hall. Still annoyed, she walks to the lift. On the way she met one of the butique's security that she's close with and told her that Park Goo-Hyun is waiting at the second floor.

When she got infront of the second floor's elite like fitting rooms, she stooped for a moment. She's nervous. Why must she have to meet Park Goo-Hyun again? What should she say to him? What should she do? Does that man know about the tabloid's news?

Lesley groans and bit her lips. Maybe Park Goo-Hyun doesn't remember anymore. Lesley nodded. Right, Park Goo-Hyun would forget her by now. People like him would be in a hard time remembering faces because they met different people everyday. There's no way he could remember her in a short time, right?

With that thought, Lesley push the glass door infront of her and stepped in. She breaths deeply and forced her feet to keep walking.

Lesley stood infront of one of the fitting rooms door and held a breath again. Right, this is it. Do it and finish it! Dont worry. He dont remember you. Just do your work.

She grasped the handle and open it.


"One of his staff will bring you you're clothes shortly," Yi Shun-Shin said while closing his phone.

Gusion signed hard and slam himself to the soft sofa in the middle of the fitting room. "I told you we shouldn't come here this early." He gazed his watch. "Ah, i'm wrong, were not early. They are late. Hhh... how long should i wait?"

Yi Shun-Shin just about to answer then his phone rang again for these two hours.

Gusion gazed at hus manager whocs talking to the phone. Yi Shun-Shin give a sign that he's gonna go out for a while. Gusion nodded and he left the room.

Gusion layed his head, trying to get comfort. Just about he's getting his peace he heard the door is openned and a sound from a girl.

"Good afternoon. Sorry for making you wait."

Gusion openned his eyes. A girl with a very long pink coloured braided hair came in. She bowed politely. He bows a little to answer her greetings.

"Mister Ryu told me to bring your clothes here. Please try it on." she said pushing it to the edge of the room, near the changing room. "Please try it there," she said while pointing to the room covered with thick curtain.

There's a strange feeling that he felt, but he doesn't know why. He walked to the changing room and start changing.

Finish changing, he open the curtain. He looked at the girl that been sitting on a chair while doing her hair a little. Then he realized that face.

Then the girl looked at him in shock, she felt like been watched. She quickly stood up. "How is it? Does it fit? Do you like it?"

Isn't that the girl he met yesterday? No questions asked. Gusion remembered that face. That pale and tired face. The girl who stood there is the girl from yesterday. She's still pale and tired like yesterday. Why didn't this girl say anything? Doesn't she reconized him?

"We've met before," he said. He's really sure, he wants to see her expression.

The girl froze, then he's really sure now about her. After a while she mumbled, "Oh?"

Gusion got dissapointed by her respon's. He just gazed at her with widen eyes. Is she dumb or she doesn't remember aboutbehat happened yesterday? He's not being narcist but how could anyone forgots about meeting a famous singer that she met last night? Gusion frowned beacuse he's the one who remembers her, and she just stood there like nothing happen. How come? Or he's not as popular as he think he is? Is the world changed without him knowing?

"You came to my house cause our phones got mixed," Gusion said fast and emotionless, trying to snap her up. For the love of God, is this girl amnesia?


In this very moment Lesley cant cover up anymore. She forced a smile. "Oh, ya, right. How are you?"

That's the only thing she could think up. Lesley cursed herself inside.

Gusion gazed at her with a weird look, he turns his head and signed slowly. "You remembered," he mumbled.

Lesley raised her eyebrow. "Yes?"

Gusion gazed at her and say, " So you work here?"

"Yes... you could say that," Lesley answered.

"The photo on the tabloid... you've seen it?"

Lesley gulped. This is it. Does he thinks i'm behind all of this?

"Yes..." she said nervously, then she waved her hand, "but it's not me... I mean, i'm not involved with any of this. Really."

Gusion chuckled a little. "We also thought about that too. And these photos helped out too."

She dont understand.

"You read tabloid recently?"

Lesley shook her head. She doesn't have time for those. She never got so addicted with gossips. Harley's friend, Yoona-Woo, is a walking tabloid. She knows everything about the famous singers and actors world. Everything she knows she would tell it to Lesley and Harley, dont care about them hearing or not.

Gusion nodded. "Hm, that means you dont want know about my gossips."

"That gay gossip?" those words just flownout of her mouth without her brain prossesing it first.

Gusion gazed at her. "Ain't you just told me that you dont tead tabloids?"

Lelsey slide her head to the side "My brother's friend told me about it."

"It looks like many people knows about that already." Gusion groans. "How ever, those photos helped me overcome those gossips."

Lesley nodded not interested, but then shocked that the man know looked at her with a wide smile on his face.

"Lee Jun-Mi ssi- you're name is Lee Jun-Mi right?" he said fast. Without waitibg for her to answer, he continued, "Because you helped me one time, would you like to help me again?"

Lesley take a step backwards. "What... help?"

"Be my girlfriend."


Marked Words

* Onni: A call from a girl to the older one

* Nuna: A call from a younger male to an older girl

🐚 To be continued
🐚 Follow my ig @gracerolly

A/N Note

Hey guys sorry for the long update, i can tell you the reasons why i update so late.

One, i have a very busy scheduel and knowing i'm getting out of Junior High School next semester so i have to do my best to keep writing both of my fanfictions.

Two, i'm being honest to you guys. That i could update faster than this. If it wasn't for these shitty typos (i'm typing with my phone, and it has a small keyboard) and wattpad cutting half my pages. And it goes over and over and i manage to type this much with out repeating.

Because of this delays, i manage to make this page longer than it should be. I just dont want you guys to get dissapointed of me. And i'm sorry about my curse on the top. I'm just really pissed off and stressed out.

So i just want to say, thank you for waiting for me. I'm very gratefull for you're kindness and patients for this fanfiction. One last time, thank you.


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