Chapter 5

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Mitra's POV :

I step out of the car, my eyes fixed on the venue ahead. I can feel Jai's gaze on me, but I refuse to acknowledge it. I'm not going to make this easy for him.

I start walking away, my heels clicking on the pavement. I can sense Jai's surprise at my abrupt departure, but I don't look back. I know he's used to women fawning over him, but I'm not going to be one of them.

As I disappear into the crowd, I can't help but feel a thrill of excitement. I know Jai's watching me, and I secretly enjoy the attention. But I'm not going to let him know that.

I make my way to the Swatis roon, my mind preoccupied with the strange attraction I feel towards Jai. I know he's a player, and I shouldn't be tempted. But there's something about him that draws me in, something that makes me want to know more.

As I walk, my mind wanders back to the moment in the car when Jai's fingers brushed against my lips. It was a fleeting touch, but it sent shivers down my spine. And then, he had the audacity to lick his finger, his eyes locked on mine with a hint of mischief.

I feel a flutter in my chest as I recall the sensation of his touch. It was gentle, yet electric. I can't believe I'm even thinking about this, but I can't help it. No one has ever made me feel this way before.

I try to shake off the thought, telling myself I'm being ridiculous. He's a player. We're from different worlds. But my mind refuses to listen.

I imagine what it would be like to feel his touch again, to have him look at me with that same intensity. I feel a blush rise to my cheeks as I realize the direction of my thoughts.

No, no, no. I scold myself. I can't be thinking about this. I need to focus on getting the shawl and getting back to the wedding. But my mind keeps wandering back to Jai, and the way he made me feel.

Ugh, why did I even agree to get in the car with him? And why did he have to be

As the evening wears on, I try to focus on the wedding celebrations, but my eyes keep drifting back to Jai. He's surrounded by friends and admirers, but his gaze keeps finding its way back to me.

In one instance, I'm laughing with the Swati and her friends, trying to shake off the earlier tension, when I feel his eyes on me. I glance over, and our gazes meet across the room. For a moment, it's like we're the only two people there. I feel a flutter in my chest, and my heart races. I quickly look away, trying to compose myself. Why does he have to look at me like that?

Later, as I'm getting a refill on my drink, I see him again, this time surrounded by a group of girls vying for his attention. But his eyes are scanning the room, searching for someone. And then, they land on me. He smiles, and I feel a warmth spread through my body. It's like he's trying to tell me that I'm the only one he sees, despite the crowd around him.

But as I watch him laugh and chat with the girls, I'm also aware of the aura of entitlement that surrounds him. He's used to getting what he wants, and I can't help but wonder if I'm just another conquest for him. The thought sends a shiver down my spine, and I remind myself to keep my guard up.

Despite the warning bells in my head, I can't deny the thrill I feel when he looks at me. It's like he's trying to tell me a secret, one that only I can hear. And I'm not sure if I'm ready to listen.

Jai's POV:

As I stand surrounded by friends, my eyes keep drifting back to Mithra. She's laughing and chatting with the bride's friends, looking radiant. I can't help but feel drawn to her, like a magnet pulled to steel.

When our gazes meet across the room, I feel a jolt of electricity. She quickly looks away, but I know she feels it too. I can't help but smile, knowing that I've got her attention.

Later, as I'm surrounded by a group of girls, my eyes scan the room, searching for the one person who truly holds my interest. And then, I see her, standing by the bar. I smile, trying to convey a message that only she can understand. I'm not interested in these girls; I'm only interested in her.

But as I watch her laugh and chat with the others, I know I need to tread carefully. She's not like the others, and I can't use my usual charm to win her over. I need to show her that I'm genuine, that I'm not just playing games. The question is, am I ready to put in the effort?

As I stand there, lost in thought, I see a tall, handsome guy approach Mithra. Her eyes light up, and she greets him with a warm hug. They chat and laugh, completely absorbed in each other's company. I'm taken aback, feeling a sudden pang of possessiveness and jealousy. I can't help but notice the way her hand casually rests on his arm, a gesture that speaks of familiarity and closeness. My mind races with questions. Are they dating? Are they friends?

I feel a twinge of discomfort, my eyes fixed on the duo as they continue talking. Mithra doesn't even spare me a glance, as if I'm invisible.

As I stand there, feeling like an outsider, I watch them chat and laugh together. Their conversation flows effortlessly, like a gentle stream meandering through the countryside.  The guy listens intently, his eyes never leaving hers, his face filled with genuine interest and encouragement.

I notice the way Mithra's hand rests on his arm, her fingers curled around his bicep as if seeking support or comfort. The way he covers her hand with his own, his fingers intertwining with hers in a gentle caress.

I feel a pang in my chest, a pang of jealousy and longing. I want to be the one she turns to, the one she trusts, the one she laughs with, the arm that her hand wants to rest on.

In a moment that feels like telepathy, Mithra's eyes lock onto mine, as if she's heard the thoughts racing through my mind. Her gaze sweeps over my face, then drops to my clenched fist. The moment her eyes land on my hand, I feel a strange sensation, as if her gaze has physically touched me. I quickly unclench my fist, as if to release the tension that's built up inside me.

Mithra's eyes narrow in confusion, and she looks back up at me, her eyebrows raised in a silent question. I shake my head slightly, forcing a gentle smile onto my face. It's a subtle gesture, meant to convey that I'm fine, that nothing's wrong.

But Mithra's not fully convinced. Her eyes linger on mine for a moment, searching for something. Then, she smiles back, a small, tentative smile that suggests she's not entirely sure what's going on. She turns back to her conversation with the other guy, leaving me feeling both relieved and frustrated.

But in that moment, something clicks inside me. I realize that I'm ready to put in the effort, to show Mithra that I'm not just a careless playboy. I want to be the one she turns to, the one she trusts. I'm not sure what I feel for her yet, but I know it's something real.

As I watch her laugh and chat with the other guy, I feel a pang of jealousy that I've never experienced before. It's not a pleasant feeling, but it's a wake-up call. I realize that I don't want to lose her, that I want to be the one by her side.

I take a deep breath, letting the realization sink in. I'm ready to put in the work, to show Mithra that I'm more than just a pretty face and a charming smile. I'm ready to be vulnerable, to be genuine, to be the one she deserves.

Sorry for the short update, but this part was necessary.
Pls do comment n vote.

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