[Special Preview ; 15K Reads!] Renascitur ::: Shuichi Saihara

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[A/N: Hey! Thank you everyone for your support, reads, votes, and fun y comments! I really enjoyed them! Thank you for all your support! Aria always love u guysss <333 And since everyone is nice, here is the special preview I promised everyone!

Also, yes! younaga guessed it right! Since you guessed it right, you will be the first candidate for the upcoming event once this book reaches 20K! And it will be a surprise of course~

Anyways, "Renascitur" is a latin word that means "Reborn" in English! This is a fanfiction of Saihara x reader that I'm releasing ONCE I FINISH the requests. And I hope i do finish them as soon as I can.

Now, here's the special previewww!!!
(y/n) - your name
(l/n) - last name
(f/c) - favorite color
(e/c) - eye color
(h/c) - hair color
WARNING:: Cliffhanger up ahead]


She texted that lone message to me, the bold letters read by my eyes. Her text feeding off all the thoughts off my head. She was someone I didn't knew much,that's for sure. She was someone. . .—

Hey. Saihara?

She called my name?

How did she know?

Staring blankly at my phone in disbelief, sitting on my bed. My pillows neatly placed at the edge of the bed. A sigh escaped my lips and it resounded through the empty, colorless room. It was almost black and white, no other color. Even I was wearing a black t-shirt.

What is it?

I replied back shortly. I imagined a contented smile forming on this girl's lips. Surely, I knew she was a girl. But I didn't get her name. I had met her. .  fortunately, on the flower shop Amami managed.

I remembered her looking at the flowers. And I was sure it was roses. Red roses. It was just like her. She was so beautiful, beautiful (h/c). And sparkling (e/c). It felt like stars, shining so brightly.

She was wearing a plain, flowy (f/c) dress and a summer hat with a pink ribbon. She was bringing a woven basket. She was really beautiful. It was then I couldn't take my eyes off her but I still didn't know how she got my number.

Possibly, Amami gave her my number since that cabbage boy gave me hers.

He said he was close to her, a close "friend". But I didn't even tangled off the strings he knew how to tie to even know this beautiful girl's name.

I knew it. It was you on the flower shop. Right?

She texted back. A smile formed on my lips.

Yes. It was me. The person who managed it was actually my classmate when I was on first year highschool.

Light was starting to seep through the small gaps of the black curtains. Rays of light were lighting the room up bit by bit. As I reminisce the scene of mother coming in with a smile on her face as she would open the curtains wide and I would act like a vampire covering myself with a blanket.

Her text suddenly startled me from the ringtone of my phone. I didn't knew why, but I suddenly open our chatroom open and was shocked at her text.

Saihara, help me. They're chasing me.

Saihara, help me.

Help me.

They're chasing me.

Words repeated on my mind separating her every word of text. As the bold letters appeared on the screen of my phone, my heart sank in nervousness and I tensed up, in a panic I texted her back immediately.

Where are you?! What happened?

One minute passed.

Two minutes.

Three minutes.




No ring.

No text.

No answer.

I bit my lower lip and flipped off the covers, grabbing a random black- striped jacket and put it over my black t-shirt and left the room. I immediately closed the door and rush the stairs, when a pair of eyes were following me.

"O-Oh, Shuichi, y-you're finally out—"

My uncle dismissed a stuttering call out to me, with an unknown lady and a man beside him. He might have just brought visitors inside the house again. He was always like this, bringing in people I haven't even met in my life and even though Mom and Dad and him, had talked about letting strangers in the house, he said he can't because they were his "colleagues".

But to me, they didn't looked like "colleagues".

I didn't find the urge to even protest back at my uncle, or it'll run down worse. So I had decided myself to lock inside my room if there were visitors in. It was safe no bing showy unto a field of stage instead doing so.

"Sorry, Uncle. I gotta go. Something urgent occured." I straight-forwardly answered, getting a glimpse of the two visitors he had once I turned to him, waiting for his answer of "yes" or "no".

"Oh. . okay. Take care. And go home not pass 7!" He said and waved goodbye. I sent him a small smile and open the main door, hearing muffled noises fom the other side once I closed it.

"Is that. . ra. . . .ichi?" A voice of a lady was heard.

". . . Oh. . . . . is sure going to. . . .when she learns about it." A manly voice added, but I decided to ignore all of it.

I run down the stairs starting from the apartment I was staying in with my uncle. I had no time using the elevator so as clumsy I almost got, I would trip off two to three steps but didn't ended up face falling on the floor anyways.

I open my phone and the same message I sent awhile ago was still there.
She sent no message.

Man, it's making me worry so much.

I frowned and gulped, sweat crossing from the side of my forehead as I finally arrived at the ground floor, the foot of the apartment building. I sighed in reloef but I still knew it wasn't all. I had the deep feeling of nervousness in myself, adrenaline running through my beating heart as I, who didn't knew where to go, sprint off to Amami's flower shop and maybe ask him if this (h/c) haired girl went there.

. . . for at least, I hoped. Only at Amami's floral shop.

Passing by the randoms shops and the other street vendors that sold stuff during daytime, didn't mind my eyesight since I was focused finding that wide signboard with 'Amami' or atleast a green shop with random flowers displayed up front.

When my mind was off somewhere, I accidentally tripped and fell unto someone that was passing by, he blinked and suddenly called out my name, "S. . S-Saihara-chan?" He called out, I passed on his face and finally knew who it was.

Whoever guesses it right, probably might get a cookie from me.

He had the checkered black and white scarf on his neck. He was certainly my classmate from first year. With purple twinkling eyes, and purple hair, his smile widened and he immediately tackled me again at the ground even if we already fell off together.

"SAIHARA-CHAN!" He pinned me down and my eyebrow twitched.

Now, have you finally guessed who it was?

That's right. It was, "O-Ouma-kun?" I voiced out, he continued to shake me vigourously by the shoulders, "Wahh~! What a great meeting we have here! Saihara-chan, I missed youuu!" Ouma Kokichi, the really said "obnoxious" leader, smiled in delight upon seeing me.

. . . Wait, this isn't what I was running now.

Immediately, once I realized what I was out for, I pushed Ouma out of me and stood up, continuing to sprint after waving goodbye, "Got to catch something, O-Ouma-kun! Maybe later?"

From the last corner of my eye, I saw Ouma frowning but he suddenly smiled, and I shrugged it off once I finally see a "glorious" Amami's flower shop across the street. I ran across it and pushed the glass door open, resulting for a "ding" to resound on the empty, flower shop.

It was currently 10 of the morning, as I can say. So it was normal for the flower shop to be empty. I found the green-haired boy sitting calmly on the cash register counter with coffee in his hands that he could've just bought from a cafe (the monomono cafe lolol lmao).

"A-Amami-kun? Have you seen her. .  uh, you know. ." I hissed once I was unable to spat her name out; It was seriously evident that I didn't knew her name but managed to converse a conversation with her normally.

"Which one?" Amami asked calmly, cutting me out of my thoughts; I continued to find a way to describe her, as I finally thought of it, my eyes entered a familiar glow as I blurt in a panicking way.

"T-That . .girl. . ! (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes . . !!"

Amami widened his eyes and chuckled, "You mean (y/n)."

(y/n). Why did it felt like I've heard her name somewhere—it doesn't matter! "W-Where is she?!" I yelled, landing my fist on the counter as Amami jolted, startled, he sighed, trying to keep his cool composure, "I-I'm sorry, Saihara-kun. I haven't seen her lately."

Amami noticed that paranoid look at my face, I was out of my sanity, the previous text seriously pushed me off limits, causing me to yell against Amami—but I knew that wasn't right thing to do this moment. I calmed myself down, sitting on one of the chairs near the counter.

Once I got my composure, I spoke, in the most possible and calmest way—"(y/n)—or whatever her last name is," I added on my words, it was rude using her first name if I haven't met her yet, Amami realized this and chuckled, "It's (l/n)."

"A-Alright. "(l/n)-san" texted me this." I said, taking my phone out, revealing our short conversation. Amami's green orbs scanned every message that was on my phone, and suddenly placed a finger in his chin.

"(y/n)-san never told me about anyone she's enemies with in general. ." Amami said, gesturing his hands wide, "There's no way somebody could be chasing her." I could feel the foolish hair that on top of my head, the ahoge—wilt as my eyes twitched, unable to catch what Amami said.

"Do you mean. . "

". . . She's just kidding me?" I said in a shaking voice, Amami then shook his head. "(y/n) isn't a kind of person who'd just say something like that to someone she doesn't know well." Amami said.

"I could only tell you, generally, she isn't like Ouma." Amami continued, rubbing the back of his neck, "B-But it's kind of suspicious for her to say something like that," He said, narrowing his eyes as if he was focusing about something.

"Well, any hints?" I asked with hopeless eyes, it was only between (y/n) pranking me, or she's truly in danger? I sigh and Amami once again noticed this, "I suggest you go to her house," He said sternly.

My eyes and face lit up, "I think that's a good option."

"Her house isn't far from here," Amami explained ways and directions to (y/n)'s house. And I tentatively listen to each of it. Once he was finished, I made a small smile, "Thank you, Amami-kun!" I waved goodbye and ran out of his flower shop.

Deciding my way to go, I immediately sprint off once again, looking at my phone from time to time. I was sure of it, (y/n) would never text someone she doesn't know well yet; it was clear, she is in danger.

I passed by the local neighborhood park this time—and I could see the girl in the middle of the plaza; she was a blonde haired girl, and had music symbols pinned down her hair, I knew she was familiar, so out of my head, I run towards her as I oushed in through the crowd she had made wit her graceful melodies, finalky making up front.

. . .  Kaede Akamatsu.

I stared at her in awe; she was a pianist after all. She continued to play her favorite tune and as soon as it finished, the crowd continued to dissolve and I was the inly one left.

"A-Akamatsu-san." I stuttered, she looked at me and widened her eyes, a smile making way to her face, "Saihara-kuun!" She tackled me over for a hug, that I almost tripped off my balance but I kept it, I went flustered but cut my blushing face with a sigh.

Once Akamatsu pulled off, she smiled at me, "It's nice to see you here in the neighborhood!" She greeted, I made a small smile, "Well, yeah. . My uncle's apartment is just around here. . but, I-I didn't expect bumping into you. ." I scratched my cheek.

Akamatsu was one of my previous classmates. Along with Amami and Ouma; but no, wait! This isn't my goal now! I shook my head and words sprawled out my mouth, "D-Don't you know any girl named (y-y/n) (l-l/n)?" I half-shouted, though Akamatsu seemed to think about it and suddenly smiled wide.

"Yup! She's a really nice girl! Why do you ask. . ?" A mischievous smile passed her face, I gulped—at the first place, why of all people, did I just asked Akamatsu?

"D-Don't t-think a-anything b-bad. . ! But," I blurted, trying to defend myself, she's going to start teasing me right after this. "(l-l/n)-san texted me about something. ." I said in a soft voice and hope Akamatsu won't get malicious of it.

"My, my. . Saihara-kun, you're such a stalker!" Akamatsu yelled out, chuckling as she clucthed her stomach, I blushed furiously and I felt my eyebrow twitch, "E-Eh?!" I sighed, "Setting aside, I have to get to her house, mind telling me where it is?" I asked kindly, she nodded.

"Take a left from that purple-colored house, and you'll find an apple tree. Once you do, take a turn from that street and you'll find a pink car on the left side of that road, that's Iruma's—" I freaked out, causing to cut off Akamatsu's statement.

"I-Iruma-san lives around?!" My mouth was left gaped; sure she was going to annoy me off again that I am a "pervert" if I would pass by her mostly her own car—just what is she thinking?!

"Well," Akamatsu looks away, "I guess it's the only way. Don't worry, it's a plain saturday, she might be hanging out with Ouma-kun or someone." She shrugged, I became more tensed, "I-I just met O-Ouma-kun awhile ago. ." I sighed.

"Nothing can do, Saihara-kun. Well, from where we stopped—after passing Iruma's car, take another left turn and you'll find a (f/c) colored house with a red roof. It has four windows, and a wooden door with a small garden in front." Akamatsu said as I tried picturing it, though it appeared to be just a decent house.

"N-Ne, A-Akamatsu-san," I called, she rose a brow back at response. "Is (l/n)-san. . um, you know. . kind of, getting unto fights or something?" The blonde blinked at me for first but shakes her head, "Why?"

"N-Nothing." I lied, but this was the first time I did, in front of Akamatsu.

"Anyhow, I got to get going now," I say, waving goodbye at the pianist. "Or she might get kidnapped or something. ." I mumbled softly. I sprinted off, finding the purple colored gate and made a left turn, a few meters away, there was a really healthy, sprouting apple tree, and a could find a figure close to it.

The figure held a watering can; and she was really of short height. The apple tree had white fences surrounding it, as the figure had a small little gate to enter in, I continued to approach this figure as I look up to her and she was. . . . .

[BONUS QUESTION:: If anyone guesses it right, he/she will be second candidate for the upcoming event once this becomes 20K! It will be a surprise ;) Now, for the question, Who do you think was the 'she' Saihara-kun saw watering the apple tree?

The upcoming event once this reaches 20K—is a secret!! I've thought about it clearly now—but it isn't about oneshots and drabbles~ Its a secrett~

Anyways guess out and awayyy!

- Ariaa]

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