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4 Months Ago

*Flashback* (before Neil moved into Avni's neighbourhood)

"So Neil I heard your going to move to that chashmish's neighbourhood next week?" Arjun, his old college friend asked.

"Oh yes. Avni Mehta. Can never forget that chashmish!" Neil laughed

"I swear I'm going to enjoy every moment being next door to her" Neil says sadistically.

" Neil your not in college anymore. You can't bully her around now." Arjun says.

"But I can have some fun with her." Neil says smirking.

"Neil we all know you liked her in college but she never fell for your charms & that's why your ego is hurt, & for that reason you mock her all the time, she won't let you have fun with her buddy" Arjun says

"Every girl falls for Neil Khanna yar. Even she will. She will fall very badly, she won't be able to get up." Neil says sadistically.

"Nahh I don't think so Neil. She won't even let you touch her. She's the typical 'bhartiya naari' types. She has been since college yr" Arjun says.

"Let's bet. She will lose her virginity to me." Neil says evily.

"Impossible!" Arjun laughs

Flashback ends.

Present Day (morning after consummation)

Neil is laying next to Avni with her in his arms, both of them bare under the blankets. They're cloths scattered on the floor. Her red lengha glowing from the sunlight as it lays. He remembers the events of last night. How they were intimate, and how he promised to always protect her. He smiled thinking how this all started as a stupid bet to get her in bed. He never knew he would fall in love with her for real. The day he first came with his mom to Avni's house, it was all an act.

He remembers how he saw her coming down the stairs, she looked even more prettier than the time in college. Her Indian attire. Her simple makeup. She was so elegant.
He remembers how he kissed her & how she teared up in disgust. How her bangles broke on the table because he held her wrists so tight. He must've hurt her he thought.  But she did get lost in the heat of the moment but hated how He kissed her all of the sudden. She didn't like how he was touching her like the way he did, he thought. He was going way too fast & had forcefully kissed her.

After that day, he saw ali with her dropping her home & he felt really jealous. He realized he had feelings for Avni & as he got to know her these few months as she gave him a chance, he fell in love with her. Her innocence. Her purity. Everything about her was beautiful.

Then he thought, he could never let Avni know of this bet. She would hate me so much, he thought and also misunderstand me. He realized how much Avni trusts & loves him. She gave away that one thing that is important to every girl and she gave to him, he thought.

Neil got up wearing his cloths. He saw Avni sleeping peacefully. Her skin was glowing after last night. The sindoor on her forehead was all over her head messed up, after the intense session they had at night. Her bangles were all over the bed scattered, some pieces on floor broken. He slowly picked up the broken pieces so she doesn't get hurt while walking on the floor. He checks her wrists to make sure there's no cut from it. He kisses her forehead gently not wanting to wake her. She stirred a little. He slowly approaches the balcony to leave. He thought to leave a text to her.

Later that day...

Arjun came over to see Neil after a while.
They talked for awhile.

"So what have you been up to boy?! Did you have fun with chashmish?" He says sarcastically.

Neil's face turned serious & he doesn't reply looking down.

"See.. I told you she won't let you have fun with her" he says laughing

"We're.. we're in love" Neil says.

"What?!" Arjun exclaims.

"Ohhhh... I get it now. You slept with her.. didn't you?" Arjun says with a serious look now.

"Neil what the hell?? You actually played with her feelings just to win a stupid bet?? How could you do this to her? This is utterly too much ego yr!" Arjun exclaims.

"Shut up you idiot! Stop your nonsense! I'm in LOVE with her! I know this was a bet to start with but.. I really love her now & I didn't realize when I fell for her." Neil replies.

"In that case.. I'm happy for you man. I know we use to make fun of her and all but she's a really innocent girl..I wouldn't have liked it if you really did all that for a bet" Arjun says.

"Arjun listen.. Avni should not find out about this bet thing. I swear, if she does, I won't spare you!" Neil says worried.

"I would never do that to you man" Arjun replies.

Avni house:

Avni wakes up from her long slumber. She touches the other bed side looking for Neil. She gets up when she doesn't find him there & checks her phone. There's a text from neil:

"Jaan I'll see you later.. I didn't want to wake you up, you looked so beautiful while asleep. We'll talk tonight. I love you."

Avni smiled remembering the events of last night. Neil was so gentle. It's the first time she saw him be so gentle. He had somewhat changed because of her she thought. Then she started to worry. They took such a big step. She didn't know how her parents would react.

Just then she heard someone knocking on her door. She knew it was her mom. She quickly got up picking up her cloths.

"Mom I'm coming! Just in the washroom!" Avni says.

"Okay bacha! Come soon! We have to talk to you about something!" Ayesha says from outside her room.

Avni takes a shower, her sindoor wipes off her head. The red color flows off into the shower stream & she watches it. She felt terrible & she had to tell her mom about her & Neil's relationship.

Avni quickly got ready & went downstairs to see her parents sitting on the sofa discussing something serious. Then she got worried & wondered what it could be.

"Avni come sit" ashish Says.

"Yes what's wrong Dad? You guys wanted to speak to me about something?" Avni Says.

"Yes beta! Last night we went to my friends party, & we discussed about your marriage with their son, Arjun." Ashish Says.

Avni's eyes open wide in horror. She realized Arjun is Neil's college friend.

"Arjun?!" She exclaims.

"Yeah what's wrong,?" Ayesha says.

"I can't marry him." Avni Says quivering.

She didn't know what to say. They had fixed her rishta without asking her, thinking she would agree, but little did they know she had already given her soul away to someone. Her eyes were watering. She had to tell them right at this moment. It's now or never.

"I need to tell you guys something" she says fearing.

"I'm... I'm... in love with someone else" she says in a low tone.

Her mom almost gasped & her dad clenched his fist in anger.

"With who?!" Ashish yells in anger.

Now fear had took over Avni's body.

"Neil. I love Neil.. and I can't live without him." Avni said with courage.

Ashish got up and slapped her across the face.

"Since when has this been going on Avni?!" He yelled as Avni cupped her now swollen cheeks.

Tears streamed down her eyes.

"Why are you scaring her?! Please calm down.. she's your daughter.. listen to her first!" Ayesha says grabbing Avni before she broke down.

"I don't want to listen to anything! From now on, she won't be leaving this house. In fact, she doesn't have to go to work anymore either. Also, I'm taking her phone away. She's gonna sit home & next week is her engagement with Arjun!" Ashish yells in anger and walks away.

Avni started sobbing really loud now, in her mother's arms.

"Mama.. please .. I can't marry someone else... I've given my soul to Neil.. I will die without him.. please please do something." Avni said while crying.

Her mom hugged.

"Avni.. your father has already fixed everything. And you know he's so stubborn. Please bacha try to understand.
Just agree to this marriage. Please make my life easy & your's too. Forget Neil, I'm begging you" Ayesha says while walking away upset.

Avni sits there on the floor devastated. All alone. Her eyes reddened, & tears kept on flowing out of them, non stop. "It's too late's too late. " She cried.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for all your comments & guesses in last chapter! Let me know what you thought for this one & also let me know what you think is going to happen? Xoxo 💕

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