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Author's POV

Neil leaned forward towards Avni's parted lips. Her cheeks had dried up tears on them. Her eyes had been shut, inviting Neil in. As his lips touched hers, there was nothing but sounds of kissing filled in the room. The kiss quickly turned passionate & Neil went down to her neck, sucking her on her sweet spot. Avni suddenly saw her hand which had her engagement ring on it. She gasped & pulled Neil away.

Neil's hair was tossled & his lips were pink, swollen from the delicious kiss he just had.

"I'm engaged." Avni said to herself. Tears escaped her eyes as she realized she kissed Neil & betrayed her fiance.

"How could I do this?!" She cried out. Neil held her cheeks.

"No Avni.. this isn't wrong.. you don't belong with him... you can't be his Avni.. you know you love me.. you won't be able to give him the love you gave me" Neil says softly.

Avni almost bursted into tears.

"Don't interfere in our lives neil! I WILL give him anything he wants after marriage. Do you understand?!" Avni yelled. She knew herself how big of a lie that was.

"Really..? So you'll let him touch you the way I touch you.. caress you like this.." Neil said while possessivly running his hands down her body.

Avni looked away not looking into his eyes. She shut her eyes in anger.

"Yes, I will" she mumbled.

"Say that looking into my eyes Avni" Neil says in a stern voice.

"Neil leave my room right now!" Avni Says in tears.

"I will but stop crying.. please... and stop lying to yourself." Neil said. When he left, Avni bursted into tears. She felt guilty for doing this behind Arjun's back.

One week later:

It was the wedding day already & Neil didn't know what he could do to stop the wedding without telling Avni the truth. He sat all morning thinking the possible scenarios that could happen. He knew she was not happy and just wanted to hurt him. He just wasn't sure how to stop that stubborn girl.

"Hello son" said Rajat smirking.

Before his dad could talk further, Neil started walking away.

"Listen.. I have a job for you.. don't turn your back on me.. I can always kill Avni anytime don't forget that" Rajat says sadistically.

Neil stopped walking as soon as he heard Avni's name.

"Don't you dare take her name from your mouth!" He yelled in anger, his cheeks flushed in red color.

"So today is Ashish Mehta's daughter's wedding.. and how can it happen without a bomb blast?" Rajat says laughing.

Neil couldn't take it anymore.

"If you think of harming my Avni then you're going to see the worst of me." Neil says in a stern voice.

"Oh I won't harm her, don't worry, as long as you do as I say, I won't. You have to kidnap her before the wedding & marry her by force. After marrying her, you have to take her back to the wedding venue at the exact moment of the marriage in the evening. It would be fun to watch Ashish Mehta insulted once again through her daughter!" Rajat says, evilly laughing.

"I can't.. I'm a police, why do you keep forgetting that and making me do such crime?" Neil asks.

"It's okay Neil. Leave that to me to cover up. And now don't say you don't want to betray the law, I'm sure Avni's life is more important than the law." Rajat says laughing.

Neil was stunned. He didn't know what to do or say. Avni would hate him for the rest of his life but he also wanted to protect her from any harm. He couldn't risk her life. He decided to agree on Rajat's conditions.

After a few hours..
Neil snuck into Avni's room again through the balcony. She was dressed up in a red lengha, looking more beautiful than ever. Tears escaped his eyes seeing her.

"So you're sure about this Avni?" He asks softly.

She turned around, surprised to see him. Her eyes were glistening with tears. The pain in her eyes were too evident.

"I haven't been more happy." She replies, her own words mocked her.

"I can see that. You're so happy huh?" Neil held Avni & pinned her to the wall.

"If you're so happy then what are these tears for Avni?" Neil says.

"Tears of happiness" Avni replies looking away.

"More like tears of pain" Neil says.

"I know you're punishing me by doing this marriage.. but I won't let you" Neil says while gripping her tight.

"Neil. Don't touch me.. it's my marriage today & im getting married to someone else. You don't have rights to touch me anymore." Avni says as tears escaped her red eyes.

"I have all rights to touch you Avni. And you're not getting married to Arjun today. You're getting married to me." Neil says, in a stern voice, leaving Avni with wide eyes.

With that he picked her up over his shoulder. Her bangles danced in her hands as she started hitting his back so he could let go. He walked out of the room, down the stairs. Ashish Mehta was not at home & her mom was in the kitchen.

"Neil?!?! Let go of me!!" Avni cried out. Neil gripped his hands tighter around her legs so she stops kicking.

Ayesha sees them & starts yelling at Neil.

"Neil let go of my daughter right now!" Ayesha yelled.

"Let me take her.. I have a gun with me.. don't make me do something to your daughter. Let me take her." Neil said sternly as possible.

This scared Ayesha & she didn't fight him as she was afraid. Neil left the house with Avni while Ayesha yelled & cried out. She instantly called Ashish to come home.

Meanwhile Neil took Avni & pushes her inside his car as she doesn't stop yelling & kicking. She was officially the kidnaped bride.

Neil started to drive to the place Rajat told him for the marriage. It was an abandoned old place. The priest was already sent there to do the marriage rituals. The fire, magalsutra, sindoor was all set up. Rajat's security was there to give rajat updates news & also to make sure Avni doesn't run.

"Neil leave me! I hate you!! I won't marry you!" Avni cried out, ruining her make up.

Neil couldn't take it anymore & he held her wrist tight dragging her into the seperate room where no one else was. He locked the room door.

The security outside started smirking, thinking Neil took her in the room to rape her.

"Neil let me go!" Avni yelled as he pinned her to the wall again & put his hand on her mouth.

"Shhhh! Avni! I need to tell you something very important.. and I don't have time so please listen carefully." Neil says.

"On the engagement day.. I was threatened by my step dad Avni.. he threatened to kill you. He even had some of his men in the party with guns to shoot you if i didn't insult your family. He has some personal rivalry with Ashish Mehta.. I really don't know what Avni.. I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry Avni.. I didn't mean to say all those things.. I was forced too.. I'm not lying. I swear over god.. I swear over my dead father Avni." Neil explained.

Avni stood there in shock. She stopped fighting him. Her eyes glistened with tears.

"You were forced to say those thing.. by your dad..?" Avni says stuttering, almost as if she couldn't believe it. Avni was about to faint when Neil held her in his arms.

"Avni?!" Are you okay??" Neil asked worried.

"Okay? Your asking me if I'm okay?! I f*king thought you deceived me! I Thought it was all about a bet! I thought you never loved me neil! How did I not see the pain in your eyes??" Avni said caressing his face. Tears fell from her eyes as she felt him.

"Avni I'm so sorry.. I really wanted to tell you the truth.. but I was threatened not to.. but.. I couldn't take your hatred for me. It hurted a lot. Now Rajat is forcing me to marry you forcefully, and then drop you home during the wedding so your family gets insulted again. I didn't know what to do.."

"I'm so sorry Neil.. I should have trusted your love.. how could I not trust you?? I'm really bad Neil.. I'm really bad.. I tried ending my life.. and our baby.. our baby died! Oh god! I don't deserve to live!" Avni cried out as she saw a knife on the floor, she grabbed it to kill herself. Neil quickly grabbed her arms and pinned it behind her. He slammed his lips on her making her forget all the wrong thoughts.

"Don't you dare say that again.. you have no idea how much pain I went through when I saw you in the hospital.. I wanted to die.." Neil exclaimed.

Avni cried as he put his forehead against her's.

"Avni we have to go outside & get married.. I know you don't want your family to suffer.. but trust me.. please.. he's going to harm you.. please Avni.. and you have to act like I'm forcing you & that you don't want to get married to me.. or else they'll find out that you know the truth. You cannot let anyone know that you know the truth! Avni please.. just be by my side.. we have to do this act infront of Rajat.. this man is very dangerous."

"I trust you Neil. I trust you." Avni Says while claiming his soft lips.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This was to make up for the 'tragedy' chapter of FFTV. I know some of you are disappointed on the other FF but please keep reading & voting, there's more to come. And comment on how you thought this chapter was! Thanks 💕 xoxo

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