The New Girl

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Neil was the popular guy in college. He had the looks & charms, but he was also a spoilt brat. 

After summer break, the new semester started & there was a new girl in class. Avni Mehta. She was a complete nerd with glasses & her head in the books. The rest of the classmates made fun of her for her Indian attire. She wore beautiful kameez salwar's & mostly kurta's. She was a traditional looking girl. Young & innocent.

The instant Neil saw her, he couldn't stop staring at her. She was so beautiful & elegant. What attracted him most was how different she was from other girls. She wore Indian dresses which he actually liked. The girls that always hanged on him wore revealing clothings. But Avni was different. Very different.

Weeks had passed by but he still didn't have the courage to talk to her. He didn't know why. The Neil that flirts with every other girl didn't have the guts to talk to this nerdy girl. One day he decided go & approach.

"Hi I'm Neil." He says smiling at her.

She was sitting in the canteen reading her book when she looked up.

"Uhm... hi." She replied

"I'm your classmate by the way.. I thought we could be friends" he says trying to break the ice.

Avni knew he was the popular guy in class & always had a new girlfriend every other month. Everyone knew he was a player. She thought she was his new target.

"Uhm. Sure Neil, but I'm reading right now... can't talk. Sorry." She replied.

Neil kind of got annoyed as this was the first time a girl didn't pay any heed to him & ignored him even though he approached. With that he left.

Neil was sitting thinking to himself when his friends interrupted.

"I know he's thinking about that new girl" his friend Arjun laughed.

His other friends laughed along.

"Forget it dude. She doesn't even look at anyone. She doesn't even look at you! I'm sure that's been hurting your arrogance from days.. leave it man.. you have so many hot girls around you!" Arjun Says

"Shut up yar...leave me alone." Neil says annoyed.

"Ohh somebody is annoyed! I could bet you she will never fall for your charm!" His friend said.

"Oh yeah!? I could bet I can charm her like other girls within a week!" Neil exclaimed.

After an hour class started..

Neil sat right beside Avni as the desks were in groups. Avni noticed but ignored him again.

During the lecture, Neil would purposefully find ways to touch her & this really agitated Avni. He would brush his hand against her or lean close to her side. After the lecture was over Avni packed her bag & was quickly leaving when Neil held her hand.

"Hey Avni wait! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out since we're friends now!" Neil said.

"Since when did we become friends?" Avni said sarcastically.

"Well I thought we did.. remember in the canteen?" Neil replied

"Well that's your misunderstandings. And I'm not one of your cheap girlfriends that you can touch around freely... so stay away from me. I'm not falling for anything." She said sternly

This really angered Neil. If he could get every girl in this college, why not Avni? She already ignored him before even becoming friends.

"What the hell do you think of yourself? Your not some beauty queen. No guy is gonna even look at you!" Neil exclaims, insulting her.

Avni stayed quiet. Her eyes almost watered as everyone in the class was looking towards them.

"Listen, I don't want to fight with you. And mind your words. I was not the one being desperate to come & talk, YOU were!" Avni snaps back.

With that, she left leaving Neil quite. He didn't have any answer & he got embarrassed infront of his friends too. All his friends made a joke out of him. He was really angered & wanted to answer Avni back for the insult.

"Avni Avni Avni! You shouldn't have said that." Neil said to himself.

Hey guys! This is my new story! The story won't just be about college. It will be after they're college too. Let me know if I should continue! Thanks ❤️

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