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"Welcome to Korea"

I fluttered my eyes open as the Plane made an announcement. I stretched and looked out the window. We are almost there. "That felt like a 15 minutes ride" I said. "That's because you slept ma'am" my butler, Jun, said. "Why not just take a jet or a private plane instead of a public plane" She asks no one. "Maybe this is much cheaper" Jun said. "C'mon dude, dad is a richass mother-"

"Im not hearing your curse the first thing you wake up" Jun cut her off. She chuckled and nodded. Jun is like her bestfriend. He is always with her and truly understands her. He also hates her father and they bond their time by trash talking their father. 

Jun and Jihan have their secret youtube channel that creates edits of her father. They also make funny edits of staff. Their father tried to take down the channel but Jun is a great hacker that they made a strong protection for the channel. In the end her father gave up on deleting the channel but instead, they have to watch out if the any of the uploaded videos are being spread out. Even tho its not spread out, lots of young people happened to find their channel and loved it. 

They hopped off the plane and a van was waiting for them. "Aish.." She cursed upon seeing the van. "I really hate how they showed my father so much respect because of money" She said. "I know right" Jun said. They both shook their heads before chuckling. 

"kaja!" She took a deep breathe before riding the van.

"ah ah ah, Jun will be sitting beside me" She said to one of the maids that was about to sit beside her. "But you father told me-" "no" She firmly said. 

The maid sighed visibly irritated. Jun came and sat beside her smiling. "You are really something" He complimented. "Thank you, oppa" She bowed politely. They both chuckled.

Jihan never liked Korea because of how Koreans treats her and her family. With Jun beside her, she thinks she will be fine and possibly have fun. The school part is somewhat undecided for Jun will not be with her at that time.  She might be an outcast or she might be popular but still lonely. 

"Am I really gonna go to school" She asked Jun. "Father's orders"  She sighed. y


They entered their apartment. The 2 butlers and maid are on the apartment beside them. "Appa, can't I stay in Grandmother's house?" She asked as soon as she stepped inside the apartment. "Or can I stay with Jun the whole vacation?" She asked.

She have always like her Grandmother. She understands her like Jun. She is sweet and kind, almost the opposite of her father. Her grandmother always tells her stories about of her father. Those are the only time he doesn't hate his father. On top of all that, Her grandmothers owns a strawberry farm and sells it for a living. Jihan loves strawberry so much and she receives fresh strawberries for free. She does various shakes, desserts, and dishes with strawberries. She loved living simply in her grandmother's home. The people there also treats each other nicely and know the definition of being fair. 

"Mom's house?" Her father asked. Her father know how much she loves her grandmother. "If you stay there, you will also study there" He said. "Eung! That's okay" She said coolly. 

"You will leave tomorrow." Her father said. "assa!" She silently cheered before going to her room. 

She looked around. "I'm surprised. Nothing changed." 

The room are colored in beige making it look sad. She picked black colored items and some our bright neon colors. Her room look like a studio and any composer or song producer would surely like it. "I don't want to leave my room" She sadly said.

After taking a quick shower she went to her parents room to see her mother there. She smiled. She like her mother too. She was sweet like her grandmother. But she loved my father so much that she doesn't want to ruin his reputation. She did everything for her husband. In summarization, Jihan likes everyone except bullies, bad people, Korea and her Father. 

"Eomma, who lived here while we are out?" She asked as she sat beside her mother. "Hmm? our old maid. The one who left" Her mother replied. "Mrs. Choi?" She wondered.

"yes. Why?" Her mother turned to her with a smile. "It seemed like the person who used my room or rather the person who live here liked my room added some cute stuff there. It seemed like he or she like to create songs like me. We basically have the same taste" She smiled, being excited at the thought of knowing another producer.

Her mother strokes her hair. "I heard they will be going here today to welcome us. Mrs. Choi is really kind you know" Jihan nodded. "I'll wait for them" Jihan stood up and went downstairs but froze in her spot.

A boy was sitting in their living room. "Who the hell are you?" She said, her eyes furrowed. The emotionless boy looked at her.

They stared into each other's orbs. They stared deeply. As if they were drowning, they can't escape. "Here"

They stopped staring at each other and looked at where the voice came from. The boy bowed and thanked her father. "who is this?" She asked her father.

"Respect me will you?" Her father said irritated. She scoffed before sitting at the sofa, across the boy. "As if I will" She let out her tongue on him. 

"YAH IMMA" Her father shouted. "Honey, we have guest." Her mother came and held her husband's shoulder. "She is being disrespectful!" Her father scoffed. 

"I respect the kind, I disrespect the..." She looked at her father. "assholes" She smiled sweetly. "You monster" Her father took the hot tea she offered to the boy earlier and threw it to Jihan.

Jihan screamed in pain as the hot water burns her face. Her mother was taken aback and gasps. "Ma'am!" The boy shouted, shocked. "You are the monster here! You must be crazy!" She shouted. 

She was in a bad state. She can't open her right eye and her skin was turning red. Some of her skin was peeled. Her skin was visibly burned. "Serves you right" Her father chuckled.

She was on the verge of tears. She ran outside the apartment. Their apartment was two rooms lower than the rooftop. She ran up with her burning skin. 


"Sorry for the event. That girl is really just something." Her father said. I can't help but to think about the girl. She was physically hurt. Its normal to be worried. "Its fine. Anyways my mother can't come so she sent me instead." 

I took out the paper bag I brought and gave it to them. "Those are rice cakes she made. We recently opened a bakery shop." I told them.

"We will make sure to enjoy this" Her father chuckled.

We talked some more. Like 2-3 sentence. Before I leave their apartment. I bowed at them before going down. I held onto the railings. "I wonder if she went there." I looked up at the stairs.

Would it be possible if she went to the rooftop? She is hurt. Is she that dumb?

I shrugged off my thoughts and went back home. The building was a few blocks away from ours. I entered our small apartment and announced that I'm already home. 

"How was it? did you meet their daughter? Isn't she sweet?" My mom said. I smiled at how cute my mother is.

"She disrespects her father" I bluntly said and mom was taken aback. "ah..she had reasons. Her father never thought about her feelings and go the way he wants. Despite that her father is kind and sweet-"

"He threw a cup of hot tea to her" I simple said once again. Mother kept her smiling face while she remained silence. She was speechless for sure.

"Mwo?" Is the only word that escaped her mouth before she panickily moved around. 

"Try looking at their building's rooftop. She seemed like a girl who liked rooftop" I told her. I remembered the sketches in her sketchbook. it was full of skies, either sunset or not. 


"We will be staying here for awhile. Our apartment is under construction because the building is under his name now." Mom explained.

I wondered around. The apartment was small but you could see the money they have once you see it. You could tell how rich they are. "Your room will be the room with a cd hanging on the door" 

That's weird. 

I went to find the room. It was easier than I thought, as if finding a room is hard. Upon opening, I was shocked. It was beautiful. The room was comfy and had neon colored items. It looked like a studio. It has a electric keyboard and a computer. The owner must be a producer. 

I looked around and saw a plane wall with pictured hanging on it. Its a picture of group of friends. They are a mix of nationalities but who knows what nationality are they. I can only spt the Chinese and Korean people. 

I looked around a little more and saw a sketchbook. I opened it even tho its not right. Upon opening, I saw skies. I flipped more page and I saw nothing but skies, mic, and drawings related to music. Most of the drawings are skies tho. It was not the best drawing I saw but it was nice. 



Jihan stared at the sky. She took a picture of it using her phone. The sound of camera clicking can be heard loudly. "What the hell why was my volume on max. What a waste of a battery" She said as she lowered her volume "aish..I can't see properly. That bastard" She sighed.

The rooftop door opened revealing Mrs. Choi. She looked back and saw her. "Mrs. Choi!" She smiled. "Are you okay dear? My son told me everything" She said. She furrowed her eyebrows, confused.

"son..Ah! the emotionless boy earlier" She said. "please let me heal you" Mrs. Choi held both her hands. Jihan smiled and nodded.


"I think you need to be in a hostpital." Mrs. Choi said staring at her eye. "I will be fine. I had worse situations than this" Jihan chuckled. "Please don't get hurt anymore" Mrs. Choi sighed.

"Its not my fault I get hurt. Father doesn't accept the truth" She said and stood up. "Please go home Mrs. Choi, is getting dark." She smiled and went to the rooftop door. "Thank you for treating me" She looked at her, waiting for her.

Mrs. Choi sighed. She stood up and went to the younger girl. "please take care" She bowed to her. "I will" Jihan smiled. 

Mrs. Choi went home, and so do Jihan. She went to her room ignoring the calls of her mother. She took a seat on her desk and decided to make music. This is the only thing she does when she is irritated. 

Her music depends on her mood. When she is angry or irritated, her music sounds like ballad. It's weird even for herself. 

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