Chapter 3: Summer Vallys Past

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*Ps. I know the paths look different and the reason for that is because the one at day time is towards the end of the path and the one at night it towards the middle of the path*

*Time skip to 6:00pm*
*Avas POV*

It gets dark at about 8:00 ish so only the street lights are lighting my way. As I walk down the stone path on the way to Summer Vallys I start thinking. I know that in the morning Summer Vallys is gorgeous but at night it's creepy. To me it looks like it's haunted. I walked clutching mine and Kenzies phone (because I stole it before I left so she wouldn't call the police). I have 911 dialed and ready to call at any second in case someone comes to murder me just like Emily. Emily Brooks got murdered twenty months ago and ever senice then no one went to Summer Vallys at night. Some people say that Summer Vallys is haunted because Emily had unfinished business. On windy nights some people say they can even hear Emily's screams. The wind blew and I shivered. I wondered if on a night like this could I hear Emily scream??? I walked faster hurrying to get to Summer Vallys.

*Jaclynn's POV*

I wonder if Ava's made it to Summer Vallys... I wonder if she knows that it's four miles from Breeze Vallys. "Hey Kenzie" I said. She looked at me annoyed. "Why did you just let her leave like that, you know what I'm tempted to go find the campus police" Kenzie said unhappily. "Kenzie don't, you know Ava will get in big trouble" I said. "Fine" Kenzie said rolling her eyes.

*Time skip to 9:18pm*
*Avas POV*

I finally arrived at Summer Vallys campus. My friend I was meeting lived in room 201. My friends name is Karlee. She is 18 and a half. She has super blond hair that is super curly. Her eyes are hazel brown. Karlee lives with a roommate named Joy. Joy is 19. She has super long black hair. Her eyes are a dark sea color blue. As I was walking to their room I bumped into this boy. He was tall, had short brown hair and dark hazel eyes. His jaw tightened at first and then softened. "I- I'm s- sorry" I choked out. He was extremely handsome. He replied "it's okay I wasn't looking where I was going". His voice was so deep and I wondered what his name was, but he beat me to the question. "What's your name" he asked with his eyes locked with mine. "My name is Ava, what's your name" I asked. "Oh sorry, he said, my name is Cody". I extended my hand and we shook hands. He had a very strong grip. "Well I have to go see my friend" I told Cody. " One second, he said looking at me funny, where is your room I have never seen you around". "Oh I'm not from here, I'm from Breeze Island" I said. "Wow a girl like you must have to have a lot of courage to walk here at night" Cody said. "Well I never thought about it that way but I guess I do have a lot of courage to walk here" I answered. After talking for a little while longer I went to see Karlee and Joy. I talked with Karlee and Joy and then slept over. I woke up at 6:00am and started my walk back to Breeze Vallys.

            *Time skip to 8:45*
               *Kenzies POV*

I woke up to the beams of sun shining in my eyes. I opened the curtains to my glass door and let the sunlight fill my room. I looked out at the trees and flowers. It was a breathtaking sight. I grabbed my outfit for today. I thought something flowery would be a good choice. So I choose my white dress with baby pink and baby blue flowers printed on it. I walked to the bathroom to curl my hair. I finished and then brushed my teeth. Then I walked to Ava's room and peeked my head in. She was fast asleep and I wondered what time she came home at. Then I walked to jaclynn's room and she was getting dressed. She was putting on a silver and black dress. "You look pretty" Jaclynn said looking at me. "Thanks" I replied. Then I walked to Ava's room and put a note on her door. The note read:

   Hey Ava, Jaclynn and I are going to eat at Mountain Ridge Café. When you wake up please call us. We will be back at 9:20 ish. Thanks for getting home safe. Love Kenzie.

Then Jaclynn and I went to Mountain Ridge Café. I ordered a giant chocolate doughnut with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. Jaclynn ordered a bag of doughnut holes. She got the powered one. Then we both got French Vanilla Coffee. Just then my phone rang and it said Unknown. I answered.

"Hello" I asked.
"Hello" a boy answered.
"Is this Ava" the boy asked.
"No, this is Ava's friend" I said.
"Who are you" I asked.
"I'm Cody" he said.
"Ava dosent know anyone named Cody" I said.
"She talked to me last night" Cody replied.
"Do you know where she is" Cody asked.
"Yes but I'm not telling you" I said and then hung up.

"Who was that" Jaclynn asked. "Oh it was just someone who claimed that they know Ava" I said while rolling my eyes. "Boy or girl" Jaclynn asked. "Boy" I answered. "Let's just go home" I said. "Okay" Jaclynn agreed.

       *Time skip to 9:15am*
            *Jaclynn's POV*

Kenzie and I stomped in the door. "Ava" I said walking to her room. "What" Ava asked sleepily. "Some guy named Cody just called Kenzie" I said annoyed. "Oh yeah I saw him last night" Ava said smiling. "I can't beleive you lied, you said that you went to see some friends not a boy" I said as anger crept into my voice. "I did see Karlee and Joy, but I ran into him on my way to their room" Ava said annoyed with me. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Kenzie went to her room and closed her door. She probably didn't want to hear the argument.  I stormed out of Avas room and walked to the door slamming it behind me.


AnimalBookLover2016: Hey guys I'm sorry that I couldn't get a chapter out yesterday, so I tried to write a longer chapter. This chapter was 1224 words long! Also I just realised i can't get a chapter out tomorrow because I have church. So because of that I'm going to make a challenge for you. If I can have 90 reads on my book by Monday I will give you a sneak peak of chapter 4. So please share this to you friends and thanks alot for reading Summer Vallys! 😃

I'm amazed that you all have completed my challenge because you guys and girls have read my story 91 times!!! You guys and girls are amazing. Thanks alot. Your the best group of followers. And if your not a follower then please join the Fam. 😃😃😃

Shoutout to Kylie_is_krazy! Thanks for the follow!

Thanks a ton!!

~Peace out❣

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