Part B: 14

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The night went on, the people swam and the people got drunker.
     Kirstie could tell Avi was avoiding her, not she was super eager to talk to him or anything, but clear the air convo would be nice. Not to mention the more time Kirstie spent talking to him meant the less opportunities Taylor had to run her mouth about Kirstie's secret. And as of yet Kirstin had not lost sight of Taylor and all was going well. Time for a swim... Or maybe matchmaking first, she smirked to herself: time to talk to Matt.
     Kirstie approached Matt who just so happened to be talking to Avi who backed out of the conversation the second she arrived, that hurt. At least Matt gave her one of his famous smiles.
     "What can I do for you Kirstie?"
     "You're single right?
     Matt laughed, "Always, like not that I want to be, but like it doesn't, but... why, why what?" He nervously rambled.
     Kirstie smiled, "Do you like redheads?"
     He shrugged, "I don't have a type, I like anyone who's kind, and it'd be great if she's tolerant, I've been told I'm a lot to put up with."
     Kirstie's smile faltered, "Don't believe whoever said that Matt, you're a lovely man and you deserve the world. And I'd like to set you up my friend Jessica."
     "Oh, she's really pretty," he smiled. "You think she'd actually like to go out with me?"
     It broke her heart a little to see that he was so doubtful. "I think she would and I think you should go talk to her right now," she lightly pushed him in her best friend's direction.
     "Awesome thank you Kirstie," Matt said, another award winning grin plastered to his face.
     "So how are you doing Kirstie?" It took her a moment to realise it was Kevin talking to her.
     She smiled, "Hi Kevin, I'm good, I'm doing pretty okay. And you? I mean look at you, all engaged and stuff," she giggled.
     Kevin chuckled, "All engaged and stuff, exactly. No, I'm very happy right now, Leigh is the love of my life, I have a great job and I enjoy it very much."
     "Did you end up studying medicine?"
     "Uh yeah, yeah I did, I'm surprised you remembered"
     Kirstie shrugged, "I remember a lot about that summer, it was probably the best of my life, I mean those two weeks were... are you gonna ask me why I didn't come back too?" She asked a little bitterly.
     "No, I won't. That's your business, not mine. I do wish you had come back, we missed you. We did get used to you not being there, but we missed you and we're all very happy that you're back."
     "Not Avi."
     They both turned to look at him sitting on a pool lounger with a glass of whiskey by himself, he'd excluded himself though when Kirstie had approached Matt. "No, he's happy, he doesn't seem it, but he is."
     "Then why does he keep avoiding me?"
     "Well don't tell him that I told you but, he was the most upset of all of us that first year that you didn't come back And it's not because of you, but he has a couple of trust issues with women, he hasn't dated in at least four years, just... No, I won't finish that sentence."
     Kirstie was curious but didn't push Kevin to continue.
     "He had a few relationships that didn't end well, that's all I'll say," Kevin decided.
     Kirstie nodded, "that sucks."
     "Maybe I should talk to him, my love life's been much the same," Kirstie said.
     "What part of don't tell him I said this didn't you get?" Kevin laughed nervously.
     "Oh yeah," she paused, "Guess I won't then, unless I get it out of him."
     "Not to be rude, but I don't think you will, he's not exactly the same guy you knew ten years ago."
     She frowned, "And I'm not the same girl, so."
     "Yeah but as far as I know, you've changed for the better, him not so much."
     She was very confused.
     "Don't get me wrong, I love the guy: he's my best friend, but Kirstin, you don't know the half of it."
     I got you a drink babe- oh, am I interrupting something?" Leigh spoke cheerfully.
     "No, we were just catching up, but it's about time I went for a swim," Kirstie forced a smile.
     "Oh, okay, we might be in soon too," Leigh screamed positivity, Kirstin couldn't tell if it was scary or endearing.

Kirstie swam to the top of the pool and flicked her hair out of her face, she was right by the edge near where they'd set up the drinks table, and she heard Avi's voice. She peered over the edge and was careful not to be seen. She had to really focus to hear what they were saying, he was talking to Taylor, so she needed to know. She was very disappointed when what she thought she heard was Avi hitting on her and her being Taylor she was entertaining it, they were flirting, their body language screamed it.
     A scowl set in as she felt her entire body heat up, the only explanation could be that Taylor didn't know who he was or remember because she could very well be that drunk. And continuing to strain to listen was when she heard the last thing she wanted to hear. To be fair on Avi, he could flirt with whoever he wanted, there was no problem from his point of view because there had never actually been anything between him and Kirstie, nothing more than her secret crush on him. Taylor obviously thought otherwise. That was what Kirstie heard because that was what Taylor said.
     "No more games, I shouldn't even joke about flirting with Kirstie's first kiss."
     "Sorry, what?"
     "You're hot, don't get me wrong, but you were Kirstie's first kiss and she's my best friend and girl code and all that shit," she shrugged.
     If Avi was completely confused he did very well to play off that he wasn't, Kirstie hoped. That was wishful thinking, of course he was confused, they didn't kiss! And it was only a matter of moments before he asked Taylor what the fuck she was talking about.
     Kirstie didn't see what happened next, she couldn't watch this implode so she slid back under the water and disappeared.
     She popped up in the middle of the pool taking deep breaths, she'd stayed under as long as she could.
     She surveyed her surroundings, Kevin, Leigh, Scott and Mark were in the pool, Mitch was sat on the side, just his feet in, Matt and Jess were still talking, win. And Taylor was at the drinks table... by herself, Avi was nowhere. She scanned the area again, he was gone. God, this was a disaster, he probably fucking hated her now! He's run scared, of course he hated her, perfect.

A/N: How do you think Avi is going to react to this. what will he do?

I hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment :)

Hannah :)

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