Part C: 13

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"So," Kevin began, and he swerved from where Kirstie thought he would go. "How'd you fall going up the stairs?" The way he said 'up' was a little condescending.
     "My shoe caught and I fell, stupid high heels, it's why I've got no shoes on," too much information Kirstin, she mentally scolded herself.
     Kevin crouched to look at Kirstie's knee. "Who was that guy? If you don't mind my asking?"
     She sighed, "Jeremy, work college, he happened to be there when I tripped," Kirstie folded her hands in her lap. "Kevin, I'm really more concerned about the baby than my knee."
     He sat in a roller chair opposite her, "Does something feel different? Sore? Just a feeling?" That wasn't condescending this time, he was a good doctor, pushing their stuff aside.
     "It sounds stupid, but just a feeling," she was wringing her hands.
     "It's not stupid, it's called mother's intuition," he offered a hand to help her up. "Let's get you an ultrasound, then an x-ray, okay?"
     Kirstie nodded, glad of his professionalism, but wasn't he curious? He couldn't just be assuming, right? He knew that Kirstie and Avi slept together, he was really pissy about it. What is he doing in Texas? She leant on him as they walked, so she asked, "What brings you to Texas Kevin?"
     "Research, but I won't bore you with the details," He let out the barest of chuckles.
     "No, it's fine, you can tell me about it," anything to avoid the obvious.
     "It really is very boring, a lot of doctor speak. It's not even the research I'd like to be doing, but here we are."
     "Right," She let Kevin lead her into a room with the ultrasound equipment. It wasn't his job to lead her around, but she was grateful none the less.
     "Besides," he helped her onto the hospital bed, "All of that is no where near as interesting as you being pregnant."
     Kirstie ran a hand through her hair, "I suppose not."
     "So it's not your co-workers baby, are you seeing someone?" He started setting up the machine and picked up the gel.
     "Do you know how to do an ultrasound?" She folded back her top, exposing her tiny baby bump.
     "Yes I do, please don't avoid my question," he squeezed out some gel.
     "You didn't warn me that it'd be cold."
     "You didn't answer my question."
     "I think you already know the answer," she glanced at him.
     Kevin slid the wand over her stomach, "I think I do too."
     They're quiet as Kevin took a while searching for the baby.
     "Is everything okay?" Kirstie asked, she couldn't read Kevin's face, and it was taking much longer than last time, "Kevin?"
     "It can take a moment," he responded calmly, before a fluttering beat sounded from the machine.
     Kirstie let herself take a deep breath, Kevin looked relieved too. "She's Avi's."
     Kevin turned back to Kirstie, "He is."
     "Your baby, they're a boy, you said she."
     "Oh," her eyebrows shot up, "I didn't actually know."
     "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
     "No-no, I don't mind. Last time we couldn't find out. A little boy, I'm thrilled," Kirstie smiled.
     Kevin handed Kirstie a towel, "We?"
     "Taylor, my best friend, she came to everything with me," she cleaned herself off. "I haven't had a chance to talk to Avi, he's very hard to get a hold of."
     The corners of Kevin's mouth turned upward, "Don't I know it."
     "Scott said he couldn't give me Avi's number without his permission. So-"
     "He didn't give his permission?" Kevin pulled out his phone.
     "No he did not," she sighed.
     "Does Scott know you're pregnant?"
     "No, just Taylor, unfortunately Jeremy, and now you."
     "I'll give you his number."
     Kirstie sat up straight, "Really?"
     "Of course, he's got to take some responsibility here. No friend of mine is going to be a deadbeat dad." He handed Kirstie a bit of paper with the number on it.
     "Thank you Kevin."
     "And if he doesn't pick up, let me know."
     "I will. But seriously, thank you, I know you don't like me much, but-"
     "Kirstie, I don't dislike you at all. I don't completely trust you, but you're trying to do the right thing. And now I'm involved, so I'm going to make sure Avi is too. Now your knee?"
     Kirstie clutched the piece of paper close to her chest and nodded, "Yeah, it really fucking hurts.

A/N: It's a boy! And that is 99% most likely because she had a girl in real life XD

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please vote and comment, it truly makes my day :)

Hannah :)

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