Chapter 2 - Qua-Toynian Delegation

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Principality of Qua-Toyne, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At the briefing room the delegation from Qua-Toyne that will be send to the unknown empire are now waiting for the briefing to start, then a human stands up and starts to speak.

"Gentlemen, the delegation to Greater Empire of Pangea is almost ready, currently the Greater Empire says it want to establish diplomatic ties, but since they are a human and beastmen country, so far we don't know their clear intention with Qua-Toyne if either they will be like Kingdom of Louria and the discrimination of demihumans, for this mission I have selected specialist from the main ministries. Due to that I grant them the highest authority so our trade with Greater Empire of Pangea will become the strength of our nation. And make sure to find their weaknesses, their strength, limitation, their military and so on." A official from Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained to the delegation as they nod confirming their objective, then one member of the delegation raised his hand which is from Yago from the delegation.

"The beastmen are part of the demihumans, why's that they will discriminate the demihumans?" Yago asked, as many agree to that question.

"From our perspective yes, they are demihumans, but their perspective is different." The official from Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated as the delegation from earlier nods.

Then the official brings out a scroll containing the schedule for the trip then he begin to read it out loud.

"The Greater Empire will provide the transports that will be used for this trip, they will leave in the morning in a week, make sure you have everything by then. Upon arrival in the Empire of Pangea, you will stay in an inn in a city called 'Aguim', there you will spend 2 days to learn about their culture, their customs, rules and the level of their technology, so our stay in the Greater Empire is not very difficult nor complicated. After spending 2 days on that city we will be transported to a some kind of contraption called 'Bullet train' in unknown hours of travel to their capital city of the Greater Empire called 'Odea', from there we will meet the Emperor and his sister a Princess... That is all." After he finished reading the scroll, all of the members from the delegation began to leave the room in orderly manner.

Principality of Qua-Toyne, Maihark Port, a week later

The delegation are now standing at the port with their luggages at their tow, waiting for the ship from the Greater Empire of Pangea to arrive.

"We must make sure that all of our objectives will come in priority, do you all understand?" Yago said seriously to his subordinates as they all nodded in confirmation.

Their first objective was to measure the Pangea's level of technology if is possible to export this to Qua-Toyne and also to measure their military power in order to see if this a threat to Qua-Toyne. The least they must avoid was another hostile country and to avoid that mysterious iron wyvern, and their metal made warships. They were already busy with their defensive measures with Kingdom of Louria at their border that was strengthening and increasing their military and navy in this recent years. The war is imminent with Kingdom of Louria and let alone the Greater Empire of Pangea, if this new emerge country was hostile towards Qua-Toyne, one wrong move in this mission their fate is sealed and their existence will be ceased to exist.

"Hey. Does anyone notice their strange schedule regarding the our trip to Greater Empire of Pangea, about the time in which we will arrive at their capital city?" a mid-aged elf asked everyone.

"No Kelric, I also noticed that there was some mistake on that document." Yago said to Kelric, Kelric an elf from the Military nodded to Yago.

Then a human Pangean diplomat arrives.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, my name is Alexander Belfrosth, today I will accompany you on your diplomatic mission on my country, now if you please follow me." Alexander said politely as the Qua-Toynian delegation followed him with their luggages at tow.

"Ugh, I hate boat trips." Kelric stated, as he ran his palms on his forehead, his stated caught the attention of very concerned Yago.

"Sir Kelric, I see you seem hate boat trips why's that?" Yago asked concerned.

"Yes I am, we don't know when it will capsize, the dark and gloomy lighting inside of the ship, the damp and smell, once there had been so many sick people in one of my journeys, it just sickens me, and for the food to be all salty... There is never a good way to secure enough water when you get thirsty, but the water is not clean enough." Kelric explained.

"I see you hate boat trips Mr. Kelric aye? But this trip will make sure you guys comfortable." Alexander said, as the Qua-Toynians delegation is doubtful at Alexander's statement.

Docking Port, Maihark

After they reached the port they notice some of the citizens living near the port are looking something at the Dock, at first glance the delegation saw this as an island, but they were wrong.


"It's so HUGE!"

"S-Sir Alexander, that is the ship we will board at?" Kelric asked shocked at the ship dock at the port.

"Yes." Alexander said calmly as he guides the delegation to the massive metal made ship.

Scene Change

The delegation of both humans and elves couldn't help but to scream in surprise at the ship's interior.

"What a magnificent sight!"

"Is the goddess living here?!"

Various of compliments and exclamations was heard throughout the ship, then Yago remembered something, this ship has lack of sails nor mast.

"Excuse me diplomat Alexander, how this massive ship does even move? From what I observe this ship has lack of sails or mast... Is this ship are like magical and mechanical like from Mu and Holy Mirishial Empire?" Yago asked as he imagine such a piece of technology have been possessed from superpower to an unknown country.

"Well, I am not informed about magical ships from this Holy Mirishial Empire... Wait... Did you said earlier that this country of Mu has mechanical powered ships?" Alexander asked suddenly.

"Yes, the country of Mu is a mechanical country and second superpower from second civilization, while the Holy Mirishial Empire a magical country and the first and, world superpower from first civilization." Yago explained.

Alexander was in deep thought, after he heard all new information from the representative said to him was true, and this two nations possessed level of unknown technology, this will be a indeed threat to the Greater Empire in the future.

"I will report this later on." Alexander thought as he nod, then looking at the Qua-Toynian diplomat.

"I see, well to answer your question regarding on how this moving without the sails nor mast. The diesel engine is a is an internal combustion engine in which ignition of the fuel is caused by the elevated temperature of the air in the cylinder due to mechanical compression; thus, the diesel engine is a so-called compression-ignition engine." Alexander explained to Yago as the Qua-Toynian nod, but confused.

"I see, but from the sounds of it is a such feat of engineering." Yago complimented, while scratching the back of his head due to the fact the confusing explanation of how this so called 'diesel engine' even works.

Yago's Diary

"The nation of Greater Empire of Pangea... From what I heard from diplomat Alexander said to me, they are second superpower in their world and has many annexed nations under their rule before the sudden transfer.

This ship on what they call cruise ship is luxurious even a middle class citizen can afford it, If this ship is very luxurious, I would like to see the buildings they have on their mainland.

During our trip at sea, we are being escorted by Pangean Navy and I couldn't help but to tremble at their metal made giant ships, the admirazl from the navy said was true they were indeed made in metal, how does a metal ship even float? Then among all I was terrified the most was the giant ship or they called 'Super Aircraft Carrier' and the 'Battleship'.

The Super Aircraft Carrier was made to carry dozens of smaller iron wyverns to larger iron wyverns and from the looks of it they were made for war, and this Battleship that has similarities with Mu's latest state-of-the-art battleship the 'La Kasami' but the Pangean battleship have different features, this ship have a strange tubes at the sides and giant triple turret cannons at the front and smaller single cannons at the rear. I wonder what's the strange tubes at the sides would their function look like?.. If we go war with this 'Greater Empire', who knows what will happen in the future."

Yago stops writing and puts down his diary as he and the others began to eat on the dining area peacefully as they enjoyed the savoring taste of delicious meals that was provided by the Pangeans.

A week later

The trip was truly extraordinary to the delegation they enjoyed all of the services provided by the Pangeans throughout the whole trip, the delegation were at the deck of the ship and they could see the city of Aguim with other worldly infrastructures in the distance, then they heard a pair of footsteps and only to see no other than Diplomat Alexander Belfrosth.

"Good morning everyone, I see you enjoyed your trip here?" Alexander asked the delegation politely, while they gave a nod.

"Yes sir Alexander, this is the most and unforgettable trip I ever experience in my entire life." Kelric said with a smile as he laughed.

"I am glad to hear it." Alexander said, then out of nowhere the ship let out a loud horn.

"Ah were here, gentlemen from Qua-Toyne I welcome you to one of our finest city on our Greater Empire. The city of Aguim 'The city of progress." He said full of pride, while the delegation stare in awe at the towering buildings before them.


"Those infrastructures reached the heavens!"

"There are even people inside of those towers!"

Aguim, National docking port

After getting of from the ship via ramp attach from the port the delegation was fascinated at the cleanliness of the port, the delegation was greeted at the sight of a convoy of strange horseless carriages guarded by both humans and beastfolk (sapients/anthors) wearing in black suits with sunglasses.

"Where did they put the horses?" All member of the delegation thought at the same time.

"Uhm... Sir Alexander, I have a question. Where do you put the horses in this contraption?" Some delegate asked.

"Oh you see, this is called a car powered by an engine consists of a fixed cylinder and a moving piston. The expanding combustion gases push the piston, which in turn rotates the crankshaft. Ultimately, through a system of gears in the powertrain, this motion drives the vehicle's wheels." Alexander explained which to confused the foreign delegation.

"I- I see, thank you for answering my question. 'They were like from mechanical country of Mu.' " The same delegation member from earlier said and thought, although he didn't understand anything from the detailed explanation.

After that the delegates are being guided one by one to their respective vehicles.

"So soft! This is the most comfortable seat I've ever seated and compared to the wooden carriages and it's cold in here, they have magic cold stones in here?" Yago thought full of curiosity as the convoy moves to their destination.

While the convoy move throughout the highway, the Qua-Toynian delegation couldn't help but to stare at the beautiful building of futuristic design yet modern. Yago and Kelric let out a soft laugh as they witness a family of 3 different 2 beastmen and 1 human child.

"I see that they were living in peace despite the difference between them." Yago as he thought a coexisted country between of different living beings, but the Kingdom of Louria is against that idea due to some nonsense ideology, as he continues to observe outside the window as he watches the people, buildings and cars as they passed by, and Alexander explains about the customs of traffic and the how the traffic lights work including the basic laws.

Several hours later

After the convoy reach their destination, the delegation looked at the tall building that was soaring high in the skies.

Alexander guide them to the lobby which to their surprise once again.

"HOW THIS EVEN NEVER ENDING OF SHOCK AND AWE, HOW MANY BEAUTIFUL SIGHTINGS THEY HAVE STORE FOR US?!" All members of the delegation exclaimed in shocked internally at the same time.

"Please you may take your seat, I will get the key for your room." Alexander apologized as he make his way to the receptionist.

As they take seat they feel this cusions are the same in the cars they ride earlier.

Kelric noticed a magazine with a written 'Weapons of the past' as he looked at it he didn't understand the words that was written.

"Maybe someone was forget this and leaving it here." Kelric thought curious as he look at the front and the back of the magazine.

After he flips the first page he sees a weapons similar from Parpaldia Empire's rapid and bolt-action muscet, but the images from the magazine was different, upon flipping the next page was another imagine, this one has similarities in Mu's fighter aircraft.

"Are these from Mu?" Kelric thought confused, then he heard a pair of footsteps upon looking at the source of the sound was Alexander and he was carrying a bag.

"I'm very sorry, if I keep you waiting gentlemen." Alexander apologized while bowing.

"It's fine, Mr. Alexander." Yago said softly, then Alexander began to escort them to their rooms.

After that, Kelric makes his way to the Pangean diplomat with the magazine at hand, until he stops in front of Alexander.

"Is there anything I can help you wit-" Alexander was cut off by the magazine on his face.

"Could you take us to this place?" Kelric asked.

"Oh... The history museum." Alexander said.


After their luggages are now in their respective rooms, they are now heading to the museum were Kelric wished to go.

"Who would even thought that there is a massive- NO, a giant continent existed from the East and yet, we were surrounded in both North, South and West. I wonder what would happen if we shot down that iron wyvern from the skies, possibly we could trigger a war against a country that could surpass the 3 civilization." Some delegate said to his colleague.

After hearing what the delegate said, Yago and Kelric were to afraid imagining that kind of scenario that was going to happened if they shot down that iron wyvern on that day, they couldn't imagine their capital in flames with those iron wyvern flew above Maihark and their defenseless capital city.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the Emperor and his government wants to thank you for accepting our diplomatic friendship and coming to our country, and in that case we would like to give this gift to you for our better relationship between our country in the future." Alexander said as he grab the bag from earlier, then began to pass strange objects to the Qua-Toynian delegation.

"If mind me asking sir Alexander, what is this object." Yago said as he inspect the unknown object at his palms.

"That you holding is what we called 'watch' this a piece of device that can measure the time and now according to it, the time now is in quarter afternoon."

"Wow! It fit so well."

"Remarkable engineering."

Then out of nowhere a loud crash was heard.

As the convoy screeching in halt then, upon looking at the windows a car crash between a van and motorcycle occured, with the two individuals from the motorcycle are now at the paved road with several deep cuts.

Yago immediately opens the door and run towards the unconscious rider and ignoring Alexander's pleads.

"This is serious." Yago thought, then he chanted in foreign language.




Many onlookers of both humans and beastfolk exclaimed in shocked and stared in awe, witnessing the extraordinary event occured.

After Yago chants, he then looked at the still unconscious individual which is a human, then looking to another individual he could see Alexander kneeling in front of it then pierced something on the thighs.

Yago walk towards them to the deep cuts from the injured human began healing by itself.

"What?! I-I didn't detect mana from Mr. Alexander, HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!" Yago thought then exclaimed internally.

Alexander stands up, then looked at Yago.

"What was that?! I didn't detect a single mana from you. ARE YOU AN SUPREME SORCERER?!" Yago exclaimed, while the delegates looks at them in shocked at the exclaimation.

Supreme sorcerers are the only ones that capable to hide their mana making them extremely dangerous and undetected to everyone, and there are few of them left in this world so it's very rare to find them.

"Well, from what you witnessed today, that is called 'nanotechnology'." Alexander said to them, leaving them in utterly confused.

"What is 'nanotechnology', if may I asked?" Yago asked, while glaring daggers at Alexander.

"The applications of nanotechnology, commonly incorporate industrial, medicinal, and energy uses. These include more durable construction materials, therapeutic drug delivery, and higher density hydrogen fuel cells that are environmentally friendly. In short explanation, it can heal the person within seconds or minutes. But the dead body can not be revive." Alexander explained to them.

"I-I see, thank you for explaining." Yago thanked nervously, and then he apologized later on.

After that a ambulance and police, Alexander guide them back to the black cars and now they are heading straight towards the museum.


The delegation was now touring inside of the museum to see the history of the Greater Empire of Pangea.

But this is not what they came for...

Upon reaching the weapon section to see dozens of people taking pictures of the weapons from small firearms, tanks and to warplanes.

Upon close inspection and reading the description with the help of Alexander he translated to them for better understanding.

They were more surprised and terrified by how the functions and the ammunition by these weapons.

"The M1 Garand... Such a deadly weapon." Some of the delegates said to themselves.

"Mr. Alexander!" Yago raised his one hand, while Alexander motion him to continue.

"Does the infantryman of the Greater Empire still using this weapons like the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle or the Thompson submachine gun or, the bolt action rifle like Mosin-Nagant or the Trench Shotgun?" Yago asked.

"No. As you can see all of these weapons displayed here are from previous centuries ago."

"What about these tanks or the warplanes?" Kelric asked, while he point his finger at the tanks and warplanes displayed beside the small firearms.

"Oh, the M51 Super Sherman, IS-3 and T26E4 Super Pershing. For the planes F4U cosair, P51 Mustang and the Supermarine Spitfire. Yes, they are all the same." Alexander explained.

"T-Then, they were outdated in your standards?" Kelric asked stuttering, while Alexander nods.

"Then I would like to see the new ones, if possible." Kelric stated, while his subordinates look at him with questionable gaze.

"Yes, it's possible. There will be an live fire exercise later on near the mountains." Alexander said.

To be continued...

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