Chapter 4 - Prelude to war and The Invasion

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5 weeks later

3rd Pov

It's been 5 weeks since the transfer of the Super Continent of Pangea to another world. The Greater Empire of Pangea immediately sent a reconnaissance aircraft to the Principality of Qua-Toyne making the first contact in process. After establishing diplomatic ties with Qua-Toyne and promised that it will be protected their country by any time in case the Kingdom of Louria invade.

The principality of Qua-Toyne requested a huge amount of modern agricultural technology in exchange for the new world history, which the Pangeans accepted. Since Qua-Toyne has poor agricultural infrastructure they received miracles from the exported agricultural technology from Pangeans and were able to meet Qua-Toyne's needs, food and water were some of the things they had excessive amounts of and nearly no value to them, this might be a huge step into a golden age for Principality of Qua-Toyne. The Pangeans had agreed to help build a Railway System even if it wasn't the Bullet Train System, but such system is far more expensive, a Railway would prove more usefulness than the Bullet Train System or Maglev tech and with their help, it would build more infrastructures to support their economy. This might've been one of the best happenings in Qua-Toyne history.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

"The products from the Greater Empire of Pangea are sent from HEAVENS! They are clearly above the Major civilizations and Superpowers in terms of standard quality of simple house appliances, their military is scary in terms of long range and accuracy. Our armed force couldn't stand against such force especially their so called 'fighter jets' and their 'attack aircrafts' that could outmatch our wyverns."

Yago said to Prime Minister Kanata who was chewing his shawarma with a pair of soft drinks. They were both eating the same food and beverages whilst relaxing.

"Indeed. Though I just wish they can export weapons to help us fend off invaders. But still, I am grateful that we have security treaty with them and incase of the Kingdom of Louria invade. The Greater Empire of Pangea will send it's forces to have our backs." Kanata said while drinking the soft drink, tasting the sourness and sweetness.


Greater Empire of Pangea, Imperial Palace, Emperor's Office

Emperor Theo's Pov

As I read the document regarding the Pangean-Quatoynian relationship. Their economy is quite booming thanks to our infrastructure, although before they wish to export weapons from us I could see clearly in their eyes of disappointment and I can relate with that... And 2 weeks ago we established relation with opened arms from the Kingdom of Quila, a country full of what they called 'beastfolk' or for my perspective is sapients.

We discovered large amount of untouched oils which was later on will be dig out. The United States of Pollyon will get jealous, due to the fact that my country was a major oil exporter from our previous world with the current amount of reserve oil of over 1 trillion of barrels within the Pangea or overseas, and it will double our
current reserve, when we get our hands on Quilan untouched oils, which they claimed 'black water' that has no value to them, and it kills their crops.

After flipping the next page regarding the request of building civilian infrastructure to Kingdom of Quila, there was a sudden knock on my door.

"You may enter." I gave the permission.

Once the door opened, to see an only certain human female in her 40's with document report in hand wearing blue suit with a yellow tie, her age might be old but her physical face says otherwise.

"My Emperor." She greeted while bowing.

"Hello, Director Kristine." I greeted back to the woman.

Director Kristine Renaldi is the head of Continental Intelligence Agency or CIA

"Your highness, the nations of Qua-Toyne and Quila will be at war in the meantime." She said.

"So the war in Rodenius continent is inevitable." I replied and stand up from my chair and walk out with Kristine at tow, I am heading to the war room for preparing the defense measures for our two new allied country.


3rd Pov

Kingdom of Louria, Royal Capital Jin Hark

The Kingdom of Louria was a human-only country that occupied the western half of the Rodenius Continent. Under the rule of king Hark Louria the 34th, Louria embraced ideologies such as racism, human suprematism and expansionism, aimed at the hegemony of the human race over the demi-Humans in the continent.

Royal Counsil Chamber

It was a cool chilly evening with the moon shining beautifully. Torches lit up the interior of the castle where the future of the continent was being decided on.

A man in silver armor knelt in front of the king and gave his report. He was a black-bearded man in his thirties and muscled to the point that it was noticeable even through his armor. This was the General of the Lourian army.

"Your Highness, the preparations are complete... We are ready to invade two countries and win. On one hand we have farmers and the others are peasants that worked on barren lands. Either way, with this many filthy demi-humans, we can never be defeated with our superior numbers." He said to King Hark Louria.

Then a man with a robe spoke out loud.

"What about this nation that called itself 'The Greater Empire of Pangea' that contacted us 3 weeks ago?"

The Greater Empire of Pangea also reach out to them. And to the shock of the Lourians, they came from underwater via a odd dark hulled massive ship that immediately docked afterwards. After finding out that they were beastmen amongst the group, the Lourians immediately threatens them, turning them away and considered them as hostiles.

"Is it the ship could be back?" One of them asked with the hint of fear.

The room was full of chatters. After they saw that ship capability that can go underwater which to their fear and the advantage of their new enemy.

"Do not be fret. It's just a one ship, If we encounter it in the time of battle. We can hijack that ship when they resurface with our thousands of sailors and make it useful for Louria." The man from earlier said to them, while many others agreed.

"This so called 'Greater Empire of Pangea' is nothing, but another nation ready to be conquered in the future. They are located about eleven thousand kilometers to the west. Because they are so far away, it is inconceivable for them to have any tangible influence. They appear to be some barbarian nation with disgusting creatures among their population. We have no other relevant information on them." He finished the report. Wave of arrogance and high confidence was spread across the entire chamber as they plan for the invasion, without knowing the future.

"I see... Behold! We are now so close to uniting all of Rodenius. The dream of eradicating the abominable demihumans is truly raises my spirits! And soon the Greater Empire of Pangea is next! General, our strategy." The ignorant King spoke with high confidence and arrogance.

"As you command my king. Our army is 500,000 men strong. For this mission, we will send 400,000 to Qua Toyne, while the rest will defend our mainland. Just inside the Qua Toyne border, there is a town, Gim, with a population of 100,000. We shall conquer it first. There are fields and livestock everywhere in Qua Toyne, so we will procure all our supplies locally."

He said as he points his metallic stick at the map of Qua-Toyne.

"After taking over Gim, we will march two hundred and fifty kilometers east to the capital of Qua Toyne and suppress it with our numerical advantage. Unlike our country, they do not have anything surrounding their towns to use as ramparts. At best, they might have a castle within the town. If we just lay siege to it, their supplies will quickly dry up. Their air force can easily be countered with our own wyverns. Further more, we will mobilize our fleet of 5,400 hundred ships, route them north, then land on the north bank outside Maihark to take over their commerce hub. Because Kingdom of Quila is completely dependent on food imports from Qua-Toyne, once we stop trade from Maihark, they should quickly capitulate. Next, concerning Qua Toyne's forces, they have at most 50,000 soldiers, but they can only mobilize about 10,000 quickly. Any clever plans they think up would simply be crushed with our overwhelming numbers. Soon, our six long years of planning will bear fruit!"

"Is that so...heheh, hah hah hah, AAAHAHAHAH! This is the greatest day in my life! The world shall approve of our war with Qua-Toyne and Quila!"

Cheers rang out. The entire castle became filled with boisterous celebration.

Unknown to them...

A maid was going to the storage room, then checks to her left and right, keeping eye out for any visitors, then entered.

"The invasion is about to begin, command." She said.

The Pangeans have already inserted spies giving them eyes and ears in the entire castle.

Kingdom of Louria, National border between Qua-Toyne and Louria, Midnight

"Tomorrow, Gim will fall."

General Pandour was leading the advance force of thirty thousand to take over Gim. 20,000 infantry, 7,200 heavy infantry, 2,000 cavalry, 1,500 special operation soldiers, 1,000 guerilla soldiers, 100 mages, and 150 dragon riders. While he had a lot of infantry, a squadron of ten dragon riders had the ability to deal with 10,000 enemy infantry.

Pandour smiled widely as he surveyed his troops. Wyverns were expensive weapons. Even if you gathered all the other continent's forces together, 200 wyverns would be their equal. But in this war with Qua-Toyne, there will be 500 wyverns participating. There was a rumor that they were receiving assistance from the Parpaldia Empire, a country in Fillades and a member of the Third Civilization. This rumor was unsubstantiated, either way, Pandour was happy with the excessive firepower of 150 dragon riders he had for the initial invasion.

"What shall we do with the riches of the city?"

Lieutenant General Adem called out to him. He was a ruthless knight. Louria had conquered numerous small countries in its zealous expansion, and the rumors of his exploits in occupied territories were unspeakable.

"I'll leave you to that, Lt. General." General Pandour said to Adem.

Adem bowed to his superior and went to his men to deliver orders.

"Looting in Gim is allowed, do as you like. It's fine if you want to have fun with girls, but don't forget to dispose of them when you're done. Leave no survivors. Communicate this to the rest of the army." Adem said to them.

"Yes, sir!" His men said in unison.

All of the Lourian soldiers celebrated the night with cheers and eat together with their comrades and brothers in arms. This will be their last moments in their life.

Qua-Toyne, City of Gim

The Pangeans already set up defenses around the perimeter of the city's wall, after they received that the Lourian army began to mobilize it's army along the border.

Commander Renz a human in his mid 50's was currently surveying the border and the T-14 Armata Tunguska-Pantir within the walls. Their unmanned turrets was aiming high in the sky with their radars rotating at high speeds, searching for any trespassers or hostile Lourian wyverns.

Commander Renz heard footsteps behind him, looking at the source of the sound. A sapient coyote with his combat helmet at the armpit who was heading to his position and then saluted.

"Commander. It's time."

"I see... Does the Lourian Wyverns are air borne?" Renz asked.

"Yes sir. Total of 75 units." The coyote said.

The human just hummed in acknowledgement then returns back on surveying the border.

"Tell to our Qua-Toynian friends to ground their air force, none of them shall enter to our firing range. Our AA's will handle everything."

"Yes sir." After that left the commander alone while wearing his combat helmet.

At the Qua-Toyne Headquaters

"WHAT?!" Captain of the western knight order, Moiji, yelled at the officer.

"That's what they said captain Moiji. Their so called 'Anti-Air guns' will eliminate the oncoming 75 Lourian wyverns." Moiji's officer said to him.

Captain Moiji was in disbelief after he received the message from the Pangean Commander.

"They are so arrogant at the first day of the war, to think they can handle those 75 wyverns in just handful of 10 of those 'Anti-Air' iron chariots." Moiji said to himself.

Since the way of strategic war in this world is based on numbers and quality of weapons that will use in the theater will be the victors, the Qua-Toynians think otherwise. The western forces consisted of 2,500 infantry, 200 archers, 500 heavy infantry, 200 cavalry, 100 light cavalry, 24 dragons, and 30 mages. This upcoming battle was not in their favor.

"If they say so... I want to see what capabilities they store for us. Tell to the Air-force to be grounded until further notice." He said as the officer was about to take the left Moiji interrupts.

"Wait! I forgot to ask about our messages from Louria via Magic communications?" He asked.

"Our messages should be reaching them just fine, but we still haven't received any response back from the Lourians. I can only conclude that they're ignoring our communications."

"Still nothing from Louria, huh?"

With a small difference in terms numbers with small soldiers from Greater Empire of Pangea around over 500 personnels with only 30 of those 'Iron chariots' and the so called 'AA' in different shape and sizes, a solid strategy could be used to avoid a route. However, with these conditions, it was going to be a slaughter.

"What did the mainland say about our request for reinforcements?" Moiji asked with hope.

"We've repeatedly tried contacting the mainland, but the only answer we get is 'we are currently in an emergency conference.' they won't tell us anything more specific." The officer replied.

"Fuck! This isn't a picnic! If we have to fight for our country with only the soldiers we have here, without any hope of reinforcements, Gim is already lost! Damn it all...!!!"

Captain Moiji is filled with fear and doubt at the Pangeans.

Above the skies

1st dragon attack wing, size: 75

"We'll take advantage of our air superiority. The time has come my brothers for unification of our continent. BURN THOSE DEMI-HUMANS TO THE GROUND!" The captain roared as they fly faster toward to their target.


"What's is that?" One of the wyvern riders points his finger at a certain direction in front of them.

Multiple smoke with contrails behind those objects speeding towards them. Upon contact at the left flank, then it violently explode killing 30 of their attack wing.

"W-What the hell?!" The captain exclaimed in shock and disbelief as he watched his fallen brother in arms lifelessly while some of them are were being torn into pieces along with their wyverns.

"N-No! Whoever did this will pay!" He yelled.

"There are more objects coming from the front!"

Looking at the from, more of these similar objects speeding towards them with total of 15.

"Evasive maneuvers!" The captain of the attack wing ordered his remaining riders.

They use all of their knowledge in evading counters, but all of that was useless. These objects was too superior in terms of maneuverability and speed.

"We can't evade them!-"

"Help me!"

"We should pullback!"

Various cries of his brothers was heard throughout the magi-coms.

Few minutes later of evading for their lives. The entire attack wing now only remained of 30 were the lucky ones when the 'Flying guided spears' as they called them, cease their attack.

"With only 30 wyverns left, we are hopeless in this battle- No! We can still win!" The captain thought full of determination and anger towards to their unknown enemy.

"Do not fear! We can still win this battle!" He said with determined.

Back to the ground

Captain Moiji and some of his officers were staring at the sky in shock as they watch the Lourian Wyverns fall from the skies like a swatted flies. They couldn't make words due to what they just witness.

"Even with small numbers of their Anti-Air guns could be handful, I doubted them to much that I take it back." Moiji mumble to himself.

He was impressed by the performance of these Anti-Air system. He though of it, if they have one of these they could defend their airspace without an effort. Luckily he was grateful that the Pangeans was come to their aid, If they are not here with them defending this city, they're already dead.

One of the operators looked to his radar to see the Lourian wyverns are still advancing towards to the city.

"The remaining Lourian Wyverns are still continuing their advance." One of the gun operator of the T-14 Armata-S1 said through the radio.

Commander Renz sighed.

"They still want to carry out those orders... Well shoot them down, when they entered within the guns range." He ordered.

"Affirmative." The gun operator replied.

The Qua-Toynians noticed the AA tanks move into different positions, which is now far away from the walls.

"Death to those bastard scums!" One of the Lourian rider yelled furiously.

"They will enter into range within 6 seconds."


"Avenge our fallen comrades!"


"Show them no mercy!"


"Death to the demi-humans!"




As the Lourians last war cries was heard, they start to dive at high speed in the city while preparing mouths of the wyverns, fireballs began to took shape as they got close to 300 meters.


"You are clear to engage."

With one order from the Pangean officer, they all fired their main guns simultaneously. Firing the twin 30mm at fire rate of 3,900 and 5,000 rounds per minute.

The Qua-Toynians just watched in horror at their watch tower as the Lourian wyverns tourned into pieces and fall from the sky lifelessly. The other worldly sounds of the main guns of each Armata-S1 rang through their ears that shivered to their spines as the tracers light the skies. The Pangeans showed no mercy to the Lourians.

"W-We should never provoke them." Captain Moiji said shakily at the onslaught in front of them. This is no war, this is one sided slaughter and the war of technological advantage of the new nation that appeared in this world.

Every people within the city limits watched while some of them thanking the goddess.

"The skies are clear."

The Lourians at the ground just watch in shocked and horror. They thought this was just an easy victory for them, but no. It was a massacre.

"N-N-NO! All units retreat!" Adem ordered his men. After they lost the entire squadron of wyverns, the Lourians are now in huge disadvantage against their Qua-Toynian counterpart.

The Lourians left in a hurry while some of them was tripped to the ground in fear.

Adem name will be disgraced due to this failure and it will carry out to the next generation.

All of the Qua-Toynians cheered as they watched the Lourians retreat back to their border.

Back at Pangea, War Room, Imperial Palace

Emperor Theo's Pov

I watched the TV connected to the drone that was observing the battle. I smile with satisfaction at the outcome of the battle.

"The Lourians are retreating, your highness. Now into the next phase, counter attack the Lourians for provoking our article 11." My Minister of Defence, Zafal said as the high ranking personnels within the room nod.

I stood up from my chair then announced.

"Now. The Lourians will pay for attempting to pillage the City of Gim... And attempting to massacre the race of demi-humans and next our Sapient citizens, after they Unite the entire Rodenius in the near future. It's better than sorry to wipe them of the map." I said.

"Even they are inferior to us. We still can't underestimate the natives of this world." Admiral of the Navy, Clarence Hrron, said to me.

"Indeed, Admiral Clarence." I reply.

"The next phase is about to begin." Zafal announced to everyone in the room, as we watch at the large wide screen TV with anticipation.

At Fort City Ejei

The Pangeans already set up their artillery regiment consisting of M270 MLRS, M109 Paladin and ARCHER Spg. The Qua-Toynian military were observing the Pangeans and their mighty steel beast. Upon learning the location of the Lourian camp within the border, they begin to mobilize their artillery to attack camp, since the difference of their borders is close to each other it can launch an bombardment with long range artillery.

The Qua-Toynians generals watched with interest at the 4k monitor at the command tent. Displayed at the screen was a drone footage with white dots in it (Thermal Imagery).

"Gentlemen." A voice said behind the Qua-Toynians, as they looked at the source to see two humans in officer uniforms.

"Greetings, to whom I am speaking with?" One of the native general asked.

"I am Colonel Grun, and this my colleague Captain Luna. We are in charge for this operation." The human said as one by one they exchange handshakes.

The Qua-Toynians were offered to take a seat at the chair provided for them, as the two Pangean began to brief them for their situation.

"Gentlemen, this is our current situation." Col. Grun said as he pressed the remote switching the footage to high quality map to which surprise of Qua-Toynians.

"Fascinating! How did you Pangeans make such high quality map?" The Qua-Toynian military official exclaimed and then asked with curiosity.

"This photo was taken from our satellite, and it can produce more high quality photos."

"I don't know what you were saying but, It sounds truly facinating!"

"Now, moving on. We successfully defended the city of Gim from the Lourians and repel their advance by taking out their air support that they full retreat back to their homeland border with no casualties on our side." After the colonel said that the natives were shocked to hear that there were no dead at the battle.

"How?!" One of the Qua-Toynian exclaimed silently.

They couldn't believe of what they just heard from the Pangean military officer. Some thought this is just a nonsense fantasy words coming from the foreigner, but they didn't show it for no further tensions between the two parties.

"The Lourian camps were located at South of Qua-Toyne and Lourian border. This will be one of the greatest massacre in Qua-Toyne and Lourian history. We will wear out the Lourians with our artillery, I don't just mean their main camps and fortifications... We will also wear out the Lourian soldiers mentally. After the bombardment, our joint troops will push forward to the Lourian border. Then after few days, both Pangean and Qua-Toynian soldiers will occupy this position and will wait for further instructions... Captain Luna?" Col. Grun finished his briefing then gestured Capt. Luna to guide the native outside of the tent.

Luna guide them near to the formation of the artillery group then began to introduce these metal beasts.

"This is ARCHER, M109 Paladin and lastly M270 MLRS. The ARCHER and M109 have the same 155mm main cannon, it can reach up to effective range of 40km (25 mi) to 60 km (37 mi) using excalibur rounds, for standard rounds it can reach 30 km (19 mi) to 21 km (13 mi). And lastly the MLRS-270 or 'The Finger of God' with effective range of 32 km (19.9 mi) to 92 km (57.2 mi). All of these are used for long range attacks with unprecedented precision."

The Qua-Toynians were in utterly shocked and in disbelief at the range of the Pangean Artillery pieces. Some were about to faint at the information. Since the Principality of Qua-Toyne and Kingdom of Quila is an allied countries, the Pangeans are allowed to share some information to the natives but, not all of them like for example. The ATACMS or Army Tactical Missile System that can reach at 165km to 300 km (103mi to 186 mi).

"Cover your ears, gentlemen. Just the noise they make is deadly."

As he covered his ears with ear protection headset followed by the Qua-Toynian officials, then they looked at the humans and sapients that are preparing the artillery vehicles.

Few moments later, as the cannons and missile launcher pods aiming high in the sky. One of the artillerymen gives a thumbs up to Captain Luna, while the officer nod in acknowledgement.

"Fire!" With the given order, all artillery regiment fire simultaneously.

The Qua-Toynian could feel the power of those metal beast just by the shock wave and dust, even they wearing ear protections.

At the Lourian border

The Lourian soldiers were feeling hopeless, after they watched the Wyvern support were being mercilessly slaughtered.

The Lourian high officials were arguing at their command tent after receiving an unbelievable report from Adem.

"How should we believe him?! He is just spouting nonsense from his report!" One of the captain from cavalry exclaimed, whom was not there to witness the slaughter of their comrades.

"Believe it or not! I witnessed them swatted like a flea at the skies with my own eyes!" Adem shouted to the captain.

"Silence!" General Pandour ordered his two men.

They sat back to their chairs slowly as the room filled with silence. Pandour rubbed his forehead in frustration and then sigh.

"We must be united against the common foe to win or else we-"

"You still don't understand?! We're doomed against an enemy we don't have knowledge at them!"

Pandour was about to replied back calmly, then all of sudden they could hear odd noise coming from outside of their tent... Then black out followed by series of explosions.

Adem, Pandour and the Lourian captain was killed on site.

The soldiers were trying to find cover, as the continuous explosions around them making them deaf and scared.




Various of scared exclamations was heard throughout the camp as the constant bombardment still continue.

Back at Fort City Ejei

The Qua-Toynians watched the footage with horrified gazes as they could make out the white small human figures from the thermal that was missing some limbs.

The Pangeans on the other hand was unfazed at the scene. The artillery already cease their firing and waiting for the second wave of bombardment.

"Second wave of bombardment will not continue, since there is nothing left to bomb for."
The Grun said to Luna while he nods, then he step forward towards to the Qua-Toynians.

"Now. We will carry out searched and capturing any survivors to become, Prisoners of War in the area. Until then, we will push forward to the Lourian capital to stop this madness." Luna announced to them.

"Thank you for helping us, we looking forward to future friendship between our countries." One of the native thanked the two Pangean officer.

Then out of nowhere a officer Sapient red fox came to them and saluted.

"Sir! Reports of the massive movement of Lourian ships are now entering to Qua-Toyne's territory." He said.

To be continued...

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