Chapter 5 - The Naval Massacre

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Note: <<>> = speaking through radio

Qua-Toyne Capital

The meeting at their capital was filled with silence, Prime minister Kanata and his cabinet staff were silently waiting at the latest report regarding the invasion in the city of Gim and hoping or praying that the Pangeans stationed at Gim were completely fend off and defended the city from the invaders with their wonderful war machines as they call them.

Few moments later, a intelligence officer entered the room with high quality folder at hand.

Prime minister Kanata stood up from his chair as the officer came to him and then handed the folder. Once Kanata open the folder and read it contents, his eyes widen in shocked.

"What is it says, Prime minister Kanata?" One of his minister from Agriculture asked worried.

"The Pangeans... They wish to join them against the Kingdom of Louria! And they successfully defended the city of Gim. They are completely comitting war with the Lourians!"

After he said that, the whole room burst into joy, hearing the victorious outcome of aligning with the Pangeans.

"But... They have a proposal." The intelligence officer said.

The room was filled with silence once again.

"What are their proposal?" Kanata asked nervously.

"Based on their proposal. They want an military outpost here on our country after the war with the Lourians. And in exchange, they will give us economical and the so called military 'modernization'."

Some of the people within the room were in disbelief at building an Pangean military outpost within their country, but they decided to not to be shown in from of Prime minister Kanata. Meanwhile some of them were curious hearing this Military Modernization.

Few moments later. Kanata finally agreed to the proposal from the Pangeans. As the intelligence officer left the room with a quick nod while Kanata seat to his chair then run his palm to his forehead and sigh.

One of the minister came to Kanata with visible anger written from his face.

"Are you insane?! Letting foreign soldiers build their bases inside of our country?" He said dissatisfied at their prime minister's decision.

"What choice do we have? If we disagree with their terms, they could invade our country including Quila in the matter of days when they want to."

After hearing Kanata's answer, he back off from Kanata while apologizing.

Now they have to wait for the Greater Empire of Pangea to finish off the Lourians in these coming days.

Maihark harbor


The Qua-Toynian wooden ships are preparing for the departure, as the sailors were working relentlessly putting every equipment for the upcoming naval battle with the Lourians with the total of 5,400 ships in total. Some of the Qua-Toynian were scared at the massive fleet of ships that they will face in the sea, but since this is an invasion to their country, they are willing to defend their freedom until to their last breath.

At the coast, families and friends are saying their goodbyes to their loved ones.

"Promise me you will comeback in one-piece." A wife said to her husband which is a muscular man in his 40's as they kissed passionately.

"Don't worry, I will comback for you and to our son." He said as he kissed his son's forehead.

With one last glance and farewell, he departed.

Upon reaching the deck of his ship, the crew saluted him once they were in his presence.

"Good morning, Admiral Klisk." His XO greeted him.

The man now known Klisk greeted back. Klisk was the youngest admiral in Qua-Toynian history with experience at the naval battle. Today he will lead the fleet into victory along side with their newly allies. The Greater Empire of Pangea.

After few minutes observing his sailors embark to their assigned ships, he gave the clearance of departure from their port.

As the ships slowly disconnect their ropes at the port. One by one they departed while waving to their loved ones who were watching them at the distance as they getting far and far heading to the open sea.

"Magi-comm officer switch to all magic frequency." Klisk ordered the officer.

As the comm officer handed him the "mic", he began his speech.

"To all captains and sailors, this is admiral Klisk speaking. Today is the day of the invasion from the Kindom of Louria our darkest nightmare in our history. But we will never yield to these bastards, we will fight for our country, we will fight for our freedom, we will fight for our family, we will for the future of our nation! If who wants to back out to be with your family you are free to go, you will be never disgrace for our country. I will never be disappointed to any of you to who wants to back out since this is our last chance to be with our loved ones."

After his speech, he looked to his sailors and to the fleet to see that no one was turning back and their eyes was filled with determination and hope.

Klisk let out a small smile seeing his men are not turning back or even complaining.

"Then may the goddess guide us towards the light in this dark times." He finished as he returned back the mic to the comm officer.

Seconds later he heard cheering throughout the entire fleet and yet he smiled warmly.

"Helmsman, direct the course to the North. We will rendezvous with the Pangean fleet." Flisk ordered.

"Aye, admiral!"

Few hours later

As the fleet of wooden ships sailing peacefully throughout the ocean and enjoying the calming breeze of wind, and the sounds of the waves hitting the wooden haul.

Admiral Klisk, exhales while enjoying the day before their battle at the sea.

"So peaceful. Don't worry my wife and my son, I will comeback for you two... I promise." He thought sadly.

Shaking his head getting rid of that thought, he need to focus. He need to lead this fleet for the upcoming battle. He composed himself.

Suddenly their spotter, spotted something at the horizon.

"Unknown fleet of ships spotted at the distance!" He yelled.

Klisk brings out his spyglass, trying to identify the unknown ships.

Upon seeing it's structure, the color of the haul of the ship was dark grey with red line underneath. It lacks of any mast or oars and there is a weird object spinning at the tower of the ship, rotating rapidly.

When they were within range of naked eye. They were shocked, the unknown ships was so small but intimidating from it looks. Especially the ship in the middle of the fleet which is bigger than any other of its escorts. It was some kind of double deck with strange things that resembles to wyverns, with their wings was folded.

Once they see the banners that was flying proudly at the strange ships hoister. The familiar black, yellow and pentagram was the one that remembered them that this fleet were allies.

The whole Qua-Toynian fleet was in complete state of shock seeing the massive oddly made ships heading towards them causing a panic throughout their ranks.

Admiral Klisk immediately ordered the whole fleet to stand down.

Then they noticed something heading towards them. It was a small boat moving faster than their own common sense, and it doesn't have any paddles while creating strange sounds.

After the small speedboat came to their star board, they drop the ladders for the visitors to climb.

The visitors climb to the top of the wooden ship only to see a fellow human in grey uniform followed by two white armored soldiers with odd black staves. They were surprised that the leader of this group was a woman.

Admiral Klisk was the first to greet them.

"Good morning! I am admiral Klisk of the Qua-Toyne Navy... To whom am I speaking with?" He said respectively.

"Good morning to you fellow Qua-Toynian. I am Admiral Ren Faire of the LRSSF or Long-range Strategic Strike Fleet of the Greater Empire of Pangea. It was pleasure to meet you." She said as she offered Klisk a shake of hand.

Admiral Klisk gladly accepts the handshake.

"My pleasure is all mine."

After that, the two fleet join together in order to defeat the incoming five thousands of ships from Kingdom of Louria.


East of Lourian Sea

The Lourian Admiral had a confident and smug look on his face. He commanded the 5.400 ships that was aiming straight to Qua-Toine's harbor. Maihark.

"With this massive fleet. Nothing from Qua-Toyne can stop us!" He thought arrogantly.

After their years of preparation for this massive fleet of ships. They are now finally putting them into good use.

This massive fleet can par with the second superpower, the Parpaldian Empire's ship of the line. Yet, they can be easily defeated with their powerful magic cannons. But the Lourians may have the upper hand in strength of numbers vs quantity incase of the war between them. In the end they will gonna lose to the superpower due to technological difference.

"I wonder if King Louria was planning to conquer the 3rd and 2nd civilization in the future." The nameless admiral thought to himself curiously.

Then out of nowhere a shout was heard throughout the ship.

"Wyvern alert! Enemy Wyvern spotted to the East!" Their spotter warned them.

As they squint their eyes to get the better view of the hostile wyvern at the distance.

Once the wyvern was within their range they prepared their bow aiming high in the sky.

"Prepare to fire when that wyvern is within our range!" The admiral ordered his archers.

When the wyvern were now close to the fleet, it made a U turn heading back to where it came from.

"It could be a scout." He thought.

Moments later, their spotter caught something on the horizon once again.

"Incoming unknown object at the East!"

"Object?!" The admiral thought angrily as he took out his spyglass.

He see a weird insect like shape with two spinning large blade at each other and one in the back at its wings, the color was pure black and it has an emblem of pentagram underneath.

"What is that?" The Lourian sailors thought curiously at the sametime.

Once the object hovered above their fleet while creating a chopping noise, a sudden booming voice was heard.


Once the admiral heard the nation where this beast came from, his lips formed in smirk then chuckled darkly.

He looked to his archers that was already aiming high with their bows.

"Fire!" He ordered.

They all unleashed their volleys of arrows all at once, nearly hitting the helicopter. But one arrow manage to hit its mark at the rotor blades tearing it into shreds.

Once the pilots noticed the arrows hitting the propellers, they immediately pullback towards to the carrier.

The Lourians cheered after they see the chopper retreat back to where it came from.

"Look! Running like a fucking dog!"


"They should bring more friends facing this thousand ships! HAHAHAHA!"

While they were cheering at the cowardness shown to them by that oddly flying object.

The admiral feel something does not right about that flying object.

It was flying high that, it doesn't need wing like a normal wyvern. The wyverns can't just hovered like that one... So what is it? That object was flying faster than its counterpart.

Few minutes later of sailing peacefully. Multiple islands was heading towards their direction.

"Are those islands moving towards us?- No that's impossible." The admiral thought in denial.

Once they were close. Two gigantic ships leading the formation of wooden ships, dwarfing them at their size.

At the Victoria-Class Super Carrier

Admiral Ren observe the live footage from her two escorts that were on an escort mission with the cameras in different angles, along with the fleet of Qua-Toyne.

"Admiral. They are in position and waiting for orders." A male human radio operator said to her.

"Good. Order them to warn the Lourians of trespassing the Qua-Toynian territory, if they do not comply. They have permission to fire a warning shot If they provoke... They have my permission to use deadly force." She said while she received a nod of acknowledgment from the human radio operator.

Back to the Lourian fleet

<<THIS IS THE IMPERIAL PANGEAN NAVY! TURN BACK NOW OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!>> The menacing metal made ship at the distance with its booming alien voice.

The Lourians were surprised at the size of the ship even though they were at a distance. They could imagine the size up-close and personal.

"Admiral Schaukun. What should we do?" His XO asked him worriedly.

"We come this far and we should never turn back, look at them. There are only 2 of those giant ships with over 400 wooden ships alongside them... We have over five thousand of ships, why should we fear them?" The Admiral known as Schaukun said to his XO coldly.

His XO sweat at how his commanding officer looked at him.

Schaukun turns his attention back to the enemy ships.

"Order all ships to advance."

"Aye, Admiral." The XO left Schaukun to rely upon the order of the rest of the fleet.

After the order was relaid to all ships they advance.

"Prepare the ballistae and archers!" Schaukun said.

Meanwhile, admiral Klisk was watching the scene with his spyglass. His forehead began to fill with sweat but he remains composed.

"Order the fleet for a counter-offensive," Klisk ordered.

"Aye." His magi-comm officer was now equipped with a radio for better communication for each ship, courtesy of Pangea.

As the officer rely on orders to the ships they received clear voices of various captains from each ships.

Klisk was fascinated at how the voices were clear compared to their magi-comm tech.

They continue to advance against the thousands of enemy ships.

Meanwhile, both Pangean captains watch in utterly shocked at the Qua-Toynian fleet, advancing.

"Gunner, fire a warning shot!" The captain of Burke-class destroyer ordered.

As both side continues to advance toward each other the sailors let out war cries as they nearly to each other. Until...


A sound of explosion was heard throughout the sea then a huge splash of water exploded just close the Lourian ship that was leading the formation.

Both sides had their same shocked, surprised and many more mixed emotions starting to build up.

"W-What?!" Both admiral Klisk and Schaukun said in shock at the same time then looked towards the source of the sound that came from the metallic ship behind/front of them.

They could see fresh smoke coming out from that weird stick at the from front bow of the Pangean ship.

Suddenly the Qua-Toynian radios crack to life.

<<To all Qua-Toynian ships! Pullback now! You are in our line of fire! I repeat, fallback now!>>

After a few repeated message to Klisk. He was skeptical about the warning's from the Pangean ship. He and his sailors was about to make history for their country by attacking the hostile fleet, until the Pangeans interrupt their glory.

"Tch. What the Pangeans WANT! We could handle this situation now after all, even with the small number of ships, we can dent on the Lourian ships. *Sigh* We still need to cooperate with them, so I don't have any choice."

After thinking his next decisions, he ordered the fleet to retreat back to the ranks of the Pangean colossal metal warships.

Once he passed the Missile Guided Cruiser and the Destroyer. He looked at them with hope.

"I hope you Pangeans know what your doing."

Admiral Schaukun was in utter shock that he didn't noticed, that the Qua-Toynian fleet was retreating.

Once he saw the 2 colossal ships are now alone, he smiled.

"Order the fleet to attack that 2 ships. We will destroy those peasants!" He barks his orders as the fleet now move quickly while using the oars.

Meanwhile, the captain of the Burke-class destroyer which is a human, looked through his binoculars with sadness. He let out simple words that will sealed the fate of the Lourian ship.

"Gunner... You have my permission to open fire."

Meanwhile, the Lourians sailors were laughing maniacally and smirking darkly towards the two Pangean warships.

As they are nearly closer. A sudden explosion was heard throughout the battlefield.

"Did something explode?" Schaukun mumbled while looking at the source frantically.


He looked in horror as one of his ships exploded in fiery fire and split into two. As the limbs and blood of the sailors from the sinking ship flies everywhere and then landed in the ocean, creating a crimsons of blood on the water.



More of his ships started to explode one after another with now 7 total destroyed ships.

He looked to the reaper's in disbelief who was taking the lives of his sailors.

The pipe-like object at the front bow of the metallic ship, emits fresh smoke coming out from the nose of that pipe.

The sailors couldn't move or make a sound as they still processing what happened to their comrades.


After that, 5-inch main guns fired destroying hundreds of ships as they explode while sounds of death erupting continuously.

Lourians sailors thought that they can single-handedly the Pangean ships, but they were mistakenly wrong.

Desperate to survive, they began to jump the ship either in fear or abandoning the damaged ships.

Unfortunately, some of the sailors were hit by the pluck of debris from the wooden ships around them, killing them with such pain and suffering then drowning in the crimson ocean.

Admiral Schaukun was in deep shock.

"My sailors... This is impossible!" He thought fearly as he watched his ships desperately leaving the combat zone only to be hit by the Pangeans Magic Cannons with such amount of range and precision.

Even he noticed those single small cannons could be done so much destruction and as if they already know the future positions of Schaukun ships.

"After all these years. Become fruitless against such dishonorable bastards!" He thought angrily while glaring at the metal ships far away.

They were too desperate to come close or near to the Pangean destroyer and missile-guided cruiser.

Luckily 5 or so Lourian ships successfully flank the east side of the Pangean ships.

"We will avenge our brothers in arms! Death to those dishonorable Pangeans! They don't know the meaning of Lourian pride!" The captain of the leading ship said to his sailors as they let out a final war cry.

Meanwhile, the Ticonderoga cruiser captain, is a Sapient husky with white and black fur. Noticed the incoming wooden ships to the flank side.

"Prepare for a close combat situation!" He ordered his gunners that were arming several .50 cals, 20mm CIWS, and MLG 27mm.

After the hostile ships came closer to the missile cruiser. They released a hail of bullets to the wooden ship's deck and haul.



Limbs and blood penetrated the Lourian ships, courtesy of .50 cals, 20mm and 27mm from close-in-based weapons. Within a matter of seconds the wooden ships filled with bullet holes, crimson blood and slowly starting to sink at the bottom of the ocean.

The Sapient Husky brings out his binoculars and looked closely at the history ships with no signs of regret.

Until his XO which is a human came beside, him while putting his arms behind his back.

"Captain. The carrier group is within view range, 6 o'clock." He states.

They both looked to the carrier group that was now approaching to their current position.

2 Zumwalt destroyers reveal their two 155mm Mark 51 advanced rail-gun systems and then aim to the Lourian ship at the distance.

The Victoria-Class Super Carrier started to launch a squadron of F-18 Super Hornets, armed with anti-ship missiles.

Both Zumwalt unleashed their 4 projectiles, traveling over Mach 6 - six times faster than the speed of sound. That's roughly 5,400 miles per hour (8,690.45 kph), faster than just about any other weapon on the planet.

As the rail-gun projectiles hit the wooden hauls, penetrating it hitting another 3 ships that were aligned to the first ship.

The Super Hornets were sortied two after another two since the aircraft carrier has 5 catapults that can launch 4 aircraft per minute.

This was overkill.

Once the F-18 gained their altitude, they started to release dozens of AGM right between the Lourian eyes. Exploding into oblivion, turning them into chunks of wood. Meanwhile, some of the Super Hornets fly at low altitudes and then strafe the poor survivors killing them with 20mm Gatling guns.

"They need to stop glory hunting. They are flying way too low." Admiral Ren said while looking through her binoculars as she watched the Jets strafing the remaining survivors.

The Qua-Toynians watched with fear at the prowess and overwhelming firepower that the Pangean fleet possessed.

After 18 minutes of battle, the Lourian fleet was crippled.

Of over 5,400 ships only survived 26 ships survived and that luckily escape the massacre.

Pangean helicopters started to rescue the remaining survivors that were floating aimlessly in the ocean using the debris as rafts.

In the history of Qua-Toyne, this will be the deadliest naval battle in their naval history and they will know how powerful the Greater Empire of Pangea.

If some arrogant nation tries to conquer or angered the 7 billion Pangeans, they will have to pay in blood.

The Qua-Toynians from now on will put their loyalty in the name of the Pangean Emperor and they will strengthen their relationship with them both economically and militarily.

To be continued...

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