Prologue - [The Summoning]

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Strong Language and Theme used in history that are not apporiate for young readers. Reader Discretion is advised.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ever since the war of secession, both the North and South held hostiles between each other. In fact, they fought each other two times with the Confederacy making it out on the top. They could had taken part in the most deadilist war in human history, the Second Great War. Luckily both sides were able to avoid the bloodshed. Instead, both Americas enter a "Cold War" era where it occured on both sides of the DMZ Lincoln-Davis line. There were fortication modification and weapons research buildup as both sides try to undermine the other. It was the longest conflict of Post-Second Great War and the American Civil War. Finally on March 24th, both leaders decide the time was now to put an end to their hostiles and cooperate for a better future.

=====(Scene Changes)=====

|Lincoln-Davis DeMilitarized Zone|
|March 24th, 1969|

(A/N: Pretend it's the American DMZ)

Newly elected President Loyld Jet Williams and his escorts exit the presidental car. There were guards from both sides at attention and armed to the teeth should something happen.
To break out of their boring duty of watching, some of the guards made some jokes that President William looked way too young to be president.

The Usonian President smiled in return. It had been a hard day's work to organize the meeting and now this was it. A chance for harmony for both sides to cast aside their differences for a better future. Maybe a United American Republic.
But the Confederacy he remembered were white supremacists who believe in an Anglo-Salxon Protestant Nation, so the issue of race must be talk about immediately.
The 35-year old president enter the estate that stood between the DMZ. Here both the Union and Confederate flag both current and from the 1st Civil War were hanging to symbolize the potential united peace agreement with white curtains blocking the outside view.
There stood Williams' Southern counterpart, Great President Elijah Huxy of the Freedom Party. Like the rest of his guards, he was clad in a brown uniform with the Freedom Flag on his dress shirt. His cabinet was present with him as well.

The Stars and Strips met the Stars and Bars for the first time in peace after years of un-ending tensions.

President Huxy: "Greetings President Williams." (Holds Out His Hand) "It is an honor to meet you in person."

President Williams: "Mr. President." (Shakes his hand) "The honor is mine as well. I apoloize for the late arrival."

President Huxy: "Well we should get this meeting moving. We're already behind schulde."

Both sides commence the meeting to discuss the peace terms.

=====(Scene Changes)=====

Federal Army Corporal Wilson Shields was bored from his watchtower. He had only 4 hours left before his replacement arrives to relieve him. He was armed with the M2 MonoDragon Semi-Automatic Rifle that serves as a marksman rifle. His parther, James Knox, was also armed with one as well.
The two were causally smoking to ease the boredom. Both men were of European descent since putting anyone of color would anger the Johnny Rebels on the other side. On the far side, their Southern counterparts were mocking them or calling them N*BEEP* lovers. In reponse to the rude compliment, they shouted back:

"F#*& YOU FAKE AMERICANS!!! You're Just Babies!"

"Oh Yea. I bet the Ne#$& are stealing your jobs." one of the Confederate guards shouted before his parthner had to correct him:

"Hmmm.... Nick. There's more than just blacks. Like the yellow gunk and that stupid Mexican."

"We got some of those in our state as well you dumbie."

It was quite funny to see the Confederate guards argue to each other. Shields knew that the 1st Civil War was really complex than just the White vs Black lessons. There was even a Civil War between American Indians in a civil war. But Shields knew why the war was actually fought over.



Wilson's post duty was up and their new replacement had just arrived. Wilson was relieved to be finally getting off this stupid, boring duty, He should had thought twice before enlisting into the Federal Army. Like some reading war stories, he thought he'll be killing some bad guys but he ended up here for his first post. At least he should consider a pat in the back that he didn't got kill on his first duty. Or so he thought.

New Recurit: "So it's just guard duty?"

Cpl. Wilson Shields: "Yes. The most bor-"

All of a sudden, the ground started to shake below them. It was as if someone had turned on something without warning.


The Commanders on both sides of the DMZ called out.

"All Personnal take cover. This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a Drill!", Loudspeakers on both sides could be heard.

DMZ Usonian Guard #1: "What's Happening?!?"

DMZ Usonian Guard #2: "I Don't Know Freddy!!!"

DMZ Usonian Guard #3: (Panics) "We're All Going To Die!!!"

DMZ Confederate Guard #1: "I Don't Want To Die! I Have A Family To Take Care Off!"

The ground started to shift causing everything standing to come crashing down. Then a flash of light blind everyone's vision to the point of losing consciousness.

And soon the two Americas will find themselves in a different world. One that never involves on the concept of warfare.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[Teaser For Next Chapter]

???: "The Presidents Are Dead!"

???: "This Is An Outrage!"

???: "We the people of the Confederacy have declare war on the Union!"

???: "Due to a declaration of war from the Confederacy, the Federal Soveregnity of Usonia also declare war. The War between former brothers has begin."

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