Chapter 06 : My Destiny!

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It was the first time Swara was going to perform a surgery and needless to say, just the sight of her new surgical materials was giving her goosebumps. This was normal for any other fresher to feel like this for her first surgery. Not that she wasn't nervous just like any other intern but...

She had to perform her first surgery with none other than... Sanskar Maheshwari! This was surely going to be a challenge for her. Not that she cared about with whom she was to do the surgery but the fact that he never failed to show his carefree vibe to her, somewhere, somehow, he reminded her of her own self and that was what she did not want. She did not want to remember her old self, that how she used to be before.

She still couldn't shake her head off his voice. The voice that had her name joined with his! Dr. Swara to perform a surgery with Dr. Sanskar! What's with that possessiveness? Or was it just her imagining things?

This guy, who had unknowingly and strangely helped her in getting recruited in this hospital, and then since day one, he never let go off a chance to approach her or at least find ways to approach her by using his not so good tricks -- such as punishing her in front of everyone that day -- only she knew how she had resisted the urge to punch him on his face.

And then having his attention fixed on her everytime... even between classes.

DAMN! She was going to go crazy overthinking this much. For the first time, Swara was failing miserably to figure out something.

It wasn't like she was getting attracted by any of his antics anyway. Or maybe she was? But this was annoying for her. Something about him had been very weird. First, he helped her with everything, without asking for anything in return. That day he offered her a lift to Baadi. And then he had helped her with a lot of things in this hospital too. What's with the unknown pull towards him? Why was this guy everywhere she was?

Maybe, it's because... he really wanted to help her. He really wanted to be someone for her. But for her this was unacceptable.

It was hard for her to lie her trust on someone again! Even though she knew that Sanskar was a very good guy, it was still hard for her.


Swara entered the geriacs room along with her companion for the day Dr Isha. She had a good look around to see the surrounding of the place where she was allotted today. A smile crept on her face.

So here was her duty today! And after this, her first ever surgery. That was after few hours.

She gave a goodbye smile to Isha and walked towards her table, only to meet a middle aged woman who seemed almost like her own. She felt so homely and Swara smiled greeting her. "Hello, Ma'am!"

The woman smiled at her nodding her head and Swara turned her attention towards her medical history files. She thoroughly checked her files and woman's eyes meaningfully traced over her.

"Child... you look tensed?" Swara's head lifted towards the woman as soon as she said those words to her. She gave a confused expression to her in return.

"Don't mind me, child," The woman smiled shaking her head. "Actually, you're like an open book. And seeing the look in your face, one can easily say what you're going through. You look quite stressed to me, unless I'm wrong, of course."

"Umm... Ma'am," Swara gave her usual smile to the patient and checked her files. "You're perfectly fit and fine. There has been a progress in your health. And... no. I am not stressed out." she answered shaking her head. "It's just that... nothing actually. I'd been coping with something in my life so maybe it still shows some effect on me and my daily routine," she admitted and the patient pursed her lips smiling.

"Actually, that explains everything," She replied to her and Swara gave another smile to her. As she was doing her duty, the woman lifted her head towards her.

"Child, do you know that I am a chirologist?" She asked her and Swara was taken by surprise.

"A chirologist? As in... the one who does face reading, palm reading and those things to predict someone's future?"

The middle-aged lady chuckled, "I expected this reaction from you."

She got up from her bed and Swara offered her some help to sit up. "Aaram se, ma'am!"

"I am fine," The woman sat up and smiled at Swara. "I have been doing palm reading for years. I have always told people what came for them and most of the times it came out to be true. Not only I have told them, I have also suggested solutions for them to cope with their coming future and it has been very helpful for them."

"That sounds... nice," she smiled liking how someone could be blessed with this unique ability.

"It does. If you don't mind I can do that for you too. Do you want to know what your destiny has in store for you?"

Swara took in a sharp breath before nodding her head. Though a part of her heart was uncertain of the prediction, the other side wanted to know what her future had in store for her. Was it going to be something like that again?

Or something...

"Show me your dominant hand."

Swara looked at her still confused about what to do. Did she really need to do this? A part of her just wanted to know her destiny but then...

Knowing her stronger urge to discover her destiny, Swara slowly gave her right hand to the woman in front of her and opened her hand to show the palm. The woman gathered her petite palm into her hands and she began scanning everything that was in store for Swara. The heart line, the life line, everything... As she was scanning her palm thoroughly, creases were slowly getting formed on her forehead, which explained Swara that there was something unusual that she had noticed. But what?

"I can see a few knots," the woman continued to read, "Few yet very crushing ones..."

Swara closed her eyes sighing. This was what she was fearing!

"But then... I see a beautiful road. A clear path. A bright future and a beautiful destiny."

The words left from the woman's lips left Swara completely puzzled. Her eyes almost widened. Her destiny... a beautiful one? What was going to happen in her life?

The woman lifted her head from her palm and looked at Swara. "Have you recently gone through something in your life?"

Swara stared at her. Should she even trust what was happening right now? "Actually... yes."

The woman smiled, "It's okay, beta. But that will have nothing to do with your coming future now. I have seen your coming future and all I can tell you is... whatever you are doing today is going to be the reason of a huge turning point in your life. I can see a huge cluster that explains the new phase of your life and from this moment on, you have to watch out. Your destiny can come to you in any form, and your destiny is going to be right in front of you. But there are chances that you may not notice it. But your destiny has already caught it's main destination and everything, you know of, is going to change. It's now your life has actually begun."

Should she even believe all this stuff? But then if she stopped this woman, it would seem like she wronged her skills and her career.

"But there are many hurdles in between which you're going to overcome with your own strength and that is going to lead you to a very beautiful future," she continued telling her, "Someone is going to be your strength and that 'someone' is going to be your tomorrow. In short, your destiny. You're in your early twenties, right?"

"Ugh, y-yes."

"You're still very young, beta. Yet your strength and power is so good. You'll soon get someone in your life, my best wishes to you for the new phase of your life. But all I will tell you is, just do not try to reason with anything coming into your way. Just let things go wherever they are going because it's destined to go that way. Your beautiful destiny has been written."

Swara fell into a mess. She couldn't believe whatever she was hearing. But maybe... a part of her told her that whatever she heard right now couldn't be neglected. This chirologist seemed very genuine and the way she read her palm and her face right now explained how experienced she was in all this. And now even if 50% of her predictions came true then Swara herself had no idea what would happen with her further.

But now all she knew was... Her career! Her reputation! Her family! Her self respect! They were the first priorities in her life now. Nothing else beyond them...

She knew that she had to stand strong for herself.


Sanskar was dutifully checking the case files of his patient before turning towards the middle aged man in front of him and smiling, "You're very much fine now. But I suggest that some X-Ray tests must be done to be sure."

"Okay, thank you doctor! Seriously you guys are the life savers of people like us."

"Please don't say thanks. It was my duty. I will prescribe you some medicines for faster healing. I think..." he checked his file before prescription of the medicines.

Just then, a nurse came towards Sanskar calling him, "Dr Sanskar!"

Sanskar turned his head hearing his name, "Yes, sister?"

"Actually, Ramprasad sir was calling you in his cabin. He said there is something he wants to discuss with you."

And the moment the nurse left from there after giving Ram's message for Sanskar, he immediately groaned and dropped his head behind, face-palming himself.

Sanskar knew very well what his father was going to discuss with him. The same thing that was going on for ages yet no power in this world could force Sanskar to change his firm decision. Sanskar's marriage! Something his father had planned for him and Sanskar's decision was to not go through with it.

What was he? Just a twenty five year old cardiologist. Besides, he was too young to marry. Couldn't he live his single life a bit more?


The moment Sanskar excused himself and rushed out of the general ward, he leaned against the wall with his full body weight and exhaled as if he had run a race. He immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

As he dialed the first four digits of the number, the first person appeared in the list displayed on the phone and Sanskar clicked on a name. A name he knew he could trust.


Sanskar held his phone against his ear as the phone rang. He silently hoped for his brother to answer his call. After a few seconds, the call was picked up but Sanskar immediately regretted it as he heard those yawning sounds on the call followed by lots of curses, "Who the hell are you?! How dare you ruin an engineer's sleep! You idiot! You ruthless, worthless creature, dafa ho jao yaha se jo bhi hai woh."

Sanskar hit his forehead by his palm feeling nothing but pity for his own self for going through this.

"You sleepy head!" he answered back, "This ruthless, worthless creature is your brother who has helped you in every situation in your life. Don't you dare forget!"

And on the other side he could hear a gasp accompanied by another yawn as the person registered his words.

"Uh, hello, bhai," Laksh, Sanskar's younger cousin brother greeted nervously, "Sorry, I received the call without looking at the caller name."

"Sorry ke bachche! Come out of your sleeping world this instant and help your brother."

"What bhai," Laksh could not stop yawning as his brother just woke him from his sleep, "How many times have I told you not to call me in my sleeping hours? I study entire night and get to sleep only during day time. Don't I deserve a little bit of sleep? I'll turn insomniac like this."

"God, Laksh. I am sorry for ruining your precious sleep but I... I need your help because I don't know who else to go to. Please. Yaar, Papa started again!"

And that altogether built a different energy into Laksh. It was time! Time to tease his brother. Well, that's how he would pay for ruining his precious sleep.

"Yes. I know what you are going to talk about," he smirked.

"You know?" Sanskar was baffled, "Then why on earth didn't you inform me before?"

"Bhai, prepare yourself for the bomb I am going to drop before you. I am sorry it's something you won't like."

"Uff! Lucky, I can't understand this twisted language. Can you please be precise and tell me what is actually going on? Ek toh I am already damned here, upar se you are teasing me."

Laksh chuckled, "God, bhai. Seeing your situation right now, I seriously wonder what will your condition become after I give you the piece of news I have received."

Sanskar sighed trying to calm himself down. But even that wasn't working! His nerves were on high level.

"Bhai, the thing is..." Laksh cleared his throat before continuing, "Chacha ji and papa have already chosen a girl for you."

This was like a blow to Sanskar. His eyes widened, "WHAT! No way!"

He immediately made himself alert as he noticed interns passing across him watching him making him realise he was not the only person standing there.

"Ssh! Bhai, you really need to tone down," Laksh warned.

"Laksh! This... No! I don't want to marry so soon. Why is everyone after me yaar?!"

"I also tried telling Chacha ji about your disagreement on this decision, but he just shoved off the topic saying that you will definitely agree once you meet the girl."

"God! Hearing papa, I feel like I am born only to marry in this world." He rolled his eyes and Laksh chuckled seeing his brother on absolute dramatic mode.

"Adarsh bhaiyya ne twenty-four mein love marriage kya kar liya, the elders have their eyes revolving around me now," he went on rambling.

"Bhai," Laksh sighed, "Instead of cursing this subject everytime, why don't you think something about convincing chacha ji? I mean... something you can do to get out of it once and for all?"

Sanskar sighed before drowning in his own sea of thoughts. He pressurised his mind to think. He thought. Deeply. Too deeply. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Well, did you think something?" Laksh expected for a reply from his brother and Sanskar scrunched his eyebrows.

"I have decided... I will run away! Yes. I will run away from the home and won't come back in a while," A broad smile crept on Sanskar's face as soon as his tongue spoke his mind.

"Yes. Now that sounds like a plan, Sanskar Maheshwari!" Sanskar did a happy dance and here on the other hand Laksh was left to wonder what made him so happy about that.

"What! Have you gone crazy, bhai? Chacha ji will kill you if you do anything like that."

"Then what am I supposed to do? See, obviously I am not going to die single but the only thing is... I don't want to marry so soon. I have so much to do in life and I believe... marrying at such a young age will mess up things. And this marriage and love is not really the kind of drama I want to deal with. At least not so soon."

"I understand, bhai."

Sanskar sighed, "Dekh Lucky. I am telling you. I have decided. I am spending three nights at Rajat's house."

"What?" Laksh asked, "Are you insane? What good will come out from that? And what will you tell your dad?"

"I will tell Papa that..." Sanskar trailed off spinning around cheerfully narrating his plan but his smile instantly vanished as he saw the person in front of him who he wanted to see the least right now. Damned! It's his father.


Ramprasad waited a bit before his son finished his call. Sanskar turned to a side, a childish frown etched on his face.

"Okay. Time's up. I'm caught. Someone save me from the wrath of Dr Ramprasad Maheshwari please."

"What? He is there?"

"Haan. Right in front of me. Now I am dead."

Laksh laughed, "My best wishes to you, bhai. All the best for your new married life. Iss baar na seriously bhabhi chahiye..."

"Shut up, Laksh! You know what? You are hopeless and I was a fool to think that you would help me in any way," these were Sanskar's final words before he abruptly cut the call making Laksh roll in laughter on the other side.


The interns room was empty and Swara was glad for that. At least she could get some time to clear up her mind from some thoughts which were constantly attacking her mind.

She was sitting on her bench, her arms folded and kept on the desk. Now the only thing she was waiting for was her first ever surgery. She had no duty on her plate, so she utilised the time to think about some things.

Whatever that chirologist told her right now was ringing in her head constantly and she was too helpless to neglect it.

'Whatever you are doing today, is going to be the reason of a huge turning point in your life.'

'Your destiny can come to you in any form, yet your destiny is going to be right in front of you. But there are chances that you might not notice it. But your destiny has already caught it's main destination and everything, you know of, is going to change.'

'Someone is going to be your strength and that 'someone' is going to be your tomorrow.'

'Your beautiful destiny has been written. Just do not try to reason with anything coming into your way. Just let things go wherever they are going because it's destined to go that way.'


As Swara was completely drowned into her own world, a voice, or rather say a familiar voice made her lift her head from those thoughts. Her facial expressions showed relief as she saw her best friend in front of her.

Swara : Anushka!

Anushka (confused) : What happened to you? You look so worried. Are you not well?

Swara (hesitantly) : I.. I am okay Anushka but..

Anushka : But? (put her hands on either side of her waist) So you won't share with me what is bothering you, right?

Swara looked at Anushka yet so many insecurities running in her mind. Would Anushka believe that Swara just got her destiny consulted by a chirologist? Would her best friend believe all that Swara was struggling to believe? Should she ask her best friend for an advice?

Finally reaching to a conclusion, Swara took a deep breath as if trying to clear her mind to speak up, and Anushka took an empty seat besides Swara to talk to her.

Swara looked on as if concentrating on some spot on her desk and leaned on it.

Swara : So.. there is this lady I just met a few hours ago when I was on my duty. Turns out she was a chirologist.

Anushka (amused) : Chirologist? As in a palm reader?

Swara : Yes. And then.. she was.. (hesitantly, looked at Anu) I don't know if I should believe in them or not. I am just not understanding anything.

Anushka : Arey what is there to understand? (her face broke into a smile) So what did she say?

Swara (confused) : First.. she.. asked me to.. show her my dominant hand. I did. I showed her my right palm as I am right handed. So.. she started reading my palm and predicting very weird things... And I... I don't know if they will come true or not. (hesitantly) She said that my destiny has been written and everything I know of is going to change. I am going to get someone who will become my strength to overcome all the problems of my life. And...

She stopped. This was all so complicated!! Who knew if she should even believe in them?

Anushka : And what?

Swara : She said that... that... my destiny is going to be right in front of me and there are chances I might not notice it!!

Anushka (surprised) : Hey! You know what, it can really happen. A chirologist never goes wrong.

Swara was about to say something but Anushka spoke...

Anushka : Swara trust me, if for once, things aren't right in your life, it doesn't mean that it is not going to be right forever. You know, give all the happenings around you a chance. If that woman told you that your destiny is right in front of you, just don't reason with anything! Let things go wherever they will go. (smiled) You know? I really feel something beautiful is awaiting you.

Swara (in disbelief) : Stop it Anu! I don't believe in it.

Anushka : Swara but what was your yesterday is not going to be your tomorrow! You have to understand it and it's high time. Life is giving you another chance. (reasoned) Well, nothing has happened as of now but it would happen one day na! It's not like things are going to be like this forever. My advice is, just don't ignore whatever is happening behind you. Now I really feel something is right.

As soon as Anushka completed, Swara got reminded of some words which once a very wise person had told her.

'Life is really beautiful Swara. But it's just that some people don't realise it or notice it. It always plans some unexpected destinations for us. Just look around!'

Should she even believe it?

"Okay... fine."

And she had unwillingly decided. And Anushka was the happiest person at her best friend's decision. But now Swara was sure that whatever things were going to be, she had to welcome them.

But a part of her was so confused... All these things seemed so foreign and strange to her...


Sanskar seriously wondered why did he even call Laksh in the first place. Laksh seemed to be enjoying his miserable condition. Teasing him everytime about his marriage. Forcing him to get a lovely sister in law for him, ignoring Sanskar's reluctance for marriage. Bhai bhai na raha.

But he had to think about that later. Right now, he had to deal with this person named Ramprasad Maheshwari who was his very own father and the person whom he wanted to see least at this time.

"Oh... woh... Papa? What happened?" He gave his father a very sweet and innocent smile.

"Better if you stop giving me that sugary smile of yours because that is not going to convince me at all."

Sanskar cleared his throat to avoid himself from feeling awkward. He could not believe his father knew him this well even if they were not that close.

Ramprasad folded his arms, "I had called you in my cabin, Sanskar. Where were you? When you didn't come, I decided to come to you myself."

"I... I was doing my duty," he lied, hoping to get out of it soon.

"Oh, then okay. By the way Sanskar, I wanted to discuss something with you."

"Hmm!" Sanskar rolled his eyes, "And there we go again."

"What is wrong with it, Sanskar?" Ramprasad snapped seeing his behaviour, "You know that you are old and mature enough, right?"

"Wrong," he defended, "Papa, twenty-five isn't old. And right now, I have a lot to do in my life and I am not mentally prepared for marriage. And honestly, I don't want to start any relationship as of now. When will you understand?"

"See, Sanskar, just meet the girl once. She is one of the interns here and my best friend's daughter. And we really feel that you guys will mate very well. Her name is Kavita Roy. I guess she is your junior."

"And out of all the girls, you had to fix my alliance with the one I dislike the most!" He placed his palm on his forehead, "No way. Please... I really don't want to, no matter who the girl is. Honestly, my career has always been my first priority. I am not really ready to start a married life. I want to be the person I have always wanted to be. The one who is willing to give ray of hope to a person who deserves to live. I am nowhere in rush into marriage and then regretting to agree for such a relationship for my entire life."

"Arey it's not rushed, beta. It's not going to be rushed. Everything is going to be-"

"But I refuse to believe it! What good can come out from a relationship which is not as per my will? Sorry, but I seriously think that I am not ready to start any relationship so soon. I just don't. I am still twenty-five, Papa. And here you make me feel like I am thirty."

Ramprasad was taken aback, "What's it with you never listening to me?"

"Because you never try to understand your son's feelings, papa!" he snapped a bit as he could not take it anymore, "All you care about is what you think is right. You have never cared about what I want in my life."

"Look, Sanskar-"

"No. You listen, papa. Once I'll be good enough for someone, once I'll finally be ready for it, once I finally believe that it's as per my will and wish, I'll be ready for what you have been wanting for me. But before that, I am not starting any relationship, especially at this age. When I am myself not ready for all this so soon then what guarantee is there that I'll keep my partner happy? Or agar aap zid karoge... toh yaad rakhiye ki mai bhi aap hi ka beta hoon. Aap ziddi, toh mai bhi ziddi."

With their discussion meeting it's ultimate stage, Sanskar gave him a last glance before finally walking past him to some other direction, making Ramprasad lose his cool completely.

"Sanskar! Wait!"

But he was too late. Sanskar chose to ignore but at the same time he felt extremely guilty for ignoring his own father. He closed his eyes and walked away from there.

"This boy never listens to me! What should I do with him?!" He vented out his frustration. He knew his son was so much stubborn like him in this matter.


It was finally time... Their first surgery ever!

Swara and Anushka had never been so excited and nervous... at the same time. The thought alone sent waves of various emotions into their spine. Excitement, satisfaction of helping a person come back to life, nervous, anxiety...

But there's first time for everything, right?

Anushka already left with Rajat for her surgery and here Swara was all ready wearing her surgical clothes, and fixing her hat on her head. She waited at a spot as she waited for Sanskar.


That guy would never change.

She glanced once at her watch only to realise that she was very early, to be frank. Swara smiled to herself.

Things were going very smoothly for her as of now.

She decided to let go whatever would come in her way and concentrate on her career path. No one has ever been able to see tomorrow, so she thought to live her today without any worries.

Yes! Now that sounded like a solution!

"Where is he? Why hasn't he come yet? Should I call him?"

Swara remembered that Sanskar had given her his mobile number in case of any emergency. Not only to her, every intern had their seniors' number in case of any purpose.

She sighed heavily and folded her arms, next moment she saw a very familiar figure approaching towards her. Swara turned her head towards the direction and instantly sighed in relief as she saw Sanskar coming.

Swara (muttered to herself) : I literally thought that he forgot about it.

Sanskar (smiled coming to her) : Hello, partner! So, ready?

He greeted her extra-cheerfully but all Swara could notice was the word 'partner' and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Partner?!"

Sanskar (folded his arms) : Yes. We are doing a surgery 'together'. So, aren't we partners in that case?

Swara (rolled her eyes) : Whatever.

Sanskar : Ooh by the way, I really wanted to ask you a question.

Swara's head snapped at him in confusion.

Swara : What?

Sanskar (smiled) : Remember the day I told you to try being optimistic? Is my advice having any kind of effect on you?

He asked her with a slight tinge of teasing and Swara looked at him as if she didn't understand the language he was talking in.

Swara : I am not understanding what you are saying.

Sanskar (sighed heavily) : Ohhhkay! Nevermind.

And with that, Swara Bose could finally have some moments of peace. But with a chatterbox like Sanskar around, well, it wasn't possible!

Sanskar : By the way! Are you nervous?

Swara (looked somewhere else) : I am not nervous.

Sanskar (chuckled) : Really? Okay. Let me see.

Saying this, Sanskar rested his palm immediately against Swara's chest or say, against her crazily and erratically beating heart. Swara realised she was trapped.

Sanskar (pulled his hand back) : If you are not nervous then why is your heart beating so fast?

Swara opened her mouth all set to flare on him but failed to do so as Sanskar leaned towards her as if all set to tease her again.

Sanskar : (whispered) Or is there something so attractive about me that is setting your heart on full speed just by my mere presence around you?

Just one line... And the one line was enough to send a shiver down Swara's spine. Something sparked inside of her and she couldn't tell how she really felt with him around.

But why was his flirting having this much effect on her?! She knew it so well that Sanskar Maheshwari was full of cheesy and flirtatious lines... but still they had so much effect on her. Why!

And all her thoughts vented out as anger...

Swara (snapped) : What's your problem? Why don't you mind your own business?

One question and Sanskar knew he had a perfect answer to give. Giving a huge heavenly smirk, he rolled his eyws playfully.

Sanskar : My business is my business, none of your business!!!

Swara gave him a pointed glare as he giggled. As if looks could kill, she would have already dug Sanskar's grave with zero honours.

Swara : Tum...

"Dr Sanskar! The patient's parents want to talk to you."

Nurse Fernandez informed Sanskar and disappeared as soon as she came. Sanskar exchanged a look with Swara before going from there and Swara followed him.


"Please, doctor! Please save my son. He is too young. He has to live his life. Please save him!"

An elderly couple requested Sanskar and Swara to save their son from brain tumour. They knew, this surgery would repair every damage.

For Swara this was like a blow. Parents begging for their child's life, her heart sank on seeing how some people could be really helpless.

She had decided to give her best in her first ever surgery... She had taken her decision and took all time to gather courage.

Sanskar : Don't worry, we will try our best. We will give in our best.

There was something so soothing in Sanskar's assurance that not even the parents, but even Swara's heart warmed up. He wasn't the rough tough kind of doctor who acted like a person with a stony heart. He was nowhere there.

"Thank you so much! We are totally dependent on you."

Sanskar and Swara smiled at them assuring them when suddenly another surgeon came out of the Operation Theatre (OT).

"Dr Sanskar! We are going to begin."

Sanskar (replied back) : Yes! We are almost there. (turned towards Swara) Let's go Dr Swara.

Swara nodded her head.

Sanskar : (smiled) And both of you can wait and sit on the bench.

And that was the reason why Dr Sanskar Maheshwari was the best of the best doctors of Kolkata College & Hospital!



Several instruments are kept on the table and lights had been turned off. Sanskar and Swara and some of their associates were ready to start the surgery.

Sanskar : Let's give our best guys! I'm sure we will do it.

Everyone nodded their heads in a professional way and covered their mouth with a surgical mask.

(Guys I'll be skipping this part a bit, because I hardly know anything about how a surgery is done.)

Seconds passed... minutes passed... and as the time passed, the risks faced by the patient decreased as the best team of doctors were performing this neurosurgery. Sanskar did every part of his work carefully and guided Swara for the same too. Swara was giving her best too! If not for Swara, maybe this surgery wouldn't have been fully successful. Sanskar's guidance helped her develop basic and advanced surgery skills and she was also counted as the best one.

Some cuts, some knives, some repairing and that brought the entire one hour surgery to it's last stage. Swara and Sanskar were halfway to be successful in the complicated surgery.

Sanskar : (sighed) Swara, we are almost done!

Swara nodded her head.

At one moment Swara was holding a small sharp knife for Sanskar as he made some stitches. Swara's eyes solely concentrated on the little yet sharp knife resting on her hand.

She suddenly went too numb and everything that had been going on in front of her came to a halt for her as her thoughts engulfed her deeply.

'Whatever you are doing today, is going to be the reason of a huge turning point in your life.'

No!!! She shouldn't think about all this. She was performing an important surgery. What made her remember that?

'Your destiny can come to you in any form, yet your destiny is going to be right in front of you. Everything, you know of, is going to change.'

'Someone is going to be your strength and that 'someone' is going to be your tomorrow.'

And soon enough everything went blank in front of Swara's eyes as some of the darkest memories engulfed her...

'Arey! Look who is here. The bride whose groom left her right in the mandap!'

'I'm telling you, she's going to remain forever unmarried like her mother. I think these are bad omen.'

'Maybe they don't have the happiness of a husband only.'

No!!! No!

'Your beautiful destiny has been written. Just do not try to reason with anything coming into your way. Just let things go wherever they are going because it's destined to go that way.'

'Just do not try to reason with anything coming into your way.'

'Your beautiful destiny has been written.'

'Looks like daughter's fate is same as her mother's. Maybe they don't have the happiness of a husband only.'

'Someone is going to be your strength and that 'someone' is going to be your tomorrow.'

'That 'someone' is going to be your tomorrow.'

'Your beautiful destiny has been written.'

The same words kept on ringing in her head making her world spin around her and soon enough she was brought back to senses...

Swara : Aah!

A moan rang across the surgical room and Sanskar lifted his head hearing Swara's voice.

Sanskar : Swara? Are you okay? Are you...

And suddenly his eyes noticed something too traumatic and his eyes went wide in shock.

Sanskar : (paniced) Swara! Khoon!

Swara was shaken and was brought back to her senses and the next thing she felt was something too painful piercing against her skin. Her hand. When her eyes went to her hand, she was all shocked and all puzzled to see blood seeping out from the huge cut made by the sharp knife on her hand. She gasped. "I.. I.."

Sanskar : Your hand is bleeding!!! Chot lagi hai tumhe!

Swara tried to calm herself. No, this wasn't the time to feel pain because of the cut. She was doing a surgery!!!

Why did she even let those thoughts come in her mind?! She was meant to concentrate on the surgery and not wonder about her personal things!

Swara (sighed heavily) : I'm.. I'm okay. And.. I'm.. sorry..

Sanskar : Sorry for what?

Swara : I messed.. up.. I spoiled.. the surgery. It's all my fault.. (sniffed)

Sanskar : You did not spoil the surgery Swara! You are doing it so well. In fact it's because of you that we have come this far. We are almost there!

Swara breathed in and out ignoring the pain caused by the knife and continued her surgery. Her hand continued bleeding but it was worth it.

Swara : You are right Sanskar, we are almost there.

Sanskar : (whispered yelled) But you're hurt Swara!!! Isn't it paining?

Swara : (whispered) That's not the concern. Saving the patient and making this surgery successful is more important right now.

And even though she had given her statement, Sanskar did not fail to notice the pain seeping into her voice as her fingers swelled. He knew it pained Swara. He could see it. And he could also see how she still performed her surgery, and staying strong and firm on making this surgery successful.


Soon after the surgery was declared successful by Sanskar, he rushed from there, dragging Swara by gripping her wrist and taking her somewhere. Swara was completely dumbfounded as he dragged her.

Swara realised what was coming now : Sanskar would scold her for being so careless in the OT. Careless, about the surgery. What if her one wrong step had shattered every hope that was built by the patient's family and themselves? Now Swara knew Sanskar was going to shout at her for thinking about other things during the complicated surgery. No personal things in professional life!!! Now she knew this was what she was going to hear elaboration on. And oh yes she was at fault and she had made a grave mistake.

She was guilty, very guilty. How could she not concentrate on it? Why did she start thinking about other things while performing the most important surgery of her life? Why did she let her thoughts into her mind while doing it?

And she was going to take everything Sanskar would give her. As a senior, he had full right to scold her. And she was mentally prepared for that.

But what happened further was something Swara never expected...

Sanskar : Sister! Please bring a first aid box.

"Okay, Dr. Sanskar." A random nurse assured him.

Sanskar took Swara sensing her reluctance at the same time but no, she was not going to stop him today. Swara was wondering what was he going to do now.

Swara : Sanskar! Where are you..

He took her near a table and kept her palm on the table. He immediately softened his grip on her wrist and stopped, letting out a sigh.

Sanskar : Just be here. Quietly!

Swara : But..

Sanskar : No ifs and buts!

Giving a last glance to her already swelling hand, he waited for what he wanted the most right now. And his wait was over.

The nurse arrived shortly bringing the first aid box, as Sanskar wanted. Swara scrunched her eyebrows down. Was he going to...

No! Please!

Sanskar : Thank you so much sister.

The nurse smiled and left from there, leaving Swara stunned as realisation dawned hard upon her. Sanskar turned towards her.

Sanskar : Show me your hand.

Swara (hesitantly) : But.. umm.. No! I can manage.

Sanskar (a bit loud) : Haath dikhao Swara!

Swara was completely numb. She lost strength to raise her hand for him. Sanskar, this time tried to be softer as he realised that he was louder than intended.

Sanskar : Swara show me your hand. It's bleeding. And you can't stroll around the hospital with a swelling hand.

Was he caring for her? A part of her told her that he did. He wasn't angry on her for messing up the surgery instead, it seemed like he was worried for her more.

Swara slowly lent him her hand. Sanskar gathered her hand into his both hands delicately as if his little here and there would cause her pain. The deep cut across her palm seemed to be dried but still it was painful.

Swara (still in pain) : San.. Sanskar it's it's nothing.

Sanskar : Kitni gehri chot hai yeh Swara and you are saying it's nothing. Why didn't you pay attention while handling the knife? Now it caused you such a deep cut.

His scolding sounded more like extreme concern for her. Swara squirmed under his gaze as Sanskar immediately opened the first aid box and took out some cotton and antiseptic. Sanskar held her palm in his and pressed the cotton across her palm so delicately that Swara was beginning to question herself... Was he really caring for her? Was this what caring was? After her mother and her Dida, no one cared for her to such an extent that the pain she was going through was visible in his eyes.

Sanskar : (whispered) Is it still paining? And please, don't lie to me.

Knowing that she won't be able to lie seeing the care and concern in his eyes, Swara mumbled "Y-yes. It is."

Sanskar gave her a 'See-I-told-you' look.

Making her feel nervous for one last time, Sanskar drew his attention to her palm and he applied antiseptic on them. He applied some cotton on the injured area and Swara's gaze was unintentionally fixed on him.

He handled her hand so carefully as if it was made of glass that would break if he did some mistake. He glanced at her in between tensed as if her pain bothered him more than anyone could expect. From starting to end, Swara was staring at him with an anticipation of something to be said just at once. Amidst applying the necessary equipments on the cut, Sanskar felt Swara's heated gaze on him and finally, his eyes met hers which wanted to say so much right now.

Khamoshiyan.. Aawaaz Hai..
Tum Sunne To Aao Kabhi
Chhu Kar Tumhe Khill Jaayengi
Ghar Inko Bulaao Kabhi

Beqarar Hai Baat Karne Ko
Kehne Do Inko Zara...

Khamoshiyan.. Teri Meri Khamoshiyan
Khamoshiyan.. Lipti Hui Khamoshiyan

Was she giving away herself again? She was forbidden to trust anyone with all her heart again. But just one look at those brown orbs of Sanskar and all she could see was they were filled with extreme sincerity and care. And all Sanskar could see in those black orbs of Swara... something she wanted to speak aloud but a part of her held her back... He had always wanted to know her. To hear her. To understand her. But this seemed so difficult. But now looking at those eyes of Swara, he could feel a tinge of gloominess in them and Swara could feel something very foreign tugging at her heart...

What do you think? Was this a new equation? A new chemistry?

How do you think everything would fall in place? Would Swara believe in a beautiful life again because of her past happenings? Would Sanskar be able to handle his budding feelings? Would Swara and Sanskar ever admit their growing feelings for each other?


Precap : Moments bringing Swara and Sanskar closer to each other and Sanskar finally hears his heart...

I am sorry for being so irregular. I am still fighting dengue and that is the reason, I was advised complete bed rest. Seems like this virus won't leave me so soon. 😦 I am writing this chapter since 4 days. 🙈 Shocking, hai na?

I'm sorry because there were not much SwaSan scenes here. 🙈 Please sorry for that but this was important for everything to go ahead.

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