Chapter 22 : Just 'Us'

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They say, 'Life is full of surprises and serendipity. One should have enough courage to accept the unexpected turns in the road. If you try to plan every step, you may miss those wonderful twists and turns. You may not always end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you are meant to be.'

All you can do is... just let things happen. Happy things? Let it happen. Pain? Let it happen. Let joy also happen. Let tears also happen. For all we know, everything happens for a reason. And this is something one needs to remember -- the Almighty above always has something special in store for everyone.

And so did she!

And she had realised it.

She stood there surprised, delighted beyond extent. Never had she ever imagined herself that this was how it was meant for her to be all along. She was exhilarated as she felt a hand extending towards her... the same hand she would love to hold on forever and never let go no matter what.

She lifted her head towards the owner of the hand and no sooner she moved her orbs towards the person, she knew he was the one for her. He had always been all along.


Since two days, Swara had been getting this same dream in the morning -- she was standing in a place, all dolled up, and her prince charming suddenly came out from nowhere and without any much effort, he held her hand in his, just like how it happened in fairytales. The princess finds her prince charming and their story finally ends in a 'happily-ever-after'.

It's said that morning dreams come true, and she had been getting this dream since two consecutive days. Her heart skipped several beats. What it would be like if this dream of hers came true?

After a very long time, Swara felt like believing in fairytales again... All those bad times one goes through, only to have a happy ending at the end. But isn't it said that 'behind every end, there's always a new beginning!' She believed a new beginning was in store for her as well. She closed her eyes, she hoped, and hoped. And felt. And believed this was finally it. And this time, nothing stopped her.

It'd been two days since Sanskar got hurt on his head because of those men and since then, Swara had been taking care of him, telling him time to time to have rest. Since two days, she visited his room in the morning to make sure he took his medicines -- which to her dismay he always forgot -- in order for his wound to heal faster. But you know what, to come to Sanskar and look after him was a small excuse for Swara to spend more time with him, and same went for Sanskar too. But again, at the end, she only wanted his well-being, as she also knew that he was responsible and very caring towards the entire mankind but he was extremely careless when it came to himself. After she came to him, she made him something he could eat -- as she believed that home-cooked food was better than outside-cooked food -- and they shared some time together. Whether it was just a simple hand-holding moment between the two or just random talks regarding life. They talked about anything and everything.

Except their love for each other.

Most of the time, Sanskar attempted to bring the subject up somehow -- the subject about what they felt about each other -- but was either turned down unintentionally by Swara or something other came up -- like a ringtone of a phone call, or a knock made by Rajat to come and take what he forgot to take with him. As Swara used to come to Sanskar, Rajat used to go to Anushka. It was to leave the alleged love birds alone and to have his own time with his ladylove.

A smile formed on Swara's face. She remembered, today was the day she was going to get Sanskar's dressing removed. Finally! Two days of complete rest was worth it. She knew the wound had probably healed by now, that also meant he had fully recovered now.

For her, nothing mattered to her more than his well-being. And she meant it, with all her heart. And no one could be as happy as her by his positive recovery.


Sanskar had been thinking, and rethinking from quite some days. About all the recent events, and everything else that had been taking place in his and her... or rather say their lives.

"Do you know, that you look like a small innocent girl whenever you smile!"

"A small 'innocent' girl, seriously Sanskar?"

"Okay, don't wanna believe me, don't. But I'm speaking the truth. And I'm serious!"

"Well, then thanks to you. Because somewhere, you are the reason behind this smile."

A smile came on his face. He couldn't be happier that even she slowly realised and acknowledged her feelings for him.

"You know, I really mean it when I say that you look absolutely cute when you blush!"

The day when he told her that, which was hardly two days ago, he had seen how much he affected her, or rather, she was affected by him. The way she blushed after he said she might be his love.

"Why can't you see me hurt Swara?"

"Because I care about you Sanskar. Very much. And today when I... when I saw those men hitting you from the back and when you fell down, for a second I thought that I... I will lose you forever!"

"Thank God you are fine! Nothing will happen to you, not when I'm there with you! I will not let anything happen to you."

From days, he had seen it all -- from her getting scared to death when all that catastrophe with those goons happened to her extreme care and affection that her eyes beheld only and only for him.

All of this was enough for him to come out of his doubts and to the ultimate conclusion -- Swara also loved him the same way he loved her.

And right now, he had thought of something.



A loud noise came out from the washroom and Swara immediately got up from her place, freaked out by the sudden shriek of her best friend who was inside.

"Anushka, are you okay?!" She called out in fear.

But all she could hear was her best friend's moans. Swara felt pained and scared... something was wrong!

She kept everything aside and made her way towards the washroom. No sooner she banged the door open, a shock awaited her as Anushka was lying sprawled on the floor, holding her back, winced out of pain.

"ANUSHKA!" Swara yelled in shock and immediately squatted down near her and held her, "What happened? Are you okay?!"

"I slipped..." she somehow managed to say as she felt pain passing through her whole body. "It's difficult for me to get up. Please help, Swara."

"Of course. Come on, be strong."

A few moments passed by with Swara helping Anushka in getting up, and after a few painful moments, she helped her walk outside the washroom. After coming out, she made her sit on the bed comfortably. She still felt pain in her whole body.

Swara hurried and handed her a glass of water to drink, "drink this."

She took the glass and gulped down the water. Her face contorted in pain.

"How come you slipped, Anushka?! You should have been careful!" She said worriedly and took care of her friend.

"I know..." She managed to speak, "I was just leaving after washing my face and then I don't know how but I lost my balance and slipped. My back is hurting, Swara, and I'm hundred and ten percent sure that my ankle too must have got sprained."

"Oh god! Is the pain too much?"

"Not too much, but I won't be able to bear it for longer time. Swara, can you please bring hot water bag for me?"

"Yes, turant. You take rest, and don't do anything! Whatever you need, I'll bring it for you. I'll also go to the medical store after some time and buy some medicines for you."

As soon as Swara was leaving from there to bring hot water bag for her, Anushka stopped her, "Wait Swara!"

She stopped and turned around, "What happened?"

"Don't go out today. I read the weather report in the morning and they said it is going to rain very heavily today. And everyone has been advised to stay home and not go out."

"But how will I get the medicines?!" She asked.

"Swara, I can manage something here only." She convinced, "I have hot water bag. For today I will use it. But no matter what happens, you will not go out today!"

Swara opened her mouth to resist, "But..."

"Please, Swara. Have some mercy on my condition and listen to me. I don't want you to get stuck in that heavy rain."

"Anushka, you already know that online weather reports are not reliable and that I don't believe in these reports." She sighed when she saw Anushka's strictness about the situation.

"Don't worry, I'll take the umbrella. Now you stop worrying about me and take care of yourself. I'll bring hot water bag for you and then after cooking our dinner, I'll go to the store to buy painkillers and a pain relief balm for you."

"But..." She tried for one last time.

"You have my promise you will not stop me." She dropped the bomb. Seeing her best friend's distressed expression, Swara smiled. "I know you care a lot about me Anushka. But trust me, I will be fine. I'm taking umbrella with me. So just relax."

She smiled before coming to her once and kissing her forehead lightly, "Take rest, I'll just come." and saying that, she left from there. Anushka didn't know why but she had a bad feeling about it. She turned her head towards the open window of their room and saw the clouds threatening to burst any moment and cause heavy downpour tonight. She felt like she should reconsider her decision of letting Swara go alone.



Rajat exclaimed out of shock cum surprise as Sanskar just now revealed his plan to him. After hearing the plan, it became so difficult for him to contain the excitement inside of him.

"Yes, Rajat. And that's my final decision. A decision no one can change." Sanskar said, smiling.

"I still can't believe it. You... You are seriously going to confess your love to her! Amazing! You don't know from how long I and Anushka have waited for this day."

Sanskar took a deep breath as he knew that it was either now or never. For how long were they going to hide their feelings from each other? Some or the other day they were bound to confess their feelings for each other.

"So, how are you going to do it?" His friend asked, "Are you going to propose her or something?"

"No, Rajat! I'm not going to propose her. I'll just try to tell her about my feelings for her today. Keyword being 'try'. Rajat, we propose someone when we want someone to allow us to have them in our life. And right now I have no plans of asking her to come and be a part of my life. I'll tell her my feelings first and will try to get her to do the same. I know she loves me, there is no doubt about it. But-"

"But Sanskar, I'm sure once you tell her that you love her, she will also tell you. I really think you should propose her. You know, I have always believed that if two people love each other, then they should be together! Why should there be any ifs and buts in that?"

"You are right, two people who love each other should be together, but what if one of them is still unsure if this is what they want with all their heart? I know for sure that she loves me, but I don't know that how much ready she is to accept her love for me. That is why, I want to take things slow. I don't want to put any pressure on her."

He walked away from Rajat and started speaking as if speaking with his own mind, and Rajat keenly listened to him.

"It has taken my everything to come to this decision, Rajat. The decision of stop masking my love for her and be straight forward about it. Like, this time I don't want to change the topic once I say something by mistake that can hint that I love her. I just... I just want her to know how much she means to me. That she can trust me. That I want her in my life. And you know what made me come to this decision? It's that I know even Swara loves me! Even if she doesn't say it, I can see it in her eyes. I have seen it, the way she looks at me, the way she cares about me. Everytime, I have."

"I know my brother, whatever you will do, you will do the right thing. I will only wish you one thing, all the best for the new phase of your life. I hope you both get together soon." He said, coming to Sanskar and placing his palm over her shoulder.

Sanskar smiled shaking his head.

"Today, indirectly or directly, I will tell you my feelings for you Swara." He mumbled to himself. "And this time, there is no hiding. And then, after some days I will propose you to be a part of my life, once I'm confident enough that you also want both of us to be together and have a future together. I know you also love me, the same way I love you. There is no more hiding away from our feelings now, Swara, because it has become so obvious now. We love each other and both of us can see it. It is just a matter of realising and confessing our feelings to each other. And... Today is that time."

Rajat smiled hearing his words and just then, both of their gazes travelled towards the glass of closed window.

It was evening and it was a really bad weather as it had begun raining very heavily in last two-three hours. Sanskar knew about the weather forecast of today. Seeing how the drops splashed against the glasses in such a force, he would prefer staying inside and not go out only to catch cold and fall ill.

Both were interrupted by the sound of a ringtone, the one that belonged to Sanskar. Both of them realised that Sanskar's phone was ringing. He controlled his smile a little and after a few seconds, after seeing the caller ID, his smile dropped a little bit as a sense of confusion got marked on his facial expressions as he saw Anushka's name flashing.

"Who is it, Sanskar?"

"It's your girlfriend."

"Anushka? What happened, why is she calling you?"

Sanskar didn't say anything in response and picked up the call and held it near his ear, "Haan Anushka, bolo."

"Sanskar!" came her frightened voice, which concerned him.

"Anushka? What happened? Is everything okay there? You? And Swara?"

All he got to hear was sniffling sound from the other end of call. And that was enough for Sanskar to know that something was really wrong!

"Anushka, please tell me. Are you and Swara okay? Please, I'm feeling scared."

"Sanskar, I'm so sorry. If I had known this will happen, I would have never allowed her to go out!"

"What?" He mumbled in shock. "Anushka, what happened? What is going on and where is Swara?"

"Sanskar, I'll tell you everything. Actually some hours back, I had slipped in the bathroom and I hurt my back and ankle. And we didn't have necessary medicines at home, so..."

"So, Swara went out to bring them." he completed in fear, hoping he was wrong.

But he wasn't.

"Yes." She shut her eyes out of tension. "It has been long time since she left for the store. I'm feeling scared, Sanskar. I just hope she is fine and not in any big problem. That is why I called you."

"At... at what time did she go?" He asked, hoping it wasn't too long yet. But what she said next turned his fears a manifold.

"It has been three hours."

"Three hours?!" He was shocked beyond measures. "Three damn hours and you are telling me this now! When there is so much heavy rain outside, she went there now? Why? You both could have told me or Rajat, we could have gone out to take the medicines! Did Swara even know about today's weather? How can she go out in such a bad weather? And on top of that, she hasn't even returned yet!"

Worry gripped Sanskar from all sides. Please god, please let everything be okay! Let his Swara be okay!

"I'm sorry, Sanskar. I'm so sorry. If I had known this will happen, I wouldn't have sent her alone at all. I even told her many times not to go. But you know na she doesn't listen. She goes out of her way to help her loved ones. And she gave me her promise. That is why I couldn't stop her."

Sanskar sighed exaggeratedly and pulled the skin over his forehead, trying to calm his nerves down. Whatever Anushka said was right, Swara always went out of the way to help people. She was too selfless for her own good. But this very quality of hers sometimes brought tough times for her only.

"I'm sorry, Sanskar." She felt guilty.

"It's okay, Anushka. You did your best to stop her, but it was she who didn't listen. It's okay, I'll go and find Swara. I'll bring her back, no matter if I have to pass through even a cyclone. Can you tell me the name of the store she has gone too?"

Anushka told him the name of the store and the locality that store was in. Sanskar closed his eyes, it made that dark day come alive again, the place where those goons came to trouble them. Though it was not the exact place, but the locality was the same. He had seen what a quiet area that was. And to think that Swara had gone there alone, and it had been three hours she hadn't returned when the store must be only fifteen to twenty minutes far from their lodge.

His heart sank and a lot of fear tugged at his heart. What if she was in some big problem? He inwardly prayed to God, hoping she was fine. Oh god!

"Rajat, I have to go now! Don't worry, we will come back soon." He said hurriedly before putting on his blazer and an umbrella, and made his way towards the door.

"Yes, sure. And Sanskar!"

Sanskar stopped and looked at him, his eyes sad.

"Stay strong. Don't worry, I know she will be safe and you will find her." He consoled him with affirmative words.

Sanskar nodded his head half-heartedly and turned to leave the room.


"SWARA!" Sanskar shouted as he protected himself from the rain by his umbrella, all the time he was doubtful if his umbrella would be able to take this much pressure from these heavy rains. But that was the least of his concerns. Right now, all he was worried about was Swara. It'd been about half an hour he was searching for her.

As the Goddess of luck decided to ditch him today, he failed to get an auto or taxi cab that he could use to bring Swara back safely. Oh, how he wished he had his car right now! That would had made things so much easier. He even attempted to book an OLA or an UBER, but even that failed because all transport services were closed for today, all thanks to this bad weather. So, he had only the last option -- to walk till the grocery store where Swara had gone and fetch her in that road.

"SWARA!" He shouted louder, but couldn't find her anywhere. Fear was already there upon him and he was sure he would get a panic attack if he didn't find her soon.

"Kaha ho tum Swara. I hope you are fine. Please God, please keep her safe." He breathed and wiped his face, trying his best not to break down and cry. He definitely would if he didn't find her soon. "Stay strong, Sanskar. You have to find her. She will be okay."

He made a last attempt. "SWA-"


A female voice, that sounded like a mixture of shock and surprise, brought him into alertness. He stopped immediately standing where he was, for he knew he would recognise that one voice even in a million female voices.

"Swara?!" He called out again, paying his full attention everywhere around him.

"Sanskar?! Why the hell is he here!"

It was very dark and it was difficult to find her as it was a full-on forest area with just one road.

"Swara tum yaha ho? I can hear your voice but I can't see you!"

"Sanskar, I'm here! To your left!"

He turned towards his left and his eyes widened as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. There was Swara, trying to protect herself by standing in the innermost area under a huge tree which was able to protect her from the unending downpour... to some extent. She held her handbag close to herself and hugged herself.

"Swara!" Sanskar gasped. "Oh god!"

He immediately ran towards her but for a moment, his speed was too much that he nearly slipped on the wet ground. Swara immediately rushed to him and held his hands to stop him from falling. "Sanskar! Sambhal ke!"

She pulled him towards inside and by now, both of them were under the tree. Sanskar took a minute to take in all that just happened. He found Swara standing under this tree, and then she pulled him in, and now...

He should be happy that he found her, but more than that, he was feeling upset on her for doing what she did. What if she would have fallen in some trouble! Luckily she was here, safe but he hadn't forgotten all those events that had happened that day. What if someone would have taken advantage of this heavy rain and had done something wrong to her? This deserted street was not to be trusted. He just thanked God for bringing Swara back to him.

"Sanskar!" She called out to him and stared at him in concern, bringing him out of his thoughts. "What is this? Itni baarish ho rahi hai, tumhe yaha aane ki kya jarurat thi? Why are you here?"

"Oh, me? I was here for a nice rain dance." He told her sarcastically. "What about you?"

"Sanskar, I'm serious." She made it clear to him.

"So am I, Swara. What were you thinking before you left your room? I came to know everything from Anushka."

Swara sighed and closed her eyes. She knew what was going to come now.

"Anushka was badly hurt, Sanskar. I came here to buy medicines for her. I have bought them and just when I left the store, it began raining heavily. I had no other choice but to wait here till it slowed down. There is no auto or cab also here."

"But Swara you did know about the weather, right? You could have told me as well! I could have brought the medicines. Why didn't you tell me?!"

"No, Sanskar! I didn't tell you because I didn't want to bother you for such a small thing. Besides, your wound is also in the healing process. I didn't want to trouble you with this. I thought I will manage, and then..."

She stopped talking when she saw Sanskar sighing deeply with closed eyes, pinching his forehead out of frustration.

"I can't believe this." He mumbled, and the next moment, a thought made him suddenly alert and then he again turned towards Swara.

"Wait..." He began, "You have your umbrella with you, right? Where is it?"

Swara didn't say anything and quietly put her hand inside her bag. After few moments, she pulled her umbrella out of it. Sanskar got confused.

"If you are having it then why are you not using it?"

Swara still stayed quiet as she knew what she would say next would make him even angrier than he already was. She quietly opened the umbrella for him to see it for himself. And much to Sanskar's shock, the umbrella was badly damaged from all sides.

She was all mentally prepared for his next reaction.

"What the..." he said looking at the umbrella from all sides.

"I didn't realise before that this umbrella was broken and that bringing it here was no use." She confessed as if a kid just got caught for doing something wrong.

"Seriously, Swara!" He yelled. "How can you be so irresponsib-"

He was interrupted by a loud, splashing sound of water which came because of a vehicle passing through a puddle full of water. Luckily, Swara and Sanskar didn't get wet because of it as it was far from them. Sanskar punched the tree in huff, without Swara noticing.

"Oh my god, this rain is increasing more and more." She commented staring at the increasing downpour.

"Say something that I don't know, Swara." He said out of frustration.

"Arey par tum mujh par kyu gussa ho rahe ho?!" She turned towards him.

"Toh aur kya karu mai?" He demanded, turning towards her. "Who told you to become superwoman and come here at this time! On top of that, even your umbrella is damaged."

"Arey toh kya bigad gaya Sanskar? And no one told you to follow me and come here."

"And I should have left you here alone, right!"

"I... no, I don't mean that way. I just meant that you didn't need to come here only to see this day."

"Fine. Let's think that I am not here and you are still here alone. What would you have done? And there are no autos or cabs here at all."

"I could have managed something, Sanskar. I'm not a small kid. I'm familiar with this street as I have been in this city for five years." She wanted him to understand.

"Yeah, I saw how well you were managing everything before I came." He told her sarcastically but in real he felt angry at how irresponsibly she acted today. "And yes, it doesn't matter if you have been here for five years or fifteen years. All I care about is..."

He inhaled and exhaled slowly, making a futile attempt to calm his nerves down. At this point, he really had nothing to say anymore.

"Why Swara? Kyu itni ziddi ho tum?" He demanded from her.


"No Swara, this is unacceptable. Tum kisi problem mein fas jaati toh? You know what we faced two days back, here in this place only, right! Even then you have no care about yourself. Aur rahi baat Anushka ki, you could have managed for today by giving her a heat bag and tomorrow you could have gone to the store or you could have just told me."

Swara just nodded her head, staring at the ground. She had nothing to say in her defense because she knew everything Sanskar said was right. And his utmost concern for her was totally justified. It was the same way her Maa or Dida or even Anushka scolded her for being careless about herself.

"I know, Sanskar. I get what you are saying and I accept it. But..."

"No Swara, you always do this!" He was unable to control himself anymore. "You never care about yourself, and at the end you only fall in trouble-"

"For now can we focus on what is more important? Leaving from here! Please? Because since the time you have come here, all we both are doing is arguing. Instead of this, let's go back as fast as we can and once we reach back you can scold me as much as you want. Arguing like this will lead us nowhere."

"Fine." He huffed and Swara saw the time on her watch. It was eight-thirty. She mentally tried to remember at what time she left her room. Oh god, it was at five-thirty! She was shocked to know that she was standing here since three hours. It was obvious Sanskar would be worried.

Sanskar turned his head away to think of some solution, but not before shooting a sideway look to Swara, and it didn't escape her eyes.

"Stop giving me that look, Sanskar."

"Then what should I do?" He reverted back. "Why don't you listen to anyone?"

"Why are you being so bitter with me?! Please, don't..."

"I'm not being bitter-"

"Please, it hurts."

He was about to speak further but stopped immediately as the last word she spoke hit him. He turned to look at her and he immediately regretted how he spoke. Sadness flashed across her face as she looked at him, anticipating for him to listen. His facial features softened down.


"I know!" She snapped immediately to his shock. "I know I shouldn't have come here alone and I know it, you don't have to keep rubbing it. And now because of me, even you have got stuck here. I'm sorry, I didn't want to be a burden on you-"

"Swara, ssh, relax!" Sanskar held her. "It's okay. I... You are not a burden on me, Swara..."

He found himself at severe loss of words when she began wiping her eye, and blinked thrice, trying not to feel emotional. His heart twisted in pain. No matter what he couldn't see tears in her eyes. And that made him realise that even though he meant well, he crossed a line and overreacted a bit. Regret flashed across his face instantly when he saw her hurt.

"I'm... I'm very sorry Swara, I overreacted. I shouldn't have-"

"Don't talk with me." she whimpered turning her face away.

"Mai sorry bol raha hoon na." He said desperately. "Please, I'm sorry. I promise I will not shout on you. I'm so sorry Swara for all that I did. I just... I got scared Swara. For a second I doubted if I'll be able to even find you. I know that's no excuse, I know I shouldn't have got so angry on you. I mean it. I'm sorry! Please... please don't cry."

She wiped her face out of frustration but stopped immediately when she felt his hand touching hers. Her lips parted and turned her head back at him and he took it upon himself to wipe the corner of her eyes to stop her tears from forming. For the whole time, he stared at her, being sorry for causing her to have tears in her eyes and at the other hand, she melted down seeing how much he cared for her and that how much right she was about him.

"I have already lost my mom once, Swara. I don't have the strength to bear the loss of another loved one!"

"I'm sorry, Sanskar, I know. I understand."

And realisation dawned really... really hard on her! She looked at him in shock.

'Loved one'?! What did he mean by that?! Did he really mean what she thought he was?

"'Love-, W-What did you s-say?" She couldn't stop herself from voicing her feelings out. And Sanskar sighed, knowing what he had to do now.

"I'll tell you once we find a way out and reach back as soon as possible. But do know one thing, Swara, that today I won't stop myself. Today, I will tell you what I feel about you. That what place you hold in my life, in my heart! That what you mean to me and that how special you are to me! I will tell you everything. I have been hiding it for too long and today I just want to let out everything. I'm sure even you want that, right?"

Sanskar was so engrossed in his own nervousness that he couldn't see that look on Swara's face, the one look he would never want to miss ever. She stared at him with several emotions swirling in her large black orbs, just wondering...

It had always been her for him all along. Always. It was always as clear as a crystal, that he too felt for her the same way she did!

Whatever he said right now, that confirmed everything what she thought about him. He also loved her! He also felt for her the same way she felt for him!

She felt shocked or surprised by this sudden confession from Sanskar, she didn't know that; but one thing she was absolutely sure of -- she felt happiness inside of her, and her happiness couldn't be defined in words! Right from that moment, she realised that only he had this effect on her.

"Swara? Please say something. Don't be quiet like this. Your silence scares me. You also want that, right?"

And with that, she nodded her head slightly into a yes, indicating that she also wanted him to tell her about his feelings for her.

"Yes." She breathed.

"Thank god, you said something. Otherwise... I thought you are still angry on me."

"No Sanskar, I'm not. But..."

"What 'but'?" He got anxious again, which she didn't know why but found cute.

"For that we need to reach back soon. We will not be able to talk properly if we get stuck here. You know... The loud sound of rains and all..."

They became silent all over again, as Sanskar began to think. And Swara's mind got preoccupied only and only by him and all about the current events.

"Now, we have only two options with us. Either we can stay here in this place only until the rain slows down, which I highly doubt, or we need to go walking. We have umbrella, but that will not be enough. We might get wet, but if we want to reach back soon, then we can take that chance."

"I want to go back, Sanskar. I don't want us to remain trapped like this and wait here till the rain slows down. Now both of us have the umbrella, we can go back to the lodge."

"But there is no cab or auto here. Damn, I wish we had come here by my car. We could have gone back by the car." He said sighing. "We need to go walking. I know it will take long time to reach back, but we don't have any other option. But Swara I want to ask you, will you be okay with walking?"

"Yes Sanskar, I will be. In fact, I was going to ask you if you will be okay with walking or not."

"I am. When you are there with me, nothing is difficult."

He sensed glinting in her eyes.

"Come Swara, I know we can do this. I'll hold the umbrella for us. And let's make sure none of us get wet."

With a simple 'hum', Swara went nearer to him, as he opened his blue umbrella and held it in a way that it covered both of them from above.

"Comfortable?" He asked.

"Yes." She said. "Are you?"

"Me too."

They started walking together slowly, taking small and slow steps. They walked through the wet ground, the ground which was highly saturated by the heavy splashing of rains.

Swara looked here and there, it was a bit dark and she wasn't sure how long she and Sanskar would be able to survive here, but somewhere deep down, she knew if they had to reach home, then all this would be worth it. She wasn't worried about herself, she knew she would manage. She felt guilty for putting Sanskar through so much trouble.

On the other hand, Sanskar's only intention was to reach back safely with Swara. All this time, he was only thankful that she was fine and didn't fall in any trouble. He would admit it, no matter how much he would say that he was angry on her for being so irresponsible, deep down his love and respect for her turned into a manifold, thinking that she would go to any extent to help her dear ones. Be it her friends, be it her family. She cared for everyone. She was too good for this world. Her selflessness was the quality that he loved -- and at the same time got annoyed at -- the most.

After a few moments, Swara stumbled a bit, "Ouch!"

"Swara!" He immediately held her.

She opened her eyes and they exchanged looks.

"Mai hoon na tumhare saath, kuch nahi hoga tumhe." He assured her while holding her head.

"Tum saath rehte ho, toh mujhe kuch ho hi nahi sakta." She admitted. Sanskar's heart skipped a beat.

This was the first time she actually voiced out what first came in her mind about him. And the best thing was it was all coming from her heart and soul.

He couldn't be happier.

Swara turned to other side, and Sanskar didn't fail to notice a small, shy smile on her lips.

They started to walk again, and after a few minutes of walking, they reached half-way. All of a sudden, Swara stopped Sanskar.

"Sanskar! There is so much water accumulated here."

He immediately looked down when she pointed downwards where he saw a huge puddle threatening to block their entire path. He gripped the umbrella tighter and kept his arm around her.

"It's okay Swara, we will manage this."

They went pass it, but... Alas! Swara gasped when her foot followed her... with one slipper from that foot gone!

"Oh Shit! What is this... Sanskar, mera joota wohi phas gaya!"

He frowned before looking down to see Swara's foot having no slipper. Then he looked behind her, the slipper was totally soiled by muddy water and was stuck at the puddle, in a way that it wouldn't come back.

"It's okay," she said. "I'll try and bring it back-"

"How can you go back? Do you see how much water is there? Wait. Not you, I will try."

She stood on one foot and Sanskar tried to get hold of her slipper, but as the goddess of luck totally decided to go against her, the slipper flowed further away from both of them due to heavy splashing of rain water.

"Shit!" She groaned. "Great! Just curse my luck."

"Swara, Swara, relax! It was just a slipper." He tried to calm her down.

"What do you mean by 'relax'? My slipper is gone! How will I walk now?! I have only one slipper on."

"Wait. I'll give you my shoes." He almost bent down before being stopped by her.

"No! You are not removing your shoes for the sake of helping me."

"How will you walk then, Swara?"

"And if you will give me your shoes then how will you walk?"

"I'll manage-"

"I can also manage." She said immediately.

"Swara..." He lost the argument from her. "Okay fine. I'll think of something else. But you don't worry."

Swara huffed and kept her hands over either sides of her waist, totally frustrated all thanks to this rain. On top of that, even her footwear was gone now! Could this day get any more worse? Now she realised... Coming here today was not the right option.

Something stroke Sanskar's mind and as soon as he grasped it, his eyes widened a bit. An idea, to tackle this problem came in his mind but he wasn't sure if it was right to use that solution, but he swore to his mother there was no other way out to it. In a situation where they were here all alone, amidst such heavy rainfall, darkness everywhere due to cloudiness, no cabs or autos anywhere in the area. In a situation in which all doors of escape were closed, this was the only way out. But what would Swara think? Would she agree? He didn't know!

But, trying once wouldn't harm him!

"Swara. I..." He began and she turned towards him. "actually I have a way out to this."


He gazed at her feet, where one of them had the slipper on and the other was bare. He took a deep breath trying to get his heartbeats under control.

Either it was a 'yes', or he was doomed for ever!

"Sanskar, what happened? You were saying something?"

"Swara, I'm sorry but there is no other way out!" He said, a little bit of uncertainty and nervousness evident on his facial features.

"What is it? At least say?"

"W-Will you be okay if I lift you up?"

It took a moment for Swara to realise what Sanskar actually asked. No sooner her mind registered it, her eyes widened in shock... or rather surprise.

A heartbeat passed.

"There is no other option Swara." He said, "There is no one here or nothing here that can help us. And even this rain doesn't show any signs of slowing down. Or... I'm sorry, I should not have asked this. I was thinking that maybe you will hold this umbrella for us when I will hold you and it will even save you the trouble from walking barefoot. But... No, leave it. I will think of something else."

He turned away but Swara held him. He first looked at her, then her hand gripping his arm.

"Swara, I-"

"Sanskar, it's okay. You only said what was the only option left for us but... I can't let you do this. I'm not saying no for reasons you think, I'm saying no because I don't want to put so much pressure on you and making you hold me. You won't be able to hold me for so long. I have already put you through so much trouble, I don't want to be a burden on you anymore."

Before she could complete the last sentence, Sanskar made her turn towards him and he gripped either of her shoulders, making Swara part her lips in shock. She wasn't sure how to react, and Sanskar stared straight into her eyes.

"For the last time," he said huskily, "I'm telling you. You. Are. Not. A. Burden on me Swara. So stop saying this all the time. And if you think that I'm having any pressure while holding you, then let me clear this to you, I am ready to hold you for even my entire life if a situation demanded!"

When he buried those words oh so intensely and deeply into her soul, she bounced between exhilaration, euphoria, trembling, racing heart. She always knew deep down that a day would come when both of them would be honest with each other about their feelings for each other, but she didn't know that this was the time Sanskar would choose.

Having totally lost her voice because of his words, she just nodded her head, approving him to give her the umbrella so that she could hold it for both of them. Sanskar handed over the umbrella to her, then inhaled deeply and bent down, held her by her shoulders with his arm, and his other arm went down behind her thighs. No sooner, he lifted her up from the wet ground and held her close to his embrace. All the while, Swara eyes gazed on him, not being able to believe that her dream which was always there in her subconscious mind came true!

Sanskar held her comfortably in a princess-style. Before taking a step ahead, he looked at Swara, his eyes silently asking her if she was fine. And her eyes answered his question.

Bulaave Tujhe Yaar Aaj Meri Galiyaan
Basau Tere Sang Main Alag Duniya

Bulaave Tujhe Yaar Aaj Meri Galiyaan
Basau Tere Sang Main Alag Duniyaa
Na Aaye Kabhi Dono Mein Jara Bhi Faasle
Bas Ek Tu Ho, Ek Main Hu Aur Koi Na

Hai Mera Sab Kuch Tera Tu Samajh Le
Tu Chahe Mere Haq Ki Zameen Rakh Le
Tu Saason Pe Bhi Naam Tera Likh De
Main Jiyu Jab Jab Tera Dil Dhadke

He started walking, taking very careful steps because he knew he was holding Swara in his embrace and if anything went wrong then both of them would suffer. If he tripped down, she would also fall down and get hurt. And he wouldn't let that happen. No matter what he would never let the love of his life get hurt, no matter if it was because of him or because of anyone or anything else.

Tujhse Mera Ye Jee Nahi Bharta
Kuch Bhi Nahi Asar Ab Karta
Meri Raah Tujhi Se Meri Chaah Tujhi Se
Mujhe Bas Yahi Reh Jana

Lagi Hai Teri Aadatein Mujhe Jab Se
Hai Tere Bin Pal Vi Baras Lagte
Bulawe Tujhe Yaar Aaj Meri Galiyaan
Basau Tere Sang Main Alag Duniya

Jo Hove Tu Udas Mujhe Dekh Hasde
Tu Chahe Mere Haq Ki Zameen Rakh Le
Tu Saason Pe Bhi Naam Tera Likh De
Main Jiyu Jab Jab Tera Dil Dhadke

All the while when he walked carrying her, she looked at him. He looked at her and stopped for a while.

"Swara, I know that this place, the situation we both are in is not in our favour and is just a way out so that we can escape this problem. But trust me now that I think about this, then something about this moment... it feels special. It feels as if I have everything I have ever wanted in my life. And looking at you, I'm sure you are also feeling the same. Ab jab mai sochun, toh iss jagah ki khubsurati hai yeh wakt! Aur mai sach mein yeh chahta hoon Swara, ki yeh wakt bas yeh hi rukh jaaye. No boundaries, no other world. Just you and me together. No more insecurities, no barriers. Just us!"

A smile formed on his face which Swara involuntarily reciprocated back. As he stared at her with lot of love and affection, she stared the same way at him. She stared at him as if he was the only one she wouldn't get tired of staring at. She stared at him as if she would love to drown herself in those sea of emotions in his eyes. She stared at him as if it was going to be the end of the world and she wouldn't be able to stare at those love-filled brown eyes of him again.

She stared at him... as if he would be the only one she would stare at for all her life.

Being in his embrace had already set her inner being ablaze, and if a moment more, she would forget this entire world, she would lose herself completely in him, the one who had loved her immensely, looked after her, cared for her and respected her all this while, and now it was her! She didn't realise how her feelings for him had escalated to this level, in a way that she wouldn't want anything to get reversed. And now that it had, all she knew was she didn't want to lose such a beautiful thing of her life, no matter what happened. In fact, now she only yearned for him.

Tujhse Mili To Sikha Maine Hasna
Aaya Mujhe Safar Mein Thaharna
Main To Bhool Gayi Duniya Ka Pata
Yaara Jab Se Tujhe Hai Jaana

Hai Tu Hi Dil Jaan Hai Meri Ab Se
Ve Zikar Tera Na Jaye Mere Lab Se
Bulawe Tujhe Yaar Aaj Meri Galiyaan
Basau Tere Sang Main Alag Duniyaa

Jo Howe Tu Udas Mujhe Dekh Hasde
Tu Chahe Mere Haq Ki Zameen Rakh Le
Tu Sanso Pe Bhi Nam Tera Likh De
Main Jiyu Jab Jab Tera Dil Dhadke

Pyar Di Raawa Utte Yaar Tu Le Aya
Mainu Jeene Da Matlab Aaj Samajh Aaya
Paraya Mainu Kar Naa Na Tu Sohniya
Channa Main To Rul Jana

It was no denying anymore, Swara Bose realised and inwardly accepted that she had genuinely, irrevocably, unconditionally, fallen deeply in love with Sanskar Maheshwari and that he had given her a new reason to live, to smile, to believe in goodness and to be happy once again!

Very soon, the rains and the umbrella became the witness of Swara and Sanskar's unsaid, unconditional love for each other! No moment could have been better for both of them than this, them being in each other's embrace and drowning into the love and affection they shared for each other. This was the perfect moment for them... To say what their heart had for each other and what place they held in each other's hearts!


After walking for about twenty-minutes, they had finally reached back to their lodge after being through a lot. But also, both of them were extremely exhilarated that both of them found a moment they had been waiting for... getting open about their love for each other!

The two silent hearts did sommersaults out of happiness as they still couldn't believe it.

"Sanskar, are you okay?" Swara asked him all of a sudden, as soon as he put her down and they were just standing outside the building, being protected by the roof above them.

"Yes, I am. Why are you asking this?" He asked.

"It must... It must have been hard for you to... to li-lift me like... like this," she struggled to find appropriate words. Her cheeks turned red and she was all ready to drown in her own avalanche of emotions.

So much happened in one time, it was all too much to take in. Her heart was too small for the emotions it contained.

"No, it was not. And it doesn't matter."

"Why doesn't it matter?" She asked innocently.

"Just some time before I told you Swara, nothing is hard in my life whenever you are there with me. But yes, not having you in my life, it will make my life itself hard... to live!"

The last word hit right to her soul and her eyes closed momentarily.

"S... Sanskar... I..."

"Swara, if you don't mind can I tell you something?"


"You know, all this while, I've never told you how much you mean to me. I never said anything to you that will give you even the slightest of idea about what place you hold in my heart. That's because... I didn't want to do it just right away. I wanted to earn your trust first. I wanted to make sure that you know you can trust me in anything. So, I began showing my love to you through my actions. I want to tell you, Ms Swara Bose -- that the girl I've always liked, always loved, I love and will always love... she is standing right in front of me."

Saying this, he slowly raised his palms and cupped her cheeks. The next moment, he leaned and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, which made her close her eyes. And at that moment, all Swara could feel was his warmth. That how overwhelming it felt when his lips came in contact with her skin. This was the first time he touched her like this. The first time he kissed her. But for Swara, it wasn't just any simple forehead kiss. It was as if he touched her soul with his love. It was as if he had managed to move her soul within her body. A touch so pure, filled with so much of love, that it would linger within her forever.

When he pulled back from her, having the most beautiful smile on his face, he saw her smile reciprocating his. He also noticed a tear rolling down her cheek, as she looked at him with eyes full of love.

At that moment, Swara realised only he could be the reason behind this smile of her.

"You don't know how much I have waited for this moment Swara. So many times, I tried to find a chance, but could never gather enough courage. I thought you will think wrong of me, that is why I never said anything." He confessed. "But believe me, I have always wanted nothing more than to make you feel special, in every moment that we spend together."

"Sanskar... As much as you have waited for this, even I have!"

She said immediately what first came in her heart and as her words rolled down her tongue, she smiled closing her eyes, knowing she finally did it. She opened up about her feelings for him and not just to him... to herself as well.

For once, just for once, she let her heart take her mind over. She let her feelings, her love for Sanskar overpower her and she stared deep into his eyes. She always saw how expressive those pair of brown orbs were, but today she could feel them more deeply. Right now they looked nothing more than a mirror to his heart. His heart that contained love for her. And his eyes looked full of love... For her!

And she wanted to live this moment. Because she was sure, that she wouldn't regret this moment no matter what happened, no matter what was in store for them.

For the first time, Swara Bose wanted to feel Sanskar Maheshwari's love and she was going to do just that.


Precap : Swara confesses her love for Sanskar to herself, and some shocks awaiting

PS : The quotes in the beginning of this chapter are not of my own and are taken from google.

PPS : Please hear this song that I included in SwaSan scene above. You will feel the love pouring out of this lovely song. Especially the last part ❤️

Would love to know your views about today's chapter ❤️

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