Chapter 30 (I) : Not That Easy To Mess With Me!

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"I wish we had more time with each other today," Swara confessed as she talked on call with Sanskar at night. Talking with Sanskar and sharing her feelings, her thoughts, everything with him was same as breathing for her as he was her better-half, a part of her soul.

"You know," Sanskar began on the other side, "we could have had more time together if you hadn't been a sulking baby removing all your frustration on your food at that time." He said teasing her and she narrowed her eyes.

"Accha ji, ulta chor kotwall ko hi daante! Mr Maheshwari, if you remember then it was you who left in the middle to go for an operation. Well..." she softened down at the end realising what she just said, "I'm not against the operation as it is the part and parcel of our work and saying anything wrong regarding that is so wrong by itself, I admit that. But you could have told me before that you had to go early."

He chuckled, "My dear Swara Bose, the operation that was given to me was supposed to be done by Dr Roy. But he refused to come at the last minute due to some other matter. That is why I had to go. I mean... seriously! First that stupid nosy Kavita, and then comes her irresponsible father. I don't understand what are those two even doing in this hospital. He or his daughter hardly do anything here."

"Okay," she concluded by his words, "so that means the fault is mine, right?"

"Not really. But it's okay, tomorrow we can make up for the time we couldn't have today as it's finally weekend." He shrugged, looking up for a great time. This made Swara remember his date proposal in the afternoon today.

"You said we are going on a date this weekend. But you didn't say where?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, about that..." he cleared his throat and smiled nervously keeping a hand over the back of his head. "I... honestly... I didn't think of any place yet."

The way he sounded was so innocent and so honest that it almost came out as comical and Swara couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Seriously, Sanskar?"

"Don't blame me." he defended himself, realising he just embarrassed himself in front of her, "This date plan was made by me just when I asked you out. I didn't plan anything before that. It just came to my mind at that time."

"I see." she folded her arms and tried to suppress her giggles. "Aww, you are sooo cute Sanskar!" she made a lovestruck teen-like face.

"Anyways, what do you think we should go for?" He replied fighting off the redness over his cheeks and ignoring what she just said. "Let's see how romantic you are."

She began thinking, "How about a movie?" she remembered one of her favourite hobbies.

"Done." he declared. "Movie it is."

"But spending just two or three hours with you is not enough. I want to spend more time with you. Unless you too want the same." she smiled challengingly and decided to pull his legs.

"Excuse me!" he narrowed his eyes hearing her playful accusation. "What do you mean by 'unless you too want the same'? Of course I too want the same. Are you testing me?"

"No!" she made an innocent face. "I'm not."

"If I want I can have you with me everyday 24/7." he stated as if it was a matter of fact. "And I know we will have that too at some point of our lives, if you understand what I mean."

He smiled knowingly and a shy smile came on Swara's face automatically, knowing very well what he meant. He was surely hinting at their marriage and just the thought of spending their whole life together made Swara all giddy.

"I know what you mean. And you know? To be very honest, I can't wait for it."

"Ah! And there's that romantic Swara I absolutely adore. I think you have been flirting with me a lot since the beginning of this phone call." he said what he noticed.

"Hmm! But Mr Maheshwari, if you remember then it was you who used to flirt with me in the beginning! I still remember all that very well. You know... those moments feel as if they happened just yesterday." she smiled cheerfully and Sanskar laughed too. Both of them reminisced on the memories of Sanskar flirting with her in the beginning when they just met, and also few times after that.

"I really annoyed you back then, right?" he asked.

"Anyway," she suppressed her laughs. "What will we do after movie?"

"Umm..." He wondered. "if you want we can go on a long drive and just hang out at a park. You know... some romantic talks, romantic stuffs, and..." he smiled at the end.

"And what else are we going to do?" She played along.

"Oh, about that... we can also do what we left incomplete today."

The moment he completed there was silence from Swara's side as realisation stroke her and she was blushing.

"I don't know what you are talking about." she lied confidently.

"Don't worry about it, you will know what I mean soon." he said with equal confidence teasing her.

"So... tell me the time and everything. I will be ready by then." She said trying not to let her thoughts go any more wild.

He said after a brief pause, "We can leave by eleven o'clock after we are done with our duties. I will come to pick you up."

"Okay." she smiled sealing the deal.

"So, our date tomorrow is confirmed. See you then, Swara and hope to have a great time. Good night, sleep tight. Dream about me. Dream about us."

She chuckled, "That I do even when I'm awake, Mr Maheshwari." she flirted with him again boosting his romantic self.

"Oh," he let out a sigh, "I really hope to see this romantic Swara tomorrow also."

"Sanskar..." she called him slowly out of lot of love.

"Yeah?" his expectations escalated.

"SLEEP!" she scolded changing her lovely demeanor all of a sudden that erased Sanskar's smirk and shattering all his expectations. "More you will talk, more late you will sleep. I don't want my first and only date to show up with dark circles tomorrow due to lack of sleep."

"Oh, damn." he mumbled. "You are quite danger at times! Fine. I'll just go and... sleep?"

"Good night. And I know you like to stay awake sometimes because you have to work on some research, but that's a habit you must get rid off now. By brushing off your sleep when it comes to you, you will spoil your health. I know your work is important, but more than that your health is important. I don't want you to spoil your health by working till late when you're supposed to be sleeping. Having just four to five hours sleep is not enough Sanskar, being a doctor you should know it better how important health is?"

When she completed, she could hear throaty chuckle coming from his side. On the other hand, Sanskar enjoyed the way she was caring about him as if she had a right on him. Of course, she did.

"What?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You know?" He said cheerfully, "Now that sounds like something a wife would say to her husband. I feel like you have started showing a 'wifey' right on me!"

The nerve of this guy...

Here she was serious and he was making light of it!

"Seriously Sanskar." she chastised. "You know what, whatever. But if I ever find you staying awake till long, you will have it from me. Okay, enough lecture for today. Good night. Sleep tight."

And without hearing anything else, she cut the call trying hard to control her smile and not to let any more blood redden her cheeks. But she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it. She loved it! She loved his teasing, his cheesy lines and romanticism that sent chills down her spine filling her with thrill and pleasure.

When she decided to call it a day being excited for tomorrow's date with him, a thought crossed her mind.

"It's been so long since I last talked with Maa. I should call her. I also have to tell her about me and Sanskar. I really don't know how she will react on this."

Without thinking anything further, she dialed her mother's number. Holding the phone next to her ear, she waited for her mother to answer. A few seconds later, the call was picked up.

"Hello, Shona?" came her mother's affectionate voice.

"Hello Maa!" she couldn't tell how exhilarated she was after being able to talk with her Maa after so long.

"How are you, my dear? Did the camp in Jamshedpur go well? I know you were busy, that's why I thought of not calling you. I read your message that day that you're back in Kolkata. And how is everything?"

"Yes Maa. It went very well! And I'm also good. Everything else is fine."

"That's really good to know." Sharmishtha smiled.

"How are you, Maa? I hope you are taking care of yourself too." she asked.

"Don't worry about me, I'm all right now. Even your Dida is."

"It's been so long since I last talked to you or Dida properly. I'm so sorry, Maa. I just had a lot going on and I didn't get range when I was in Jamshedpur." she felt sad that she hadn't been in touch with her mother since a while.

"Don't worry about it, Shona. I know how much work you would be having there. But it's a good thing that you are carrying out all your duties and responsibilities as a doctor well. That is what me and your Dida have always wished for." she smiled feeling proud of her Shona.

"I know." Swara smiled, "And I can do anything for you both."

"Accha ye bata, how are your friends? Anushka? And Sanskar? Hope the four of you are doing well."

"Yes Maa. They are also fine. Actually, about them..."

Sharmishtha paused a little as she sensed her daughter wanted to tell her something.

"Maa, woh..." her tone was filled with happiness and nervousness while revealing the truth to her mother. "About Sanskar, I wanted to tell you something. There is something I want to confess. I don't know how you will react but... it just happened. And trust me when I say this that I'm very nervous right now."

"What? Shona," she called her daughter with love, "Tell me, beta. There is nothing to be nervous about. Just say it. What is it that you want to say about Sanskar?"

"Maa, I..." she fumbled with words out of thrill, "I love Sanskar!" she blurted out.

No sooner Sharmishtha heard this, her heart filled with happiness and a smile of surprise and ecstacy spread across her face immediately. She couldn't express how happy she was now that her daughter had accepted the love for the boy she knew was perfect for her. She always knew he was the best her Shona could have and she had been waiting for this to happen since then.

"Pagal!" Sharmishtha laughed with her daughter admitting her love to her. "You should be telling him that instead of me. Did you tell him or not?"

Her reaction came as a slight surprise to Swara, as if she herself wished for it. Nevertheless, she was elated that her mother was happy with her choice.

"I did, Maa," she smiled as she reminisced the moments they came out clean of their feelings to each other. "In fact... it was he who said 'I love you' first." she said remembering that rainy evening.

"I'm so happy for you Shona." She smiled genuinely, "Or tujhe pata hai? Jis din mai uss se mili thi, uss hi din mai ne usse parakh liya tha, ki wohi meri Shona ke liye sahi hai. And I'm glad you two finally understood and confessed your love for each other, the love I had very much seen by my own eyes whenever you were together in front of me. I was aware of your feelings even before you two were."

"What?!" Swara exclaimed. "Y-You knew that we..." words failed to come out of her mouth. Never in her wildest dreams she had expected her mother to know about her feelings.

"Yes, Swara." she admitted. "I'm your mother after all. I know you more than you probably know yourself. I can read every line of your face. And the way you two looked at each other, I knew something would definitely bloom between you two. But keeping all that aside, Swara, don't let go off what God has given you. It is not in everyone's fate to get someone like Sanskar. You understand what I'm saying, right?"

"Yes Maa, you're right," whatever her mother said left her stirring, "He is really a blessing to me. It took me long to realise and accept my love but now that I finally have, I'll make sure he never regrets loving me. I would do anything to make him happy, Maa. He means everything to me."

"I wish both of you every happiness of this world, Swara." her mother blessed her emotionally. "Give my blessings and love to Sanskar also. That boy has done so much for us already."

"Yes Maa, you're right. I will. And Maa... thank you!"

"Thank you? For what?"

"For everything." she smiled.

"Always be happy, my Shona. Okay, now it's nearly twelve. I think you should sleep now. Subah jaldi uthna hoga na tujhe? For your duties?"

"Yes Maa. I have duties tomorrow early in the morning. And then..." she smiled shyly. "Sanskar is going to take me out after our duties get over."

"Oh!" Sharmishtha raised her eyebrow on the new information and smiled. "That's nice. Have a great time both of you!"

"Maa!" she whined as she knew her Maa was teasing her too now. Sharmishtha chuckled at her daughter's shyness.

"Okay, okay. Fine. You have fun tomorrow, I'm going to sleep now. You also go to sleep. Good night, beta. Take care of yourself."

"Good night!" she wished cheerfully. "You too take care of yourself."


Next day...

After Swara's morning duties got over, she went back to the hostel to her room to freshen up and get ready for her first date ever with Sanskar. To say that she was excited for the date would be an understatement. She was so, so enthusiastic and jubilant that it was going to be only him and her together, no matter where they went and nobody else. Her heart jumped in joy as she really desired to spend more and more time with him. Nothing was more heavenly for her than being with the man who she loved beyond anything.

She looked at herself in front of the mirror. It'd been a while since she had dressed up. It was because there had hardly been any opportunity for her to dress up. As she worked in the hospital on a daily basis, it was important for everyone to follow a proper formal dress code. It'd been long since she'd worn anything western.

Dressed up in a white full sleeve front slit kurti with light red roses printed on it and light blue jeans, she tried to search for the accessories and light makeup that would compliment her look. She used an eyeliner to slightly highlight her eyes, applied a tiny bindi on the center of her forehead, applied a light pink lipstick. She wore silver dangler earrings and at last, she gave a final glance over her wrist to make sure that she was wearing the beautiful bracelet that Sanskar gave her with so much love. At first she was confused of her hairstyle, but then she decided to keep her hairs open and let her silky tresses flow down smoothly. All the while, she had only one aim -- she wanted to look good enough for him.

Giving herself a final look and smiled sighing in self-satisfaction, she grabbed her purse and was all set for her date.


"Someone is getting very impatient, you see." Anushka commented on as Sanskar anxiously tapped his foot on the ground and glanced at his watch for the seventh time in the ten minutes he spent waiting for Swara in the ground of their hostel. He seemed to be really overwrought and Anushka and Rajat took it as their chance to pull his leg.

"Yes," Rajat reverted back looking at Sanskar. "I can also see that."

"Anushka, when will Swara come?" Sanskar asked her one more time ignoring their teasing.

"Relax, my dear friend. If Swara is taking so much time in getting ready, then she is definitely putting some special efforts in getting ready." she winked and Sanskar smiled nervously.

"After all, she is going on her first ever date with the most special person of her life!" Rajat smirked.

Before Sanskar could react to his words, they heard Swara's voice coming from a distance.

"I'm here!" she came and stood in front of all of them. When she gave a smile to Sanskar, she found out he was already staring at her noticing the difference in her current look and the simple look when she had duties in hospital. He knew she did this specially for their date only.

"Lo!" Anushka acknowledged her presence. "Naam liya or madam aa gayi. You know Swara, your lover was getting very restless here."

"Sorry, I got late." she apologised looking at Sanskar. "I was not able to decide what to wear. It took me at least forty minutes to choose an outfit."

"That's okay." He smiled in surprise. "Swara, you look different than usual... but beautiful and lovely as always!"

Swara blushed at his words as he beamed at her in adoration.

"You too!" she noticed him from top to bottom. She realised even he put some special efforts in getting ready for their date. Dressed in a white T-shirt and black jacket with dark blue jeans, his hairs handsomely combed towards a side, he looked like a Greek God. How was it that he managed to look this breathtaking all the time?

"Is it just me, or the outfits that you both are wearing are going with each other so well?" came Rajat's voice breaking Swara and Sanskar's eye contact with each other.

"It really does!" Sanskar smiled before turning back towards her, "I think we can call this as our special cosmic connection."

Swara smiled agreeing with his words and Sanskar lifted his palm towards her like a true gentleman, "Ready for our first date, my princess?"

She beamed as he addressed her as his 'princess'. "More than ever," she held his hand in hers, "my prince!"

"Have fun, both of you!" Anushka rooted for them happily.

"And we want all the details!" Rajat announced.

"Oh, hello. Instead of peeping into our love life, it's better if you two concentrate on yours!" Sanskar joked causing Swara to gape at all of them at their talks.

"Sanskar! What are you saying?" she whispered.

"So what? You want to give them all the details from our date?" He asked.

"When did I say that?!" she exclaimed.

"I mean, I have no problem if you want to. Really." He winked at the end causing Swara to throw her fists in the air.

"You're unbelievable." she muttered glaring at him.

"Ohh wow." Anushka looked at them with adoration, "You two are so cute together!"

Swara smiled at her back acknowledging her compliment and then Sanskar took it as his cue to leave. He held Swara's wrist and dragged her with him, "Bye guys! We will see you later. If we don't leave now then we will miss the movie we have booked."

"Bye!" Rajat and Anushka waved and Swara waved at them back.


Sanskar led Swara towards his open car that he parked outside. As he made Swara sit in the front seat and he sat in the driver's seat, Swara glanced at him before wearing her seatbelt.

"No dark circles." she commented. "That means you had a good sleep. Great!"

"Obviously, I had to." he twisted the key to start the car before looking at her. "I didn't want to get scolded, or worse -- get pulled by my ears on our first date itself!"

"I would have definitely done that if you hadn't listened to me." she reverted challengingly. Sanskar chuckled as he started driving.

"But I listened to what you said," he smirked and turned to look at her. "So, don't you think I deserve a reward?"

His enthusiasm was washed off when Swara hit him on his shoulder narrowing her eyes, "First of all, Mr Maheshwari, whenever you drive a car you are not supposed to look anywhere else except in front. It is not good."

"Ouch! That was hard." He mumbled rubbing his palm over the area she hit. "This is not fair! All you are doing since yesterday is scolding me. And now you hit me."

She giggled seeing his cute expressions as he unwillingly turned his gaze away from her and towards the front. She felt like pulling his cheek but decided not to disturb him while driving. After all, he was finally being obedient by listening to her.

"You're adorable!" Of course, it didn't stop her from commenting. He cleared his throat, trying not to turn his head towards her as he didn't want to get hit by her again.

"That's nice." he said sarcastically, "First you scold me or hit me and then you say something so sweetly that I can't resist."

"What can't you resist?" she chortled and waited eagerly for his reply.

"You! What else?" his lips curved into a playful smile as he gave a straight forward answer to her.

Swara chuckled blushing and both of them smiled at how easy both of them they were with each other as they were allowed to be their most real, innocent and crazy selves with each other. And they knew it's light moments like these -- no matter how small -- that they would cherish together forever.


When they arrived at the theatre for their special 'Movie Date' together, Sanskar began to go through the posters pasted on the walls to see which movies were currently airing and then he finally found the one that he had booked. When he told Swara the movie he had booked, she rolled her eyes smiling.

"Okay," she wrapped her arm around his arm and they both walked towards the food counter for snacks.

Grabbing two buckets of popcorn and two cans of cold drink, one for each of them, they made their way inside and sat down in the dark hall together.

"And I knew you had picked up something romantic. After all, what else can I expect from my romantic lover!" Swara stated confidently.

"We are on a romantic date, love," he reverted. "So the movie should also be a romantic one. Don't you think so?"

"Accha ji..." she played along, "You know what? I always knew you were charming, but never knew you would be this much romantic under the layers of a professional cardiologist!"

"Don't complain about it. I know you love it as much as I do. I mean, the way you were flirting with me back yesterday on the phone, it said everything. I must say... never knew you were so crazy about me!" he teased her and winked at the end causing blood to rush to Swara's cheeks.

How was it that he always had this power of making her blush? Only he could do it.

"Excuse me! You have any doubt in that?" she asked challengingly.

"No! How can I even dare? Okay, the movie is starting."

Sanskar's eyes turned on the huge screen. Swara smiled cheerfully and she tugged at his arm keeping her head on his shoulder, amusing him.

"I know you are crazy about me," he smiled knowingly and turned towards her. "And I want you to know that even I'm just as crazy about you."

Swara's smiled broadly out of sheer happiness as she lived what she had dreamt of when she realised her love for him back then. And right now, having her love besides her made her feel like the happiest woman on earth. He loved her in a way that nourished her soul. He cherished her with his immense love for her and she didn't need anything else. Their togetherness, their moments with each other were what she cherished with her whole heart.

Aiming to live these beautiful times and enjoy these sweet and precious moments with her Sanskar, she closed her eyes and leaned closer to his embrace. Seeing her so peaceful and relaxed, almost looking as if she didn't care that much about the movie or anything else apart from him, he asked chuckling, "Are you not going to watch the movie? I thought you were a movie lover."

"I don't care about it. All I know is that I have you here with me and that's all I want." came her reply. Sanskar smiled and kissed her forehead tenderly rendering a feeling of peace in Swara's heart.


It had been more than halfway through the movie. While watching, something came in Sanskar's mind and he turned towards her.



"Now that we watch this movie, don't you feel like this main couple's story is similar to ours?"

She turned her head towards him and smile formed on her face, knowing very well what he meant.

"Till now, we have seen that it's a story of a career-oriented girl who has set her goal to have an identity of herself. And then there's this boy who falls in love with her simplicity and her good-heart. Sounds like our story, don't you think?" he asked smiling.

"And amidst the chaos in that girl's life, she falls in love with the person who has always been there for her to support her, to be her best friend. She realises he is the best thing that has ever happened to her and not having in her life would be like not having her heart with her."

When she completed, Sanskar felt overwhelmed because he realised that by the end, she wasn't talking only about the movie anymore. He turned towards her and found her staring at him with wonderment and affection lingering in her expressive eyes.

Had he ever told her how beautiful her eyes were? He would drown himself in the sea of endearment that her eyes and her smile held.

"I love you!" she said staring right into his eyes. "And I can say it a million times because I'll never get tired of saying it to you."

Sanskar pulled her closer to himself by her shoulder, "I love you too, Swara! I love you two, three, four... infinitely."


Fully content and satisfied by their movie date together, they both smiled as they drove towards their next destination. Of course, Sanskar had planned to go on a long drive to a place where they would spend some time together, a place like a park or something. They'd been travelling for more than half an hour and by now they were almost outside the city of Kolkata. And as they gazed outside, they were left spellbound by the beauty of the place and felt lucky that they got to see such a greenery. Away from all the noise, all the chaos of the city, they were welcomed by the peace offered to them by the nature. The clear, blue sky above with birds chirping at their happiest, the scenery they came across, the trees, everything in front of their eyes was a wonderful combination of sky blue and green. And the cherries on the cake were the fresh air everywhere, the soft and cool breeze striking them, and the best thing -- they had each other by their sides.

Their world was complete.

Swara leaned back against her seat comfortably, feeling content as she gazed outside. Sanskar, on the other hand, concentrated on his driving. There wasn't much to concentrate because the road was all clear and it was just them. And he kept glancing at his ladylove in between.


He hummed, giving her his attention.

"How beautiful and serene this place is! And the vibes it gives are so freshening." she commented and he couldn't agree more. She continued, "It feels like even the surroundings are smiling at us." she expressed what she felt and he raised an eyebrow. He decided to tease her.

"Sidhe se bol do na Swara, ki kitna romantic mausam hai." he smirked while turning his head to look at her but he found her silent. She looked as if she was contemplating something.

"Kya hua?" He asked slightly nudging on her shoulder. She acknowledged his question.

"Woh... kuch bhi toh nahi. And you're right!"

"I know I'm right! But what happened to you all of a sudden? Are you okay?" He asked and Swara rolled her eyes finding his concern unbelievable.

"I'm more than okay, Sanskar! I'm with you after all. By the way, if you don't mind, can you raise the volume of this music system?"

"Sure, why will I mind? Any reason, though?"

"You will know the reason once you raise it." she smiled.

Slightly confused, Sanskar did what she asked. He raised the volume of the music system, "Done. Now tell..."

He stopped as the romantic music of the ongoing song hit his eardrums, filling him with a different kind of euphoria. The music touched his heart. The lovely music perfectly complemented the place they were in, the journey, their love and the blissful time they were having together.

"Ohh..." was all he could utter out of wonderment.

"This is one of my favourite songs! Just look at everything around us, Sanskar. Don't you think this place feels like our own paradise? And this music is also so romantic, so surreal as if it is made for love and made out of love only. Everything here is perfect. And I want us to cherish this moment. Let's just enjoy every moment that we spend together with each other."

"I get what you mean." he smiled and relished their time together along with the song.

Aayi Meri Subah Haste Hasate
Boli Aankhen Tere Liye Sandesha Hai...
Haan Hai
Jaagi Aankhon Ko Bhi Sapna Milega
Koi Khushi Aane Ka Bhi Andesha Hai...
Haan Hai

As Swara shaked her head a little along with the soulful lyrics of the song having a smile of extreme contentment, Sanskar smiled and turned to look at her.

Aan Haan... Gulabi Si Subah
Aan Haan... Sharabi Si Hawa

Sensing his gaze from the corner of her eye, she too turned to look at him. Finding him looking at her with so much affection, she was touched. They stared at each other as if it were their eyes talking with each other, expressing their never-ending love for each other.

Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si
Mere Bazuo Mein Samaye
Soti Si Jaagi Si
Koi Prem Dhun Woh Sunaye

Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si
Mere Bazuo Mein Samaye
Soti Si Jaagi Si
Koi Ram Dhun Woh Sunaye

As Sanskar drove the car, happiness gleamed in his eyes having the love of his life sitting besides him, Swara smiled and held onto his arm and rested her head on his shoulder, making Sanskar sigh in satisfaction.

"You know, this has been my dream since I watched a romantic movie for the first time when I was a teenager." he confessed.


"To go on a long drive with the girl I love the most. To have her lie her head on my shoulder as I drive, followed by a romantic music or song in the background."

She caressed his free hand with her hand, gripping it at last, "And I want you to know that I'm here to fulfill all your dreams."

"We are here to fulfill the dreams of each other!" He corrected.

Raahein Waahein Bole Baatein Rumani
Aao Baitho Suno Baatein Kahani Hai...
Haan Hain
Taazi Taazi Lage Humko Rozana
Teri Meri Baatein Yun To Purani Hai...
Haan Hai

Aan Haan... Khayalon Se Pale
Aan Haan... Yeh Zindagi Chale

Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si
Mere Bazuo Mein Samaye
Soti Si Jaagi Si
Koi Prem Dhun Woh Sunaye

Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si
Mere Bazuo Mein Samaye
Soti Si Jaagi Si
Koi Ram Dhun Woh Sunaye

As Swara leaned back and drifted off to a blissful state of daydreaming, she found herself wandering around a place which was close to be called as a heaven as everywhere one could see was green grass and lovely red and pink flowers. Dressed and adorned in a sleeveless red saree, the loose end of the drape flew due to the soft breeze, looking as heavenly and angelic as ever, she waited for her prince charming to come, take her hand in his and engulf her in his embrace like this was the home her soul belonged to. And as her prince, she saw only one person. She saw only his face.

And when she closed her eyes thinking about him, as if her soul called out to him, she felt him nearby. She opened her eyes and turned around only to find out that the one she'd been waiting for was standing a few distance away, his love-filled eyes staring at her with a beautiful smile on his face. Dressed in a white v neck full sleeve T-shirt, the sleeves folded up to his elbows, he took long strides towards her. Seeing him approaching towards her, she began to run. She ran towards him in excitement and when they were close enough, she wrapped her arms around him with love. And she knew... this was where her soul belonged.

The moment she embraced him he hugged her back. He caressed the left-open, silky black hairs cherishing her all the love he had. She closed her eyes and sheltered herself in his embrace and he happily obliged.

They broke the hug but didn't part away from each other. Instead, he turned her around and embraced her petite being from behind. His hands rested over her nearly-bare waist, his chin rested over her shoulder and she held his hands and turned slightly towards him so that she was close enough to feel his hot breath over her neck. He planted a soft, feathery kiss over her cheek and her world came to a halt. Yet she couldn't help but delve herself deeper and deeper in this love. He then planted a soft kiss over the nape of her neck. And her heart filled with pleasure as she relished this new level of their intimacy. They moved together in their place as if swaying with the music but didn't let go off each other's hold even for a second.

Meri Aankhon Ki Syaahi
Piya Deti Har Gawaahi
Mein Pyasi Thi Nirashi
Tu Pani Ki Surahi
Meri Aankhon Ki Syaahi
Piya Deti Har Gawaahi

Tujhe Dekha To Khila Hoon
Teri Chahat Mein Ghula Hoon
Mile Mandir Mein Khuda Jo
Mein To Tujh Mein Yun Mila Hoon

Meri Aankhon Ki Syaahi
Piya Deti Har Gawaahi
Meri Aankhon Ki Syaahi
Piya Deti Har Gawaahi

Aan Haan... Dhundhe Na Abb Koi
Aan Haan... Main Khoya Tu Khoyi

Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si
Mere Bazuo Mein Samaye
Soti Si Jaagi Si
Koi Prem Dhun Woh Sunaye

Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si
Mere Bazuo Mein Samaye
Soti Si Jaagi Si
Koi Ram Dhun Woh Sunaye

"Wow. Never thought you would be this romantic."

Sanskar brought Swara out of her dazed state as she was staring at him while daydreaming. When she was brought back to her senses, she was a bit startled.

"W-What..." She fumbled with words and Sanskar let out a laugh. He very well knew she hadn't been in this world since last few minutes and he didn't mind it one bit. Her eyes fixed on him and the dreamy smile on her face explained it all to him.

"Anyways," she looked here and there to see where they were now. "Where are we going?"

"To a nearby park, love. We can have the rest of our date there." came his reply and Swara sighed nervously.

"Kya kar rahi hai tu Swara? Give your thoughts some break! Right now you are with Sanskar, if you lose yourself in your own thoughts like this then what will he think about you?" she thought in her mind and decided to focus on the reality.


"Let's have ice cream. What do you say?" Sanskar asked as he brought Swara near an ice-cream stand in the park.

She nodded her head, "It's been so long since I had one!"

They took the menu card and started going through all the flavours that were available. After discussing for some time, they both ended up finding out that their choice was same and that they had a common favourite.

"So our choice is same," Sanskar winked looking at her causing her to chuckle.

"Two Chocolate-chip flavor, please." He went near the stand and placed his order to the shopkeeper.

They waited for some time and within a few minutes, the ice cream cones were in their hands. And since their love for ice cream was just as much as their love for each other, both of them decided to focus on their favourite treat.

"Delicious!" Swara beamed and Sanskar hummed enthusiastically in agreement.

A few moments went by. As Swara looked away from her ice cream for a while to see how much Sanskar had finished his ice cream, she couldn't turn her gaze away from him anymore. She saw how he was gorging over the chocolatey cream. Her eyes stayed fixed on him as they dilated in amusement.

For a second, sensing her gaze over him, at last he turned his head away from his ice cream and towards her. When he found her looking at him, he was a bit confused. "What happened? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sanskar, can you tell me something?" She asked him with a bit serious expression.

"Of course." he continued to eat his ice cream.

"Do you eat ice cream with your mouth... or with your nose?"

No sooner she asked that Sanskar looked up from his ice cream at Swara with a gawking face. Swara couldn't control the laughter she'd been trying to suppress all this while, and she bursted out laughing. Sanskar couldn't understand what was more embarrassing -- his childish manner of eating ice cream or the comical expression in his face that followed her question that caused her to laugh.

"What... What are you saying?" he struggled to formulate words.

"Your nose!" she pointed out while trying to get a grip of her laughs. "Just look at yourself."

She fished her phone out of her pocket with her free hand and opened the phone camera for him. She indicated him to look at himself and when he looked at himself, he saw some icecream smeared over the tip of his nose that made him look funny.

"Oh..." was all he could say, "I... this happens with me all the time I eat ice cream. I end up getting some over my nose. But I haven't been able to do anything about it till today."

"You're so adorable, Sanskar!" she remarked looking at him with lot of adoration for him, "Who had thought that such a professional doctor still eats his ice cream like a child?"

He tried to wipe it with the sleeve of his jacket but Swara stopped him, "Tsk! Don't wipe it with your clothes. Wait."

She took out a tissue paper from her purse and stepped closer to him. She wiped off the cream at the tip of his nose, while Sanskar just stared at her in admiration. He did notice how lovely she looked few times before while laughing her heart out. If only he would get to see her smiling and laughing wholeheartedly like this, he wouldn't mind being even her joker.

When Swara wiped the ice cream away, she pulled herself away but not before pulling his cheek, causing Sanskar to scowl, "Ouch! Why did you do that?"

"Because you are too cute! And I have been waiting for so long to pull your cheek. Finally, I got the chance." she folded her arms in determination.

"What... No! I'm not cute." he whined. "Even yesterday you called me that. Boys are not cute!"

"But my Sanskar is an exception. You don't even realise how incredibly cute you are."

"I'll definitely get back at you for this. Just you wait." he warned and just then his eyes fell on her ice cream. "Oh. By the way, take care of your ice cream. It has begun flowing down like a rain."

"What?!" she said shocked and he pointed out at her ice cream as it started melting.

"Oh my god! No. No." she made an innocent puppy face as if trying to stop her precious ice cream from melting. "It's all because of you!" she blamed him.

"Excuse me! What did I do?" He defended himself. "You were the one spending your time in laughing at my face. Ab bhukto tum."

Swara made a sulking face but Sanskar pointed out towards her ice cream again reminding her it was not the time to sulk. She reluctantly began eating her ice cream again and Sanskar did too. This time he took care not to get any ice cream smeared over the tip of his nose or anywhere else. He was sure a bit messy when it came to ice cream since childhood.

As Sanskar nearly finished eating, he turned his head towards Swara to find out she was still laughing in between while looking at him, expecting him to get his face smeared again. Seeing her enjoy his embarrassment like this, something wild awakened inside of him.

"Swara! You... Now I won't leave you!"

And those were his final words before he ran to catch her but she escaped just in time from his catch. Now he ran after her to get hold of her and she ran away from him as if her life depended on it.

"Bohot maza aa raha hai na tumhe mujhe aise dekh ke?" he remarked while going after her.

"Kya karu!" she bursted in giggles while running, "Tumhari harkate hi aisi hai!" she said looking at him.

"Accha! Abhi batata hoon..."

As Swara started running faster, he too increased his pace. Unfortunately, the almost-one feet difference in their heights didn't allow Swara to run farther from him anymore. Sanskar got hold of her hand immediately and when he did, he held her by her waist from behind and swept her off the ground much to her horror and starting roaming her around.

"Aaahh! Sanskar!" She exclaimed in chortles and even Sanskar enjoyed it to his heart's content. But alas, while moving around his leg got twisted and that caused both of them to fall down on the soft grass, but Sanskar's hands still encircled Swara's waist. Both of them couldn't stop laughing at what just happened as they literally behaved like kids.

"Tsk! Sanskar! Both of us fell down." she scolded him but it didn't even feel like she was angry. In fact it was the other way round.

"I can't help it. You were the one who started this game, so I just finished this game fair and square." He smirked naughtily and holding her even close to him, he whispered near her ear, "I hope now you realise it's not that easy to mess with me."

Shivers travelled down Swara's spine and she nearly stopped breathing as now it started occurring to her how close they were. Her heart rate increased as she felt his breath over the nape of her neck but at the same time she relished this intimacy and wished it remain that way.

Relieved by the fact that there was nobody around, Sanskar turned over leaning on his forearm and ran his fingers down Swara's cheek causing her to close her eyes and feel the love he was trying to express upon seeing her.

"Sanskar?" she whispered as his touch left her yearning for more.


"If I know what it feels like to love and be loved back, it's because of you!"

Smile came on Sanskar's face as he heard her. He leaned and kissed over her temple causing her heart to leap. Next moment, both of them stared at each other and held hands as they sprawled down on the grass on their back not worrying about anything else and just cherishing each other's presence in their life.


Precap : Part II - A Day To Remember
Swara asks Sanskar a very unexpected question, and a heart to heart talk between them...

Song : Bheegi Si Bhaagi Si

A/N : Part II of Chapter 32 will be the continuation of SwaSan's Date, and this part will be posted hopefully soon.

I hope this chapter was worth the wait. I don't want to rush things so I'm taking everything slow to have their blooming relationship seem natural.

Views about the song I put? I was very confused which song to put. I thought of two songs -- one was this and the other I thought of putting was Pehli Nazar Mein. What do you think?

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